Harry suddenly understood how Dobby felt whenever the little guy tried to hurt himself. Harry definitely deserved a few good knocks around the head for being so blind. He had been living with Sirius Black for most of summer and visiting with him for the entire school year. He had been sleeping in the same dorm as Peter Pettigrew for three years! Remus had specifically told him what both looked like in their animagus form two weeks ago! If Harry allowed himself to stop and truly consider how much of an idiot he had been he likely wouldn't have hair in the morning.
So he did the smarter thing. He acted.
"Comm on, emergency protocol 01. Everyone, this is Harry. If you're sleeping wake up, grab your wand and get dressed. We have a priority situation. I have found Peter Pettigrew and I know where Sirius Black is. Meet in…um…"
"The Meeting Room?" Daphne said sounding fully alert and awake.
"Hmm, too far," Harry said shaking his head. He noticed Hermione running down the stairs of the girls' side with only one arm through her shirt and coming to halt as she saw him. She took a deep breath, visibly forced herself to relax and walked over laying a hand on his shoulder. Harry smiled up at her and continued, "Sirius is a dog currently and we'd have a hard time getting a dog up to the seventh floor unnoticed."
Luna bounced down the staircase and wandered over as well. To someone who hadn't known her the girl would look as carefree as normal. Harry though could see the narrowed eyes, downturned mouth and tension in her shoulders.
"Entrance Hall then?" Susan asked. "It would also make it easier to meet up with Aunt Amy."
"No, Susan," Amelia herself said over the link. "I am not about to meet a fugitive in the Entrance Hall."
"How about my office?" Shiva asked. "It's on the fourth floor so it's at least a bit closer to the entrance."
"There are multiple unused classrooms on the second floor immediately after the Grand Staircase in the West Wing. We use the second on the left. Best of both worlds," Hermione said.
Harry nodded along, "Any objections?" The link was quiet. "Alright, Madam Bones, Tonks, how quickly can you both get here?"
"Less than five minutes. Don't move on Pettigrew until we arrive," Amelia replied.
"Won't work, sorry, ma'am."
"Harry, listen if he's the traitor he's dangerous and – " Tonks said the frown evident in her voice.
"And," Harry said cutting her off, "he's currently sleeping in the Gryffindor dorm." Harry scowled at Neville's curse. "Dammit, Nev, stay quiet! Don't let him know we know!"
"Scabbers!" Neville spat. "He's Scabbers isn't he?!"
"Yes. Now don't do anything yet! Madam Bones, we'll stun the rat and bring him to the classroom. Tonks, I need you to stop by the Three Broomsticks and pick up the large black dog there. He'll answer to Snuffles. If he gives you trouble, tell him Harry didn't find the paw print very amusing. He should follow after that." Shiva was now the one cursing over the line. She wasn't alone as Daphne was muttering as well with very choice invectives. "Alright, look people we have to cut this off now before the Comm Stones break. They aren't designed to handle this level of connections. Five minutes, second floor classroom, West Wing, second on the left. Someone grab Professor Lupin on the way. Disconnect emergency protocol."
Harry stood and looked to Hermione and Luna. Luna cocked her head at him. "What's the plan, Harry?"
"Go up, ask Ron for Scabbers. Stun them both. Go to the classroom."
"That simple?" Hermione asked in shock.
"Complicated seems to backfire on us. Let's try simple and wing it if things go sideways," Harry said shrugging.
Hermione rubbed her forehead and glared at him. "We are going to have to have a serious talk later about acceptable levels of risk and 'winging it' when confronting evil magicals."
"I'd suggest waiting until the evening is over, Hermione," Luna said. "That way you can yell at him for nearly dying at the same time rather than yelling twice."
"Who's nearly dying? With any luck Pettigrew will just be sleeping," Harry asked, casting a scared glance at Hermione. He was suddenly very thankful that she didn't share abilities with a basilisk because her look certainly would have been enough to kill him if she had.
"From what I understand you always nearly die at the end of these adventures, Harry. I'm just being prepared."
"No one is nearly dying tonight," Hermione growled irritably. "No one is dying at all for that matter. Let's get the rat."
The three walked up to Harry's room and cautiously entered. Thankfully the room was empty except for Ron, Neville and Pettigrew. As soon as the door had opened, Neville jumped off the bed raising his wand towards Ron's curtains. Harry gestured for him to come closer and stay on the opposite side of the bed. Luna moved to the foot and Hermione grabbed the curtains. Harry held up three fingers counting down. As he finished the count, Hermione tore the curtains open, revealing Scabbers clinging to Ron's chest and the redhead reading a Quidditch book.
"Hey! What's the – " Ron's shout was cut off as Neville stunned him. Harry meanwhile flashed off a stunner at Scabbers striking the rat as it squeaked and tried to run. Pettigrew slumped and Harry picked him up by the tail scowling.
"Part one complete. Let's get to that classroom." The group left the tower with Pettigrew clutched in Harry's hand inside his robe pocket. They hurried but didn't run. It wouldn't due to get stopped and questioned at this point.
Finally arriving in the second floor classroom, a glowering Shiva immediately walked over to them with a half raised wand. "You four okay? You have him?" Remus was behind her in his night clothes and looking confused.
"We got him, Shiva. No problems." Harry held up Pettigrew and dropped him onto a table casting an Incarcerous on the rat. Remus' eyes narrowed on the rat and his nostrils flared.
The ropes had barely finished tying up the rat when the door opened again and Amelia, Susan, Daphne, Tracey, Tonks and 'Snuffles' walked in. Snuffles had the decency to whine quietly and stare at the ground after Harry and Shiva cast him a withering glance. Remus' mouth just dropped open as he stared between Snuffles and Scabbers.
"Alright, Snuffles, jig is up," Harry said crossing his arms. "Everyone in this room believes you're innocent. You should already know this since you've sat with me and Hermione the last several Hogsmeade trips while we discussed this." He dimly noticed Hermione's soft gasp as her hand went to clutch at her throat. 'Time Turner. Right, Sirius knows about that too. Great.' He sighed and started tapping his foot. "Seriously, Sirius?" The dog looked up at that and wagged his tail hard enough to shake his whole body. "Yes, that was completely intentional. Now change back and make a crack about it so that we can get on with dealing with this situation before it goes arse over teakettle."
"Language, Harry," Hermione muttered grabbing his hand and squeezing softly.
Snuffles gave one final dejected sounding woof before suddenly, in place of the large black dog, there was a slightly worn looking Sirius Black. Sirius gave a sad little grin and rubbed the back of his head with one hand. "Uh, hey everyone," he gave a small little half-hearted wave. "Sorry for pranking you all...Harry, you and Shiva in particular...I really didn't mean for it to go as far as it had. I never expected you to take me in, I just wanted to make sure she was treating you well...but then there was food and it was good food and..."
Harry rubbed his scar and groaned. "I'm honestly far more annoyed that you never said anything afterwards even knowing we figured you innocent. But we can deal with being pissed at you later. We have far more pressing concerns currently."
Sirius glanced around the room. "It's a veritable war council in here. You know James never had this many friends this early. Good job, pup."
"Sirius?" Remus took a hesitant step forward. "Is it really you?"
"Yeah, Remus, it's me," Sirius shot the Professor a roguish smile. "I'm innocent by the way. Sorry for suspecting you were the leak originally, Moony." Remus laughed and lunged forward to pull the man into a hug.
Amelia cleared her throat drawing everyone's attention. "As heartwarming as this is, Harry was correct in that we have larger issues. Seeing as how everyone appears to be present, unharmed and in somewhat good moods I assume Pettigrew was captured successfully?"
"What!?" Sirius exclaimed.
"Yeah, he's over there, tied up and stunned," Neville pointed to the table. His eyes had never left the unconscious rat.
"It's really Wormtail, Sirius," Remus said shaking his head. "These teenagers managed to find not only you, but Wormtail as well. On the same night!"
"Let me kill him," Sirius growled. He pulled away from Remus and started walking towards the bound rat. "I want to finish what they threw me in there for. Move, Harry. This little rat – "
"I have a very good idea of what Pettigrew did, Sirius. But you can't kill him just yet."
"He was Secret Keeper. Move so I can kill him," Sirius said again with Remus stepping up behind him.
