
Harry Potter: The art of divination

In 1972 Hogwarts receives a new and mysterious professor. The class of Divination was never the same after. The journey of Morpheus will be long and daunting can he finally reach his goal? - Au: there will be many changes to the world of Harry potter, such as some Gods will exist, and so will demons and angels. Not a Fix it fic, of course, some futures will change but the main focus will not be on fixing the future. SI: Mc is not reincarnated into this world Timeline: some characters might be younger or older disclaimer: So, most of this obviously belongs to J.K.Rowling. I'm just writing a fanfiction out of it. The cover art is sadly, not mine. ————- (P) (A) (T) (R) (E) (O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Boogie324

Booggie · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
205 Chs

Evan Rosier

*Morpheus pov*

"My son said you wanted to meet with me," Lucas Rosier spoke he sounded just as a pure-blood would sound

Regal as if he were a king and I was a peasant. How distasteful and annoying especially since Evan would have likely sent my last name in the letter.

Taking a seat on one of the lounge chairs I watched as he sat down, no offering of drinks or anything what a no-nonsense man. What happened to pleasantries, I wanted to see if he had a good taste in wine what a pity.

"Indeed I have been meaning to talk to you in person, your son is gifted in dueling you must be proud," I said with a small smile

A prideful grin stretched across his face, "Yes, I taught him everything I know," he spoke as if his son's talent was his own

"Speaking of your son it seems he is being pressured by his upper-classmen to join some group," I laughed as if it was a massive joke

His prideful grin twisted into a frown, "Yes, I figured," he said distastefully, "Upstarts these days have no idea how to pursue allegiance," he huffed

Ah, I see what's happening here. Lucas Rosier was used to the way Grindelwald approached his recruits. Tome doesn't have the same tact nor the same way with words as the imprisoned dark lord.

I chuckled, "I agree, this group has no sense of hm," I paused as if searching for the word, "Decorum," he supplied the word smoothly

"Exactly!" I exclaimed, "No sense of elegance and passion. Makes one wonder how Grindelwald did things," I said softly leaning back in my chair

His eyes seemed to glow, "Well, I wouldn't say I knew the man but I heard he was a brilliant leader with a worthwhile goal. Nothing like this new 'dark lord',"

"Must have been a wild time," I said with a small smile

"Did you just come to talk about this Morpheus?" he asked changing the subject

I smiled easily, "Of course, it seems the upper-classmen are of the mind that they can convince Evan to pledge his allegiance. Of course, your son being raised by an individual like yourself is denying them but, I fear they might move to more forceful methods,"

"And what do you suggest?" he asked leaning forward

I shrugged, "I don't know, I just came to warn you to be honest. It seems this upstart has a bad temper and raids those who defy him. Sadly there is no force willing to rebel among the 'darker' families. I'm sure you know how it is."

"Are you suggesting I make an alliance to defy this upstart?" he asked sharply

I held up my hands and laughed, "Of course not, I mean to even lead such a thing would be disastrous you would need a cunning, wise, and skilled leader to defy such a large force. A leader much like the late Grindelwald, unfortunately, the future doesn't have that in the cards. I just came here as a professor who is seeing a rare dueling talent flourish and hopes that it continues to do so,"

"Ah!" I exclaimed looking at my timepiece while Lucas was deep in thought, "I must get going I need to finish grading the midterms, it was a pleasure meeting you," I said with a small smile as I stood

"Yes, a pleasure the floo powder is to the right," he said absentmindedly as I left

With a flick of my wrist, I threw the powder in the floo and disappeared in a swirl of flames.


It was the next day, I watched as the students left for winter break. Their jovial expressions seemed to light the castle. Sadly I know not all of the students leave during the winter break.

Seeing as I wasn't needed at the castle I too decided to leave but once everyone else departed. Walking through the halls I found Abara and Minerva talking about their plans.

"Morpheus! How are you, planning to leave the castle?" he asked me with a wide smile

"I will be, not sure where to yet," I replied with a slight smile, "What about you Minerva?" I asked

She sighed, "I will return home for a day or two and then come back to the castle for the rest of the break," she replied

"You need the break Minerva," I said with an exasperated look "And you Abara what will you be doing?" I asked

"Sightseeing, I want to check out some of the locations where you can see the stars the best," he replied enthusiastically

"I am taking a two-day break," Minerva rebutted

"Two days isn't a break," I rolled my eyes, "And Abara I wish you luck take some photos will you?" I asked

"Of course!" he said patting my back

As I went to speak an elf popped beside us, "Dumblydore is asking for you," he said with a bright smile

"Thank you," I said with a small smile before turning to my two colleagues, "It seems I have to take my leave, I wish you both a grand winter break," I nodded before heading off

"You as well!"

"You too," they said as I left

Walking up to Albus's office I saw the man reading some papers, "What do you wish to talk about?" I asked taking my seat

"Have you any new information for me?" he asked expectingly

I shrugged, "Not much, Tom seems to be still gathering forces. Although I think there will be a new group opposing him but not siding with you either sadly," I said earning a curious look

"Hm," he hummed waiting for me to continue

"It seems some darker families that remember Grindelwald's style are not happy with Tom trying to push their children to join his faction," I said

"Interesting, this could be good or bad," he mused, "What if they want to rule?" he asked

I shrugged, "Chances are slim, I don't think they wish to push that far. It's more of a showing of pride," I explained

"I see, good. what are your plans for winter break?" he asked

I laughed, "No clue, I will be around send a letter if you need my assistance."

"I will keep that in mind, have a good break Morpheus," he said with a small smile as I stood

"You as well," I replied

*Narrator pov*

As Evan entered his home his father was waiting for him in the lounge, "Evan," he said calmly

"Father," the boy replied

"Tell me, do you have any classmates who are not wanting to join this new dark lord?" he asked

Evan frowned, "Of course," he replied

"Good tell me their names,"

Sorry aout the late chapter I thought I scheduled it and seemed to have forgot. Finals this week so I'm a little preoccupied