
Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

***This is a Harry Potter pre-canon fic.*** [The fic also involves Kingdom Building and real-world muggle geopolitics.] 1969, London Magnus, a 9-year-old boy got lost while watching a parade with his mummy. He looked around for her but only tired himself out, eventually taking a break under a tree in a park. But, that moment changed not just his, but also the destiny of the entire world. Because that tree was not normal, it contained inheritances from an ancient world-renowned wizard and a certain king. The tree had waited centuries for someone worthy and finally, it had found one. But what was so special that made little Magnus worthy? It's not possible that no other 9-year-old child ever slept under the tree in the past centuries. "OH! What a surprise, but a welcome one. At least, now I can rest easy that I made the right choice." The ancient tree thought to itself. ______________________ Tags: No Harem, Kind MC, Strong MC, decently strong to OP MC, Some Kingdom building. More of a slice-of-life story. NOTE: Severus will not end up with Lily. *Daily Updates* [A/N: MC will not magically become stronger and learn everything from chapter 1. He will learn through experience and hard work like normal people. (Except for some stuff that comes naturally to him.) Also, this story exists in the omniverse ruled by Grandpa Universe] _____________________ For advance chapters and more fics -www.patreon.com/misterimmortal ______________________ ***I do not own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.***

MisterImmortal · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
504 Chs

360. Whistleblowers

The 5th year ended, Magnus and the rest returned home, Emma didn't go with Magnus this time, knowing too well that they should give each other some alone time as well.

For Magnus, he had a few important things to do. The first one was to move out into a new home, he had already asked his staff to compile a list of all the castles and areas that he or the royal family owned.

"Bye, Sev, come to my home later, we all should train whenever we can." He said goodbye to his friends and returned home through apparition. Ragnar could not apparate, as his magic was unstable due to biological reasons and trying apparition in such a state was dangerous.


"Aurelia and Clementia, look who's back."

Magnus and Ragnar shouted as soon as they returned. Soon, the sounds of things being thrown came and then appeared the three, clumsily running to them. The three were 2.5 years old now and had started to speak like a normal kid of this age.

"What were you doing? Oh..." As soon as Magnus asked this, came out of the same room, Abe, George and Dobby. All three had weird makeup on their faces and wore wigs on their heads.

"Welcome back, sir. Would you like some tea?" George asked like a proper gentleman. But sadly, his attire didn't suit it. Magnus and Ragnar howled in laughter at their plight.

"Where is mum?" Magnus inquired.

"Lady Grace said she had an emergency surgery to operate in the hospital so she left," George informed.

Hearing this, they looked at the three little munchkins, "Are you hungry?" Magnus asked.

"THEN LET'S ORDER PIZZA!" Ragnar shouted.

"YAYYYY..." they jumped in excitement and latched onto Ragnar's legs.

However, Magnus noticed something, Clementia didn't show many signs of excitement, although she seemed happy. He walked up to her and sat beside her, "How are you, Clem?"

She gave the cutest smile possible with her eyes half close, "I'm fine, big brother."

"Do you want to draw with me?" He asked her, as this was her favourite hobby. Although she was not good at it, she still loved it.

"YES!" She jumped into a hug with him. He laughingly picked her up and took her to the terrace. There he placed big canvasses. Meanwhile, the other two played with Ragnar.


After an hour of drawing and playing with Clementia, Magnus decided to clear his doubts about her. He called Grace, "Mum, are you still at the hospital?"

"Okay, I am coming there with Clementia... No, nothing happened to her, just some doubts I have. Don't worry." he put the phone down.

"Clem, let's go and see mum. We will eat Pizza outside." He extended his hand to her. She jumped towards him and held his finger in her tiny hand. Magnus couldn't help but feel really emotional whenever the three little ones did this, it would make him feel like doing anything for the three.

He told Ragnar why they were going and quickly took the car out and arrived at the hospital from the VIP entrance. Using charms to not be seen, they soon arrived at the psychiatrist where Grace was already waiting for him. Magnus owned the hospital so he didn't need to worry about privacy. Doctors, too, had signed special contracts.

"Rag, take Max and Aurelia to the VIP waiting room and get them to eat something," Magnus told him, as it was better not to have the two little ones distracting.

Grace's face looked like she had seen a ghost, anxiously worrying about Clementia. She too had noticed some things but never thought much about them until Magnus told her.

They told the doctor about her. That she stays silent a lot, does not react to situations much but is very emotional. After that, the doctor showed Clementia a few pictures of people. In some, they were laughing, in some crying.

Each time, she would show reactions matching what she saw, even tearing up a few times. At the same time, the doctor wrote something in her notes.

"Mr Pendragon, Madam Grace, it seems Princess Clementia has heightened empathy. We call such people empaths. Such people understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position.

