
Harry Potter: Heir of Pendragon

Before I do the summary or synopsis I want to just say I don't own this book, I got this from a website called https://fictionhunt.com/ the owner of this book is called kevin1984 in fictionhunt and I do not own Harry potter the owner is called J. K. Rowling ok let get this over with Takes place before the tri-wizard tournament in the summer of Harry's third year. Waiting for the Weasley to pick him up and take him to the Burrows. Harry finds himself kidnapped from his relatives Just who was it that kidnapped him? and what does the legend of King Arthur have to do with his past? Find out inside. This is a Harry/Daphne pairing.

TimNinja2002 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
12 Chs

Chapter 9

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

A/N: Again another sort of canon Chapter. it is going to be like this till we get to the first task, so i am giving you warning in advanced. I will try to add my own twist here and there so that it is not so boring to read.

Harry's Suite

Harry opened his eyes to find a piece of parchment on his pillow. He yawned before grabbing it. He had guessed it was from Daphne, as he couldn't see her anywhere in his room.


Sorry I had to leave you this morning, but I just want to say. Last night was well worth the wait. I really enjoyed our first time together, and what made it even more special was we were both learning for the first time. I have called Dobby to take me back to my dorm, and hope to see you soon. Also I would advice you asking McGonagall if you can take Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. divination and care of magical creatures will get you no where, especially being a king. Plus it would be nice to see you in class all the time, as we only get a few classes together. I am sure if there are any team assignments then you and me could pair up quite nicely. (if you get my meaning.)

Yours to the very end

Love Daphne x-x

Harry sat up and scratched the back of his head. He looked to one of the chairs to see is uniform, neatly ironed and ready to be put on. Harry smiled. "Thanks Dobby."

Once he was changed, he left the room and watched the door vanish from sight. He then whistled as he made his way down to breakfast. However his happy mood was ruined when he saw Hermione and Ron walking towards him. Harry gritted his teeth, couldn't they take a fucking hint? He didn't want anything to do with them anymore.

"Harry, Where were you last night? You never came to the Gryffindor dorm."

Harry gritted his teeth, before turning to face his two ex-friends. "What did I tell you about using my name Miss Granger. To you and that ginger head prick, I am Lord Potter. Nothing else. Where I was is none of your concern, so could you please just leave me alone, and go pop out kids like his useless mother did. Cause that is what you have to look forward to Miss Granger."

Harry felt Ron grabs his robes. "Just who do you think you are talking to?"

Harry grinned was Ron really this stupid. Harry decided to push his button a little more, just to see if he could get a bigger reaction.

"Hands off the threads Weasel. It must be hard for you to see me in the finest robes money can buy, when you have cheap hand me downs, not to mention a brand new Firebolt. Wasn't you suppose to be getting a new broom? Oh that's right, I had your vault close for using my money. Oh well I am sure your be able to buy one in a fifty years say."

Ron lost all control of his senses and jumped towards Harry. However his eyes widened as he watched Harry side step, then grab him in a headlock, before twisting his arm and forcing him to the ground.

"Your a complete waste of space Weasel. You, your mother and your stupid fan girl sister. I am going to give you one warning, and one warning only. Stay the fuck away from me." Harry then looked up to see Hermione trying to help her boyfriend up. "And that goes for you too Hermione. Stay the hell away from me."

Harry then turned and stormed towards the great hall, what was turning out to be a perfect morning, was starting to become a shit day. He stormed into the great hall, ignoring as everyone. He sat down opposite Neville before being approached by McGonagall with his timetable. He looked down at it and took a quill from his bag before crossing out Divinations and Care of magical creatures. He then handed back to Professor McGonagall."

Lord Potter, I am afraid you have to take at least two extra classes, what is the meaning of this?"

Harry turned to his head of house. "Over the summer I have a had a hell of a lot of time to think about my future. What good would be predicting the future and knowing about magical animals. I now realised that I chose them because they were the easy options. Well no more. I wish to take Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, at least those classes will be of use to me."

To say Minerva was taken back, was an understatement. She took out a quill and adjusted the timetable. "I will speak to Professor Vector and Professor Babbling. You will have to take an entrance exam, to proof you are capable of learning the subjects."

Harry nodded. "Thank you Professor, have a good day."

