
Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Follow Alaric in his journey to be the strongest wizard out there by hook or by crook. This is the story of a guy who went to a different world to get power and to find new relationships in his life. Read how he fights off Voldemort in process becoming the leader of new generation of wizards and builds up his new life with his new friends, family and wife. A story of a wizard using his wisdom and power to ascend to the pinnacle of the world, who will do anything to protect his new family. This is a little slow paced and also somewhat slice of life story so keep that in mind, that focuses more on Alaric's relationship. There will be heavy changes to the original plot so be aware and also MC becomes overpowered rather quickly as the story moves forward and he won't hesitate to take some drastic measures if necessary, so he won't have a moral compass. If you want to support me and read advance chapters please visit: patreon.com/bobthewriter Main World: Harry Potter Second World: Game of Thrones Third World: ..... #harrypotter #gameofthrones Cover Image isn't mine original creator can contact me to remove it. I don't own this story, and this work and characters are entirely fictional, any resemblance is purely coincidental, and imitation is strongly discouraged.

bobthewriter · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
299 Chs

Chapter 59: Victory and Muscles

In the match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin, Alaric appeared exceptionally diligent.

To counter Alaric's exceptional flying skills, Flint chose to employ a strategy of fouls and collisions. Each Slytherin player seized the opportunity to knock Alaric off his broomstick.

However, he showed no signs of weakness. Instead, he confronted Slytherin's players head-on every time.

Whenever the opponents maliciously approached him, Alaric never dodged. He didn't showcase his flying skills at all, as if venting his frustration, choosing to engage in physical confrontation with his opponents each time.

Cho Chang on the field and Hermione in the stands could see that Alaric was deliberately seeking revenge. Slytherin's pure-blood purists had always been at odds with Alaric, a Muggle-born, and Hermione. Malfoy and others openly harassed them.

For a long time, Alaric had dealt with them with a mocking attitude. However, Malfoy's actions before the match completely fueled his dissatisfaction. In this game, Alaric let loose, intending to teach the Slytherins a lesson.

As a result of each confrontation, either Slytherin's players backed off, making way for Alaric, or the two collided, and Alaric, relying on his powerful physical fitness and flying skills, stabilized his broomstick, while his opponent either got knocked away or lost control of their broom.

Even Flint Marcus, with his tall stature and rumored giant blood, couldn't handle him. Every time he attempted to collide with Alaric from the side, Alaric immediately counterattacked firmly.

In each collision with Alaric, Flint felt as if he had hit a flying wall, shaking himself while Alaric stood his ground and every time Flint would be knocked away and lose control of his broom.

After three consecutive attempts, Flint was left sore and almost unable to grip his broom.

In the end, Slytherin paid the price for their foul tactics—two players were knocked off their broomsticks, and the others were left dizzy from collisions.

Facing Ravenclaw's well-coordinated and tactically sharp play, Slytherin was no match. Ravenclaw won with a score of 240 to 0, they didn't even score a single point.

And Ravenclaw's Seeker Cho Chang also caught the Golden Snitch on the field for the first time.

This is of course because her skills have greatly improved under Alaric's training, but another reason is that Slytherin's Seeker Higgs was hit by Alaric so hard that he couldn't hold the broomstick and could not compete with her, otherwise she would have taken twice as long to find and catch the Golden Snitch.

After the game, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff all erupted in cheers.

They had always detested Slytherin's ruthless game strategies but could never do anything about it. Now, Alaric could directly sanction them, making him a hero in the hearts of young wizards from all three houses.

As for Slytherin's students, their reactions were quite amusing—first, the house was divided into two factions, with the boys sighing and cursing Alaric, while the girls began to support him. 

Slytherin had a charismatic side; then, the Slytherins suffered a major defeat in the debate with students from other houses because they initiated all the fouls. They were unlucky and ended up losing both in terms of advantage and justice, a total loss.

Their head of house, Professor Snape, had a terrifyingly dark expression. Everyone saw him leave the stands in a fit of anger midway through the game.

After the match, young wizards most often discussed Alaric's exaggerated performance, knocking down all Slytherin players in the face of their foul tactics.

"I can't believe even Flint got knocked out by him. At that moment, I felt like Hagrid was riding the broomstick." 

On the way back to the locker room from the field, Ron kept marveling at Harry, "That guy is much bigger than him! How did you feel when Flint knocked you off last time?"

"Flint is indeed very strong," Harry frowned; it was not a pleasant memory. "At that time, I felt like a fragile little rabbit. Or a squirrel. Anything."

"So, how did he manage to do that?" Ron asked curiously. "Did he use some mysterious magic on himself? Or maybe drank a potion made from a giant's blood? Remember, he subdued a troll on the eve of Halloween, and he definitely had a chance to take something from it."

In fact, others also had this question about Alaric, and Penelope eagerly confronted him at the Ravenclaw common room after the match, raising the same query.

"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10 kilometers of running, just do it every day," was Alaric's response.

"Are you kidding me?" Penelope crossed her arms, casting a skeptical look at him. "Just by doing that, you can become stronger than Flint? But you look like you're not even half his weight."

"Actually, Flint weighs 170 pounds, and my current weight is 100 pounds, which is less than half of his weight," Alaric retorted casually. "And strength doesn't solely depend on weight; people are different, and muscles are different."

Alaric's answer surprised Penelope. "Wh... what? How do you know his weight?"

"Of course, it's calculated. Combining his flying speed at the time, my flying speed, my weight, and the force felt during impact, you can calculate his weight. It's basic Muggle knowledge, simple physics calculations," Alaric explained nonchalantly.

"Of course, this is Muggle knowledge. My father is a Muggle, and I attended primary school in the Muggle world, so don't think that I don't know what physics is," Penelope exclaimed in frustration. 

"I've never seen any Muggle who can directly get answers without any measuring equipment, like you."

After a while, she realized she was being led off topic and patiently asked, "I want to know, how were you able to knock Flint Marcus, who weighs 170 pounds, with your 100-pound weight?

Don't try to deceive me with his apparent weight; Flint is famously strong at Hogwarts. Almost all older Quidditch players had a hard time with him, but you gave him a lesson. Everyone says you used some mysterious spell on yourself or drank some strange potion."

"No, I didn't do anything," Alaric shook his head helplessly, emphasizing, "As I've said, people are different, and muscles are different."

He then patted his chest.

Seeing that he wouldn't reveal the real reason, Penelope became a bit angry. "Fine, let me see what's so special about your muscles."

With that, she reached out and pinched Alaric's chest.

It was a very peculiar sensation, soft yet extremely resilient, exuding a vibrant force and robust vitality.

Of course, there was also a strong masculine aura.

Penelope was immediately stunned, and so was Alaric.

He hadn't expected that the usually intellectual and elegant Penelope would make such a move.

In fact, after reaching out, Penelope regretted it. She felt very guilty about her lack of restraint, but driven by her intense curiosity about Alaric, she completed the action.

The atmosphere immediately became awkward.

In the end, it was Penelope who broke the awkward silence first.

"Uh... your chest muscles are quite strong... hehe, what am I saying."

Of course, the second sentence was said very softly, and Alaric didn't hear it.

However, Alaric also subconsciously replied.

"Hmm… your chest muscles are also quite well developed."



The atmosphere became even more awkward.




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