
Harry Potter, reborn into the Black family

My life was ordinary. I am 18 years old. I was walking on a regular day, heading to school. While I was on the street and watching the last movie in my favorite series, Harry Potter, where he defeats the Voldemort, I heard the sound of a truck. However, my reaction was too slow, and it hit me, leading to my death. I was then reborn in a world I never imagined I would live in. Follow me as I rise to the top in this world of wizards and become the strongest among them

YATOOO · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
40 Chs

Chapter 13

As the desserts vanished, so did all the tableware, leaving the table spotless, as if it were brand new.

The hall fell silent once more as Professor Dumbledore stood up again and said, "Everyone, I trust you've all had your fill of food and drink. Now, there are a few things I'd like you to pay attention to."

"First, this is a special warning for the first years: students are forbidden from entering the Forbidden Forest on the school grounds. Some older students would do well to remember this too."

Dumbledore's twinkling eyes shifted toward the Weasley twins.

"Secondly, Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to remind you all that magic is not to be used in the corridors between classes."

"The Quidditch trials will take place in the second week of this term. Anyone interested in playing for their House team should contact Madam Rolanda Hooch."

"And lastly, I must inform you that anyone who does not wish to meet with a horrible accident and die a painful death should avoid the corridor on the right-hand side of the fourth floor."

A few new students laughed at this, but most remained quiet, knowing that when it came to safety, Dumbledore never joked.

Albert immediately understood that Dumbledore was referring to the secret room where the Sorcerer's Stone was hidden. However, this matter had nothing to do with him, as it was meant for Harry and Voldemort.

Albert looked up to see Dumbledore staring at him with a calm gaze.

Their eyes met briefly before both quickly looked away, embarrassed by the awkwardness of the moment.

Dumbledore paused to let everyone absorb the information before he loudly declared, "Now, before everyone heads to bed, let's all sing the school song together!" Almost every teacher's face froze at Dumbledore's final statement.

Dumbledore flicked his wand, and a long golden ribbon shot out from it, twisting and turning like a serpent above the High Table, forming the lines of the song's lyrics.

"Everyone, pick your favorite tune," Dumbledore said. "Ready, and sing!"

Albert felt a bit embarrassed but followed along, recalling the tune from the memorable scene in the film he had watched. The entire song was sung.

When Dumbledore finally announced that it was time for bed, the Hogwarts opening feast was officially over.

Led by Percy, the new students walked through the noisy crowd, exited the Great Hall, and climbed the stairs toward the dormitories. The people in the portraits along the balcony whispered and pointed as they passed, and Percy guided them twice through hidden doors.

Albert noticed that Hogwarts Castle was indeed a refuge during the dark ages, as described in its history. Only a fortress built for military defense would have so many inconvenient structures and secret passages used to repel invaders.

Everyone was yawning, and even Albert felt a strong wave of drowsiness after such an exhausting day.

After dragging their heavy legs up numerous staircases, feeling as though the stairs might be enchanted to never end, the person in front of him suddenly stopped.

It turned out to be Peeves the Poltergeist, causing trouble on the stairs, trying to prank and scare the children, but Percy quickly chased him away.

They continued on their way until they reached the end of a corridor, where Percy informed them that they had arrived.

A portrait hung at the end of the hallway, depicting a rather plump woman dressed in pink.

"Password?" she asked.

"Dragon's wings," Percy replied.

The portrait swung forward, revealing a round hole in the wall. They all crawled through the hole, and Albert easily pulled Neville through, finding themselves in the Gryffindor common room.

It was a cozy, round room, decorated in gold and red, filled with soft chairs. A roaring fire burned in the fireplace on the wall, dispelling much of the chill from the old castle.

It was clear the first years were exhausted. The older students noticed this too, so they didn't say much. Percy guided the girls through one door to their dormitories and then led the boys through another to theirs, where Albert finally found his dormitory.

He wasn't in the same room as Harry and Ron, so Albert had to go to a different room nearby.

Everyone was worn out after a day of traveling by train and eating dinner, so no one felt like talking anymore. They collapsed onto their beds and quickly fell asleep.

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