
Harry Potter: The Dark Path

Harry discovers an extraordinary power within himself: wandless magic. Fed up with being a pawn in the games of Dumbledore and Voldemort, Harry embarks on a quest to seize control of his own destiny. Seeking refuge and knowledge, he returns to the Chamber of Secrets, where he stumbles upon things beyond his wildest expectations. Join and witness the rise of Lord Harry Potter.

Dream_Guardian · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
61 Chs

Ron's Determination

"However," Dumbledore continued, "The Wizengamot still feels that leaving the school without protection is not a good move on their part. Therefore, our numbers will be joined by a few Aurors in the coming weeks, who will be patrolling the school hallways both day and night."

Every single student above the first year (except for the Slytherins, of course) laughed when they heard Fred and George both groaning in annoyance, with even Dumbledore cracking a smile. Harry felt bad for the twins, as they snuck out during the night just as much as he did. Thankfully, he doubted any Aurors would be able to find him under the Peverell Invisibility Cloak.

"And lastly, I regret to inform you all that this year, the Hogwarts Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not be taking place."

The Great Hall was suddenly filled with roars of anger, students even jumping up from their seats and waving angrily at the staff table.

"This is due to an event that will be taking place from October till the end of the school year, one that will take much of the time the staff and ministry have on their hands." announced Dumbledore over the angry yelling of the students, "However, I am sure you will all enjoy the event immensely. After centuries, Hogwarts will again be holding the fabled Triwizard Tournament once more."

The mood in the hall could not have changed more drastically. The jaws of many students fell wide open, emotions ranging from surprise to confusion. The Weasley twins, who had previously been yelling themselves hoarse with anger, were now frozen in shock.

"The Triwizard Tournament is a competition between the three premier European magical schools. Each school is represented by a single champion, who is to be chosen by the Goblet of Fire, which will be brought out once the delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive in a month's time.

"The selected champions will each perform in three dangerous challenges, which will be taking place before you all. Each champion will be judged by how well they perform in the tasks, with the one with the best performance being crowned Triwizard Champion.

"The selection of champions, as well as the three tasks, will all be captured by a recent invention known as the Recorder Glass, allowing for them to be viewed all across the world in select places that have been given permission and approval by their respective Ministries of Magic, as well as our own. Eternal glory awaits all of the champions, but none more than the victor. A thousand galleons prize money, the Triwizard Cup, and honor are what awaits he or she who wins."

Dumbledore paused to let everyone take in what they had just heard.

"I'm going to enter." vowed Ron loudly, "I'm going to be champion, I'm going to win!"

Had Harry cared enough to pay attention to his friend's comment, he most likely would have rolled his eyes. He was more concerned about this tournament, however. Every year he somehow ended up in incredibly dangerous situations; this matched the description perfectly.

He had come across the tournament in 'Hogwarts: A History', and could say without a doubt that it was an excellent way of killing someone. Malfoy would never let him live it down if he ended up getting killed by a sphinx as all three champions in the Tournament of 1654 had been. Although to be fair, he had to be alive for Draco to make fun of him, so that wasn't exactly true.

"A more specific set of rules and terms on the Triwizard Tournament will be announced once the delegations arrive in October. I must warn you against entering, as once you have been entered, you have sealed a magical contract. But that time is in a month, and the time right now is for sleeping. Head to bed, students, and rest well for tomorrow, your first full day of school! Off you trot!"

The Great Hall rose as a whole, with Harry and the other fourth year Gryffindors leading the way to the Gryffindor common room.

"Well!" started Seamus excitedly, "Triwizard Tournament, eh? Anyone up for it?"

"I sure am! Imagine it, eternal glory!" Ron sighed with longing.

"It won't be eternal." said Hermione harshly, "The Tournament was one of the most famous events in the magical world during the period it was held, and that was because all the champions kept dying!"

"Something worth winning then, isn't it!" argued Dean.

"It isn't winning, it's glorified suicide!"

Harry did have to admit that he agreed with Hermione on this one, and from the looks on Neville's face, he did as well.

"It wouldn't be the first time we've done dangerous things, Hermione! The three of us - " Ron indicated to himself, Harry and Hermione. " - always end up in dangerous stuff, I bet I've got loads of experience by now."

"Your experience consists of being strangled by a plant, getting knocked out by a giant chess piece, getting bitten by a two-week old dragon, and later a dog, and having to move a giant pile of rocks out of the way!" argued Hermione, seemingly growing slightly annoyed by this point.

Ron shrugged. "Still something, init? Besides, we were saving the Sorcerer's Stone, fighting the basilisk to save my sister, and fighting those dementors for Snuffles."

"We, Ronald?" asked Hermione.

"You know what I mean."

Hermione huffed, allowing for the group to be completely silent. They had never truly heard what had happened to the 'Golden Trio' throughout their yearly adventures, except for perhaps what Dumbledore had informed them, which wasn't much.

"But imagine, for a second." continued Ron, turning to the fourth year males, "You're laying on the beach, a thousand galleons in your pant pocket, maybe a Veela giving you a massage - "

"If you thought about your education half as much as you did Veela, you'd be beating me in all our subjects!" hissed Hermione with hostility.

Ron turned to Seamus and Dean, who both shrugged.

"I'm not going to enter." said Harry, "Hermione's right; it's essentially a death trap. And besides, a thousand galleons isn't all that much."

"It might not seem like much for you," said Ron, glaring at the emerald eyed boy, "But it's like a fortune. Besides, with eternal glory, that'll just be the beginning."

"I don't think that's how eternal glory works, Ron." said Neville shyly.

Ron ignored everyone for the rest of the walk back to the tower, choosing to mutter darkly to himself.


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