
Harry Potter: Heir of Pendragon

Before I do the summary or synopsis I want to just say I don't own this book, I got this from a website called https://fictionhunt.com/ the owner of this book is called kevin1984 in fictionhunt and I do not own Harry potter the owner is called J. K. Rowling ok let get this over with Takes place before the tri-wizard tournament in the summer of Harry's third year. Waiting for the Weasley to pick him up and take him to the Burrows. Harry finds himself kidnapped from his relatives Just who was it that kidnapped him? and what does the legend of King Arthur have to do with his past? Find out inside. This is a Harry/Daphne pairing.

TimNinja2002 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
12 Chs

Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry, Potter

A/N: I know I said they would be returning to Hogwarts this chapter, however, I felt you needed a little bit more info before that. I hope you like the chapter.

Under Gringotts

Harry stood there still confused at what had just happened. The leader of the Goblins had sworn allegiance to him. He watched the director stand back up. He was about to ask, when he was interrupted by the director.

"All will be explained soon, your majesty. Maybe we should go to my office so that we can discuss what has taken place here today."

Harry nodded. Then climbed into the cart with Daphne. He immediately grabbed her in a hug and kissed her gently on the lips. He looked to see the stun expression on her face.

"Later, I am just glad you're ok."

Daphne wondered what had gotten into Harry, however, she was interrupted from asking by her father.

"Now that you have Excalibur Harry. It is time to summon those families who are also descended from the knights of the round table. They are the Longbottoms, The Blacks, and finally the Bones. As soon as we get back to the manor, I will contact them as we must discuss what is going to happen next."

Harry was shocked, his Godfather Sirius was descended from one of the knights of the round table. Not only that but his friend Neville and a girl from shuffle-puff called Susan were also from the knight's line. Harry paused in thought, that was only four, what happened to the rest? Before he could have time to think, they had arrived at the director's office. Harry placed Excalibur in the scarab that had now appeared on his belt. He wondered just how the hell he was going to hide a sword while walking around Hogwarts. Harry's eyes widened as the sword suddenly vanished from view, however, he knew it was there, as he could feel the weight of it by his side.

Director Office

Harry sat down with Clyde and Daphne in front of the director. He noticed that he went to one of his drawers before pulling out a piece of parchment. He then handed it to Harry, who looked at it carefully. His eyes widened as he read.

"There was an alliance between my ancestor and your ancestors?"

The director nodded. "Indeed there was your majesty. You see in the days of King Arthur's reign, all races lived in harmony. There were not only Goblins but other races too. Only a few of these races have survived to this day."

Harry looked at the director puzzled. "What other races, if you do not mind me asking?"

The director smiled. "Your majesty doesn't need to mind if he can ask anything. We Goblins are your humble servants and will carry on to honor the alliance created all those centuries ago. To answer your question through your majesty. There were the Goblins, Elves, Dwarfs, Veela, and several other creatures. Every year a council was held in Camelot allowing the different races to meet and discuss issues, however, when your ancestor died and his Son Mordred took the throne, the alliance was disbanded, as Mordred began to hunt the different races to extinction. He believed only humans deserved to walk the earth and had his knights slaughter all those he considered not human. The dwarfs were completely wiped out, and the elves suffered heavy casualties but were able to hide from Mordred using their ancient magic. No one knows to this day if they still exist. The other races were fortunate as they decided to migrate away from magical Britain. The Veela's moved to France, where the other races spread out across the entire globe."

Harry gritted his teeth, he vowed that when he was king, he would send out envoys to all the races, and try to get the alliance back together again. Everything that breathed had a right to live, no matter their race. He then handed the letter back to the director who sealed it away once again.

"So now that I have taken my rightful place as Lord Pendragon, will the Ministry be informed?"

The director shook his head. "In normal circumstances yes, as soon as a head of the house is claimed, then the details are passed straight on to the Ministry. However, your case is unique and needs to be kept quiet until the right time. Before you even take the throne your majesty I would consider defeating Mordred's heir and the dark Lord."

Harry's eyes widened. "Isn't Voldemort dead though?"

The director shook his head. "I am afraid to say he is very much alive. We know this as the Riddle vault is still active, along with the Gaunts vault, both of which he has claim to. If he was truly dead then those vaults would shut down and cease to exist, as he has no heirs of his own."

Harry nodded in understanding. "Ok kill Dumbledore, kill Voldemort. What then?"

The director leaned back in his chair. "Then you need to tackle your wizarding government, starting with the Wizengamot, if you truly wish for all races to live in harmony, then you need to weed out those who stand against you. Many of these families will be in service to the dark lord, so hopefully, on your way to end his line, you can get rid of a few of the other lines that would make your life very difficult as king."

