
Harry Potter the Fifth House: Galegold(corrected and redone)

Credit: Cadenadeaventuras. A fair amount is his work early on with little changes then I decided to do my own thing. I'm doing some major changes to the story overall. I take no credit for his work. Keep in mind that my MC is obscenely smart in comparison to original. I do not own Harry Potter.

Echo_Chamber · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
56 Chs

Security at Hogwarts

After receiving the patent approval the next day, without problems and strangely without the need for the signature of a responsible adult. Lack of logical wizarding laws for the win for once. Silvia spread the rumors of the raffle, and the questions appeared on the bulletin board of every common room except the Galegold house.

When Aurelius heard about the questions, Silvia couldn't stop laughing for several minutes.

In Slytherin, the questions were related to muggle knowledge that would seem like common sense; however, it would be surprising if someone born in a wizarding family would know.

In Ravenclaw, they had to find two tokens hidden in their common room, forcing them not to sit down and do physical exercise.

In Gryffindor, riddles taken from an ancient book were used, so it was necessary to have a great intellect to find the correct answer.

In Hufflepuff, they had to go to the kitchens and ask for the name of the correct dish if they could tell what it was based on a list of ingredients that made it up.

Favoritism? Sure, Silvia made it easy for her House, but Aurelius didn't care; after all, the four houses would still have two magic soaps each at the end of the day.

The Slytherin winners were Daphne Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson.

In Gryffindor, it was Hermione Granger and Lavender Brown.

In Hufflepuff, Susan Bones and Wayne Hopkins won.

Lastly, the Ravenclaw winners were Terry Boot and Padma Patil.

Whether they had achieved the answer on their own or received help was irrelevant. The soaps were circulating, and once Silvia finished another batch, they would start selling them in true Weasley style.

While a fashion for hygiene and good scents was brewing at Hogwarts, unknowingly, the Halloween party came quietly but not discreetly.

When the Great Hall is suddenly filled with magically suspended pumpkins, one can't help but be suspicious.

Aurelius looked over at the Gryffindor table and didn't see Hermione. Harry was eating with a happy expression while Ron kept saying how annoying Miss Smarty was while making lousy impressions of Hermione giving advice.

'Would it be a crime to sew a zipper to that mouth? Hmm, actually, the idea of the zipper is not good; he would still be able to open his mouth. Maybe sew it shut? That seemed more appropriate.' I thought.

Ron suddenly flinched and looked around suspiciously. 'Are Fred and George nearby?' he thought with urgency.

The great doors to the Great Hall were flung open, and Quirrell rushed inside.

"Troll! There's a troll in the dungeons! I thought you'd like to know." He said before passing out."

After a few seconds of silence, many students screamed in panic.

"Silence!" Dumbledore used a sonorous spell and amplified his voice to calm all the students. "Have the prefects escort their members to their respective common rooms."

"Headmaster" Aurelius couldn't help it and decided to go the stupid Dumbledore route. He amplified his voice with sonorous charm and said, "With all due respect, that's a terrible idea, considering that two houses have their common room in or near the dungeons where the troll is supposed to be. Unless we intend to provide room service to the troll."

Professor McGonagall and other staff blanched as they realized Albus's mistake. They questioned themselves as to why they didn't realize the error either.

"I suggest you move the Slytherins to Ravenclaw dorms and send the Hufflepuffs to the Gryffindor dorms. Until this situation has been resolved, I will accompany the Gryffindors."

"An excellent point, Mr. Galegold," agreed Dumbledore. "Let's follow that plan, and the teachers will come with me to deal with the problem. Prefects and 7th years, take your housemates to the designated locations for now."

Following a somewhat logical plan of action, however, what they didn't know was that the great hall was the best option, but it wouldn't work for Aurelius's plans. They all moved, and Aurelius saw Ron and Harry slip away halfway through.

"Oi, Weasley prefect" Aurelius yelled at the Gryffindor prefect as he ran after the dynamic duo. "Ron and Harry just snuck out. I'm following after them!"

"What?!" After a quick look and mental count, Percy saw that Harry and his little brother were missing.

"Get everyone safely to the common room, then alert a teacher. I'll try to drag them back!" he said before Percy could respond.

'Damn it all. Of course, of all people, it'd be Ron to do something this stupid and reckless during a crisis. Even Fred and George have more common sense than the git.' Thought the annoyed redhead who had his duties he couldn't ignore. "Speed it up, everyone. I'll need to get a teacher as soon as possible."

After running to the bathroom, Aurelius heard the screams of a girl, followed by a loud bang. The troll was trying to hit Hermione with the club, and Harry and Ron looked around her, not knowing what to do.

"Why are you here? There's a damn troll in the castle." I said, mock annoyed.

The sudden voice behind them made them jump. "It's Hermione. Aurelius, we have to help her!" Harry yelled.

"Well, do something or get out of the way!" Aurelius pushed them away, annoyed at wasting time, while Hermione crawled for her life. He casts the water-summoning charm "Aguamenti."

Aurelius conjured a continuous stream of water from his hands and gathered it around the troll's head as a bubble, using the aqua volatem charm to keep it afloat. The troll suddenly dropped his club and tried to tear off the strange mask that suddenly covered his head. But no matter how much it tried to remove it, the water slipped through its fingers and held its place upon its head.

After two minutes, the troll lost consciousness and crumpled to the ground at the wizards' feet.

"We did it!" Ron yelled suddenly, breaking Aurelius's concentration, and the aqua volatem charm fell apart.

Now, Aurelius felt the urge to repeat his action with Ron. He wanted to keep the water longer and ensure the troll would die by his hand. After all, what's wrong with wanting to get the right of conquest? The loudmouth on duty not only interrupted him but even took some of the credit for some incomprehensible reason.

Perhaps Harry saw the annoyed look in his eyes since he grabbed Ron's robes to signal him to shut up.

"We've defeated a troll!" My brothers will be speechless when they find out," he said with a smug face.

Aurelius held back from casting a petrificus totalus at him and instead retaliated with words, "Or they'll send your mother the news," quickly taking the wind out of Ron's sails and setting them on fire.

 He shifted his focus from the quickly paling idiot to Hermione. He levitated her to them and inspected her for injuries. "Are you alright?"

The traumatized girl could only numbly nod.

Soon after, McGonagall, Snape, Dumbledore, and Quirrell appeared, seeing the unconscious troll, the vandalized toilets, and the four first years.