Shiva stepped up beside Harry and crossed her arms too and Hermione stepped forward as well. Tonks shifted uncomfortably while Daphne looked torn between which side she should be standing on. Neville and Luna were too involved watching the rat and Tracey was just shaking her head. Amelia Bones seemed to be the only one willing to try to broker peace. "I'm going to attempt to ignore that you just threatened murder in front of the Head of the DMLE, Lord Black." A loud gulp was the only response. "Sirius," her voice had dropped into something soft and sad. Harry had never heard that tone come from Amelia before and he noticed Sirius pause for a long moment as some of the tension in the man loosened slightly. "We all want Pettigrew to receive justice but be reasonable for a moment. Your allies consist mostly of the people in this room and only a few others. Let us interrogate him and get the truth on record prior to taking to vigilantism."
"If it's any help, Cousin," Tonks said with a small smile and a shift of her hair to a dull purple, "if you had actually had a trial where you were convicted of killing him we all probably would've just stood aside and let you have some fun."
Sirius turned to her and gaped for a second before laughing and shaking his head. "Nymphadora? You seriously need to work on what you consider to be positive points." The remaining tension in the room bled out.
"She's going to get you back for using the Name Unutterable by the way, Sirius," Harry said grinning. His prediction was obviously spot on as Tonks' hair had shifted to red before switching back to purple.
"Alright, all personnel maintain a protective circle around the suspect," Amelia said, using a hard tone again and taking charge of the situation. The group moved into formation around the rat as Amelia shifted him to the floor and moved the tables aside with a few flicks of her wand. "I'm going to force him back into human and resecure him. On three; one, two, three." Amelia said an incantation Harry hadn't heard before and Scabbers shifted into an overweight, squirrely looking man missing tufts of his hair and a large chunk of one of his fingers. The ropes binding the rat had been dispelled but were quickly reapplied before Amelia reawakened the man.
Pettigrew blinked and turned his gaze around the classroom his face growing progressively paler and paler as he found the ropes binding him and the multitude of people surrounding him. "I...I..." his voice was all scratchy and hoarse and hurt Harry's ears.
"Peter Pettigrew," Amelia said with a scowl, "you are looking rather lively for a dead man."
"I...I was hiding!" the rat shouted. "I was scared! I was scared Black was going to get me or the Dark Lord's supporters would find me! I had to hide; it was the only thing I could do! He's right there! Arrest him!"
"Does he really think we are that stupid, Boss?" Tonks asked genuinely bewildered.
"I'm not sure what's sadder, Auror, that this man thinks we would believe that or that our dear Minister just might have. Pettigrew you have exactly one minute to explain what actually happened November 3rd, 1981. After that I stun you and bring you to the Ministry to receive Veritaserum questioning."
"Please! I didn't mean for...I couldn't...I can't! He'll kill me!"
"I'll kill you, traitor," Sirius growled.
"We'll kill you, Peter," Remus added also growling. "Did you really think that you could simply hide from us forever?"
"Please!" Harry almost laughed at the way Pettigrew tried to crawl towards the two, the ropes making it very difficult. Tonks shot a spell directly in front of him causing him to fall back onto his arse.
"30 seconds," Amelia intoned flatly.
"Alright! He was winning," Pettigrew sobbed. "He was winning and he found I was Secret Keeper. He was going to torture me until I was insane and would give him their address anyway! What was I supposed to do?"
"Let him kill you, Peter! Just like any of us would have done for you!" Remus shouted.
"I was never as strong as you three...I'm sorry!"
"November 3rd, 1981." Amelia's fingers had gone white around her wand.
"After the Dark Lord fell I ran. Sirius caught up to me and I cursed the street. It hit something and exploded. I cut my finger, changed and ran. I've been hiding ever since! Please, don't kill me! Please, I can give you names! I can give you safe houses!"
"How would you know safe houses if all you did was give Voldemort the Secret of the Potters' address?" Daphne asked. Pettigrew's eyes widened and he tried to push back from her.
"Just how long were you working for them, Pettigrew?" Hermione asked scowling. She was clutching Harry's hand so tight he could barely feel it anymore. He wasn't complaining though as it gave him something to focus on beyond wanting to join his godfather and teacher in murdering the rat.
"I don't know what you – "
"Answer her question or I will make sure you beg for the Dementors," Shiva said with a scowl.
"Please...I can help you," Pettigrew sobbed. He was cut off from saying any more as a "meow" sounded outside the door.
"Cat?" Sirius asked looking in the direction of the sound. "Wait, I know that meow..."
"Students! Students out of bed! Students in the corridors!" Filch charged into the classroom with a mad grin on his face. The door banged against the wall and the man came up short as he saw not just a group of students but two professors, two Aurors and an escaped madman as well. His grin dropped and Mrs. Norris meowed again behind him.
The damage from the distraction had already been done. Before anyone could move, Pettigrew changed from human to rat and back again. The change left the ropes slack against the floor and he jumped at Luna. Wands turned to curse him but the man was quicker than his stature implied. Pettigrew didn't even try to grab her wand, or use her as a hostage. He just levered the small blonde's arm up, aimed it at the window and let her reflexive spell shatter it. Neville just missed bowling Pettigrew over as the rat jumped to the window changing in midair. Five spells crossed in the space he had been and the white rat dropped out of sight.
"Damn it!" Amelia shouted at the same time as shouts of rage and frustration echoed from nearly everyone else present. "After him! Quickly!"
Harry and the others barreled out of the classroom bowling over a still gawking Filch. They charged down the stairs, Sirius having retaken his dog form and outpacing them though he slowed as he charged around the corner of the entrance to sniff around below the blasted open window.
Shifting back, Sirius shouted, "That way! Amelia, Remus, he went that way!"
Amelia turned to Tonks and Shiva barking orders, "Split up, and flank him. One group stays behind to make certain the fugitive doesn't double back. Tonks, take Harry and Hermione. Babbling, Luna and Neville. Remus, Daphne and Tracey. Susan and I'll stay with Sirius. Move people!"
The group split, spreading out to run across the grounds towards the forest in the direction that Sirius had indicated. Shiva, Luna and Neville stayed near the castle while Harry, Hermione and Tonks took the left side with Remus, Daphne and Tracey on the right. Amelia, Susan and Sirius were barreling down the center lane with Sirius periodically shifting to Snuffles to regain the scent. The plan was good. Harry realized it had neglected one major detail only after it was too late.
The air turned cold and his breath frosted. The phantom screams started playing in his head. The horde of Dementors surrounding the school had converged en masse on the separate groups, drawn by the commotion and Sirius' human presence.
"Everyone back! Back to the Entrance Hall!" Tonks yelled. Harry could barely hear her over his mother's phantom screams. He stumbled and was only saved from falling by Hermione grabbing his shoulders.
"Tonks! We need a Patronus!" Hermione yelled as she brought her own wand to bear. Harry whimpered, the screams in his head growing louder. The Dementors were barely a hundred feet away. There were more than had come to the Quidditch game. They seemed to blackout the entire area.
"Expecto Patronum!" Twin shouts rang out behind him. Silver mist vaguely otter shaped burst from Hermione's wand and a koala loped out of Tonks'. Their passage left Harry's head slightly clearer. Enough for him to try his own spell. The Silver Spirit still didn't work and he hadn't managed to get the spell itself clear yet. He had to try anyway.
"Expect – Expecto Patronum!" Harry yelled trying to clutch the memory of his first night at Shiva's apartment. For the first time, his Patronus came out with a form. A large catlike figure seeping silvery mist leaped forward towards the horde.
Finally able to think for a moment Harry risked a glance behind him towards the others. Daphne, Tracey and Remus were surrounded with a silver Dire Wolf prancing around them, but it was losing coherence rapidly. Susan was dragging Sirius back while her Aunt's silver dog yapped at the Dementors coming closer. Shiva and Neville were back to back with a silver wolf and bear holding off the Dementors nearest them, Luna huddled at their feet holding her arms around herself and shaking.
Harry shuddered as Hermione's Patronus split up into mist and faded into the night. She fell to the ground beside him and Harry's concentration wavered. His Patronus gave a last yowl before also falling to the Dementors. Tonks held on only slightly longer. As her defense died under the weight of the mass of Dementors, the screams started up again in Harry's head. He managed to just barely hang onto consciousness. In the next few moments, he almost wished he hadn't.