Harry left the director's office a few hours later, and they quickly port-keyed back to the manor. Harry noticed Clyde go to the fireplace.

"12 Grimmauld places, Sirius Black."

Harry watched the face of his Godfather appear in the fire. He smiled just how much better looking he was since they had rescued him from the Ministry.

"Clyde, old chap, what can I do for you? Is Harry behaving himself?"

Clyde smiled. "Harry is fine. He has just come back from taking the trial of Pendragon. He was able to pass and claim Excalibur. I am just letting you know that I am arranging a meeting with all the other family descended from the Knights of the round table, as we need to discuss where we go from here."

"Sirius smiled, as he spotted Harry just standing behind Clyde. "Hello Pup, well done on claiming Excalibur. Were make a king out of you yet. So Clyde what time do you want me there?"

Clyde looked at his watch. "If you could be here say around seven, that will give Amelia plenty of time to get back from the Ministry to join the meeting. I am just about to contact Augusta now. I am sure she will be most pleased to hear that an heir has been found."

Sirius nodded. "Very well, I will see you around seven, however you might have to stop Amelia from hexing me, after in the ministry's eyes I am still an escaped convict. Plus I am not sure if she has forgiven me for our last date. I know it has been over fifteen years, but still you know what they say. Women can remain angry forever, given the right reason."

Clyde laughed. "Very well you old dog, I will give her prior notice. See you at seven Sirius." Clyde then cut the connection, before throwing some more Floo powder into the fire, before speaking.

"Amelia Bones, Head of the DMLE Ministry of magic."

Harry watched a middle-aged women's head appear in the fire. She had flowing red hair like Susan, and a monocle that looked like it was stuck to her face.

"Lord Greengrass, this is an unexpected pleasure. What can I do for you?"

Clyde smiled into the fire. "Hello, Amelia. Just informing you that the event we have all been waiting for has finally happened. Harry Potter today passed the trial of Pendragon and has Excalibur. I am just letting you know that I am arranging a meeting for tonight with all those who are descended from the Knights's lines. Is seven tonight ok with you?"

Amelia's had suddenly vanished, suddenly Clyde took a step back as Amelia stepped out of the flood. Her eyes immediately found Harry. She quickly knelt before him.

"Your majesty. I Amelia Bones, descended of Sir Tristan pledge our undying loyalties to you and your rule. For centuries we have waited for an heir to be born, and finally, that time has come."

Harry had no clue what to say or do. He was still getting used to the whole royalty thing, then to suddenly have a woman he had never met before walk out of the fireplace and kneel before him, was a little overwhelming.

"Hm Thank you. Lady Bones. I accept your pledge, and hope that you will consider serving my court just as your descended did all those years ok for my ancestor."

Amelia bowed once again, then stood up. She turned to Clyde. "I will see you around seven. Is there any dress code for tonight's gathering?"

Clyde shook his head. "No, it is nothing formal, just a gathering of friends. However, you might want to know that the heir of Sir Percival will be present."

Amelia's eyes flashed. "You know where Sirius is?"

Clyde stepped back, he was well aware of the redheads temper. Especially when it involved escaped convicts.

"Amelia before you start, maybe it is best you let Harry explain. Harry could you retract the memories of the event in your third year? It might help Amelia to understand better."

Harry looked at Clyde in confusion. "Exactly how do I go about extracting the memory? As I have never done it before."

Amelia stepped forward, she removed her wand and a small glass vial from her robe. "If you don't mind your majesty, if you just think of the events and I will do the rest."

Harry sighed, he bought all the memories of his third year into his mind. He watched as Amelia tapped the tip of her wand against his forehead. He noticed several white vapor strands hanging off the edge of her wand. He then saw her place them into the glass vial.

"Clyde do you have a Pensive here, or would you like me to retrieve my one?"

Clyde shook his head, before grabbing the same basin, Harry had plunged his head into seven days ago. He placed it in front of Amelia who poured Harry's memories into the basin and then plunged her head into it. Around fifteen minutes later, she withdrew her head with a stunned expression. She turned to Harry.

"You can cast the Patronus charm?"

Harry nodded sheepishly. "The Dementor not only targeted my Godfather but me as well. I had our defense professor Lupin teach me how to defend myself against them."

Amelia pondered everything she had heard. "So Sirius was framed by the rat Pettigrew, to think Sirius spent eleven years in Azkaban for a crime he did not commit, while the real traitor was honored by the Ministry with a merlin third class award. I am also disgusted to find out that he was never given a trial. I will be having a serious word with Barty Crouch when I see him. I assure you now your majesty, I will do everything in my power to get your Godfather's name cleared, and given a full pardon by the Ministry."

