
Harry potter and the vast outer world

Reincarnated into the harry potter world, our mc edward kimsely slowly found out that the world he lives in is far more than meets the eye. "I don't need to bother about dumbledore and voldemort.......actually, i didn't even care about them." "I should marry beautiful girls and need to take them away with me to.........no no no i shouldn't say main story here right author- sama?" [Yes, if you tell all the story here.....i will definitely kill you with simple plot like........by the time you born in harry potter world, i will place Bellatrix beside you or some dementors................hehehehe]---AUTHOR SAMA {shivers}-------MC Find out what's happening in new harry potter world as you also can start journey with edward kimsely.

Im_jealous · อื่นๆ
30 Chs

'Spells and Charms'

From the next day, Edward used to get different types of books on spells and history on books like Hogwarts school of magic....e.t.c.

As he already watched all movies of harry potter and also read harry potter books by J.K. Rowling in his previous life. He was familiar with all the spells, that was known in this world.

He selected some spell and charm books that he got from his grandfather collection. He especially focused on learning 6 spells or charms before going to Hogwarts school of magic. They are,

1. Expelliarmus- A spell that is used to knock an object or usually wands on the hands of other wizards or witches.

2. Scourgify- Its a spell that is used to clean all the objects, when used properly.

3. Stupefy- Its a spell that is used to stun the opposing victim.

4. Protego- It can project a shield barrier in front of the caster, that can deviate or rebound some moderated spells or hexes or jinxes and charms.

5. Diffindo- It's a charm that can cut almost anything or anyone.

6. Petrificus Totalous- Its a curse that can bind a victim, making them immobilize for a temporary time.

Of the six spells, he had selected to learn. Diffindo and Petrificus Totalous are the most difficult to learn, as they can almost drain 1/3 rd of his magical energy every time he uses.

When he was practicing the spells, he was just 9 and 1/2 years old, now he was already 11 years old. He has been practicing those six spells from one and a half years.

In these one and half years of practice, he had found many interesting details of how spell works. In his previous life, from what he had seen, you have to learn the spell from the theory first and also pronounce it correctly when using.

From what he had learned in this life is, Whenever he is using a spell his magic core starts releasing magic energy in different sets of meridians or different formations in his body.

Each spell or charm or curse is entirely different from each other formations. Each one has a unique formation which used to support spell with magical energy.

The next interesting thing he found out is, Every time he used a spell, magical energy will travel in a set formation, but if you don't voice out your spell name, then it won't go out from your body or actually hands.

He found out the formations of magical energy quickly, but he couldn't find why it is not possible to use spells without a voice until he turns eleven years old.

First of all, you can release magical energy from your body randomly or without any formations. But if you started making formations of magical energy inside your body, it won't go out at all. Finally, he found that to release a formation of magical energy, you actually needed to control neurons in your body.

Neurons are very sensitive to sound and when a formation magical energy is used, you need an appropriate voice in your head that can make neurons respond and release that magical energy from the body or just to break the final barrier.

He also found an interesting matter about neurons, you actually don't need to shout out the name of the spell. All you have to do is give commands of spell names to your brain.

"But it's actually quite difficult to control neurons without a sound from my mouth. For now, I will practice with sound, in the future when I have abundant magical energy, I will try by commanding in the brain."

He decided to use spells with the sound command for now. He also found out that using wandless magic is quite difficult.

When he just started practicing spells, he couldn't at all able to control magic flow in his meridians as he required. So, to control properly, he needed to practice those six spells for nearly 1 and 1/2 years.

As he was segregating all these thoughts, he suddenly got a flash of enlightenment.

"Why can't I think of that? I could have used those memories from my previous life to do some improvements. Even though both magical energy and spiritual energy are different, they both are a form of energy that served to increase combat abilities of a human in essence right?"

Thinking up to that point, he started experimenting with different ways of using spiritual energy by replacing it with magical energy.