Tonks was knocked down and grappling with a Dementor while Hermione was pushed down beside him with one on top of her as well. A third Dementor grabbed Harry and started pulling him close, a horrible sucking void visible beneath its hood. Harry yelled and struggled. He tried to force another Patronus but he knew his connection to the memory wasn't strong enough since the Dementor was leaching that power just by being near.
'Connection. That's why the Silver Spirit doesn't work. It's not connected to the caster. Well fat lot of good that does now.' If he and his friends weren't about to be de-souled, the revelation of finally figuring out the problem inherent with his rune cluster would've had him laughing. As it was, it only served to help the Dementors increase his sense of uselessness and depression. The Dementor leaned close and all Harry could do was push back his mum's screams and silently call for help in his mind.
A...presence…responded to his plea. It felt like a small puppy waking up and searching for its master. Harry desperately traced the feeling to the source and pulled. With an inarticulate yell, Harry yanked the presence to him and the Sword of Gryffindor materialized in his right hand. Thrusting the Sword up into the Dementor, Harry yelled louder and drew the blade up through the creature's chest into its face. A horrible screeching cut through all other sounds in the area and the Dementor imploded. It folding into itself, seeming to be sucked into the Sword. The screech cut off and the Dementor was gone, leaving just a gleaming sword and a gaping teen behind.
Shaking his head, Harry pushed himself off the ground and turned to Hermione. He thrust the Sword forward into the Dementor over her as well and a second screech shattered the night. The blade thrummed in his hand and drank the Dementor into itself. The silencing of the Dementor's screech let a scream from Tonks take its place. Harry panicked. He didn't think and he didn't turn to his older friend. He dropped to his knees besides Hermione who shakily clutched at him. Harry ignored her hands and grabbed the Time Turner hanging free outside her robes. One more piercing screech rang out behind him as Harry slipped an arm through the chain and twisted the little hourglass. Hermione cried out and grabbed for his arm and the world spun around them.
Harry felt himself being pulled to the side as if he had been caught in a gigantic undertow. His arm started slipping through the loop he had tried to form under the chain. Hermione's grip tightened into a vice as she pulled his arm up, holding onto him amidst the torrent. Harry's arm felt like it was going to be pulled out of its socket as the current tossed his body around. He only barely managed to prevent the Sword from nicking either one of them. Finally, the world slowed and the current died. Everything slotted into place around him and Harry collapsed on top of Hermione panting and whimpering at the pain in his head and arm.
Hermione wrapped her arms around him and started sobbing into his chest. "You idiot! I can't believe you did that! I told you Time Turners were dangerous, Harry! I told you! You could've been swept away and lost in the aether! Why would you do that?!"
"Sorry, Mione," Harry murmured. "I didn't exactly have much time to think about it, I just...did it."
"You are in so much trouble!" Her tears were slowing but she was still holding him tight enough that it was hard to breath. "I don't even – I am going to kill you if you ever do something like that again, Harry James Potter!"
"Yes, Mione. Sorry, Mione."
Abruptly Hermione released him and pushed them both into a sitting position. "What were you thinking? It doesn't even matter, Harry! Yes we're away from the Dementors but everyone else is still going to lose their soul in – how many times did you turn it?"
"You have to specify how many times?" Harry's eyes widened and he looked at the little hourglass and the falling sands in horror.
"Of course you have to specify how many times!" Her face was reddening not unlike a Weasley's.
"I only flipped it once. I figured that would send us back six hours like you said..."
"One hour per turn, Harry," Hermione snarled. She took a breath and got her anger under control. "But it doesn't matter anyway. We can't change anything. I told you this! You can't change the past with a Time Turner without risking breaking physics!"
Harry's stare hardened. "Then we won't change anything," he said nodding to her.
"We don't have to change a bloody thing, Mione. I figured out why the Silver Spirit doesn't work just before I killed the Dementor. I was hoping to have six hours to make more but with an hour I should be able to fix two, maybe three. The rune stones won't fail no matter how many Dementors there are. We can use them to beat the creatures back and save everyone."
"I just told you, Harry, we can't change anything," Hermione said slowly as if she was speaking to a child.
"Hermione, we just have to wait until the instant before we leave. Shiva, Neville and Luna were holding out fine, as were Amelia, Sirius and Susan. Daphne, Tracey and Remus were in trouble and Tonks was struggling with her Dementor. We should have just enough time to get to them all with at least two Silver Spirits."
"Harry, Tonks was..." Hermione choked off a sob and couldn't finish her sentence.
"You didn't see her lose her soul and neither did I, Mione! All we heard was a scream and then another horrible screech. We didn't see her lose her soul so we can stop her being hurt or de-souled because we aren't changing anything that happened. It can't have happened if we didn't see it!" Harry said shaking his head defiantly.
"I...I don't know if that's the correct interpretation of the observer effect, Harry...or if it even applies here..." She wasn't outright shooting down the idea but it did certainly sound rather farfetched.
"It's magic. We routinely ignore the laws of thermodynamics and violate Newton's Laws all the bloody time. We just have to be fast. I am not going to let Tonks lose her bloody soul!"
Slowly Hermione nodded. "Okay, Harry, we can try. But if we wind up scattered, into little pieces across all of time and space don't come crying to me." She suddenly narrowed her eyes at him and slugged his shoulder with her fist.
"Oww! What was that for?" Harry asked holding his shoulder.
"That, Mister Potter, was for nearly dying right next to me. Twice!" She then grabbed his shirt in both hands, pulled him into her and kissed him. Harry's brain froze as her lips smashed against his and her hands clung to his shirt. She pulled back after a few moments breathing deeply. "And that, Mister Potter, was for saving my life. Again." Harry just dumbly nodded. "Now, you said something about fixing the Silver Spirits?"
Harry nodded again finally kicking his brain into gear and standing up beside her pulling her up with him. "Yeah. Right. It needs a connection to the caster. The Patronus works by being powered by a powerful positive emotion right? Well I can't inject a memory into the cluster; they don't work that way. But I can make it connect to who is using it and have it search for a feeling, memory or emotion to use as the power source on its own."
"I add in a Soul rune. Most Soul runes or runic clusters don't have any effect at all. They're basically a completely useless branch because you can't manipulate a soul – unless you happen to be a Dementor I guess. But I'm not going to use it to do anything beyond facilitate the connection aspect."
"Well let's grab a side classroom and do it then. We have less than forty minutes for you to get this right and test it." She started marching ahead of him. "Remember, don't be seen – especially by your double. And what is with this 'Mione' thing?"
"I – ugh – err, sorry?" Harry stuttered.
"Whatever, you want a pet name for me? Fine. Use it. But only you and preferably when we are either alone or with close friends. And if you shorten my name to 'Herms' or 'Hermi' I will castrate you Harry James Potter, and you don't you believe for a moment that I don't mean that!"
"Yes, Mione," Harry dutifully replied. He smiled as she pulled open the door in front of them. "You know you're really cute when you're annoyed?"
"I'm not going to dignify that with a response until after we have saved our friends' lives." Her tone sounded disgruntled, but Harry caught the slight smile at the edge of her lips. He had had his back luck for the evening it was time for his good luck to pop up.
"I can't believe that worked," Hermione whispered as she watched a glowing silver panther prowl around the edges of the room before striding back over and nuzzling her hand. "It feels solid. I didn't think Patroni were supposed to be solid…"
"It's not technically a Patronus," Harry said. He set aside the Silver Spirit, the panther fading away as he let the cluster go. He moved to pick up his spare Silver Spirit and started to modify that one the same way he had done to the first. "It's more connected to the caster than a regular Patronus is. A regular one is just emotions forced through a wand. This is more like part of the caster directed outward. I think. Soul runes are weird. I didn't even think they existed at first."
"Is it tied to just you now? You'll have to tie the second one to me if it is," Hermione said frowning. "We're going to need to split up to help both groups."
"It's open ended. Whoever picks it up will form the connection and only as long as they have it activated," Harry sighed distractedly. "Good thing too. This is taking a lot longer than I had hoped."
"We have less than ten minutes, Harry." Hermione twisted her hands and paced back to the window looking out at the grounds. The tension was evident in the way her voice was cracking. "Are you going to be able to finish it? We might be able to make do with just the one…you could always use the Sword…you said the Dementors seemed to affect you less while you were holding it?"
