
Harry Potter : Silver Slytherin

In an alternative version of Harry Potter Universe, Draco Malfoy received a mysterious gift that changed his life forever. Will he step into the light? Or embrace the darkness? Follow his journey through the world of magic.

Nightingaleshadow · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs

Chapter 03 : The wand

Almost two months passed since I got the system. Passed two months I did nothing but study. With the booster, I learned a lot faster and my memory improved too. As a result my magic theory raised from rank G- to G+ but I didn't have such a luck with potions.

Yesterday the letter from Hogwarts arrived and my mother decided to celebrate it. Even father was there. He gave me a speech about how he expects great things from me and how we are superior. Then he talked about his school years and how great he was. Normally I would idolize him but now his talks annoyed me. However, he decided to give me one of our family treasuries.

It was a book named 'Book of Black Death' written by one of our ancestors Nicholas Malfoy. It was about offensive magic but mostly about dark magic. I guess my sudden improvement in studies impressed my father.

He wanted me to attend Durmstrang but mother immediately disagreed.

Now we are going to Diagon ally, Potter supposes to be there today too. Unlike him, I have parents so I didn't have to go to the bank and stuff bad thing is my mother trying to buy me everything by herself even the wand. I didn't agree with her and after arguing for five minutes she finally let me buy my wand myself.

My parents went to buy school supplies and I was told to go to Madam Malkin's shop to get robes. As I entered the shop I was greeted by an elderly witch. "Hogwarts first year right?"

"Come on, dear"

She took me to a footstool and another witch came and a robe and started to make adjustments.

A few moments later a scrawny boy in oversized clothes came into the shop. Madam Malkin takes him to the stool next to me. If one pays attention one can see a scar on his forehead covered by his hair.

Even though I had no planning to be friends with him I decided to talk with him.

"Hogwarts too?" I asked.

"Yes," Harry replied.

"..." What the hell I am supposed to talk with him.

"So, play quidditch?"


At that time Hagrid appeared near the front window.

"Look at that man I heard he working at Hogwarts," I said.

"That's Hagrid."

"You know, he went to prison. They even broke his wand." Saying that I saw a slight frown appear on Harry's face.

Why I am trying to make him irritated? Simple, because of the notification that appeared a moment ago.

[+5 karma points]

"I think he is a good person," Harry said coldly.

"Is that so?"

Before we can continue Madam Malkin came and said she was done with Harry's robes. Harry almost as if waiting for it jumped down the stool and went away.

[+5 karma points]

Well, you can run away today but you are going to be my source of income I thought as I laugh inwardly.

After a few minutes, the witch finished my robes and after paying I went to meet with my parents.

"Got everything?" My mother asked.


"Then let's go to ollivanders."

Ollivanders shop is quite shabby and dusty. There were thousands of wand boxes piled up to the ceiling. Deep in the shop, there was a counter and an old man standing behind it.

"Ah heir Malfoy, welcome The old man said. "I was expecting you." Then he looked at my mother and said

"Lady Narcissa, Oak wood ten inches and Dragon heartstring if I remember correctly."

"Yes, but we are here for my son today." My mother answered.

"Of course which is your wand arm?"


Then Ollivander took my measurements.

"Hmm, try this." he said handing me one of the wands." Willow wood, Dragon heartstring, and 4 inches quite thick. Give it a try."

Even before I could have a gripe on it white sparks erupted from its tip.

"No no probably not this one," Ollivander said in a panic. "Look like we have to go for big boys. Here try this," he said taking another wand.

" Oakwood, Unicorn hair and 8 inches long rather bendy" and this time no reaction at all.

"Nope," Ollivander took the wand back. "With your characteristics, phoenix feather cores not gonna be compatible with you."

"Do you have a wand for my son or not?" My mother said impatiently.

"Of course, lady Narcissa I have one for him. Wait for a moment." Then he went to the back of the shop and came back with a wand box that has strange cravings on it.

"This is not a wand made by our family. It was a gift given to my great great great grandfather. But it was made at least a thousand years ago in Eastern Asia. Ebony wood and eleven inches long very strong and unbending. It has a very unique core perhaps the only one of its kind. A reverse scale of a dragon."

Inside the box was a pure black wand with a skull carving at the end of the handle. Then I took it to my hand. Lights in the room started to fade and shadows gathered around me. Suddenly I was staring at a gigantic pair of red eyes. Then everything returned to normal. Huh was that just a hallucination?

"Look like we found your match," Ollivander said happily. Then he leaned towards me and whispered very seriously.

"This is one of the most powerful wands I have ever seen. Perhaps this will be the birth of the new dark lord and maybe I will regret selling this wand."

"How much is it?" My mother asked breaking the Strange atmosphere.

"Just seven Galleons," Ollivander said returning to his weird old man self. Mother paid for it and we walked out of the shop.

"I never liked the old man. He is creepy." My mother said.

"Huh...Yes." I was thinking about my wand while it is powerful it also made me worry.

Looking at me who was still distracted mother said. "Let's go grab some ice-creams."

"Of course, let's go." I decided to not worry about it for now.

[+100 karma points]

Holy cow that's a lot of Karma points. Just because I bought a wand. Well, It is a special wand so this count as a special action I guess.