
Harry Potter: The Golden Viper

[A Harry Potter Fanfic] In this Harry Potter fanfic, a young boy is reborn into the wizarding world and embarks on a remarkable journey. After graduating from school, he adopts a hidden persona and delves into the secretive aspects of the British wizarding community. Striking a balance between light and darkness, he explores magic while supporting the orphanage where he grew up. However, destiny calls him back to Hogwarts on a mission with uncertain motives. As he returns to the school, his predetermined destiny sets him on a new path, forever changing his journey. ********************************************** This is based on a CN novel, but I have changed the story characters and powerups in the original. I don't own the picture in the novel cover, if there's some problems contact me in reviews section, then i will take it down. ********************************************** I will post some Extra Chapters in patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/FicFrenzy

FicFrenzy · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
484 Chs

0382 Two Months

Bryan stayed in Paris for two months.

Two months earlier, after paying a visit to Vipor Dreghorn, Hogwarts smoothly passed the review and was officially selected as the host of the Triwizard Tournament. 

This was actually an expected outcome, as Hogwarts had unparalleled advantages over the other two schools. Although the competition was intense, victory was anticipated if it weren't for someone secretly causing trouble behind the scenes.

In organizing an event of such grand scale and international significance, there were still many things to be finalized. 

For instance, determining the precise number of champion candidates, planning living and studying arrangements for the visiting students and professors from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang during their stay at Hogwarts, finalizing the specific dates for the tournament's start, and, most crucially, deciding upon the specific competitive events. However, Bryan had no authority to participate in discussions about this latter part.

As Hogwarts's representative, the tournament events had to remain confidential from the champions until officially launched to prevent leaks. Hence, no personnel from any of the three schools was allowed to inquire about it. 

Despite this limitation, Bryan found himself immersed in a whirlwind of activity, attending countless meetings that consumed nearly every hour of his days.

It was during these gatherings that he bore witness to the remarkable efficiency with which these dedicated individuals worked. As, the slightest trifles could ignite unending quarrels, with tempers flaring and voices raised in heated debates. Igor Karkaroff even stretched his neck and yelled at the committee over such trivial matters of whether the number of champion candidates should be eleven or twelve.

Equally tough was Madame Maxime, who, in stark contrast to her usual graceful demeanor, meticulously scrutinized every possible aspect, nitpicking at the slightest apparent fault or oversight.

Bryan knew that the two schools were resentful of being defeated in the competition to host the Triwizard Tournament, so he tried to be as accommodating as possible.

Fortunately, the young Fleur Delacour, from Beauxbatons, was compelled to return to her alma mater once the review process concluded, otherwise Bryan might have had more problems to worry about. 

However, judging from the sullen expression on the girl's face when she bid farewell, she seemed to have developed a grudge against him.

Apart from the numerous matters related to the Triwizard Tournament, Bryan also dealt with some other troubles during those two months. 

Among these were the troublesome affairs involving Cuthbert Mockridge and the infamous Ludo Bagman.

After the review results were finalized, he had separate talks with these two fellows.

The outcome was that after concluding his 'journey' and returning to England, Mockridge promptly submitted an early retirement application to Cornelius Fudge, strongly recommending that Dirk Cresswell, the deputy head of the Goblin Liaison Office, to succeed him. 

As for Ludo Bagman, he took leave from Barty Crouch Sr, citing health issues, then slunk back to England, never interfering with the Triwizard Tournament again.

At Hogwarts, however, things were relatively calm, except for a minor incident involving Sirius.

In the second week of May, the annual Hogwarts Quidditch finals finally began amid great anticipation.

In this fateful Gryffindor versus Slytherin match, with no external interference, Gryffindor finally emerged victorious, ending Slytherin's streak of consecutive championship wins. For the first time in seven years, the Quidditch Cup was relocated from the office of Professor Snape to that of Professor McGonagall.

However, the joy of victory was swiftly overshadowed by a brewing storm of controversy.

The Slytherins were indignant at the outcome and believed that Harry Potter had cost them the championship. So, that very night, a group of Slytherin students pretended to be Dementors to scare Harry, Hermione, and Ron who came back from celebrating with Hagrid, but they were caught red-handed by Sirius, who was returning from the staff bathroom.

In a fit of rage, Sirius dragged those students to Dumbledore's office, demanding their expulsion. Dumbledore, of course, refused his request. Consequently, Sirius emptied the Slytherin hourglass over the incident.

Professor Snape was no pushover. Once he became aware of the situation, he immediately confronted Sirius.

Inevitably, another battle erupted at Hogwarts, this time even affecting the students.