"I think so. At least after I killed that first one." He cast a quick glance at the Sword lying on the table beside him. He could still feel its presence in the back of his mind. "I thought Dementors weren't supposed to be killable?"
"They're not. You can starve them if you can lock one away for long enough, but no one has ever directly killed one before. You really are making a habit of performing impossible deeds, Harry."
"Yeah, well bending Time over my knee will just get added to the list then yeah?" He let out a sigh and picked up the rune cluster blowing off the stone dust from the pattern. "Here, try this out, Mione." Harry handed her the stone and she studied it for a moment before holding it up.
"Is there an activation phrase?" she asked.
"No, figured these should be able to be used as quickly as possible. Just channel a bit of magic into it."
Hermione nodded and furrowed her brow in concentration. An instant later, an otter flew from the stone and floated around the room. It was just as substantial as Harry's panther had been. With a smile Hermione let the magic flow cut out and the otter vanished.
"Sweet!" Harry pumped his fist into the air. "I wish we had time for more but we've got to go. Neither of us was looking to Entrance Hall so we don't have to use the Ninjas. We'll just run through. You go towards Daphne, Tracey and Lupin. I'll get Tonks. If Amelia, Susan and Sirius need help than I'll send my Spirit towards them and hold off the Dementors with the Sword."
"Agreed." Hermione turned to him and pulled him into another kiss. This time Harry's brain didn't switch off and he leaned into her, returning the kiss. He felt his face grow a little hot as her arms wrapped around his neck and his around her waist. All too soon, they parted casting soft smiles at each other. "Don't you dare die on me, Harry. You've already used up your quota for near death experiences this night. And I want to be able to kiss you more in the future."
"Yes, Mione," Harry replied smirking. "Come on. Let's go save our friends."
If someone had told Neville three years ago that he would be back to back with a Professor in the middle of the night surrounding by over a hundred Dementors watching some of his best friends probably lose their souls while he held off a group of the demons with a giant bear Patronus he probably would've told them to head to St. Mungo's. And yet that was exactly what he was doing right now. Luna was whimpering beside him and Shiva was pushed up against his back. Both his bear and her wolf were still holding against the onslaught, but once the others fell he knew that would change.
He could barely even see his friends. The Dementors had practically formed a wall around both Harry's group and Daphne's. Lupin's wolf Patronus had pushed them back enough that he could catch a fleeting glimpse of Tracey curled into a ball on the ground while Daphne tried to help Remus though her Patronus kept failing after barely a second each time she managed to recast it. Tonks' koala died after Hermione's and Harry's failed. There were just too many of the creatures clustered for her to hold off on her own. Neville felt tears falling from his eyes as he saw the three brought to the ground. He couldn't even try to send his bear towards them because then Shiva and Luna would be overwhelmed by the ones around them. At least Susan was being protected by her Aunt. Amelia seemed to be managing to hold them off well enough for his girlfriend to drag Sirius back towards Neville and Shiva.
A horrible screech split the air. Neville grimaced and held his free hand against his ear. It sounded as if the very night itself was screaming bloody murder. The Dementors all stopped and turned towards the sound of the screeches. It was like someone hit pause on the battle for survival. Abruptly the sound cut off, only to be replaced by a second screech a moment later. Neville followed the gaze of the demons and saw one of the creatures draped over Hermione folding into itself. There was a glint of metal and a brief view of Harry standing over her. Before Neville could do more than stare in astonishment, a second Harry and Hermione flew out of the castle doors. Harry charged towards his double while Hermione sprinted past Neville and aimed for Daphne.
Both raised their arms and glowing Patroni leaped out. Harry's panther was beautiful and strong and it leaped toward the Dementor holding onto Tonks. The cat's mouth opened in a silent roar and then closed onto the throat of the Dementor. A third horrid screech filled the night as the versions of Harry and Hermione lying on the ground vanished into thin air and the Dementor caught by the panther was torn to shreds leaving just a fluttering robe behind and a bit of sticky black residue on the ground around it and Tonks.
Hermione's otter was just a hair slower, but no less effective. It charged at the group around Daphne but they seemed to take heed from their fellows and parted letting the otter sail through almost unmolested. One Dementor wasn't quite fast enough and got caught by a tail whip by the otter. A screech resounded and that Dementor was left as just a fluttering cloak. "Daphne!" Hermione shouted. "Catch!" Neville watched her pull her arm back and saw a small stone sail through the air. Daphne jumped and caught the stone, an instant later a silver hedgehog charged out of her hand and slammed into two of the surrounding Dementors sending more dying screeches reverberating through the night.
Neville twisted back to Harry and saw his panther leaping from Dementor to Dementor while Harry swung the Sword of Gryffindor in his other arm at one that strayed too close to Tonks' prone body. Less than a minute after Harry and Hermione had ran out of the Entrance Hall every Dementor in the vicinity was running. Or floating. Or whatever they did, in retreat. Neville just gaped at the Dementors high tailing it away from the silver Patroni like bats out of hell. He lowered his wand and let his bear fade as he felt Shiva behind him also drop her wand and step to his side.
"Did you just see Harry and Hermione in two places at once?" Shiva asked.
"Oh good, that wasn't just me," Neville replied a little dumbstruck.
"Did they just kill Dementors?"
"With a sword, first. Did you catch that?" Neville asked.
"Must have missed that part. Luna you alright?" Shiva looked down at the blonde who nodded up at them. "Cool. Neville stay with her. Excuse me while I go check on my ward." She started numbly walking towards Harry and Tonks.
Neville leaned down and helped Luna to her feet. She looked over at Harry then Hermione and Daphne. "I think I have new material for the next Quibbler article now…"
"Tonks…Tonks…Tonks!" Tonks could hear someone shouting and holding her shoulders. Blinking, she tried to focus. Harry's messy hair, lightning bolt scar and bright green eyes swam into view above her. Dimly she realized that her head was lying in his lap and his hands were on her shoulders.
"Harry?" Tonks groaned. "Where's the fire?"
"Tonks!" Harry's eyes widened and stopped shaking her. Instead the teenager pulled her up into a bone-crushing hug. "Thank god, I thought I was too late for a minute! Are you okay?"
"Besides you bruising my ribs I'm okay, squirt." Harry let her go and Tonks shook her head trying to clear the cobwebs. "There were Dementors here weren't there? What happened to the Dementors? I thought getting my soul eaten would hurt a bit more…"
"I killed a few, Hermione killed a few, Daphne killed a few, they ran," Harry said shrugging. "I think we scared them off."
"You killed a few." Tonks nodded like that made any kind of sense at all.
"He's not lying, Tonks," Shiva said walking up to the two. She knelt down and pointed to some black ichor on Tonk's robes. "That's Dementor goo. Its cloak is over there. Harry, you okay?"
"Fine, Shiva," Harry smiled at the woman. Tonks just poked a finger into the black ichor with wide eyes.
"Being in two places at once is a new trick. That didn't hurt at all?" Shiva said. Tonks caught a bit of a desperate laugh at the end of that deadpan question. She was too busy trying to wrap her brain around a dead Dementor to care. And that fact that it had been rather nice to wake up seeing Harry. She shut that part of her thoughts down fast and tried to focus on the far more important issue of a dead Dementor. She darn near choked as what Shiva had said finally registered. Two places at once?
"Nope, didn't hurt. A bit hard to get the timing right but both Hermione and I were really distracted the first time around so it could've been a lot worse. I was mostly worried I wasn't going to get to Tonks fast enough," Harry sounded far too cavalier for whatever craziness had just happened.
"Someone – " Tonks asked but her voice cracked before she got further. Swallowing and taking a deep breath she tried again, "Someone what to tell me what the hell I missed?"
"I think we'd all like to hear that story, Mr. Potter," Bonesy said sounding tired as she walking up with the rest of the group in tow. Tracey looked to be clinging to Daphne's hand with a death grip while Luna was doing the same to Hermione.
"Tonks was overwhelmed after Hermione and I lost control of our Patroni. I killed the Dementor over me with the Sword of Gryffindor," Harry said waving to the sword off to the side. "Then I killed the one over Hermione."
"Swords can't kill Dementors," Daphne said staring at the blade like it was going to get up and start floating around in the air. A not entirely unreasonable assumption in Tonks' humble opinion. "Not even goblin made swords."
