
Harry Potter: The Third Trickster

What happens when 2 turns to 3. What happens when you mix red with black. What happens when troublemakers meets newly freedom. Well you get a third trickster of course.

PenguinOfChaos · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
3 Chs

The Sorting

As they went through the grand doors into the Great Hall every first year look around amazed. To the magical ceiling that had transformed into the night sky, the floating candelabras and the 4 long tables where each house sat. As McGonagall led them up the Great Hall the nervousness set in for the first years. They were going to be sorted in front of everyone else at the school.

Timothy, who knew how the sorting was going to work, had thought he wouldn't be nervous, but now seeing the stool his couldn't help but feel a slight burning in the pits of his stomach. He watched as Professor McGonagall waved her wand and a pointy hat appeared. She put the hat on the stool, and complete silence bathed the entire Great Hall. Then a gape opened on the hat looking like mouth and then it sang.

In the halls of Hogwarts, where magic resides,

There's a hat on a stool, with secrets inside.

It's the Sorting Hat, wise and old,

A storyteller of tales, yet to be told.

Oh Sorting Hat, with your stitches and seams,

You see through our doubts, our hopes, and our dreams.

With a magical song, you sort and decide,

Which path we shall take on this enchanted ride

In the common rooms where friendships bind,

In every lesson, a treasure to find,

The sorting hat's choice, a destiny's start,

A journey that shapes every wizarding heart.

Oh, Sorting Hat, on this magical night,

Whisper to us, where we'll take flight.

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin,

Guide us to the house where we'll begin.

The whole hall erupted into applause as the sorting hat finished its song, bowing to each of the long tables. McGonagall then spoke again, this time she had a long roll of parchment in the hand.

''When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted,'' she said. ''Anderson, Liam!''

A boy with dirty blond hair jutted out from the crowd of first years and walked up to where McGonagall stood. He sat down on the stool and she placed the hat on his head. It was quite too big for his head so it fell just bellow his eyes. The hat was only their for 3 seconds before it shouted out. 

''Hufflepuff!'' As her name was called out the right table clapped for their new housemate. 

Then McGonagall called out ''Ashwood, Timothy!'' 

Taking a breath Timothy walked towards her not trying to show his nervousness. As he sat down on the stool, the same thing happened as it had with Liam Anderson, the hat was too big and it fell below his eyes. He then heard a small voice inside his head. 

''I see a reluctance for Slytherin, hmmmm, yes defiance and adventurous. Tricky, but we will get there.'' It seemed like an eternity for Timothy, but it couldn't have been more than 20-30 seconds. ''No Slytherin for you, then I guess I have to say,'' Timothy held his breath. ''Gryffindor!'' It shouted out to the hall. 

This time it was the table on the left that cheered and clapped. Timothy let out the breath he had been holding as he made his way towards the Gryffindor table with shaky legs. He saw Charlie sitting almost at the end of the table, so he made his way over to him. 

''Congratulations, now you can definitely keep an eye on Fred and George.'' He gave him a wink as he moved slightly to the right to create room for Timothy. 

''Congratulations, I think you will do your best for the house cup?'' This time it was another redhead talking. ''I'm Percy Weasley, Charlies brother.''

''Thank you, and of course.'' Timothy said, he had more or less only spoken to 4 students, and they had all been Weasleys, he couldn't help but snigger, he would love to see his fathers face if he heard that.

The sorting continued, after him came a pair of twins, Blackwell and Blackwell, they both ended up in Slytherin. Next was Davies, Roger who was sorted to Ravenclaw. Then came the second addition to the Hufflepuff table with Diggory, Cedric. Then Drake, Victor who became a Slytherin. 

Evergreen, Celeste was sorted into Ravenclaw, then came another Slytherin with Hawthorne, Selene. Then both Johnson, Alicia and Jordan, Lee was sorted into Gryffindor. Timothy clapped excitedly for his new classmates. After that McKay, Sophie was sorted into Hufflepuff and the same was true for Oakley, Emma.

The next was Quillen, Felix and the hat had barely sat there a second before it shouted out Slytherin. Spinnet, Alicia was then sorted into Gryffindor with Thompson, Oliver being sorted into Hufflepuff. 

Then Warrington, Cassius who became a Slytherin and then came the Weasleys. And as they had said on the train, and Charlies nonchalantly joke about being able to watch them constantly they were both sorted into Gryffindor. Fred sat down besides Timothy, and long after George sat next to his twin. 

At last the Sorting Hat ceremony ended with Whitman, Rowan and Wrenfield, Astrid both going to Ravenclaw.

Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster, had gotten to his feet. He was beaming at the students, as if nothing could have pleased him more than to see them all there. ''Welcome!'' he said. ''Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! It's been a long day for everyone so lets begin the banquet.'' He sat down again, and at the same time food appeared on the table. Everything you could dream of was there. 

The first few minutes was more or less just dedicated to eating as much as possible, but then it turn to the first years learning about each other. It seemed they were all British, with only Alicia Spinnet being half Irish and half British. Only half of them were pure-bloods, which was Timothy and the Weasley twins, the other 3 were half-bloods. At last, the desserts disappeared, and Professor Dumbledore got to his feet. The hall fell silent.

''Ahem, just a few more words now that we are all fed. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you. First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch. And now bedtime, off you go.''

At this Charlie Weasley stood up and called out. ''All first year Gryffindor's follow me.'' As we were all sitting beside each other it didn't take long to group up with Charlie and he led the way. They walked through corridors and up stairs, but finally they made it to a painting of a fat lady. 

''Password?'' She asked Charlie lazily. 

''Gallantry.'' He said and the portrait swung to the side and opened up into the Gryffindor common room. Timothy was too tired to take any real notice of the room, and Charlie was also currently directing them in the way of their dormitories. 

As the boys went through the door Charlie had pointed at, they climbed their way to the top. Everyone had eating more than they could eat, so as they entered they all fell down in the bed where there trunk stood. The Weasley twins were too tired to even change out of their robes and fell asleep in an instant. 

''I could get use to this kind of food.'' Timothy spoke to Lee as they changed into their pyjamas. 

''Wholeheartedly agree.'' And with that they both fell asleep.