Harry looked down at his classes for the day. It seemed he had Arithmancy first. Harry couldn't wait to see the surprised face of his girlfriend after he turned up in her class. He went up to his room and quickly sent Dobby with a list of things to get for his new classes. Even though Dobby worked for Hogwarts, Harry found the little elf to be happy with working for him too. He looked at his watch and saw he was going to have just enough time to reach his class. He walked down the corridor to see Daphne and the rest of the class was lining up. He noticed the shocked expression on Daphne's face. He could see she was happy behind her traditional mask. However it was the frown he got from Hermione that made him smile even more. How he was going to enjoy showing up the little Bookworm in her favourite class. Harry watched Professor Vector come out of the classroom.

"Good morning Class. Please enter and take your seat. Huh Lord Potter, professor McGonagall mentioned you would be joining us. If you would like to go in and take a seat then I will get you the standard test for acceptance in this class."

Harry smiled as he looked around, there seem to be only one spot vacant, and he couldn't help but grin that it was next to his girlfriend. Harry quickly hid is emotions and walked up to the spare chair.

"Excuse me Lady Greengrass, but may I take a seat next to you, as there is no room elsewhere."

Daphne could see Harry was acting, the way he was using her title. She decided that she would do the same, that way no one would guess that they were actually an item.

"If you must Potter! But don't breath on me don't touch me, or you will find yourself being hexed all the way to the hospital wing. Understand!"

Daphne prayed that Harry wasn't taking her seriously, she sighed as he winked at her. Lucky his back was turned to the rest of the class.

"Lord Potter if you could take your seat, then we can begin."

Harry turned to the professor before taking his seat and taking the sheet of parchment from her hand. He then looked down. He suddenly found his brain in overdrive as the answers just seem to pop into his head. He quickly jotted them down, before placing his quill down on the desk.


Professor Vector had just sat down. There was no way that he could have finished the test that quickly. She stalked over to his desk.

"This is not a class to joke around Lord Potter, please complete the test!"

Harry sighed. "I would never think of messing around. I have finished it honestly. Here see for yourself."

Professor Vector took the test away and went to her desk, she scanned the down the page and her eyes widened. She couldn't believe it, he had finished the test and he had scored 100%, not even her top student Miss Granger had scored the highly, when she had taken the test.

"Well Lord Potter. It seems you clearly know what your doing. You scored 100%. I would like to welcome you to the class of Arithmancy."

Hermione eyes widened as she looked to the back to see Harry with a huge grin on his face. Something was seriously wrong here. Harry had never been that academic in his studies. She vowed that she would find out what was going on, as she hated being shown up in her favourite class.

Once the class had finished Harry packed his things away, and walked out of the classroom. He was walking down the corridor when he was grabbed and pulled into one of the spare Classrooms. He wondered who had pulled him inside, when he felt a pair of soft lips on his own. He kissed Daphne back. Only one girl had that unique flavour, and that was his future queen. He felt her wrap her arms around him, and bury her head into his chest.

"I have been wanting to do that all morning Harry. God I hate us pretending were not together. It hurts to much."

Harry kissed his girlfriend gently. "We have to Daphne. Until Amelia gets a case together against the old fool we have to protect ourselves. Besides did you see the look on the bookworm's face when I blazed through the test."

Daphne giggled. "I say. I have never seen her looked so pissed off. But do you think it is wise to reveal your new found knowledge so early? Like you said we don't want Dumbledore knowing."

Harry shook his head. "Honestly Daph I think that cat was let out of the bag, when the sorting hat sung his new song. I have to admit, that was something I didn't see coming. We just have to be extra careful from now on."

Harry heard the bell ring signalling next class. "Defence next. How about you?"

Daphne nodded. "Same. How are we going to get out of here without anyone seeing both of us together.?"

Harry smiled. "Dobby, could you come here please?"

The teen couple noticed a tiny pop, before Dobby appeared carrying a huge bag. "Dobby as got everything Lord Potter wanted. How can Dobby help the great Lord Potter?"

Harry smiled. "Dobby do you like working for Hiogwarts? Cause if you don't, then would you consider being my elf. "

Dobby burst into tears and grabbed Harry's leg. "Oh Dobby want's to be Lord Potter's house elf for long time. Please let Dobby do it, as Dobby doesn't like working for old white beard."

Harry smiled at Dobby nick name for the old fool. He could think of stronger words to use for the old fool, but knew if Dobby did then he would most likely have to punish himself. "Ok Dobby, tell me what I need to do for you to bond to me?"

Dobby grabbed hold of Harry's hand, suddenly there was a white flash. "It is done Lord Potter. Dobby now works for you. What would you be asking Dobby to do?"

Harry took hold of Daphne's hand. "Could you please transport us down from the defence against the dark arts room, as that is where our next class is."

