
Harry Potter: Heir of Pendragon

Before I do the summary or synopsis I want to just say I don't own this book, I got this from a website called https://fictionhunt.com/ the owner of this book is called kevin1984 in fictionhunt and I do not own Harry potter the owner is called J. K. Rowling ok let get this over with Takes place before the tri-wizard tournament in the summer of Harry's third year. Waiting for the Weasley to pick him up and take him to the Burrows. Harry finds himself kidnapped from his relatives Just who was it that kidnapped him? and what does the legend of King Arthur have to do with his past? Find out inside. This is a Harry/Daphne pairing.

TimNinja2002 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
12 Chs

Chapter 18

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Camelot Night of the Yule Ball

Harry laid back on his bed, with his hands behind his head. He didn't care about going to the ball tonight, he would rather sit up in his room and just relax for the evening. Camelot had already provided him with entertainment. With a TV and Game console to boot. Harry realised that the rule about muggle electricity not working in the magical world was all a lie, no doubt created by Dumbledore to keep the wizarding world in the dark ages. I mean they still wrote with quills and still used parchment. What was wrong with a pen, and a nice A4 writing pad, Harry decided that when he did take the throne then the dark ages would be washed away, for good. It was time the wizarding world moved on with the rest of the world.

Harry turned his head to look at the empty spot next to him, a single strand of Daphne hair still rested on the pillow. Harry missed waking up next to his beautiful girlfriend, but knew hiding her was the best thing for the future of his unborn child. He looked to the bottom of his bed to see the mysterious golden egg that he had rescued from the dragon. He still could not open it, Harry decided to ignore it, he would just go into the next task blind, he didn't have to win it, just attempt it then quit. Harry grabbed the remote and switched on the TV, screw the tournament this was his home, and if they didn't like his rules then they could all fuck off.

Next Day

Harry walked into the Great hall to the sound of whispers. He ignored them all and made his way towards the Gryffindor table, when he was confronted by Crouch and Professor McGonagall.

"Lord Pendragon, could you follow us please."

Harry sighed, and walked out of the great hall, followed by the two adults. Once they were outside, Professor McGonagall lead them to an empty classroom, where she warded the room so that no one could hear what they were saying.

"First of all Lord Pendragon, Where were you last night? The ball is an important part of the tournament, and as a champion you should have been there."

Harry looked up, eyes glowing a neon green. "With all due respect professor, if I don't want to attend a stupid ball, I don't have too. This is Camelot after all not Hogwarts. I can do what the hell I want in my own home, and don't you or him forget it."

Minerva knew Harry would react like this, she herself did not see a problem with him not attending the ball, however the organisers of the contest had been breathing down her neck all night, wanting to know why he had not turned up. Crouch had been the worse, he had not given her a moments peace last night, she knew she had to de-fuse the situation quickly before anything happened. However she was stopped from doing just that as Crouch interrupted her.

"Lord Pendragon, you may be the owner of this castle, but you still have to abide by the tournament rules. Your appearance last night was essential for the second task. Now we have no clue what to do for you."

Harry eyes brow raised at this comment. "What do you mean by that Crouch?"

Crouch sighed. "I can't say anything else on the matter since I would breaking the rules of the Tournament, Just be on the dock of the Black lake in an hour. Thats where the second task is taking place."

Harry shrugged his shoulder then removed the wards. He walked out failing to hear what the two adults were discussing.

"Why choose the poor girl. She is only a third year. You do realise when Lord Pendragon finds out who you have taken to the bottom of the lake then all hell will break loose. Not to mention the fall out this could cause with the Greengrass family."

Crouched sighed, he himself thought making the youngest Greengrass daughter Harry's hostage, was a bad idea. However the minister had insisted on it. So he really had no leg to stand on.

"The choice was out of my hands Minerva. Had Lord Pendragon, attended the ball then we would have chosen the older Greengrass Daughter as the hostage."

Minerva laughed. "Had you done that Crouch, your head would be rolling by now. In fact don't be to surprised if it is not rolling by the end of this task. Harry is going to be one very pissed off young wizard, when he gets out of the lake, I just hope you and all the organiser are prepared."