"Hey I'm just telling you what happened not how it happened," Harry said shrugging.
Luna chuckled softly. "Daphne, you have been friends with Harry long enough that you should know not to try and apply logic to events surrounding him. It seems to be worse than trying to apply logic to me."
"Anyway," Hermione said shaking her head, "Harry then had the monumentally stupid idea of trying to use my Time Turner to take us back. Don't look at me like that, I have permission to use one from the Deputy Headmistress to attend my classes." Hermione scowled at Shiva and Bonesy when they stared at her. "I've already berated him over it several times. We arrived back an hour earlier, Harry fixed his Patronus rune cluster alternative and we rushed back out to help with the defense." She paused and looked embarrassed. "While we knew the Sword apparently killed Dementors – or absorbed them I guess is more appropriate – we had no idea until a few minutes ago that the Silver Spirit Patroni could do the same."
"Well I'm certainly not complaining," Neville said. "If they hadn't retreated we'd probably all be de-souled."
"So let me get this straight, pup," Sirius said staring at Harry. "You killed a Dementor; which is impossible. Made time your bitch; which is impossible. Made a rune cluster that can also kill a Dementor; which is impossible. And scared over a hundred of the demons off in under a minute with zero casualties?" He whistled and sat down. "Congratulations. You're officially a Marauder Harry. Seven years we were here and the best we got was a cool map, rumors of a haunting, excellent pranks and animagi. You've surpassed us in one night."
"You should hear what the kid's done previously," Shiva muttered shaking her head.
"He'll need a name," Remus commented.
"Did anyone see what happened to Pettigrew?" Tracey asked finally letting go of Daphne's hand.
"He's long gone by now," Bonesy sighed. "There's little point in searching the forest right now with the Dementors still nearby. Even if they've been scared off for the moment, there's no guarantee how long that will last. Let's go back inside and arrange to get you to a trial Lord Black. We can use the memories of the previous conversation as evidence. Harry, Hermione, considering the extreme circumstances of the past few minutes I'll…" she trailed off, shook her head and sighed. "I don't even care anymore. Both of you swear never to abuse a Time Turner again?" The two teens nodded. "Fine. Good job saving us. Don't do it again. Warning delivered. Nobody mentions that part in official reports."
"Works for me, Boss," Tonks said. She turned to Harry and raised her eyebrows. He took the cue and helped her to her feet. "To the Batcave."
"The Batcave?" a demure voice asked from behind the group. Harry groaned and Tonks felt her hair shift to red before she forced it to a neutral black. She turned to see Headmaster Dumbledore walking towards the group from the castle. He was far enough away that he had probably only heard her final comment.
"Headmaster," Bonesy said, her voice coated in ice. "How nice of you to turn up after the danger has long passed. I would've thought Argus would've informed you that Sirius Black was located and that you might have hurried a bit."
"Sadly these old bones don't move as quickly as they used to, Amelia," Dumbledore replied, his eyes twinkling. Tonks' snort was echoed by Shiva beside her. "I can't help but notice that the fugitive is unrestrained and does not appear to have any wands covering him."
"So, Dumbledore isn't in on the innocence thing then?" Sirius asked cocking a thumb at the old man.
"No, Lord Black, the Headmaster was not to be brought into the fold until proof was attained. Something which we only accomplished earlier tonight," Bonesy said. She walked past Dumbledore aiming for the doors inside. "Let's move this inside in case those horrid creatures decide to try their luck again." Dumbledore's flash of frustration was quickly hidden though Tonks took note. She also saw Daphne and Tracey both quietly pocket some of the Dementors' robes. That was an unpleasant reminder that she'd likely have to burn her own robes. Dementor ichor was not something she wanted to leave bouncing around her washing machine.
"Amelia, the Minister is en route. If you would please present your proof perhaps we can resolve this before he arrives," Dumbledore said as everyone moved to sit down at the table in the Great Hall. Most of the teens looked utterly exhausted. Tonks was pretty wiped herself though she could at least use her abilities to avoid looking like she felt for the most part.
"Ah so you had enough time to stop and run to Cornelius rather than checking on the safety of your students. Good show, Albus," Amelia said raising her eyebrows. "I believe we'll wait for the Minister to arrive himself before we start. I would rather not go through this again. Your pensieve might be required as the court one can't be removed from the Ministry."
"I'm sure that won't be necessary, Amelia," Dumbledore said. Tonks noted that the customary twinkle in his eye had vanished. "Perhaps we could move this to my office."
"Here is fine. It's far easier for Cornelius to walk here than all the way up to your office, Albus," Amelia replied with the ghost of a smile. Dumbledore just frowned at her.
The group sat in uneasy silence for the next few minutes. The only thing of note was Harry's scabbard for his sword materializing on the table when he idly wondered about it. Those house elves sure were prompt. Harry carefully put away his sword and everyone went silent again. The quiet was broken rather abruptly as the Entrance Hall doors were thrown open and the Minister strode in flanked by Scrimgeour and Dawlish. Tonks bit back a groan as she saw both of them. Of course he had to bring those two.
"Where is he?!" Fudge shouted. "Where is the madman? Where are the Dementors?! Has he already been Kissed?"
"Calm yourself, Minister, before you give yourself a heart attack," Amelia commented dryly. "Lord Sirius Black is right here." She waved her hand and Sirius flashed the man a grin and gave a little wave from his spot at the table beside Remus.
"Ah!" Fudge proved his intelligence by screaming and jumping back. It was all Tonks could do to not slam her head into the table. She couldn't believe this man had ever been elected. "Aurors! It's Black! Kill him, quickly!"
"Really, Cornelius?" Amelia groaned and shook her head. "Drop your wand, Dawlish. Stop being an idiot. If Lord Black was going to injury anyone don't you think he would've done so long before you arrived? Scrimgeour wipe that scowl off your face!"
"Madame Bones, I don't know what Auror Tonks has told you or how she convinced you of the filing error but we need to take that man into custody to deliver the Kiss immediately."
"This, Harry," Sirius said with a shrug, "is why I didn't tell you sooner who I was. Nothing much has changed since they tossed me away and I rather like having my soul."
"Give Amelia a chance, Sirius," Harry said giving him a tired grin. "She and Tonks are good at their jobs at least."
"Thanks, squirt," Tonks said. She leaned over to ruffle his hair earning an annoyed glare from Harry and a snort of amusement from Shiva and Daphne.
"Head Auror Scrimgeour," Amelia said drawing herself up. The woman may not have been tall, but she was certainly intimidating. "The situation is under control. Auror Tonks informed me of your lack of investigation into the 'filing error'. A 'filing error' that would have proven impossible to occur had you taken the five minutes required to talk to personnel in either the Wizengamot or Hall of Records. Be that as it may, I and these witnesses – with the exception of Albus Dumbledore – personally all heard the testimony of Peter Pettigrew earlier tonight."
"That's impossible!" Fudge shouted turning an impressive shade of red. Tonks only managed that color when she was using her powers.
"Mr. Pettigrew is very much alive, Minister. Or we have a worrying case of a new breed of Inferi that can talk. I prefer the former don't you?" her smile was all teeth. "Pettigrew informed us that he was the one who betrayed James and Lily Potter as well as being the actual culprit behind the murders of the Muggles on that street. Lord Black was falsely accused."
"There is no proof of that," Fudge snarled. Scrimgeour at least appeared to be cowed as he sighed and hung his head. Dawlish simply nodded along with Fudge.
"Pettigrew did escape during the confusion of the mass Dementor attack. I will be bringing up the lack of oversight of those creatures with you later by the way. That the Quidditch incident wasn't enough for you; now you nearly had seven soulless students, two soulless professors and two soulless Aurors to explain," Amelia snarled. Tonks shifted back slightly. This was the first time she had actually seen her boss lose her temper. "But that conversation is for later. In private. For the moment, I assure you we all have memories of the confession which we are able to submit either upon return to the Ministry with the use of the court pensieve or right here borrowing Headmaster Dumbledore's."
"Impossible!" Fudge scoffed. "He's obviously confounded you all. Scrimgeour, Dawlish, arrest Black and stun the others until the curse can be lifted from them." Tonks gaped at the man. Did he honestly believe that or did he just not care?