Dobby nodded, before taking hold of Harry's hand. With a small pop they vanished.

Defence against the Dark arts

Hermione sat down next to Ron, with a scowl on her face. Ron looked puzzled. "What is the matter with you?"

Hermione turned to glare at her boyfriend. "Harry has just turned up in my Arithmancy class. He finished the entrance exam in less then five minutes and managed to score a perfect score. My highest was 93%. he beat me Ron. Harry actually beat me at something."

Ron scratched the back of his head. "I wonder why I never saw him in divinations. How could he take that class? Don't you have to be super smart or something?"

Hermione nodded. "That is what I cannot work out Ron. Where this new Intelligent Harry as come from, he never use to be this good at his studies. He completely showed me up this morning. Professor Vector asked me a question, which I answered. He then piped up and gave a better answer , then me. That as never happened before, in any of our classes."

Ron grinned. "Is my Mione Jealous of Harry Potter?"

Hermione looked at her boyfriend and frowned. "Honestly Ron, a little bit of Sympathy wouldn't go a miss now and again. Or you not want me to do what we did over the summer again."

Rons eyes widened. "Oh no Moine. I was just kidding. What are you going to do about it though? He is pretty much untouchable, now he is a Lord."

Hermione opened her book. "I haven't decided yet Ron, but there is one think I will not stand for, and that is Harry Potter being better then me in class."

All talking stopped as the classroom door opened revealing Harry. He walked to the front of the class and took a seat on the front table. A few minutes later and the door opened again, this time revealing Daphne. Who took a seat at the back of the class next to her best friend Tracy Davis. However the brief interval between the two entering the room, had not gone unnoticed by one nosy book worm. She was thinking about the situation when she was pulled from her thoughts by there new Defence teacher hobbling in.

"Good Morning Class. My name is Professor Moody, and I will be teaching you defence. Now the Ministry would be having me teach you simple spells and hexes. Rubbish I say. You faced with a attacker, who is trying to kill you, the last spell you would use is a Bloody stunner. So in this class we will learning about the most dangerous spells known to wizarding kind. I am of course talking about the three unforgivable. Who can name me one. Yes you the red headed kid, Weasley isn't it?"

Ron gulped. "The Imperio curse."

Moody nodded. "Ah yes. Your father would know all about that one. Gave the Ministry quite a scare back in the day. Maybe this demonstration will explain why."

Moody then walked to his desk, where he had jar with a spider in it. He undid the lip, before pulling it out of the jar.

"Hello, my little beauty, Engorio, Imperio"

Moody used his wand to move the spider all over the class. He made it dangle on several students head, before placing it on one of the students faces.

"Don't worry she won't bite. Now that you have seen her having some fun, what should I do." He Then dangled her over a small bowl of water. "Should I drown her, have her jump out of a window."

He then lifted the curse and placed the spider back in the jar. He then turned to the class. "Many Wizards in the first war, claimed to be under the imperio curse, but the question is how do you sort out those telling the truth and those who are lying through their front teeth. Another one, Yes Longbottom is it? Can you name one?"

Neville Nervously spoke out. "The Crucio curse."

Moody grinned, of all the three this was his favourite, and to perform it in front of the class, and have the child of the parents he had used the curse on to drive them mad. Just made him that much more happier. After all he was only pretending to be the old auror. In fact he was the Dark Lord right hand man Barty Crouch Jnr. He pulled the spider out again.

"Very good the torture curse. Let me demonstrate why it is known as an unforgivable." He then grinned and pointed his wand at the spider now on his table.


He smiled as the spider withered in pain on the desk, he turned to the class and grinned to see the Longbottom Heir looking most uncomfortable. He was stopped from having anymore fun, by someone screaming.

"Stop it! Can't you see what your doing to him!"

Crouch sneered before lifting the curse. His magical eye zoomed in on the girl who had screamed. He gritted his teeth at the filfthy mud-blood ruining his fun.

"And you Miss Granger, can you name me the last unforgivable?"

He watched as the mud-blood just stayed silent. He turned his back on her and pointed his wand at the spider.

"Very well then. Avada Kadevra!"

The sickly green beam left his wand, striking the spider dead centre. He then turned to the class. "The killing curse. There is no defence against it. Only one person as survived it, and conveniently he is in this very room. Isn't that right Mr Potter."

Harry glared at the old man, something just was not right about him, and Harry was determined to find out what.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please review. I will say this now. Harry will be entering the Tournament, so please stop asking me to put someone else in it. I have already done that with one of my other stories which i had to purge from this site.

TimNinja2002creators' thoughts