
Family talk


After calming down Jasmine, which wasn't an easy task and is pretty understandable. She has a really close bond with me, and Draco of course. With Draco because he plays with her the most, and with me because I help her with studying.

Now you're probably thinking something along the lines of, what? A 5 year old studying? Well actually we need to study basic etiquette, posture and other noble bullcr*p, and the teachings begin when we're 4 years. But anyway going off topic.

'Have you calmed down yet?'

I look at her, she nods but it looks like she isn't planning go let go. But then I remember something, what is she doing in the kitchen at 3.00 PM?

'Jasmine, were you going to ask the house elves to make you sweets again?'

After I said that she jumped off me and started fidgeting with her fingers and looking down. "Uhh,uh....uhmm."

She isn't allowed to ask for sweets from the house elves, otherwise she wouldn't eat anything else.

'*sight* Dobby is going to be here any second with my food, I'll ask him to make your favourite pudding, okay?'

"Big brother you're the best!!"

And she tackles me again. ('I wonder if I spoil her to much...no way, this is my big brother privilege.')

After trying to get her of me a second time, a house elf appears with an omelette and some sandwiches. It is something that I liked eating in my previous life, you could say it was a weekly tradition with my family.

It is something that let's me remember my past life and stay grounded to who I am and from where I come from.

But now the most important part... it's delicious, simple, but delicious.

'Thanks Dobby, could you make some pudding for Jasmine, and let's keep it a secret between you and me okay.*wink*'

"Yes young master."

After that I begin eating my food while the pups eat theirs, it is just some meat and milk, I've never heard of Lunar wolves before so I'm playing it safe with the food.

*After eating and Jasmine's pudding...*

'Now that I've eaten, let's go to our parents and Draco. By the way, is father home?'

Although our father doesn't really work, he goes to the ministry a lot and also occasionally checks on the family pharmacy.

"No, he stayed the first 3 days but after that he just asked that when you woke up we should contact him."

That doesn't really surprise me, it is also something I can understand. It actually surprises me that he stayed home for 3 days, the only time I could think of he stayed longer than that was when Jasmine was born and that was for a week.

We only see him in the evening, and some days even that doesn't happen.

After reaching the living room I see my mother sitting on a couch, she looks really tired and is reading a book about,

('[Connection between Personality and Magic]? I remember that book, I asked for that book myself when I saw it in Diagon Ally, but why is mom reading that?')

Although it is an interesting book, it is widely frowned upon by some wizard communities, although the Malfoy family is not one of them, they never had an interest in it before, and I have that book for a year now.

While on the table by a big window I see Draco eh?... eeeeeeh?! He...is studying?

Draco was never one that could sit still for more then 5 minutes, and always whines when he can when we start lessons about magic.

'Hello mother, hey Draco, why the long faces?'

After I said that I see my mother turning to me, after that I see a flash and a second later my mother is hugging me.

"Lo! Are you alright? Do you feel weird somewhere?"

After the expected bombardment of questions, I try to answer but I can't. Because I can't breath.

So I begin frantically tapping to let her notice, I'm just awake I don't want to sleep again. So as my face started to turn red, she finally notices and releases me.

After taking a deep breath I look back at my mom that has the most worried look I've seen yet.

'Mum, I understand you were worried, but using Apperation for 3 meters to hug me is a little much isn't it?'

I smile at her while I hear someone holding in their laughter behind me, probably Jasmine.

Then Draco came over but his emotions were all over the place, but that was just for a second because right after I felt a burning conviction, for what exactly, I don't know yet. But right now there are more important things to discuss.

'Mum what exactly happened when I passed out?'

For a brief flash a felt something that worried me, I don't really understand why she felt that. But right after that she was back to normal.

"Well after you passed out we were really panicked, we wanted to bring you home as fast as possible but when we wanted to take you out of the cage the pups were growling at us and..."

After she stopped I felt the fear from her again, but now there was more worry mixed in than actual fear.

When he saw mother spacing out, Draco goes to her and pulls her arm to shake her awake.

"Mother, are you okay?"

When mum came back to her senses she started explaining again.

"Well after that a magic fluctuation came from you that had a same magic fluctuation as the pups so we brought them with us, when you got back home your father was there already."

"After that we brought you to a room and we let the best doctors with our connections examine you, they all said the same."

After that she takes a deep breath and smiles at me.

"You went through your second magic outburst, and that it was a big spike in power and that your body would adapt over the next few days."

After she explained what happened after I pasted out, I'm relieved it didn't escalate to something out of control, which if your from the Malfoy family, is nothing out of their power.

While I don't know I should tell them everything that happened with Haki, I'm going to explain at least some of it.

I've never really understood why protagonists keep so many secrets from there family, some I can understand from a certain point of view.

Like why don't you tell them you are reincarnated, well because I don't really feel like it. Yes I remember my past life, but now I am Lowell Lucius Malfoy, no more and no less.

As for how I know the future, I don't really know how to explain it to them or what the consequences are going to be. I will tell them at some point in time, but not right now.

'Mum there is something I should tell you.'

I will tell them about my connection with Chann and Fillan, Luuquan and the wolf heritage, but not about Hati. I want to understand a few things first.

After explaining all that, which surprisingly they took really well. Which in turn confused me instead of them. So when my mother sees my face she says.

"Lo, the thing you said actually explains a lot of things. The heritage comes from the black family, but it was diluted so much after the years that it only gave us better senses and a little bit more magic."

"Although the wolf language is extremely rare and thought to be lost, it's not so strange either, parseltongue is the most well known because of Salazar Slytherin, but it's not the only animal language in history, and you also could have gotten it if your wolf blood was strong."

I'm kind of shocked my mother was so knowledgeable about these things. And the explanation is spot on for the most part.

"As for the connection between you and the little wolves, it explains the magic outburst and the start of your change, both physically and magically."

After that I was really relieved. I chatted with mum and my brother and sister after that for a few hours, Draco also loosened up after talking

After a while I go back to my bedroom,it seems after a week sleeping I'm still tired.

*Draco POV*

'Mum why haven't you told Lo everything that happened that day?' I ask her.

I'll never forget what happened that day, I was scared, no terrified. I was terrified of the sudden change that happened.

"Right now is not the time Draco, you know your brother is really mature for his age, even considering that he's a wizard and from a noble family. I think he has too much to sort out right now, we will tell him with time."

"But you have to promise me Draco, that you will take care of your brother and protect him so that doesn't happen again."

'Yes mother, I will protect him.'

After saying that our big brother is burning with conviction again, but what exactly happened that day?


I'm sorry for the late release. I'll be honest, I haven't written for for a few days. I can give reasons why I didn't write, but I wanted to give you the reason why I had some inspiration. it was because of you guys, specifically a reader named Zerak. he made my day with his comment about my story, he was thinking about how to make the story work, he read my story I found my intention about it, to you feel the emotions when you would be in that scenario.

So I want to thank everyone that comment, reads or just the general support you guys give me. thank you for that, it means al lot.

Now for the story, although this chapter doesn't really move the story forward, it is needed for the next and the future. I needed a reason to make it so that not only the mc is a genius but also Draco.

As for story progression, it is rather slow right know I

and that will speed up when he gets to Hogwarts, but I don't know if you guys want me to speed it up a little or you like the pace know. the problem right know is that with conversations I explain the feelings and reasonings behind the actions, but an emotion can be felt and gone in a really quick time, but it can't really be shorted on paper.

Let me n

know what you guys think.