
Chapter 161: Sirius’ Verdict

Dumbledore paused slightly, seemingly surprised that Sirius still didn't know why he was on trial, or perhaps astonished that Sirius retained such clarity of thought and speech.

After a few seconds of silence, Dumbledore's hand on Sirius' shoulder tightened slightly.

"Yes, he is still alive."

Dumbledore continued: "He transformed into a rat, disguised himself as a child's pet, and has been hiding and surviving for eleven years, until his recent capture at Hogwarts."

Sirius stared blankly at the floor, lost in thought, unaware of what to feel.

Dumbledore went on to recount the crimes Peter Pettigrew had confessed to.

It was he who betrayed them.

It was he who caused the deaths of the Potters.

And when Sirius was about to catch him, it was he who used a spell to kill twelve Muggles in an explosion.

Several wizards who had missed the last trial began murmuring, too shocked to remain quiet despite the formal setting of the court.

Moody frowned.

"That vile scum deserves a Dementor's Kiss!" 

The retired Auror said with intense disgust.

"The Ministry sentenced him to life imprisonment!" Lupin looked equally displeased but added, "Letting that guy live and endure a long sentence might be better punishment."

"Pettigrew was tried yesterday?" asked Wade.

"It was a secret trial, without such an audience," Lupin said, struggling to contain his emotions. "Originally, Peter's trial was scheduled after Sirius', but Dumbledore moved it forward."

Moody nodded. "Only by confirming Peter Pettigrew's crimes could Sirius Black be proven innocent."

He stared deeply at Sirius, as if trying to read hidden emotions on that skeletal face.

He added, "In my opinion, Fudge lacks a certain boldness. If Millicent Bagnold were still in charge, she wouldn't have allowed Pettigrew to live to see his remaining years."

"Peter Pettigrew is an Animagus." Wade asked, "Is there a chance he could escape Azkaban by turning into a rat?"

Moody shook his head. "As much as I dislike those creatures, they are the best guards in the world. No one can escape under their watch—even if those creatures might not have eyes."

"Now that it's known he's an Animagus, the Ministry has precautions in place for dealing with Animagi," added Lupin.

As they whispered among themselves, Dumbledore had already presented a few pieces of evidence—primarily Peter Pettigrew's testimony.

Next was the wand confiscated from Sirius all those years ago. The Ministry had retrieved it from a dusty evidence room, then cast the Prior Incantato spell on it to review its last spells, a process that lasted over ten minutes.

No spell for the massacre of those Muggles ever appeared from the wand.

The members of the Wizengamot nodded to each other, as they exchanged glances. They were already aware of the facts; Dumbledore's presentation was mainly for the reporters and the uninformed audience.

After inspecting the wand, the evidence seemed irrefutable.

Fudge, however, put forth his own theory—

If they were wrong about Sirius Black, he could become a critical asset to You-Know-Who's revival, posing a risk to the entire magical world.

Fudge didn't actually care whether Sirius Black or Peter Pettigrew was innocent.

For him, stability was the priority.

He wanted the magical world to remain as calm as a windless lake, allowing him to stay comfortably in his position, occasionally earning political points and filling his personal coffers.

He resisted any change.

Peter Pettigrew had been hiding for over a decade. Had he done anything? No. Alive or dead, it made no difference.

But Sirius Black was like a ticking time bomb, and Fudge had no idea what he might do if released. This uncertainty unsettled him, making him feel it was a potential threat.

Moreover, if Sirius hadn't betrayed them, he would be an ally of Dumbledore—an underlying issue Fudge couldn't openly admit.

Fudge's concerns seemed to hold some merit, as a few people nodded in quiet agreement.

Amelia Bones looked down at Sirius, who sat silently with his head lowered, and asked, "Sirius Black, do you have anything to say?"

Sirius remained still for a long time.

Fudge interjected, "I don't think he understands your question, Amelia…"

"I am guilty," Sirius suddenly said in a dry voice and slowly raised his head.

"They were practically killed because of me… I was the one who convinced James and Lily to change their Secret-Keeper to Peter… instead of me…"

"I made a terrible mistake… I got them killed… it's my fault… I am guilty…"

"No, that's not true!"

Harry couldn't help but shout.

Everyone in the courtroom turned to look at him. Fudge's eyes widened in shock, and he angrily barked, "No outbursts allowed!"

Some people, seeing Harry's expression, guessed his identity and instantly looked intrigued.

Harry knew everyone was staring at him and realized he might be thrown out at any moment, but he still gathered all his strength and shouted:

"You're not guilty! Even if my mom and dad were here, they wouldn't think you are guilty! Voldemort killed them, not you! Pettigrew's betrayal wasn't your fault either!"

The crowd murmured in shock as Harry said Voldemort's name aloud. Many disregarded the courtroom's decorum and stood up to get a better look at him.

"Did you hear that… he actually said his name…"

"Of course, he's… Harry Potter…"

The murmuring reached Wade.

Sirius Black lifted his head sharply, struggling to see Harry clearly. His sunken eyes grew wet and shone with a sudden brightness, dispelling the decayed, withered look for a moment.

"…James?" he whispered, and his lips were trembling.

Amelia Bones had to rap her gavel several times before the room settled into quiet again.

"Please remain silent, Mr. Potter," she said. "Or I will have to ask you to leave."

Harry sat down immediately, and his face was flushed as if he had a fever. He stared down at his shoes, hardly able to believe his own boldness.

Lupin reached over and patted his shoulder.

Across the rows of heads, he exchanged a look with Sirius, his own eyes wet.

"Now… those in favor of a guilty verdict, please raise your hand," Mrs. Bones announced in a loud voice.

Harry's head shot up, and he watched nervously as his breathing became rapid.

A few people were still glancing at him, almost as if they hadn't heard the question.

One, two, three…

A few scattered hands rose.

"Those in favor of a not guilty verdict, please raise your hand," Bones called again.

A forest of arms went up, with several people smiling and nodding at Harry as they raised their hands.

It was more than half!

"Not guilty!"

Amelia Bones rapped her gavel and declared, "Sirius Black, you are hereby released!"


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