
Harry Potter: Magic Re: CODED

After reincarnation in Potterverse, our MC begins his adventure in a new and exciting reality. Read for more if you are interested. Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, I only have right's to my OC. If you are owner of this picture and want me to take it down please contact me.

GrrodGroot2002 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
18 Chs

Chapter 15 - " Bedtime Story "


Inside a room of there son both parent's can see via small gap between doorframe and door thru can see him scribbling something in his new journal/notebook ,that he was given by them to write his daily log and all his thought's. This notebook was given to him by them to better help him cope with his High IQ and help him gather his idea's in one place as to not be so absent-minded all the time when he is thinking. They give him it as it was one of advice from therapist that can help him and lower their worries about him and looking how it came out the where relieved that it work out.

" Look like it work out as intended ,but now I really want to know what he is writing in there." Ask husband playfully.

" If he wants as to see it ,he will show as it with his own free will. Don't you think so as well Honey." Said Elizabeth with a firm and chilly tone of voice.

" You are right as all way's Honey. When he is ready to share it with as we will do so." Said husband while stuttering.

But then they heard voice of their son asking them to come inside and not talk in the hallway so loud.

" Why don't you come inside and ask me about what I'm writing and you don't have create play right in front of my room to garner my attention ,because they will not work and only woke up little Pep and we both don't want that. After all she has better voice than me when I was young ,you said it yourself few day's ago. So what do you want to know?"

" We want to know how do you like your new notebook and if you want anything else?"

" If you want to ask about what I'm writing in my notebook you can ask me up front and don't goes in circles."

" So what have you been writing in it so far. Can you show as?" - " Here."

" What is this so called 'Toy's Story' title on the first page of your notebook? Wasn't this notebook for your idea's and not this .... "

" At first it was ,but later I heard Pepi crying and you trying to tell her a bedtime story to calm her down ,but it didn't work. So I thought about how I can help you and started to write it ,after all you are bad at coming up with interesting stories. I can understand you are Engineer and not some Novelist so I decided to write some for you to read to her when you want to make her fall asleep ,after all as a kid I know better what we want to hear as a bedtime stories ,then you adult's and it can save you some time. I can see how tired you are after work and taking care of as later and for this I'm grateful to you." * Cmok! *

" Thank you my sweetheart you're such a good child. So can we read it first?"

" Go on I'm ready for some opiniom on it and if you can help me correct grammar in it I would be happy." Ask Allan uncertainty.

" Okey sweety." Said cheerfully mother

After getting his approval to read his story they begone to read it with interest after all it's their son first story that he wrote ,even if it isn't some interesting one they will read it till the end as to not harm his self-confidence and hamper his growth. But after a long time they haven't stopped reading it and become more and more immerse in it. Only think that can be heard in the room are soft ,but irregular breath's of a child as if it was waiting with anxiety and fear about their decision and sound of page's being turn faster and faster each minute. After what might have been an eternity he heard a voice.

" Sweety did you really wrote it by yourself." Ask Mother.

" Yes is there something wrong with it?" Answer with uncertainty.

" Look's like we have young artist in family" Said jokingly Father.

" Is it that good father." Ask cheerfully with a little uncertainty in his voice.

" It's rather interesting and novel. Did you really wrote it all by yourself ? Answer me honestly. Did you wrote it all by yourself!?" Ask seriously and with authority Theodor.

" Yes I d..di.. did! Is there some problem with it? Did I plagiarise someone work?" Ask worried and frighten MC while sweating profusely.

" No, as far as I remember. What do you think honey?" Said father

" No, As far as I remember. So what are you going to do with it sweety."

" Hmm , I'm going to live it it your care and if you want more I think I can come up with a few more." Said proudly while tamping his small chest.

" No sweety I'm m..We are asking what are you going to do with it later, because it is really good story it would be a sin to just let it rot and be forgotten. What would you said if we correct grammar-y a bit, make it more visually appealing and then publish it in local newspaper. What would you do our little novelist." Said Theodor encouraging with a tint of expectation in his voice ,which were notice quickly by both of the listeners.

" Umm. It might be interesting ,but won't people be sceptical about 4 years old autor." Ask hesitantly ,but excitement and expectation can be felt from him from a mile away.

" So I'm going to help him and you can rest honey." Said husband to his wife.

But such plan has been topple over by sudden cry of a baby. Man look at women and said.

" Well look's like I will take care of her and you can stay with him. And here I was hoping to get some point from you for being such a good father/husband. Well maybe next time." Seid downcast-ed Theodor.

" You don't have to be so downcast-ed I appreciate your willingness and I can spend some time with my Son as we use to when he was younger." Said it with a smile then stud up give a kiss on a check to her husband and whispered to his ear in a voice that only he can hear and said.

" Tonight in the bedroom I'll thank you properly for all your hard work. So be ready my Lion ,because your Lioness is coming for you." Said in sultry tone with a small purr like a cat. Taken of guard man said with a bulging eyes.

" YE.. Yess honey. So I will go now." As if startled pray man run out from room only to return moment later to take a picture book from a shelf.

" Mum what did you said to dad that make him so started?" Boy ask innocently with stars in his eyes.

" I will tell you when you will be older." Said mother while zipping her mouth.

" That's not fair. Said it! Said it!" Said boy while pouting and making weird faces.

" No means no. So prepare new sheet of paper ,while I bring typing machine from down stairs and than we will correct you story and make it more pleasing to the eye. Get ready young man ,because I will make you learn grammar like my mother teach me and till this day I can write without making errors." Said proudly Elizabeth

" But how will writing with a machine help me make less errors?" Ask baffled Allan

" Simple whenever you will make an mistake you will start from scratch. Isn't that fantastic." Said it as if was only logical expectoration while smiling ,but this smile didn't have any warmth in it and her eyes lost all it luster and turn into abyss as if saying ' I went true 'IT' so you will do so as well and I have been waiting for it all this time.' with deeper meaning 'Why would I want to have children's of my own if I didn't put them true the same experience as myself.' And so his torment begone.