Before anyone could react to Fudge's order, seven wands were pointing at the three men. All the school students were on their feet with wands in hand. Tonks' eyes widened, Harry had been right when he told her off months ago – these teens were not kids. "Madam Bones," Harry said his voice quiet but dangerous, "we've tried your way. Would you let me try mine?"
Amelia sighed. "Please don't hex the Minister of Magic, Mr. Potter. I can't overlook an attack like that."
"I have no intention of starting a fight, Madam Bones," Harry replied.
"Your actions are pointing to the contrary, Harry," Dumbledore said as if he was commenting on the weather.
Harry completely ignored Dumbledore and made to step forward. Shiva laid a hand on his shoulder. "Harry, don't get yourself arrested."
"Like, I said, Shiva," Harry said, "none of us intend to start a fight. Only if we are attacked first will we start sending spells back." She let go of his shoulder and Harry stepped forward. Daphne fell into place on his right, while the others took up offset positions in formation behind them. The Auror in Tonks was impressed. It was a good battlefield formation, able to provide both cover and support as needed.
"Minister Fudge," Harry said, "Sirius Black is my sworn godfather. He is the Lord Black. We have both circumstantial evidence and physical proof in the form of memories and/or veritaserum testimony to his innocence. On top of that we have proof from the Ministry itself that he received no trial and has been unlawfully held in Azkaban for the past 12 years. I don't know why you are unwilling to admit to this error and I don't particularly care."
Harry shrugged nonchalantly and grinned at Fudge. Tonks was glad that grin wasn't directed at her. It sent shivers down her spine. "I am Harry James Potter. I am The-Boy-Who-Lived. I am Heir to House Potter. I am allies with House Longbottom, House Greengrass, House Davis, House Bones, House Lovegood, House Abbott, House Patil, House Li. I have the backing of the Heir Zabini, Heir Bulstrode and Heir Brown. I call several of House Weasley friends and allies. If you truly wish to bury my godfather for crimes he is innocent of then I will call on my allies and bury you for crimes you are guilty of."
"I am the Minister for Magic boy!"
"Crimes such as," Harry continued completely ignoring Fudge, "abuse of power, subversion of justice, attempted murder of a Lord, attempted Line Theft…should I go on?"
"How dare you," Fudge was practically spitting at this point. Scrimgeour had subtly moved to the side, separating himself from the man. Dawlish on the other hand only scowled and tightened his grip on his wand. Everyone else just watched.
Daphne smiled at the man and took up where Harry had left off. "Even if only one or two of the charges stick, Minister, your career will be over. We aren't asking for much. We're simply asking that you finally see justice done," she said shrugging. Then she held up the carrot in place of the stick. "After all, this miscarriage of justice certainly wasn't done on your watch was it? All you've been doing was pursuing an assumed madman, an escaped fugitive. Now that you know the truth of the matter…well it would certainly reflect well on you to have righted such an old wrong. A wrong perpetrated against a Noble House at that! You aren't the responsible party here; that would be former Minister Millicent Bagnold and former DLME Head Bartemius Crouch."
Fudge stopped sputtering and looked at the girl. He started twirling his bowler hat in his hands and narrowed his eyes. "Yes, yes it was them wasn't it…" he muttered. "Amelia, you are certain, Black is innocent?"
"As I have repeatedly said over the past several months: yes," Amelia said, her voice strained. Tonks was surprised the woman wasn't hitting someone at this point. Hell, if she hadn't been so drained, Tonks would probably have been hitting someone – or at least standing up with Harry and his group.
"Hmm, well it appears that the Ministry of Magic owes you an apology then, Lord Black. An official pardon – "
"Dropping of charges," Daphne cut in.
"Excuse me?" Fudge asked looking affronted.
"He was never convicted so there is no need for a pardon. You officially drop all charges, Minister."
Fudge scowled at the correction but nodded. "The Ministry officially drops all charges by my order. The paperwork will be filed post haste. I will contact you with the date for the apology ceremony," Fudge said nodding to Sirius.
Sirius just raised his eyebrows. "Thanks, Minister. I look forward to your owl. I'd appreciate the Dementors being called off too. And, you know, an article in the Prophet first thing so that people don't keep trying to kill me or turn me in for a reward."
"Actually," Shiva said speaking up, "shouldn't Harry and his friends get that reward anyway for finding you?"
"Of course, of course. I'll have the galleons deposited in Mr. Potter's vaults," Fudge said waving the issue away. "If there is nothing else pressing I must leave and begin this work."
"The Dementors, Minister," Amelia said glaring at him. "Remove those abominable things first. I don't appreciate them attempting to eat the souls of those under my protection and care."
With an annoyed nod, Fudge turned and practically ran from the room, Dawlish hurrying to keep up. Scrimgeour turned to Tonks before following. "Auror Tonks, come with me. We have…much to discuss."
Tonks closed her eyes, trying to get her brain in gear enough to think. Was it worth it? Was there really any point anymore? She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Harry's green eyes staring down at her in concern. Tonks smirked at him and switched her hair to pink. "Nah, I don't think so."
"That was not a request, Auror," Scrimgeour glared at her. Tonks considered flipping him off but figured it was too much effort.
"Consider this my resignation, boss," Tonks said firmly.
"Auro – Tonks," Amelia said turning to look at her. "Are you certain about this?"
"Been thinking about it for a while, ma'am," Tonks patted Harry's hand and smiled at her mentor. "Being an Auror is not what I thought it would be and the others only seem to care about my abilities not me or my skills or my brain or my opinions. I think I can do more good elsewhere."
"I understand. It's a shame to see you go, but I understand." Bonesy looked genuinely sad, which was nice. Mad-Eye was going to kill her. Or buy her a firewhiskey and salute her bravery. She never could tell with that crazy old guy.
"Your badge, then," Scrimgeour said, his scowl firmly set. She tossed it to him. "Good evening to you all." And just like that, he turned and walked out.
Tonks slumped in her seat. "Well I don't know about you all, but this metamorphmagus is utterly knackered and seeing as I'm now jobless I need to take a nap or something and find a new prospect in the morning."
"Well cousin, I've been out of the game for a decade or so. If you're interested, I could use someone to help me clean up the old house from whatever horrible little beasties and curses Mother left behind. I can make the pay pretty good if you're willing to bring me up to speed," Sirius said.
"You want to hire me as a maid?" Tonks asked completely deadpan.
"Yup!" Sirius' smile stretched from ear to ear. "Only the best for my cousin! I'll even throw in being welcomed back into the Black fold for you and Andi! Since I'm apparently the Lord Black now and all."
"Can we just throw him back in prison?" Tonks whined. Everyone but Dumbledore started laughing. The old man just scowled, staring daggers at Sirius.
The next day, Harry was meeting up with his friends again in the seventh floor room. It seemed comfier than normal. The customary table was surrounded by armchairs and couches this time rather than the stiff backed chairs. Harry frowned as he walked in. "This definitely wasn't here last time. Hermione, we're going to have to experiment with this room I think."
"I agree, it is most unusual," his girlfriend nodded.
"Do you think it can provide us with the vista of a snorkack's natural habitat?" Luna asked.
"Somehow I doubt it works that way, Luna. But sure if you want to try for a snorkack habitat, feel free next time. Just please have one of us with you just in case it actually works, okay?" Harry said chuckling at his friend.
"I promise, Harry. Hello, Tracey. How are you today?"
"Better than last night," Tracey said shrugging. "You feel better, Luna? Neither of us managed to get back at those arseholes like the others did."
"True, but I am satisfied to still have my soul and not having to remember that day with mum," Luna said losing a bit of her levity. She perked back up almost immediately. "It was quite entertaining to see the Dementors splattered, mauled and beaten. Daphne, your hedgehog had very impressive aim and was quite adorable as it went bowling for Dementors."
Daphne blushed, "Err, thanks, Luna. I'm not sure whether to be embarrassed by the hedgehog thing or not."
"I think it's perfect for you," Tracey said grinning and kissing her on the cheek. "Prickly on the outside, soft and cuddly on the inside."
"Technically it's soft and cuddly on the bottom," Hermione commented.
"She's soft down there too I imagine." Gasps sounded at Tracey's comment followed quickly by laughter though it had at last successfully succeeded in driving Daphne speechless for the first time that Harry could remember.