Crouch gulped at this comment and held is hand to his neck as if checking if his head was still there. "Yes well we will just have to wait and see won't we."

With that last comment he himself walked out of the room, and began to make his way down towards the Black lake to get the second task ready.

Black lake

Harry stood on the pier next to the other champions. He looked up to the sky and could see it was a dark grey. Clearly a storm was on its way. Harry gritted his teeth, of all the days they choose they chose a day where the Black lake would be ice cold. Harry had guessed that the task was to dive into the lake, however he had no clue what for. He listened as Crouch placed his wand to his throat and shouted so everyone could hear him.

"Good morning to everyone, and welcome to the second task of the Tri-wizard cup. In this challenge our champions will have to swim to the bottom of the lake and retrieve something that was taken from them. They will have exactly one hour to complete the task. Good luck Champions."

Harry was puzzled, what could they had taken from him, he felt Excalibur resting at his side, Daphne was safe in hiding, it wasn't Hedwig, has Harry had seen her this morning. He shook the thought from his head. He had bigger problems to worry about like how was he to get to the bottom of the lake. He then had an idea. He had read something in a book about a plant called Gilly weed and wondered if Dobby could get him any.


Dobby suddenly appeared beside Harry. "Yes Lord Pendragon. How can I help you?"

Harry watched everyone looking at him. He ignored them for now. "Dobby I need some Gilly weed, do you think you could get me any?"

Dobby nodded then vanished, he was gone only a minute or so when he reappeared with a small piece of the plant. He handed to Harry, and then popped away again.

Harry looked at the strange plant in his hand. It had looked at lot better as a picture then the real thing. He notice it was all slimy. He bought to his mouth before pinching his nose and swallowing it. Nothing happened at first. Then Harry felt the change, his hands and feet began to get longer and piece of skin began to connect between his fingers and toes, he then moved his hand to his neck and felt several slits. He turned to see the other champions were prepared. Fleur was using a bubble head charm, while Krum had transfigured himself into what looked like a half man, half shark. He suddenly heard the gun go and quickly dived into the murky depth of the Black lake.

Harry carried on diving downwards, he noticed the whole lake bed was covered in weeds, and dreaded to think what could be hiding in them. He carried on swimming forward, he watched the giant squid swim past him, however it seemed to just ignore him. He was happy about this. He wondered how long he had been swimming for, when he noticed a cliff edge at the bottom of the lake. There sitting on it was a strange village. Harry dived down further, the closer he got the more he could make out. He spotted three pillar being guarded by what he assumed were mere people, as they had the body of a human, but the tails of a fish. When Harry saw who was chained to the Pillar, his eyes glowed. There under a sleeping charm was Daphne younger sister Astoria. Harry cursed his stupidity, and immediately swam towards her. However he was suddenly confronted by an army of mere people, being lead by one wearing a crown. Harry sensed that this was a trap and quickly removed Excalibur. He suddenly noticed the mere people step back at seeing the legendary blade. Harry held the blade in both hands and pointed it towards the now retreating army.

Harry didn't know if he could speak, but decided to try.

"Back off now! I am lord Pendragon, Heir to the throne of Magical Britain. I mean you no harm, I just wish to free my hostage."

Harry noticed the mere chief swim up to him. "We know who you are Heir of Pendragon. However the heir of Mordred as made it clear that you are not to survive this encounter. As reward for killing you the heir as promised us a voice in his new order, something that your ancestor refused to grant us."

Harry gritted his teeth, so this was what Dumbledore had been going on about, when he was lead from the great hall. He had promised the mere people a voice if they killed him. He shook his head.

"If that is the case, then I am sorry for what is about to happen. I wanted to unite the different races not separate them, however if you insist on carrying out the wishes of Dumbledore, then do so, but do not expect me just to allow it."

Harry suddenly found himself fighting a group of mere people, he slashed his sword through the water and parried away various weapon being thrown at him. He used his wand and spells to keep the others at bay, as he fought on and on. The body count was growing as dozens of skewered mere people were floating up to the surface, blood pouring from their wounds. Harry himself had suffered a few scratches here and there, but nothing he couldn't handle. Eventually the chief held up his hand in surrender.

