
Harry Potter, Monkey King Campione(Being reworked)

My "family", in the loosest sense of the word, thought it would be a good idea to go on a trip to Italy. I'd enjoyed my days away from them at Hogwarts over the last 3 years, so having to deal with them again was a pain. I was surprised they even decided to take me with them. What I didn't expect was for a monkey with a giant staff to attack me.

DanteMustDie · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

Dealing with Aggression

Author's Note

This story managed to have the same amount of collection as my Vector Control one at half the views and way more reviews, thanks for all the support.

--------------------------------------------------------------The next morning I woke up with a small start when I realized I was in an unfamiliar location before I remembered the events of last night.

'I don't want to deal with them, but I'm not going to hide out.'

The room configured into a shower that I could use, allowing me to go through my morning routine and get dressed.

'It's actually pretty nice sleeping in here, although it is a bit lonely.'

Making my way out of the Room, I walked through the halls down to the Great Hall for breakfast. As I walked, I sometimes passed people who would look at me and whisper with each other, or not even bother whispering and talk about me loudly.

Ignoring them, I continued my way down until I reached the Great Hall, entering to see most people were already there. Ignoring the looks I was getting from everyone in the room, I made my way to the very end of the Gryffindor table and sat down, grabbing some food.

My eating was relatively uninterrupted since everyone was content to look at me and talk about me without actually interacting with me until I heard someone sit down next to me. Looking to see who it was, I found Fleur putting food on her plate.

"Good Morning Harry." Fleur said nonchalantly.

"Morning." I muttered.

"So how did everyone take your choosing last night?" Fleur asked me.

"You can't tell?" I say and glance around at the wide birth everyone in Gryffindor was giving me.

"I can, but I thought it would be polite to ask anyway."

"So you believe I didn't enter myself into the tournament?" I asked Fleur to make sure.

"Of course I do. There's no reason for you to lie about it. I'm confused why you didn't say the goblet couldn't bind you. I'm sure it can't get through your resistance." Fleur said, whispering to me at the end.

'Actually, now that I think about it I've just assumed the reaction to me being a Campione would be bad. Fleur should actually know what could happen.'

"Can we outside after breakfast? There's some stuff I'd like to ask you." I said to Fleur.

"Sure, let me just finish eating."

From there we sat in companionable silence as Fleur and I finished our meal. Once we were finished, we both got up and began to head out the doors to the grounds. As we were leaving, I saw Hermione and Ron enter together. Ron scoffed and turned away, heading to the table while Hermione stared at me a second longer before following him.

Scoffing, I continued outside with Fleur. We began to wander the grounds as I asked her my question.

"You asked why I didn't just say the goblet couldn't affect me. So far I've been working under the assumption that getting revealed as a Campione would be bad, but you're the only person in the wizarding world who knows, so what would the reaction actually be?"

Fleur looked surprised for a second. "You didn't tell your friends?"

"Some friends they are, but no. I didn't tell them either."

"Well you are both right and wrong that the reaction would be bad. The truth is, the existence of Campione is basically unknown in wizarding Britain." Fleur said.

"Wait, how can they just not know about Campione? I know we're isolationist, but I didn't realize it was this bad."

"Yes, wizarding Britain is one of the most isolated magical communities, but that's not the only reason. They wouldn't find out from someone else, but normally it would be possible for some Campione throughout history to be wizards." Fleur said.

"Normally?" I asked.

"It's true for a lot of magical users, but wizards specifically are extremely rare to become Campione. Pretty much all wizarding magic is completely ineffective against Heretic Gods and wizards refuse to learn anything else, so it's rare for one to be a Campione, which makes you a rarity."

'I remember Pandora said that the only reason I even managed to kill Sun Wukong was that I drew on my lifeforce, but wouldn't other wizards do it too. Or maybe, the few who did become Campione did what I did. My method was essentially a suicide bomb and with how selfish wizards, especially purebloods, are they wouldn't even think to do it.'

"So why am I both right and wrong. If they don't know about our existence, why would it be at all negative for them to find out?" I asked Fleur.

"It would be negative because if you suddenly said you were able to resist a magic artifact no one else could, they would look into it. It might take them a while, but I'm sure there are some records from the few wizard Campione that explain what they are. Once they found out you are basically a king, it could lead to a few different reactions." Fleur explained.

"Like they could think I'm trying to take control. Or they could view me as some kind of monster because of how powerful I am. People fear what they can't control."

"And Campione are the least controllable existence in the world, but that doesn't explain why you didn't reveal yourself. Even if their is outcry, they can't actually do anything to you." Fleur said.

Rubbing the back of my head, I said "I guess I'm just getting used to being a Campione still. I've had some...bad experience with being different. I was never really normal, but this is a whole different level. I guess I wanted to not be seen as the insurmountable monster a Campione is for a little while longer."

It was at this point that we had made our way all the way around the grounds and were back in front of the Great Hall, where people were exiting and walking towards the grounds. Looking at them, I was beginning to get tired of all the pointing and whispering. As I looked around, my eyes focused on the Forbidden Forest.

