
Harry Potter and Two Gamers

Harry's life was living hell. To him, every day was a struggle to survive, every night cold with hunger his only companion. His only relief was the soothing lullaby and long red hair he dreamed of every night. But one day, a strange letter arrived at 4 Privet Drive and everything changed, in more than one way. That day he heard an oh-so-familiar voice inside his mind. [Systems Initializing... Congratulations Harry, you are now a Gamer.] Harry Potter and Marvel Crossover! All Rights and Characters belong to their respective owners. This Fanfiction is for entertainment purpose only.

NoodleBrain · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
16 Chs

Letter and Letters

"Wake up Harry" An ethereal voice spoke to Harry, a voice he has heard thousands of times. The voice that was his only anchor to this unforgiving world, roused him from sleep.

Sitting up in the small cupboard, soon to be eleven years old Harry Potter picked up his glasses just as incessant rapping of knuckles startled him.

"Wake up boy. Time for breakfast. " Petunia Dudley said impatiently. Harry opened the cupboard door and moved to the kitchen. Moving through Kitchen with practiced ease, Harry proceeded to make breakfast like he did every day. Not that he was getting to eat any, after the whole zoo fiasco on Dudley's birthday, he was barely allowed to eat anything.

Serving the breakfast to the family of three, he went back to the cupboard, out of sight. Curling over the ragged mattress, Harry tried his best to ignore the sharp pain in his stomach before his body shut down to preserve energy.

Unbeknown to Harry, the entire Privet Drive was covered with layers upon layers of magic shields and wards invisible to the normal eye. But a woman with flaming red hair wearing black business attire who stood just outside the reach of wards was an exception. Extending her delicate snow-white hand, she pressed her hands on the ward walls. At her slight touch, the ward scheme covering the entire settlement started to vibrate, desperately trying to resist the intrusion.

In 4 Privet Drive, Harry woke up as sharp pain wracked his body. He tries to sit up but the pain was terrible enough to cause muscle spasms, leaving them unresponsive to his commands. He just laid on the floor, his body convulsing as if being electro-conducted.

The lady outside the wards sensed Harry's condition and immediately withdrew her hands. Her grey eyes burned with anger and helplessness. Losing the pressure, the pain abated and Harry once again lost his consciousness.

Sigh," Stay safe Harry. There will come a day when we will meet." She said softly, before pulling out a letter addressed to Harry Potter. The letter transformed into a swallow and flew from her hand. She watched it fly before vanishing into a burst of flames. Curiously enough no one noticed her standing not the flames.

The swallow flew until landing on the roof of a house directly in front of 4 Privet Drive and kept a silent watch on the house. The main door opened and 'too wide for his age' Dudley walked out. Swallow took flight and before the door could close, it entered the house and turned back into the letter. Doing a lazy roll in the air, the letter slid under the door to the cupboard, right next to the unconscious Harry.

Letter glowed in the warm, azure blue glow which spread to the sleeping boy near it like fire. The letter's glow faded but Harry continued to glow in ethereal azure blue for hours until,

[Systems Initiating...]


It was past midnight when Harry finally stirred. Vibrant green eyes opened, somehow being able to see past the inky darkness of the cupboard, his gaze fell on the plain envelope. Reflexively switching on the light bulb, Harry picked up the stark white envelope containing the letter. Flipping it, here read,

"To Harry Potter " 'Huh did someone wrote to me?' Harry thought, scratching his head. He did not know of anyone who would send him a letter. 'Perhaps one of Dudley's pranks?'

Harry opened the envelope. Breaking the seal, he pulled out the letter from the parchment. The letter was short and written in beautiful cursive.

'Hello Harry, I am a friend of your mother. I know it is out of nowhere and I have been trying to find you for years after Lily's death. I hope to meet you one day but currently, I am not capable of that.

Your eleventh birthday is coming soon, is it not? I have left a special gift for you. And I know you did not have an easy life, but it will soon change for the better. Don't lose hope and stay safe.'

Reading it, Harry could not decide what to feel. After living in a decade of pain, to finely know someone cared for him, he felt a little warmth in his heart but on the other hand, he was afraid that this all was just a cruel prank.

Turning his attention back to the letter, he read the name of the sender out loud.

"Ember Ravenclaw"

Thousands of miles away, grey eyes opened, sparkling in delight upon hearing her name. Crimson lips curved into a smile, and she spoke in a barely audible whisper.

