
An Angry Witch

Shiva hovered near Harry as he walked in the rows between the tents with Fleur leaning on his shoulder. Hermione walked on her other side watching carefully in case the younger girl was needed. Sirius flanked Hermione maintaining a lookout in case there were any stragglers involved in the riot.

Eventually they came to the grouping of tents housing the Veela contingent. Fleur caught sight of her mother arguing with a man in the British Aurors robes near the entrance to the cluster of tents. She silently pointed them out to the others and they shuffled closer.

"…I do not care what you zink happened, little man!" Apolline's snarling voice carrying through the air caused Fleur to wince. She was exceedingly thankful that her mother had managed to control her rage enough that a light coating of feathers was the only manifestation visible. It had been a very long time since she'd seen her mother quite so incensed. The last time, fireballs had ended up raining from the sky. "You have tree witnesses zat those men assaulted my daughter. If you wish to avoid an international inzident you will stop arguing about zese idiots and FIND HER!"

"Let me speak to her," Fleur said quietly to the others. "When my muzzer regains her accent, you know she is…tense."

"Ma'am there are many injured," the Auror said in a condescending voice. "These citizens were the only fatal casualties. Of course we are searching for your daughter. She is a material witness and will need to be questioned."

"Are the 'citizens' you speak of the group that azzaulted me?" Fleur asked speaking loudly as they came up behind the two.

"Fleur!" Apolline shouted. She pushed past the Auror and swept up to her daughter quickly running her eyes over the younger girl. "I do not zee blood or wounds. Why are you leaning on zis man?"

"I was hit in ze head, maman. Most of the…disorientation?" Fleur asked looking to Hermione who nodded back. "Disorientation has passed but I am still a leetle unsteady. 'arry is helping. 'e and 'ermione saved me from ze men you were discussing."

Apolline nodded. She gave Harry and Hermione a critical glance then took in Shiva and Sirius. She took a deep breath and the feathers covering her arms started to be absorbed back into the skin. "You are unharmed otherwise?"

"Oui. Zey came before zose 'orrible men had a chance to do much of anyzing beyond leave a bruise or two."

The Auror came up with a scowl on his face. "Fleur Delacour I am going to have to bring you in to the Ministry to answer questions about the recent deaths."

Sirius' eyebrows raised and his posture stiffened. "Really? It's Scrimgeour, right?" At the Auror's nod, Sirius continued, "Well if I may be so bold, we overheard that you had some witnesses. Why are you taking Fleur and not Harry or Hermione? They were involved in the fight as well, you know. For that matter why do you seem to be treating this girl as if she's a criminal instead of a victim?"

"I'll thank you not to tell me how to do my job," Scrimgeour snapped.

"Fleur!" a shout rang out. Fleur turned and saw her father hurrying forward with a monocle clad woman following behind him. "You are alright!" He pulled up short as he noticed the others near her and his eyes widened. "Mon Dieu. Lord Black, Monsieur Potter, I assume you were the ones to find my daughter? I cannot thank you enough."

"Actually, papa, 'arry and 'ermione were ze ones who assisted me," Fleur said. A moment later what he said registered and she gasped twisting to look at the young man who was supporting her. "Potter? 'arry Potter?"

Harry winced but nodded. "Guilty."

"You could 'ave said somezing…" Fleur said shaking her head.

Harry just closed his eyes is resignation. "I really prefer just Harry," he muttered.

Fleur frowned and barely managed to stop from slapping herself. Of course he would hate his fame considering its source. "Of course. I will just stick to 'arry then, yes?" His head jerked back up and his eyes widened as he stared at her, slowly nodding.

"Harry, Hermione, Professor Babbling, Lord Black," the monocle woman said as she came up completely unhurried. "Miss Delacour. Perhaps we should all sit down." She waved her wand and several chairs were conjured. Shiva and Sirius quickly moved to sit down with a snort of amusement and Harry and Hermione both helped Fleur to sit. Her mother knelt in front of her and began muttering diagnostic and healing spells while her father sat right next to her and grabbed her hand.

"I am not a child, papa. I am fine. Just a leetle dizzy at times," Fleur said sighing at her father's protectiveness. It was nice to know he cared so much though. "That might not even be a result of ze injury at zis point."

"You are not fine," Apolline said with a small scowl. "You will be, but you are not currently fine. How hard were you hit?"

Fleur shrugged. "Enough that I found it very difficult to force ze Change. Ze effect 'as mostly dissipated now."

Apolline sighed. "Yes, that would make zense. I have done what I can. You will need a potion when we return to ze hotel but you are not in danger of complications." Fleur heard her father give a quiet breath of relief and she wasn't above admitting that some of the tension she had been holding gave way as well.

"Director Bones," Shiva said addressing the monocle woman. "Head Auror Scrimgeour mentioned something about questions?"