"Such people are also usually more accurate in recognising emotions by looking at another person's face. Her problem is that she does not know how to not be influenced by emotions. She will need to learn that slowly, or else, some future complications could occur.

"Empaths can experience anxiety, panic attacks, depression, and fatigue and may even show physical symptoms such as an increased heart rate and headache. This is because they internalise the feelings and pain of others without the ability to distinguish it from their own." The doctor gave them her diagnosis.

Clementia confusedly looked at Magnus and Grace's face, wondering what all these words meant. She sat on Magnus' lap and asked, "Big brother, am I bad?"

Magnus quickly smiled, realising that his worrying and being sad would make her sad too. He patted her head, "No, Clem, you're not bad. In fact, you have special powers, and if you learn how to control them then you catch people lying easily."

"REALLY?" She asked curiously.

"Of course. Okay, let's go and eat the pizza." He picked her up and put her on his shoulders. He was 16 and 6 feet tall already, he already looked like an adult.

"Mr Pendragon, she needs the..."

Magnus shut the doctor up, "That will be all, doctor. Thank you for your time. Let's go, mum."

Once out, Grace asked him, "Magnus, are you sure? Doctor Hubert is good at her work."

"Yes, mum. Our little Clementia can control her ability better if Grandma Martha treats her. She's a 400 years old cat-lady, she's a walking encyclopaedia of magic. And I believe if Clementia goes to Camelot every once in a while and plays with the animals there, she will become better," he planned. He knew Clementia was going to be magical, as he healed her using his own blood. So, it would be best if someone with magic taught her.

"Fine, but I will go with her to Camelot." Grace decided. She didn't have the heart to let her little daughter be alone there.

"Now let's go to Pizza Hut, they are supposed to have better and cheesy pizza." Magnus gathered the others and left.


Clementia's situation was a surprise to be sure, but not something too problematic. Everything was going to be fine as long as she was treated and trained right.

However, Magnus got busy after that day. His first task was to select a new home, and he did that easily. He selected Strawberry Hill House, a Gothic Revival villa that was built in Twickenham, London, by Horace Walpole from 1749 onward. It spanned 46 acres of land. The best part, it was so close to Mother Grace Hospital, you just had to cross the Thames river and walk a few hundred metres.

He told his parents about the decision and they agreed immediately. However, currently, the St Mary's University College owned it. Magnus just paid their organisation some money, gave them a new building and place to run their works and got ownership of the building.

Of course, to avoid public objection, they just revealed that they will create personal laboratories for Adam, Grace and Magnus to work in such a huge place. No one had an objection then. Soon, a new 10-foot boundary wall will be constructed around the premises, then Dragon Team will send their best people to ward it, charm it to the teeth. After all, Duck will be coming there frequently.

The next thing he had to do was a bit complicated and important. Ted came to him with 10 boxes of paper. "This is the result of my Corruption audit on the British Government and each and every single person working in it. All these people are the corrupt ones.

"The box with red markings mean they are the worst, the ones with green markings mean they have only started and haven't done much. The orange ones are in the middle."

Magnus grunted tiredly, "Man, this is so much work. But... I must do it."

And hence, he spent the entire night reading every single document. He also made a list at the same time, all the names and what he will do to them was written on it.

He even dragged Ted to stay and work. So by the next morning, they had bags under their red eyes. "Dobby"


"What can Dobby do for you, sir?" Dobby popped in.

"Get us two nice herbal milk teas and some light breakfasts to go along with," Magnus ordered as he stretched his body.

"Let's get ready, Ted. It seems we're going to be whistleblowers today. All those that I have marked black will be killed with no questions asked. There are only 5, but they are too dangerous to be left alive, even for a day, for they can even bend the justice system with the things they know about influential people.

"All those with red markings will be arrested immediately with cases filed on them. The orange ones will be fired and an internal inquiry will sit on them, while the green ones will be demoted to one or two ranks.

"However, I have a better suggestion, Ted. I realised that since my aim is to change the world, how can I leave the home turf in danger? I need control over the government and the bureaucracy at all levels. So, you have my permission, all the positions that are soon going to be empty, you must fill our people in them." Magnus instructed him.

This was the only way to ensure that nothing bad happens in the government, no foreign power can influence the country, and that it applies all his suggested policies. He could not ascertain power by being the King after all, but this way, he can and none will even know.

Soon, the country was going to face the biggest shock ever. It will be a PR disaster for all and also a matter of national humility. But, this was the humility that it must endure, for only after destruction can there be a re-construction.

[You can see Clementia and the new house on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

1 Stone = 1 Whistle Banana. [Effect: Be able to stop anything with a whistle.]

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