'Maybe I just need an outlet.'

"Thanks for the help Fleur, I appreciate it, but I've got something to do." I said.

"It was no problem Harry. We'll talk later?" Fleur asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you at dinner." I said and walked back into the castle, quickly heading up to the Gryffindor dorms. I needed to grab my stuff and move it to the Room.

Saying the password and entering, there wasn't anyone in the common room at the moment. Thankful for that, I quickly moved upstairs and grabbed my trunk, heading back down and out of the Gryffindor common room.

Making my way up to the Room, I put my trunk down inside of it. Opening my trunk and removing my Invisibility Cloak, I was about to make my way back outside when I noticed something strange. The cloak felt kind of similar to my staff, but on a much smaller scale.

'Why does it feel like my authority? I need to study it later.'

I moved on for now, but I made a mental note to come back to it. I quickly made my way back down the stairs and outside to the grounds. Looking around at the people milling about, I found a corner where no one could see me and put the cloak over myself.

Walking while invisible, I made my way in front of the Forbidden Forest. Walking inside, once I was deep enough into the forest that no one outside could see, I took the cloak off and wrapped it around me.

'Time to take out my aggression and get some training in while I'm at it.'

Activating Senjutsu, I could sense the numerous creatures throughout the forest. My range didn't stretch over the entire forest with how large it is, but I could sense a good way in. Walking forward, I moved past the smaller creatures that weren't aggressive and walked deeper into the forest.

I soon came across spiders the size of dogs I remembered from Ron and I's trip into the forest in our second year.

'It'll be nice to get a little payback.'

Walking forward, the acromantula jumped out at me. I summoned my staff and delivered a blow that sent the giant spider's head flying off.

My eyes widened in surprise. 'I knew I was strong, but I didn't realize I was that strong.'

Continuing on, more and more acromantula lunged at me. It was good practice as I systematically tore through them, my staff whirling around my body in a flurry of motion as I killed the giant spiders.

I was getting pretty deep into the forest at this point. Taking a few steps forward, I suddenly sensed a big life sign at the edge of my range.

'Aragog. Sorry Hagrid, but this thing was about to eat me, the world will be better off without it.'

I pushed off the ground, speeding through the forest and killing the masses of spiders that got in my way. As I continued to move, I got more and more accustomed to the staff skills I had inherited from Sun Wukong. All of this practice let me really get a feel for it and make it completely my own.

I soon arrived in the spider den. All around me spiders were clinging to the ceiling or walls and in the middle sat Aragog, the biggest of them all.

"You have returned. You escaped last time, you will not escape again." Aragog's voice rumbled.

"We'll see." I said and spun my staff in front of me.

Aragog seemed to zero in on my staff with all eight of his eyes and suddenly hissed loudly.

"Why do you feel like that thing? You will bring it down on all of us, it will take your existence as a challenge."

"What thing?" I asked, but before I could receive an answer I felt a massive life sign rushing to my location.

As it got closer the ground began to rumble. Spiders began fleeing away from the direction the life sign was coming from.

"Aragog what is coming?" I asked urgently.

"Hippolytos." Aragog said as it began to flee. It took a few steps before a giant foot slammed down on top of it, crushing it into a paste.

Standing in front of me was a giant humanoid creature. It's skin was burnt orange, with it's legs having the appearance of snake skin. It stood at roughly 30 feet, with it's head almost reaching the tops of the trees. Around it's neck were giant golden chains.

"A Campione has wandered into my forest. I will enjoy crushing you." It said and punched forward. I watched as the giant fist descending towards me, moving to roll out of the way, but I was surprised as my body moved much slower than it normally did and I didn't move fast enough to get out of the way.

The fist hit me, throwing me through several trees as I came to a stop. I hadn't taken a lot of damage, my skin was strengthened by my authority, but I still was banged up. Standing up and searching with my Senjutsu, I could feel Hippolytos running towards me.

'What was that? Why did my body move slower than normal? I know I've heard the name Hippolytos before, but where?'

The Giant once again arrived in front of me. I moved, extending my staff towards its head. My staff extended at incredible speeds, but once it neared Hippolytos it slowed down, giving the Giant time to move out of the way.

'Okay think. It has some kind of ability to slow things down. I need to attack it in a way that it doesn't matter if my attack is slowed, it can't move out of the way anyway.'

"You will not hit me with that, Campione." It said and pulled the chains off it's neck, gripping one in each hand as it swung one towards me. Knowing it would slow me down again, I summoned the Flying Nimbus and used it to fly above the chains.

'I need to attack it from behind.'

I shrunk my staff, making it the size of my wand and mentally commanded it to fly around the trees, moving it to the back of the Giant.

Hippolytos swung its chains at me again. This time it swung at me, when the chains neared me I once again flew higher into the air, but they suddenly shifted directions and rapidly swung upwards, knocking me off the Flying Nimbus.

Falling through the air, I called it back to me and landed onto the cloud, flying to the side. 'It suddenly sped up. He has some kind of control over speed, slowing things down and speeding them up. My staff is in position now.'