"Yes, the girl needs to come in to answer what happened tonight," the Auror said looking smug again now that his boss had arrived.

Bones groaned and shook her head. "Scrimgeour do yourself a favor and shut the hell up. You may be decent at your job – when you aren't shoving your head up Fudge's arse – but I really don't want to have to protect you if you are stupid enough to piss off one of the more powerful men in the French Ministry." Fleur's father gave the Auror a predatory grin which caused the other man to pale slightly. "Now, if we're all done displaying our dominances with this little pissing contest, Miss Delacour, Harry, would you both care to explain what happened a few minutes ago?"

"You can't seriously expect them to explain the Death Eater attack, Amy!" Sirius said.

She sighed, glaring at him. "Sirius, you shut up too. I am not asking about the riot I am asking about their own fight. Injuries were abundant tonight but the only confirmed dead were discovered in the vicinity of those two. Scrimgeour may have been heavy handed, but he is not wrong in that we do need to know what occurred."

"Three," Hermione said quietly.

"I'm sorry?" Bones asked.

Hermione hung her head. "The confirmed dead were near 'those three', Madam Bones: Fleur, Harry and myself. I was first to kill one. I didn't mean to. I heard a scream, saw Fleur held with her arms behind her back, a man in front of her with his robes open and a mask on. I was…rather angry at that," she said. Fleur saw the girl's face drop into a scowl briefly before returning to a neutral expression and she set her shoulders looking directly into Bones' eyes. "I launched a disarming spell at the man. It must have been exceedingly overpowered because it knocked him back several meters and I think broke several ribs. I don't know if he was still alive at that point. I hadn't meant to kill him, merely to take him out of the fight. Five against one with a hostage involved are not good odds. Especially when the five are all adult wizards and I haven't even entered my fourth year yet."

Fleur's eyebrows rose at that. This girl wasn't finished with Fourth Year? Someone so skilled, lithe and impressive was so young? And from what she remembered Harry Potter was also barely 14…

"While I would counsel you to attempt a stunner next time instead of a disarming charm I certainly can't fault that reasoning, Miss Granger. Please continue," Bones said waving her on.

"After I sent off the disarming spell I jumped onto the man holding Fleur to get him to release her. I used to take some self defense classes before I attended Hogwarts. I…came down on his neck. It was partly intentional, but I think I misjudged my weight. I…am relatively sure I broke his neck as we hit the ground," Hermione's shudder was subtle but visible to Fleur. She reached around Harry and squeezed the young woman's leg. Hermione looked up and gave her a small smile.

"Zank you for zat 'ermione," Fleur said. "Zings would likely have gone far worse had you not acted as you had." She couldn't help the shudder at the horror show playing in her head at where things would have gone if the younger girl hadn't intervened.

"That's about when I got there, Madam Bones," Harry cut in. He had draped an arm around Hermione and pulled her closer to him. "I tossed one of Feedback stones into the grouping. The one Hermione knocked down first and another of the attackers were taken out by the blast. A third guy was knocked back and I sent a stone spike at him. I had expected him to put up a shield or something but he didn't. The spike killed him," Harry's voice was carefully toneless. "I sent a few spells towards what I thought was the last guy and Hermione got a cutting curse off while he was distracted. He saw it coming, but moved too late and it caught his chest instead of his arm."

Fleur took over the story. "Zose deaths were all unintentional, Madam. The final one was not. I saw ze final man about to curse 'arry and 'ermione while zey were distracted. I did not have my wand and I did not fully understand ze implement that 'ermione had given me. I forced a partial Change and sent a fireball towards ze man. I knew what ze result would likely be, but I was far more concerned with protecting zose helping me zen with safeguarding a man who had been assaulting me."

"Change?" Bones said looking between Fleur and her mother. "Ah, Veela?" The two nodded.

Scrimgeour muttered darkly, "Why do think I want to bring her in for questioning?"

Bones narrowed her eyes and turned to the Auror. "Do you remember what happened to the last person who worked for me that had the gall to presume prejudice trumped reality? Or that a favored politician would protect them? From what I understand, Mafalda is working as a paper pusher for the Prophet." Scrimgeour grimaced, nodded and remained silent. Bones turned back to Fleur and continued far kinder, "Your heritage would certainly explain the burns. Very well. Anything else?"

"No, Madam Bones," Harry said shaking his head. "We ran for the woods after that and met up with Shiva and Sirius then came here immediately afterwards."