Amelia then gathered the memory back up, before placing it back in the vial. She then walked towards the fireplace.

"Huh yes. You can tell the old dog that I will not be arresting him tonight, however, I still have a few bones to pick with him, regarding our last date. Well, I will see you tonight Clyde, Your Majesty. Goodbye."

Harry wondered what his Godfather had done to upset her on their last date. He was not looking forward to seeing them both confront each other tonight, that was for sure. He watched Clyde take some more floo powder before throwing it into the fireplace once more.

"Longbottom Manor."

Harry stood behind Clyde as an elderly woman's face appeared in the fire. "Huh Clyde, I haven't heard from you in a while. Tell me are you and your girls fine, these days."

Clyde smiled again. "We are Augusta, however, I am calling to let you know that the heir of Pendragon has finally claimed Excalibur, and I am arranging a meeting with all those who as ties to the line of the knights of the round table."

Augusta's face lit up in a huge smile. "This is good news, Clyde. What time do you want me and Neville there?

Clyde looked at his watch. "Is seven ok for both of you?"

Augusta nodded. "Seven is fine Clyde. We will see you there. Goodbye."

Once Clyde had finished with all his calls, he turned to Harry and could see he was puzzled about something.

"Is something wrong Harry?

Harry stayed silent for a little while, before replying. "I was just wondering. What happened to the other Knights? As if I recall the legend there were more than four."

Clyde nodded. "Indeed there was Harry. Many were wiped out by Mordred when he claimed the throne all those years ago. The others were wiped out by Voldemort in the first war. However, I am not so sure it was he who was responsible. I have always suspected Dumbledore had a hand in the killing of the remaining lines, however, I could never prove it. We four are the very last, and will continue to serve your line, just as our ancestors did all those years ago."

Hogwarts Headmaster office

Dumbledore smiled. He finally knew where the brat was hiding. He had in front of him three letters that had been returned by the owls sent with them. It didn't take a rocket scientist to work out that all three letters had a connection. Dumbledore was well aware of the Greengrass History and that their line descended from Sir Lancelot. The fact that both Greengrass daughter's letters had been returned with Harry, made the whole thing that much clearer. It had been the Greengrass family who had taken Harry. Dumbledore had no doubt they were also responsible for the other letter now sitting on his desk. This one was from Gringotts informing him that he was no longer Harry's magical guardian and that the marriage contract between house Weasley and Potter was now voided. Dumbledore's hears were still ringing from the sound of Molly Weasley's voice as soon as she had found out. He also found himself with another problem. The brat had called all debts in, meaning he was nearly enough broke, he later discovered that not only his vault had been seized, but so had Ronald Weasley's and Hermione Granger's. He now had no spies as the two had refused to remain friends with him unless they were paid for it.

Dumbledore sighed, at just how much the Greengrass family had fucked up his plans. He knew he should have killed them, along with the other lines he had slaughtered, Harry would still be under his control if he had. Dumbledore knew he couldn't show his hand too early as it was clear Harry at present held all the aces. He would just have to buy his time. He looked down at the three Hogwarts letters. He then waved his wand and sent them off to the owlery to be redelivered. He would allow Harry his freedom for now. However when the tournament begins then he would make his move. The line Potter and Pendragon would be ended this year."

Greengrass Manor

Harry nervously looked in the mirror, as Daphne tried to tame his messy black hair. He was about to meet all those who had served his line for centuries. Iris had given him some last-minute tips on how to address everyone, and how to act. He felt Daphne give him a small kiss on the cheek.

"You will be fine Harry. You have nothing to worry about. Besides it is unwise as a king to show nervousness in front of his court."

Harry grabbed her hand and heard her squeal as he pulled her into his lap. He then gave are a passionate kiss that made her toes curl.

"What would I ever do without you Daph's?"

Daphne grinned and cuddled into him further. She was enjoying Harry holding her and touching her, as it made her more confident in herself. She gave him one more deep kiss before getting up off his lap.

"Come on your majesty, your court awaits you."

Harry grabbed her arm, and pulled her close to him, he then placed her arm through his. "And you as my Queen should always stay close to me."

Daphne smiled and then kissed him again. "Always my King."

Sirius nervously stood as he spotted the firer redhead in the group making a beeline for him. He gulped, as he took in the beauty before him. He smiled, only to feel a quick


"What the hell?"

Amelia narrowed her eyes. "That's for standing me up all those years ago. You are good for nothing Dog. I waited at that restaurant all night for you to show up. Only to leave later and walk into a bar to find you with some whore hanging off your arm."