"Enough! We surrender. Take your hostage and leave this lake. Never has my best men been killed so quickly by a blade. Just go."

Harry wondered if this was all a trick, however he noticed the other mere people began to part allowing him safe passage through the crowd. Just as he passed the chief, he raised his sword to his neck, and in one swift movement removed his head. The rest of the mere people backed away in fear as the saw their leaders body raising to the surface.

"Let that be a warning to you all. No one messes with me. Now leave!"

Every single one of the mere people left and swam into their homes, before slamming their doors shut. Harry swam toward the Pillar and looked on the helpless Astoria chained to the Pillar. He growled before slashing Excalibur across the chains freeing her. He then held her around the waist and began to swim towards the surface. As he broke the service he saw a few boats investigating all the dead bodies now around them. In one of the boats sat Dumbledore disguised as Fudge. Both locked eyes with one another. Harry could tell the old man was pissed at his plan failing again. Harry swam to the side of the lake and dragged Astoria up with him. He then laid her down on the side and checked her vitals. It s seems she was still breathing. He picked her up bridal style and carried her towards the pier where everyone was waiting. He was soon confronted by Crouch.

"Lord Pendragon, what the hell happened? You were suppose to rescue your hostage, not kill those guarding them."

Harry rubbed Astoria in a blanket and noticed she was starting to come around, he then stood and span around swinging Excalibur with him. The edge of the blade was now resting at Crouch's neck.

"Maybe you can find out why they were ordered to attack me in the first place Crouch. I gave them plenty of warning, however they insisted on trying to kill me. So I defended myself. Now maybe you can tell me, what gave you the right to make Astoria a Hostage in the first place, you did so without her consent and Lord Greengrass permission, both actions are unforgivable in my eyes, and I hope Lord Greengrass drags your arse through the Wizengamot and sue you for every Knut your worth. Now if you don't mind, I have completed this bloody task, well in the time limit, and now wish to retire back to my quarters. Miss Greengrass will also be coming back with me. Dobby?"

Dobby appeared again. "Yes Lord Pendragon?"

Harry looked down at his little friend. "Could you please transport Astoria to my suite and make sure she is ok. I need to have a word with the Minister and will be their shortly."

Dobby nodded, before taking Astoria hand and popping away with her. Harry then turned to Crouch.

"You will arrange a private meeting between myself and the minister, I have a few bones to pick with him, especially after the first task."

Crouch gulped and nodded. He then turned and left Lord Pendragon to look over the lake. Much of it was still red from the blood of the mere people, Harry looked down at his blade, it was still stained, even with it being in the lake. He was disturbed from his thoughts by the minister coming up behind him.

"Lord Pendragon, you will have to come back to the ministry and explain your actions, today. You wiped out half of a population of mere people including killing their chief."

Harry smiled before turning towards the minister, who was now backed by several aurors. He raised his wand and created a huge bubble surrounding him and Dumbledore. He noticed the auror were trying to break into it with no luck. He looked to see Fudge staring at him.

"You failed again Dumbledore. Don't act surprised about me knowing who you are. Nova informed me the day we meet in Diagon Alley that you had taken over Fudges Body. The Blood of the mere people are on your hands today. You promised them something you had no right in promising. You then ordered for Astoria to be taken to the bottom of the lake, realising that I would do anything to save Daphne younger sister. Both action are unforgivable in my eyes. Right now I should just behead you. However I have decided it would be too quick for you. When I become king you will have a public execution, you will serve as a statement that no one messes with me. Now are you going to try drag me back to the Ministry? Or are you going to risk me telling everyone just who you are. Not to mentioned the moment I step into that building I have the right to disband it immediately. Could you risk loosing such an advantage."

Dumbledore growled. "Very well Lord Pendragon, you may have won this round, bur trust me the war is far from over."

Dumbledore then broke the bubble, showing Harry again that his magic was nothing compared to his. He then turned to the aurors.

"Lord Pendragon and I have discussed the matter and I now understand his reasoning. There is no need for him to be taken in. He is free to go."

Harry noticed the little twinkle in the minister eye. He gritted his teeth before turning around and waling towards the castle, intending to contact Clyde immediately about what had happened here today.