
Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

In a twist of fate, Lynn, who sacrificed himself in a fire, finds himself transported to the magical world of Harry Potter. Awakening with the power to control flames, he wonders if this is an innate magical ability or a reward for his past deeds. At Hogwarts, he encounters Irina, a girl with the power to control ice. United by their unique abilities, they vow to forge a new path in the magical world. The convergence of fire and ice unleashes a force to be reckoned with, as Lynn declares Dumbledore foolish and Voldemort lacking in wisdom. They believe that the magical and non-magical worlds will inevitably collide, and rather than succumb to silence, they choose to erupt in the face of it all. Lynn states, "If wizards are tigers, then ordinary people are packs of wolves. None can be subservient to the other. Only through cooperation can there be mutual victory!" In the era of information, the magical world will have nowhere to hide, and before it's too late, someone must step forward to correct its course. Everyone talks about the Dark Lord and the Light Lord, but what if above them both are magical deities? Lynn and Irina emerge as the most powerful Fire and Ice deities in this magical realm. With no system, a hint of deviation from the original story, a single female lead, and an original character, the story tends towards a sweet tone. The pacing is deliberate in the early stages, but by the 40th chapter, the main plot unfolds. MC is 1 year senior of FMC.

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137 Chs

Chapter 19: Improving the Dungbomb

"Since you understand circuit diagrams, you're all set. Just think of the energy source of the alchemy array as a power supply, the rune hub as a switch, and the alchemy runes as electronic components. Then, the alchemy array won't be difficult for you," Professor Green said joyfully. 

Teaching array alchemy often proves challenging for instructors, as unlike the practicality of rules-based alchemy, array alchemy is a theoretical labyrinth. Many gifted apprentices have lamented bitterly after delving into it.

But Lynn was different. Having successfully grasped the concept of the alchemy array as a Muggle circuit diagram, he saw the array not as thousands of complex forms, but simply as two basic configurations: series and parallel connections. This understanding simplified the learning process immensely.

After elucidating the basic principles of the alchemy array, Professor Green moved on to engraving methods. 

Engraving an alchemy array wasn't merely carving patterns onto an object. It involved using a special alchemy carving knife to imbue the alchemist's magic power permanently onto the object, forming a closed alchemical circuit through which magic power could flow.

As he explained, Professor Green produced a golden carving knife from his pocket.

"Every alchemist has their own carving knife, but for now, you can use mine to practice," he offered, handing the knife to Lynn. 

Lynn accepted the carving knife with care. It was pure gold, adorned with hundreds of densely packed alchemical circuits, forming dozens of different alchemical arrays.

Using his wand, Professor Green conjured two runes in the air. "These represent the energy source and the rune hub, akin to the power supply and switch in a circuit diagram. Now, using the alchemical runes you've learned, I want you to engrave an alchemy array in front of me. You can enchant any object, except your wand."

Lynn nodded, considering his options. Eventually, he retrieved a Dungbomb from his pocket, a gift from the Weasley twins.

"A Dungbomb? Just make sure my office doesn't turn into a cloud of smoke!" Professor Green remarked, bemused.

Lynn assured him that the Dungbomb wouldn't detonate accidentally. 

Sitting in front of Professor Green's desk, Lynn examined the Dungbomb carefully. Its thin shell required delicate engraving; piercing it accidentally would lead to dire consequences.

Starting with the energy source symbol, Lynn felt the golden carving knife absorb his magic power as he engraved the rune onto the shell. As the knife penetrated the shell, magic power flowed from its tip, embedding the rune deeply.

Next, he carved a rune hub onto the trigger switch, overlapping it with the original mechanism. This allowed the new alchemical arrays to activate alongside the bomb's trigger. 

Pausing to contemplate, Lynn then inscribed the alchemical runes for "strengthening" and "diffusion" onto the shell. These would amplify the bomb's power and extend the stench's range upon detonation.

Completing the engraving, Lynn swiftly connected the runes with the energy source and the rune hub in series, forming a closed loop—a functional alchemy array.

"Teacher, I'm finished!" Lynn declared, putting down the carving knife and holding up the improved Dungbomb. 

Professor Green examined the array carefully before conceding, "Your engraving has reached an excellent level. Normally, I'd have you activate the array to test the effects, but—let's skip that for now!"

He didn't want his office filled with Dungbomb fumes.

"That's it for today. You can go now. Remember to practice engraving alchemy arrays every Saturday, but leave the Dungbombs behind!" Professor Green instructed.

Lynn smiled awkwardly, realizing he might need more suitable items for practice. Though clothes could be used for defensive arrays, he hadn't learned those yet. Engraving an "explosion" rune on his clothes would be reckless!

Leaving the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, Lynn sought out Fred and George again, presenting them with the improved Dungbombs. 

Seeing their elation, Lynn couldn't shake the feeling that he might have made a mistake. He silently mourned for the future victim of his creation.

Early the next morning, Lynn learned from Irving Foley that Mr. Filch had been hit in the face by a Dungbomb and still reeked of it...

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(End of this chapter)