"Bless you, Harry."

Back in Surry, Two words manifested on the parchment right in front of his eyes. Two words 'Bless you'. Just as he read them, an ethereal voice spoke in his mind, a voice he hears every night in his dreams.

[You have been blessed by a vastly superior being. Blessings of Ember acquired.]

A little startled, he looked up and noticed a glowing text midair.

[Blessings of Ember]

Harry tried to touch it, but his hand passed through the text. At the same time text expanded.

[Blessings of Ember- given to only those with pure hearts, you will now live a long and healthy life. No disease could touch you, no ache will ever pain you and no wound will ever bother you after a fortnight.

But the blessing you were given had a lot of love and care behind it, carrying a small portion of Ember's powers. That small portion of that power has assimilated into you, protecting you. Mortal poisons now have no effect on you. Access to rudimentary versions of some of Ember's skills.]

[Telekenisis acquired]

[Mind palace of burning skies aquired]

Needless to say, Harry was confused, very very confused.


The next few days were chaotic, to say the least. After the first letter, new letters arrived but Dursleys were able to keep them from him. Harry was frustrated, believing the letters to be from Ember. He was barely able to understand the mechanics behind the floating words.

The first thing he understood about them was that only he could see them. At first, he thought he was seeing things but true to the blessing, he did not feel pain in his bones or any scars he had left of previous punishments now have given way to unblemished skin.

After a few attempts at stopping the letters, Vernon finally had enough when the letters started to arrive via the fireplace and filled the entire living room. Needless to say, angry and flustered Vernon loaded everyone living in 4 Privet Drive into a car and moved to a remote island off the coast.

Through all the ruches, Dursleys did not notice that slowly but surely Harry was changing. His pale skin now had a healthy glow to it and underneath Dudley's hand me downs, Harry was no longer as skinny and frail as before.

Harry too noticed these changes. His hunger pangs were no longer as painful as before, his eyesight was slowly getting better and he did not always feel tired.


In the abandoned lighthouse, Harry was awake while the rest of the Dursley family slept. Laying on the dirty floor, he was experimenting with his newly gained abilities. While he had no idea what Mind Palace of Burning Skies is, Telekinesis was simple enough to understand.

Stretching his arms, Harry wiggled his fingers like one of the Jedi he saw on TV, trying to pull a piece of coal from the fireplace with nothing but pure willpower. Black coal shot towards him and levitated in front of his hands. Harry smiled, moving the coal piece to move and watched to do arcs in the air.

The clock struck twelve and a loud noise similar to a thunderbolt striking the door woke up Dursleys with a start. Startled, Harry's concentration broke, and coal dropped to the ground. Pushing himself up, he crouched behind the sofa to hide. Vernon came down, double-barrel shotgun in hand and Petunia cowering behind him while Dudley rolled on the floor, desperately trying to untangle from sheets.

After a few more ear-deafening bangs, the door was removed from its hinges and a giant of a man entered the lighthouse.

What happened next was surreal, finding the truth about his parent's death, an invitation to Hogwarts, and most of all, finding he is a Wizard.

By morning, Hagrid and Harry were about to leave for shopping for his school supplies when Harry felt the letter from Ember warming. Pulling out the letter from his pocket, Harry watched in wonder as new words started to appear in the letter.

"Happy Birthday Harry.

Now you are eleven years old. Harry, you have reached an important milestone in your life and could now finally stepping the path of magic. Your mother would be proud of you.

But the wizarding world is not all that great as it looks on the surface. It hides many evils and lets them thrive. Men crueler than demons and humans more controlling than spiders are the ones ruling this world.

Don't let looks deceive you.

But enough with the heavy stuff. Today is your birthday so enjoy.


Your Birthday gift is at Gringotts.


Someone will meet you at the alley. Her name Wanda and she will most certainly be wearing a Red leather Jacket ; ) "

Harry could not help but gulp in fear. The letter sounded quite ominous and he could not help but grow apprehensive about the prospect of being a wizard.

A new story, Yay!!

This story follows two gamers, one is Harry, obviously and the other is Ember Ravenclaw. Embar's role in the story is indirect but she is one of the movers and shakers in both the Magical and Normal world.

She is the giant of the story, her presence had left marks on the landscape wherever she went, many of which will be clear in the next chapter.

Please comment on the story, give suggestions, or criticize whatever you think I should do with the story.

Hope You like it!

NoodleBraincreators' thoughts