"So, Harry," Neville said as they settled into the circle. "Have you figured out how the Sword was able to kill the Dementors?"
"Remus said that it was probably something involving the basilisk venom, the goblin steel, and whatever else the Sword has imbibed over the centuries. We'll probably never know for sure. And now the thing can probably suck souls too so there's that. That's one scary sword. Hell, I'm almost afraid to touch the darn thing now!"
"Being able to summon it whenever you want is useful though."
"Still a scary sword," Harry muttered. Hermione patted his arm in commiseration.
The door to the Room opened again and Sirius and Shiva walked in. Shiva frowned at the couches surrounding the table but moved to sit beside Harry and kicked her feet up. Sirius was wearing a grin large enough to split his face in half and handed the Daily Prophet to Harry before claiming his own armchair.
The front page story was: Sirius Black proven innocent! Mass murderer and master manipulator Peter Pettigrew still at large!
" 'Master manipulator'?" Harry commented raising his eyebrow. "Yeah he pulled one good trick, but I hardly think that counts as a master manipulator. He wouldn't have had to hide as a rat for 12 years if that was true."
"That's Rita Skeeter for you," Neville said shaking his head. "The woman's a menace but she sells papers well."
"I really don't care what they say, I'm just happy to be free," Sirius said not dropping his grin.
"Lord Black, may I get an interview with you for the Quibbler?" Luna asked him flashing him with puppy dog eyes even better than Sirius' actual dog eyes when he was Snuffles.
"Well…" Sirius tapped his chin, "I don't know…I make it a policy not to talk to reporters after all…" the gleam in his eye belied his teasing.
"Ah, then there is no problem," Luna smiled at him and made a grand flourish. "I am no reporter, Lord Black. I am an explorer!"
Sirius burst out laughing. "Good for you, girl! Reporters are evil, explorers are fun. I'll answer almost anything you want in a little bit. And no more of this Lord Black thing everyone. It's Sirius. Or Padfoot if you want. I'll answer to Snuffles in dog form too I suppose. But no more Lord Black. Before I was tossed onto that tropical island I was sure my parents had disinherited anyway so I'm just as uncomfortable with the title as you are."
"Tropical island?" Tracey asked wide eyed. "Wouldn't it make more sense to have Azkaban on a cold, miserable spot not the tropics?"
"Nope, I was never in Azkaban. According to the Ministry I was 'unlawfully detained'. They never specified where," Sirius said still holding his grin. "So since they didn't bother to specify I can go along thinking I was having a prolonged vacation on a deserted tropical island!"
"Ugh…" a few of the teens stared at the man blankly.
Sirius just sighed and shook his head. "You kids need to loosen up. It's a joke guys, I know I was on Azkaban I just prefer not to remember that horrible little hell-hole."
"Were there snorkacks on the island?" Everyone turned to look at Luna who just stared back with her head slightly sideways and a dreamy smile on her face. Laughter flowed out of everyone and she just smiled back at them all far more lucid than her comment would have made it seem.
"Sirius, you said Padfoot earlier and mentioned a map last night," Harry said as he calmed down. He pulled out the Marauder's Map and held it up. "You wouldn't have happened to be talking about this would you?"
"Hey so you do have it! I was worried that you didn't actually have it and never figured out my message."
"What message?" Harry asked.
"My response when you sent the letter with Hedwig a few days ago," Sirius shrugged.
"It was a paw print, Sirius. A paw print. Do you know how annoying that was?" Harry deadpanned. Hermione nodded along beside him and Daphne huffed her agreement.
"Well yeah, but the paw print wasn't all, pup. 'I solemnly swear' like with map? That's why I signed Padfoot…you didn't figure that out?"
"I only got the damn map yesterday morning," Harry glowered at the man. "High marks for security, but failing marks for assumptions."
"Oh. My bad. It was still pretty funny though yeah?" the former fugitive smiled at Harry utterly ignoring the death stare from the teen.
"What map are we talking about?" Shiva asked holding up a hand. "Anyone care to share with the class?"
"Yes, please do tell, Harry," Daphne said taking the blank paper.
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good," Sirius said reached over the girl and tapping the parchment. The Map sprang to life and everyone crowded around to look at it.
"Wow," Shiva murmured. "That is impressive. Harry, this is how you found out about Pettigrew I assume?"
Harry nodded. "Yeah, I was checking on everyone to make sure nobody was getting back for the thing with Luna and I saw him with Ron. That's when I remember that Scabbers looked like how Remus described Pettigrew and put two and two together. I take it he was Wormtail, Sirius?"
"Yup, and Remus was Moony with your father rounding it out as Prongs." Sirius paused and looked fondly at the Map. "It was a lot of fun running around and filling this thing in. We thought we had found every room in the castle, but obviously we missed a few. Look, this room apparently doesn't show."
"Neither does the Chamber," Daphne said nodding. "Harry, I think we should try to improve on this next year."
Harry shrugged. "Sure, assuming no one tries to kill us again I'm all for improving it."
Hermione's eyes lit up and Harry could hear her breathing quicken slightly. "Mr. Black – "
"Sirius," he corrected.
"Sirius," Hermione quickly said, "can you tell us some of the charms you used to enchant it? It seems quite advanced to be able to track people even in an animagus form."
"Well," he scratched his chin again, "I didn't really do much of the charm work. Remus did some but Lily was really the genius when it came to charms. She was the one who ended up doing most of the enchanting. I can pass along a few notes though to get you guys started. You might want to start fresh though so you don't risk messing up this one."
"Oh," Hermione's dejected expression had Harry hugging her shoulders and promising to let her check his mum's old notebook to see if she put anything about the Map in there.
"Actually, Harry…" Sirius shuffled around in his seat a bit before sighing and leaning forward. "I wanted to talk to you and Shiva about this summer."
"What about it?" Harry asked. Beside him he saw Shiva tense slightly and drape a protective arm around his shoulders.
"Uh, you sure you want to talk about this, you know, now?" he glanced at the others causing Harry to sigh.
"I'm just going to tell them later anyway. Might as well skip the middleman as it is. What did you want to say?"
Sirius sighed again and nodded at that. "Right. Okay. So look, you know I'm your godfather right? Well, I kinda screwed that one up royally. I was supposed to take you in after…that night. I saw a bit of what happened with the Dursleys during the summer and I was going to offer to let you stay with me from now on. Now that I'm free and all." He held a hand to ward of Shiva when she opened her mouth to say something. "I want you to know that my home is always open to you. Well, when my home is habitable that is. I have very low opinions of the old Black house, but that that's neither here nor there." He shrugged and looked a bit sad. "I hung out with you guys as Padfoot long enough over the summer to know that you're happy with Shiva so I understand if you want to stay with her. I wasn't there for you; she was. Both of you are welcome to stay with me should you need a place in the future."
Shiva smiled a bit and relaxed back into the couch. She batted her eyes playfully at the man, "You're a little old for me, Sirius. Sorry old dog."
"Old?" he held a hand to his heart and Neville and Tracey shook their heads laughing. "Me? Oh, you wound me woman!"
"Thanks for the offer, Sirius," Harry said grinning at the two. "We'll certainly come visit, but yeah, I would like to stay with Shiva."
"I understand. I'm sorry for not being around when you needed me, pup. I'd still like to be a part of your life though."
"You keep doing right by him and you will be," Shiva said all serious again. "But you abandon Harry again to go off on another revenge quest and I neuter you."
"No you won't," Hermione commented. She shrugged at the raised eyebrows that comment received and continued, "Simply because I will have done it first."
"You may be the girlfriend, Hermione, but remember that I am the Slytherin Slayer," Daphne said sitting up straight and thrusting her chest out pompously. That set off another round of laughter. "Actually, Harry, speaking of that, do you and Shiva mind meeting me at Gringotts sometime early this summer?"
"Sure. Why?" Harry asked.
Daphne just grinned evilly. "Well, I finally got a good idea of the going rates. I believe we have a basilisk to render."
"That's...I can't believe I didn't think of that before..." Shiva said with a note of wonder in her voice.
"Don't worry; I started looking into selling prices and commission fees as soon as we all left the hospital wing last year. If we go with the goblins we should turn the highest profit. They take a hefty margin but they also are the only ones to actually be interested in eating the meat of the snake. They'll take most of the meat as acceptable payment so it works out largely in our favor."
