

A week has gone by since edward is back at hogwarts. He simply participated in all the duels he has to attend according to the rules, with his friends from gryffindors house.

But, some serious duels have been going on since the start of dueling platforms. Looks like some people who have been collecting so much shit from the pureblood nonsense started to targeting pureblood magicians, especially slytherins.

Malfoy has been trying to vent his frustration on hermione, by making her duel him again. As he doesn't have any proof of hermione insulting him purposefully, he couldn't ask school for a necessary duel between them.

But edward didn't like this shit piece, trying to harm his girl at all and challenged a duel to him officially infront of a lot of people. But malfoy didn't accept this duel, as he was not confident enough to win against edward and slowly receded back.

He also stopped bothering his friends for a duel. Edward still didn't want to let him go and want to deal with malfoy by completely eliminating him when the expedition starts.

But soon a notification was attached on the notification board, indicating that ravenclaw and gryffindors will be in the same group that will go for hatfield trip. While the other two houses will go to Taynish oakwoods. He was disappointed by this arrangement, but soon let go off all his thoughts about malfoy, as there is still a lot of time to deal with him.

A day was given as holiday for all the first years for their preparations. School has asked the students to prepare their own tents for this expedition and also mentioned it as a mandatory. School will be the one that is going to prepare the food for the students, so they didn't need to bring any of the rations.......

As school issued all those info for the trip. They also gave a day for students preparation.

"Why get four tents? All we need is two tents, One big and one medium size. Hermione and me will stay in medium sized tent, while you three can stay in large tent."

Edward said casually!! Harry and neville didn't think much about it. But ron on the side started to imagine something that is not advisable to children. He soon shook his head and looked at hermione and edward with a meaningful look.

Hermione on the other side looked a bit shy at first about this arrangement. But soon she also shook her head and thought nothing is wrong with edwards arrangement.

After preparing for a long time and sending all their pets to home, as they needed to fed for 3 months. They soon gathered at the great dining hall of hogwarts by 3:00 pm.

"All of you! Please be careful as this was your first expedition, we select hatfield as your field. Hatfield, even though is not big enough and doesn't have many magical beasts. Its still a forest big enough for you and there are still some magical beasts roaming on that place. Casualties may happen if you are not alert when you roan there. There will be some missions that you have to collect on the forest, that will be given to you by your professors. Have a safe trip and please try to come back alive."

Professor dumbledore said with a bit of alerting nature in his voice, causing all the students to go uproar. They didn't expect their headmaster talking about their death and all of them started to consider this trip with seriousness.

Soon they all went away with their heads to railway station. Where they took the train for hatfield nearby town. By the time they departed at the nearby town of hatfield, it was already 3:00 Am in the morning.

They were received by the local magicians, who have already been informed about this expedition and asked to act as the guides. They didn't wait until morning to move into forest, as it will attract lot of peoples attention.

Soon the guides took them in a path that they have already known to a place where it is suitable for placing tents. They walked for around for 1 and half hours to reach that place, lot of students are already started complaining about the place the guides choose.

After continuous rambling about all this, all of them gained was a intense glare from professor mcgonagall. Soon they all shut up and walked with intense hatred on their eyes, as they saw th guides who was talking happily with edwards group.

Even neville who has been practicing martial arts for only a week is walking way better than all other students. As they reached the place where they need to stay for entire three months, they were all amazed by the beauty that place have.

That place looks like it was especially prepared for their camping. It was fully sorrounded by tall and lush green trees, where you can only see forest all round. It seems like that place was prepared by cutting a lot of trees on the middle of forest. The place itself can easily support for 50 tents and as soon as they were dumbfounded by the beauty of the place they are going to live for three months, silence immediately permeated the air, as they all mesmerized by it.

Amidst the silence, they heard a clear flow of water somewhere nearby. Soon guides told them about the small waterfall nearby the area. After seeing the area about 10 minutes with interest, edward is the first one to start make his tent in a place that is comfortable for him.

Seeing edward putting his tent with the help of hermione, ron, harry and neville also started placing their tent beside edwards. All the students who also saw this happening, they also hurried to place their tents, soon around 40 tents have been placed. Hogwarts first year total students are around 140 students.

Around 70 of them are now attending in this expedition from two houses. Some of the helpers that guides bought with them also helped to place tents for them and professors.

As they all done by their tents, it was already 6:30 Am and the early morning sun rays slowly sink through the holes of trees and started to fell on the students, making them enchanted by this stunningly beautiful sight.

Harry, ron and neville also came to stood by edwards side to see the rays of sunlight. Hermione on the side hugged edwards hand with both her hands and watched the scene with delight on her face.

Even though all of them can't see the sun through trees, they can still feel the warmness produced by the sun rays that pierced their way in the gaps of trees towards them. Even professor mcgonagall and professor flitwick engrossed by this scene, as they enjoyed the sun bath.