Sirius was still recovering from the slap. "I told you, I was drugged by the bitch. All she was interested in was the Black estate."

Amelia locked eyes with Sirius. Years of being an Auror had taught her how to tell when someone was lying to her. However, all she saw was the truth in his eyes.

"Fine, but you still owe me another date, and don't you forget it."

Sirius sighed in relief. "So you still want to date as they say?"

Amelia turned around and glared. "Don't get any ideas, Sirius. I am well aware of your reputation for seducing the opposite sex quickly. You still have a lot of making up to do, before I forgive you."

Sirius held his hand in surrender. "Fine, fine. I will give you a call when I can, as you know I am still classed as a convict after all."

Amelia smiled before taking out a sheet of parchment from her robe. She handed it to Sirius and watched his eyes widen.

"You have your Godson to thank for that. Once I showed the Minister his memory, he had no choice but to issue you a full pardon. So now you have no excuse for standing me up again. I expect to see you at seven on Saturday. You know where you can pick me up from. Have a pleasant night Lord Black."

Sirius tucked the pardon letter into his robe pocket. "he was finally free. He knew when he saw Harry, he was going to give him the biggest hug ever.

With Susan and Neville

"So as your grandmother told you who the heir of Pendragon is?"

Neville shook his head. "No, I was just told, that we were attending the Greengrass tonight and that the heir has finally revealed himself. She did say that I knew him though, so it could be several people, what about your aunt?

Susan bites her bottom lip. "Nothing, she just kept smiling and said wait and see." They were interrupted from their conversation any further as they turned to hear Clyde shouting.

"I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our home. For years we have waited on a male heir of Pendragon to be born. I can now inform you that such an heir was born thirteen years ago, in fact he is already famous in our world. Esteemed guest may I introduce to you your new King. Harry Potter Pendragon!"

Neville and Susan eyes widened as they turned to each other. "No way, Harry, Harry is the heir of Pendragon?"

Neville looked even more shocked. "To think I have been sleeping in the same room as the future king of magical Britain for three years."

There conversation was once again interrupted as they looked to the stair to see Harry walking down them dressed in robes showing the Pendragon crest. On his arm was Daphne Greengrass, this shocked the two teens even more a Gryffindor and a Slytherin together.

Harry stood nervously looking around at all those who were now part of his royal court. "Good evening everyone. I know this might come as shock to many of you. I myself found it hard to believe when I was informed a week ago. For those who are wondering how I can be the Heir of Pendragon, It turns out that my mother was not an Evans, but the last living descended of the Pendragon line. Her Names Evans was a magical cover to keep her safe from those who wished to harm her. She married my father James Potter and the two conceived me. I have today completed the trial of Pendragon at Gringotts, and am pleased to announce that I successfully passed claiming the sword of my ancestor Excalibur. Now many of you are most likely wondering what is Mrs Greengrass doing hanging off my arm. Well to settle an old debt that our ancestor had. I have decided to take Daphne as my queen."

The whole hall stood in silence, before everyone bowed. Harry took this as his opportunity to walk down the stairs, passing each of those now bowed before him. Once he had passed everyone, he gestured for them all to rise.

"I intend to reform the Knights of the round table again, however due to the time we live in, this will be a sort of council. All of you who stand before me now are part of that council. I intend to add others once I have successfully weeded out those who would stand against me in our government. However before I can claim the throne I need to take care of two people Albus Dumbledore the heir of King Arthur's bastard son Mordred, and the dark lord Voldemort. Who seems to have survived the night I supposedly ended his line."

This last bit of news caused absolute up roar between everyone. Harry watched Amelia step forward.

"Your majesty are you sure that you are correct in this matter? The dark lord as not been seen since you vanquished him all those years ago."

Harry nodded. "I have confirmed it with Gringotts. What you may not realise is that Voldemort is just a name he uses to hide his real identity. He is in fact Tom Marvalo Riddle, heir to the Riddle and Gaunt line respectively. Both vaults are still active meaning he is not truly dead."

Amelia stood back and pondered everything she had heard. The Ministry must be informed of this latest development, but how do it? She couldn't risk exposing her king, She knew Fudge would do everything in his power to stop her king taking over. She decided she would do some digging of her own. Now she knew his real name, then maybe she could find something that would help end his line once and for all.

The rest of the evening was spent in general conversation. However they were interrupted by three owls swooping in and dropping three letters off. Harry looked down at the letter in his hand. He turned to Clyde.

"We may have a problem."

Clyde looked down at the letter, his eyes widened before he shouted "Bugger!"

A/N: So Dumbledore now knows where Harry has been hiding. How will this affect his year at Hogwarts? You will just have to wait for the next chapter