"Sounds good to me. We can negotiate terms there right?" Harry asked and she nodded. "Okay then. Just let us know when."
Sirius looked between the group members like they had gone crazy but didn't find any signs of pranking at all and his eyes widened. "I'm going to need that story, pup...One more thing first though. I, err…may have gone to talk to Gringotts earlier…" he ran a hand through his hair and shifted a bit in his seat. "And I…might have gone and made you my Heir…"
Neville and Daphne's mouths dropped open and Tracey whistled. Luna just nodded as if she had always expected this while Shiva groaned and shook her head ruefully. Tonks leaned back into her seat with a large sigh. Hermione narrowed her gaze at Harry and fell into her 'I'm deep in thought. Disturb me at your own peril.' look before eventually giving a large sigh and nodding her assent. Harry felt like he was missing something that the rest of the room got implicitly…
"Um, okay…thanks I guess?" Harry said fishing for more clarifying input.
"I got a quick checkup last night after the attack. Looks like my chances of having kids are pretty low now after my island stay. So I figured the least I could do was give my House to you. It will hopefully make up for some of the problems I caused." Then he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows, "Also it should be bloody fun for you, pup."
Harry shook his head. "I really need to look up more things concerning pureblood politics don't I?"
"Probably a good idea, Harry," Shiva said. "You do seem to be acquiring quite a bit of power as the years progress, kid."
"Yeah about that," Sirius said with a snort. "Just how much of that thing with Fudge last night was a bluff? That's quite a bit of pull you're starting to amass."
"Probably about half and half," Harry said shrugging.
Daphne picked up the conversation. "While all the families he mentioned are personal friends, their parents may or may not actually go against the Minister if we asked. I know my father would not – at least not unless he was offered a very good deal with very few downsides. The Li's and Patil's would likely consider it repayment for their mistake with Luna and reclaiming their honor, but…" she shrugged.
Neville took over. "Once we all actually take the Lordships we'll be able to make some real changes. Until then, though, it mostly comes down to what we can convince our parents and guardians to do. I'm a little surprised Fudge caved like that. You would think that a politician would've been a bit savvier."
Tracey snorted. "I'm amazed the idiot manages to tie his own shoes in the morning. How did he get elected?"
"Daddy blames the Rotfang Conspiracy," Luna said bobbing her head.
"Rotfang Conspiracy?" Sirius asked.
"Wake me when we return to sanity, Harry," Hermione groaned, laying her head against Harry's shoulder. He smiled and patted her head as Luna launched into her explanation about gum disease and the takeover of the Ministry.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me Harry," Dumbledore said with a smile as he leaned back in his office's chair. Harry was sitting across from him petting Fawkes who had come over to perch on Harry's shoulder. Harry had thankfully missed the flash of annoyance on Dumbledore's face as the familiar made his allegiances clear.
"Well it didn't particularly seem like I had a choice in the matter, Sir," Harry shrugged. "Is this something I need to call Professor McGonagall or Professor Babbling for?"
"Of course not, Harry," Dumbledore replied with a twinkle in his eyes. He gave a grandfatherly smile down at the boy. "I merely wished to inform you of some sad news." He saw Harry's expression harden. "I know that Sirius Black is your godfather, Harry. I understand he offered to let you live with him over the summer months as well." Dumbledore paused as he saw Harry's expression lighten. He had to proceed carefully so as not to lose the child completely. There was still a chance to salvage all this. "I am afraid that at the last Wizengamot session, it was determined that Lord Black is not a suitable guardian for you. His residency in Azkaban – unjust as it was – has affected him. He has been directed to consult with Mind Healers before being allowed to accept any sort of responsibility position for you. The period of adjustment is expected to take between two to three years."
Harry's expression had gone from annoyed to entertained. That was not right. Not right at all. The boy should be despondent and pleading. Begging for some sort of loophole. Dumbledore frowned. He had missed something. "I am very sorry, Harry. But you must return to the Dursleys again for the foreseeable future." Harry burst into laughter and Fawkes trilled along with him. Dumbledore dropped the twinkle entirely and only barely managed to prevent his confusion from showing.
"You think – you think I'm going to the Dursleys?" Harry wheezed out between his laughs. "You seriously think I'm going to Dursleys? Wow, you have got to be the single worst magical guardian in existence!"
Dumbledore had to bite his lip to avoid scowling at the child. "My boy, I assure you that it is the safest place for you. Attempting to stay with Sirius would only see the man back in trouble with the law. I will speak with the Weasleys and see if you can stay with them towards the end of the summer." Harry's laughs only increased.
"Headmaster," Harry finally said after calming enough to speak, "you are an uninformed idiot. I'm sorry, Sir, but seriously, either you just don't care or you are way too busy. The Dursleys haven't been my legal guardians since two weeks into the summer!" He started laughing again and Dumbledore frowned. The boy had to be bluffing. Surely no one had…Babbling…what had that fool of a woman done now? "Even better, the Dursleys were never really my guardians to begin with! They never filed any sort of paperwork for it and they didn't bother trying to fight for it when it got challenged. The next time I see the Dursleys will be in a courtroom or police station!"
Panicking slightly, Dumbledore glanced at one of the many instruments in his office. His eyes widened as he saw that it had indeed stopped spinning. From the amount of dust on it, it had probably stopped months ago! "Harry…who…why…?"
"Why?" Harry asked a note of frustration and anger creeping into his voice. "Seriously? Let's see, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, some physical abuse, starvation, isolation…so many reasons to choose from, Sir. The list goes on and on. Of course physical proof is a little lackluster, so I can't quite bring them up on charges yet. But I'm sure you get the picture. As to who, I'm surprised you don't know."
"Harry," Dumbledore implored the boy. "Professor Babbling is nowhere near old enough to be a suitable guardian."
"And yet she's the first one who gave two wits about me in my entire remembered life. And it's entirely legal so there is nothing you can do about it, Headmaster. No magic, no bribes, no compulsions or trickery were involved. Just plain old solicitors. As soon as I can manage it I'll be free of you as well. Sir." Dumbledore's scowl slipped across his features before he could school it back into grandfatherly disapproval. He had to try one more time. For the boy's late parents.
"Harry, I can understand your dislike of your family – "
"Oh no, Sir. I love my family," Harry said with a grin. "I just consider Professor Babbling to be my family. Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley are my relatives. Nothing more."
It took all he had to maintain the persona. "I can understand your dislike of your relatives, Harry. But they were the safest place for you. With the blood wards intact you were safe from Voldemort and his minions."
"Voldemort is a disembodied spirit and his minions have stayed quiet for over a decade. We're setting up good wards at Shiva's place and have other options as well. Those blood wards certainly never protected me from my relatives or from Aunt Marge. I'll take my chances, Sir."
"Harry you must listen to my counsel."
"No. I really don't have to. All you've done is lie, misdirect and manipulate my life. I'm fine on my own thanks."
"Harry," Dumbledore closed his eyes. This was his final attempt. "I am…concerned. The actions you have taken recently…assaulting classmates last year, continually insulting Professor Snape, befriending two Dark families, injuring an older student, threatening the entirety of Ravenclaw House, seeking out a fugitive, threatening the Minister himself! Harry, I am worried you are walking a path that others before you have treaded. A path far too easy to stumble down. You are heading down a Dark road, my boy. I implore you to please, listen to me when I tell you it is not too late to turn back."
Harry growled at him. "Dark? Seriously? How much of an idiot do you think I am, Headmaster? Every single thing you just listed I was perfectly justified doing. And I have no idea who you are talking about with Dark families – unless you mean Tracey and Daphne in which case you are blinder than I thought. Headmaster Dumbledore I am no more Dark than Professor McGonagall or Shiva. I defend myself and my friends. That's it. I think we're done here, Sir." Harry scowled and stood up walking towards the door.
"I am sorry, Harry. I am truly sorry," Dumbledore said softly as his office door slammed, Fawkes riding out with Harry leaving Dumbledore alone with his thoughts.
Harry was lost. He had fallen far enough that he no longer saw the danger of his actions or the damage resulting from them. Dumbledore's initial plans were no longer viable. He had seen this with Gellert and refused to act out of love. He had seen this with Tom and refused to act out of naivety. He would no longer refuse to act with Harry Potter. It broke his heart, but…sacrifices had to be made for the Greater Good.