Mentally commanding my staff while the Giant was looking for me, it extended quickly and slammed into the top of the Giant's head, sending it off balance.

'I need to end this quickly.'

Summoning my staff back to me, I activated my Sun Wukong authority. Fur grew along my body and a tail sprouted from me back. I could feel my strength and speed increase greatly as well.

Mentally commanding the Flying Nimbus, I sped towards the off balance Giant, swinging my staff into it's chest, sending it flying back through the forest, destroying a lot of trees as it went. I could sense creatures all around scurrying out of the way, running from the destruction our fight was causing.

'A few more hits.'

Flying around to the Giant, I swung with my staff again, but it had recovered enough to slow me down. Although my speed was lowered, I expected it and was able to react to the fist thrown at my side by redirecting the force of the punch down with my staff.

Hippolytos' fist impacted the ground, forming a crater in the ground. Taking advantage of the opening, I delivered a full powered swing with my staff to the side of the Giant's head that knocked Hippolytos over, sending it crashing down on its back.

Following up that attack, I swung down again with my staff, forming a crater in its body. Cracks formed from the crater until the Giant burst into golden dust that rushed into me.

Landing on the ground and deactivating my transformation, I panted as I caught my breath.

'That form takes up so much stamina. Any kind of drawn out fight with it and I lose.'

Standing straight up after a minute to catch my breath, I could feel the new authority that had been added from killing the Giant.

The authority was named Travel and it gave me the control of speed. I could speed up or slow down objects in motion. On objects without any form of resistance I could completely steal all motion from them. I was also capable of locking down an area, limiting all forms of teleportation.

'So I only was slowed down instead of stopped because of my Campione resistance. That's still an insane ability. Speeding up your blows or slowing down your opponents.'

I looked around at the destruction our battle had caused. This entire area of the forest was leveled. Broken trees were strewn about and there were bodies of some smaller creatures who died from being crushed by Hippolytos.

'I think it's time I head back. People at the castle definetely heard something, they might come to investigate soon.'

Riding Nimbus, I flew quickly back to the entrance of the forest. Once I got close I landed and unsummoned the cloud, putting my invisibility cloak over my head. As I walked through the last stretch of forest, a group of teachers streamed into it. Walking around them, careful to stay out of sight even with my cloak, I made my way out of the forest and back into the castle. The castle was deserted for some reason.

'They were probably all told to go to their common rooms while the teachers investigate the noise. I can't go through the entrance even if I wanted to. I'll head to the Room and drop off my cloak and say I didn't know about the whole thing.'

Making my way up the stairs, I entered the Room and put my cloak back into my trunk. Walking out the door, I traveled down the stairs until I came across Professor McGonagall.

"Potter, what are you doing outside of the common rooms. Everyone was ordered in while the teachers investigate the disturbance." She said sternly.

"Nobody told me that. I was sitting in an empty classroom studying since nobody in my house believes I didn't enter my name besides Neville." I said.

McGonagall's face didn't soften as she said "Be that as it may, you need to head up to the Gryffindor Common Room until it's safe. Come on, I'll take you there."

"Fine." I said and followed her to the portrait of the Fat Lady. McGonagall said the password and I entered, but she didn't follow me in instead staying outside.

In front of me sat the entire house all grouped up in the common room.

Ignoring them all, I walked to the side and sat down in a chair. People began to talk around me and I was hoping I would be left alone, but it looked like it was a pipe dream.

Hermione came up to me and asked "Harry where were you?"

"In my new sleeping location. I didn't get the memo that we were on lockdown."

"Where are you sleeping?" Hermione asked.

"Now that's none of your business. Leave me alone Hermione."

Hermione hesitated, looking like she was going to press the question more before she walked away, back over to Ron who was looking at me in anger.

Other than that people seemed content to leave me alone, until Neville walked over to me.

"How are you doing Harry?" He asked me.

"Alright I guess. I'll adapt."

"People have been talking about what happened last night. There's quite a few who support you, it's just that Angelina and Ron are very loud personalities." Neville said.

Sighing I said "Neville, I appreciate the fact that you're trying to help me, I really do, but out of all those people you were the only one who was willing to stand up in front of everyone and support me. The people in this house flip on me at the drop of a hat, first with the Heir of Slytherin thing and now this. I don't know if I really want to look for more supporters here."

"Alright Harry, just know I support you."

"I appreciate it Neville, thanks." I said and Neville walked away.

From there I was left alone until Professor McGonagall came back in and said "We have investigated the incident and it is now safe to leave. Mr. Potter, if you would, the Headmaster would like to see you in his office."

All eyes once again turned to me as I muttered "Oh great, what does he want."

Let me know what you thought of the fight. It was my first attempt at working with Harry's skillset against someone who kind of counters it, so if you have any improvements I'm open to them. Harry will kill more Heretic Gods throughout the story. For those of you who don't know, Hippolytos is the Giant made to kill Hermes, the God of Travelers. All the giants had powers that were the opposite, so my thinking was he would have the power to limit travel.

DanteMustDiecreators' thoughts