"If I use spiritual energy to condense in my eyes, it can enhance what my eyes can see. I almost able to see some big inside organs of a human body and can almost see the night as it is a day. First, I will try with magical energy directly adding to my eyes."

After that, he sent a bit of magical energy to his eyes and started roaming inside his eyes, checking all nonliving objects and living beings. After experimenting for an hour, he concluded.

"Yes, this magical energy can enhance my eyesight moderately. But all I can see is a vague picture of my dad's underwear. It's not enough at all, I should experiment this with different formations and see what I can do."

Believing, that doing with magical formations can enhance his eyes more. He started experimenting with a different formation and different commands at the same time.

All in all, he did his experiments on different formations for half a year until he got the admission letter from Hogwarts. In this half-year, he did crazily conducted experiments and created two charms.

"All my hard work does not go waste. These two charms will help me a lot in different situations. First of all, after joining the Hogwarts, I should register these harms in the registry of the ministry of magic, in my name."

The two Charms, that he created are,

1. Observato- A charm that can enhance the eyesight of a wizard or witch. This charm can even help them to see a human body in detail and also let them see in the night as it is a day.

2. Tracelessio- This charm can help wizards or witches with their steps. It can let them walk without sound and any footprints, making them traceless.

After completing the Observato charm, Edward started experimenting with traceless charm. It was quite easily done than the Observato spell. In this charm, all you have to do is send magical energy to your feet in a formation.

After creating these spells, he made different experiments with his family members. While he is doing that, he found out that both Amy and Jamey have magical cores in them. He was quite happy with that and wants to give their family members a surprise when he leaves to Hogwarts.

Even doing all these things, he didn't forget to do his daily practice of external martial arts and breathing techniques.

When doing his breathing exercise, he found out quite an interesting thing( he yet doesn't know that discovery itself is going to make him a legend in the future).

He used an Obsevato spell when started breathing exercises to see what is the color of magic energy. This is where he found out that the color of his magic energy is violet in color like his magical core color.

At that time he thought, all the magical energy will be in violet color. But before a month he got a letter from Hogwarts, his magic core turn from violet to indigo in color. And it also increased its size a bit than what it is used to be.

Again he used the observato charm, to check whether magical energy is violet or not as his core turned indigo. By seeing he got astonished because the magical energy he is breathing is actually in indigo color.

His curiosity is piqued up and he wants to see the magical energy in the surrounding atmosphere.

"Yet, my observato charm is not up to that point, where I can see air, magic, and elements in the atmosphere. But, If I push all the magical energy in my magic core to my eyes, I may be able to get a glimpse. Let's do it even if I use all the magical energy, all I have to do is to rest in bed for a week."

Encouraging himself with the final words, he started sending all the magical energy to his eyes in the formation.


Saying that he simply got a glance of state of the magical energy in his surroundings before collapsing on the bed.

All he sees in his surroundings is different colors of magical energy. He caught a glimpse of at least ten colors, but some are at a far distance. While indigo is the nearest to him and is trying to enter his body. next to indigo is blue, after that green, yellow, orange, red and pink.

"Even after pink, there are some colors I couldn't able to see properly. From this discovery, I can conclude as my core is indigo now all I can do take indigo magical energy. From what I can see in there, next y core will turn blue, after that green and so on. Each time my core turns different to a different color, I can only access that type of magical energy huh!!"

Even though he was collapsed on the bed, he got overjoyed by this discover.

"Its all thanks to you my dear 'OBSERVATO'. Now let me see, from my previous life we have different levels in internal martial arts. Here from what I can observe, we also have different levels. For now, I am confirmed with two levels. In the future, when I reach Hogwarts, I can check my theory and conclude the levels for this world."

After saying that, he waited for some time to contemplate what name he should give to magical cores.

"Let's say, the ones with the violet core as a violet cored wizard or witch and indigo core as an indigo cored wizard or witch. Hahaha!!!! from now on I will be an indigo cored wizard."

He was so happy that he made a system for this magical energy world and he knows that it will be going to help his fame to spread across the whole world.