The school found itself overwhelmed by a flood of complaints from the aggrieved parents of the injured students, their outrage mingling with a torrent of inquiries from the Ministry of Magic, crashing upon Hogwarts like a relentless tidal wave. Faced with this storm of controversy, Sirius, who was originally acting as the substitute professor, resigned and left Hogwarts to give an explanation to these people and spent the following month in Hogsmeade.

Dumbledore, Snape, and Sirius all sent him letters afterward, each uniquely explaining what had happened.

Bryan had thought that Draco must have been among the students who planned this or attacked Harry, but unexpectedly, Draco was not involved this time. Instead, Pansy Parkinson had instigated Crabbe and Goyle, causing such a farce with serious consequences.

When Bryan finally returned to Hogwarts after attending to the Parisian affairs, the final examinations had already concluded, and the young wizards and witches had packed their belongings, departing for their respective homes.

With the students gone, Hogwarts became deserted, and the staff were eager to leave and enjoy the rare annual leisure time. In the vast campus, only Hagrid remained faithfully guarding the edge of the Forbidden Forest.


A violent explosion blew open the door of Hagrid's hut, and Hagrid burst out from the billowing smoke, coughing loudly while clutching a wooden crate protectively to his barrel-like chest.

"I think--"

At the edge of the Black Lake, Dumbledore and Bryan were strolling along the shore. Noticing Bryan's inquisitive gaze, a wry smile appeared beneath Dumbledore's beard in the blazing noonday sun.

"Hagrid is probably trying to breed some unprecedented magical creature,"

Bryan withdrew his concerned gaze and nodded understandingly. Then, he smiled, "You're always particularly indulgent towards those close to you, Headmaster."

Dumbledore's expression grew slightly more somber, though his voice remained candid and unhurried. "If you're referring to my attitude regarding Sirius's incident, Bryan, I hope you understand that the nature of that incident was different."

"I fully understand Sirius's guilt towards Harry after those series of events. He wants to make up for the responsibilities he failed to fulfill and the lack of care Harry experienced over the past twelve years. However, excessive care serves no purpose and can actually harm Harry and others, as this incident has proven my view."

Bryan gently shook his head without further comment, gazing at the rippling lake surface.

"By the way, where is Sirius?" he inquired, his brow furrowing slightly as a new thought took root.

"He previously wrote to inform me that he would be waiting for me in Hogsmeade, but I sense he is currently in London. What's he doing there?"

"He hopes to have a discussion with the Muggle couple who took in Harry," Dumbledore replied calmly, also stopping in his tracks.

"Sirius learned about Harry's situation at his aunt and uncle's home from you. He wanted to rescue Harry from there but had to abandon that plan due to the reasons I told you. However, he still worries about Harry's circumstances, so he hopes to negotiate Harry's treatment at home directly with that Muggle couple."

"You didn't stop him?"

"I can't think of any reason to prevent Sirius from doing so, unless he plans to cast curses on that Muggle couple and their child."

At the edge of the Forbidden Forest, in the direction of the snow-capped mountains, a vast expanse of dark clouds billowed forth, flickering with lightning. In an instant, the scenery transformed drastically.

The air was thick with moisture, and countless magical creatures beneath the now-rippling lake surface began to stir restlessly.

Bryan was not surprised that Dumbledore knew the specifics of Harry's aunt and uncle's family. Dumbledore always knew everything. What he wanted to know was Dumbledore's view on the matter he and Sirius were about to do.

The towering castle standing on the cliffs was shrouded by the approaching shadows in the sky. The damp air seemed to carry a faint, bloody scent for some unknown reason. Dumbledore turned to gaze at the millennium-old castle, and somehow, the man with his flowing beard appeared to have a touch of twilight about him, even his usually clear, deep blue eyes now became slightly clouded.

Magic comes from the heart – an absolute truth that Bryan had learned through years of first-hand experience. Yet, in that moment, as he studied Dumbledore's features, he could not shake the unsettling sense that something had shifted within the very essence of the man before him.

"What's wrong?" The words slipped from Bryan's lips, imbued with a weight that hid their surface simplicity. His brow furrowed, creasing with concern as he awaited Dumbledore's response.

"There is something I need to ask of you, Bryan," Dumbledore began, his voice heavy, laden with a solemnity that reverberated through the air. His gaze swept across the grounds of Hogwarts, taking in every blade of grass, every gnarled and twisting branch of the ancient trees that had borne silent witness to countless cycles of life and death. Yet, his eyes did not meet Bryan's.

"There is much evidence that darkness is stirring once again."

A weary sigh drifted away with the rising winds, carrying with it the weight of untold burdens and solemn responsibilities. Dumbledore's frame seemed to bear the mantle of ages, and the now much older-looking Dumbledore finally met Bryan's intent gaze.

"If next school year, you notice certain things happening at Hogwarts, Bryan," he continued as the last ray of sunlight fell on him, casting a very faint shadow on the ground, "I hope you will remain silent."


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