Bones nodded and stood up. "Your explanation matches what I've already heard from the other witnesses as well as the observed injuries. No crimes were committed on any of your parts, merely self-defense. Miss Granger, I would recommend some training to ensure that you either learn to not overpower your spells quite so much – when unintended – or learn to instinctively use other spells instead. A cutter can be just as lethal as a killing curse under the right circumstances after all. Mr. Potter, while I certainly understand your actions, restraint is generally the better option if possible." Both teens nodded their understanding. Fleur schooled her features to avoid snarling. Those men had gotten what they deserved as far as she was concerned. "I consider the matter resolved and apologize for the ordeal. Obviously the Ministry cannot be held responsible for the actions of rioting terrorists, but the aftermath could certainly have been handled more tactfully." She glared momentarily at Scrimgeour who gave an annoyed nod in acknowledgment. "If any of you require additional medical assistance, St. Mungo's is the most suitable facility. Scrimgeour, come with me. We have to find just how those criminals obtained portkeys." She gave another nod at all the assembled before heading off with the Auror in tow.

As the two walked away Sébastien Delacour turned to his daughter with a wry grin. "So, you helped the local hero to take out five attackers with a head injury, eh? Well done, Fleur."

Fleur rolled her eyes in good humor. "Yes, zank you, papa. 'arry, 'ermione, I truly cannot zank you enough for zis evening."

"It's fine, Fleur, don't worry about it," Harry commented waving her off.

Hermione shook her head ruefully. "You're welcome, Fleur."

"Neither of you will 'ave problems from zis will you?" Apolline asked.

Shiva leaned forward and sighed. "She may not have seemed like it, but Amelia is a friend. It's good that your husband went to get her as Scrimgeour can be a bit of a stick in the mud. Amelia is fair and she trusts us as well. She won't let anything get blown out of proportion and nothing will come back to haunt your daughter or these two."

Sirius smiled widely. "Amy probably enjoys having five less Death Eater wannabes around anyway. She'll be more annoyed at the paperwork, but that's what Scrimgeour is around for."

"If it's all the same to you," Shiva said standing. "Now that Fleur is being taken care of I need to get my ward home."

Sébastien nodded and rose. "Of course. If you are ever in France, feel free to stop in at Château Delacour."

"We just might take you up on that, Sir," Harry said stepping forward and shaking the man's hand. "Fleur, it was nice meeting you though the circumstances sure could have been better. Let me know if you any help with anything in the future." He gave her a quick hug and stepped back towards Shiva.

Hermione came forward and hugged her as well. "The same goes for me. Take whatever your mother gives you. Remember, concussions should not be taken lightly."

Fleur rolled her eyes. "Yes, 'ermione. Keep in touch?"

The two teens smiled and nodded. Sirius shook hands with her parents, gave her a grin and followed the other three as they headed off.

Fleur sighed and turned back to her mother and father. Both were giving her matching expressions of amusement. "Do not start."

"Ze were cute, were they not," her mother commented.

"Yes, they were," her father agreed. "And from what I hear, he is quite available at the moment."

Fleur groaned. "Let's just go 'ome. Please? Just because my saviors were attractive in mind, body and mannerisms does not mean – " she scowled as her parents broke into full out chuckles and blushed at her admission. "It 'as been a long night. Let's just go."

Sirius had volunteered to take Hermione home with a promise to speak with her parents about the evening's events. It left Shiva and Harry alone in her flat sitting around the table, drinking tea. There had been silence for the past ten minutes, Harry fiddling nervously with his cup. Finally Shiva set down her mug and peered at her ward. "So…you want to talk about it tonight or would you rather tomorrow morning?"

"Don't suppose I could put this off to 'never'?" Harry mumbled.

Shiva smirked. "Not a chance, kid."

Harry sighed. "Probably better to just do it now then." He set his mug down as well and looked down at the table. "I don't feel bad about killing them…But I do feel bad that I don't feel bad. Does that make sense?"

"It does actually. That's a good thing, kid." Shiva shifted chairs so that she was next to Harry and laid her hand on his shoulder. "The fact that you recognize you should be feeling bad for something makes you different from them."

"But shouldn't I feel horrible that I killed someone? I mean, I know I killed Quirrell a few years ago but…he was possessed by Voldemort and was basically dead anyway. These guys weren't possessed…they were just people."

"People who were assaulting a stranger and attacking someone you care about very much," Shiva said gently.

"That shouldn't be an excuse though, should it?" Harry shrugged still looking into his mug. "I had nonlethal options. I could've tried stunning them, or disarming them, or any number of other jinxes. Hell, I could've just tossed a Freezer at them. But the first thing I went for were the stronger and more dangerous things…did I tell you that at the end of term Dumbledore had accused me of going Dark? What if he was right?"

Shiva leaned forward and wrapped Harry in a hug. He stiffened slightly but after a few moments relaxed and settled against her. She ran a hand through his hair and said, "Kid, if I had been in your shoes, my first response would have been a reducto aimed at either the head or chest. Neither would've been survivable. Sirius would've gone for something even more lethal and borderline Dark Magic. You actually showed more restraint than most would. Hell, if Amelia had been there protecting Susan then there wouldn't have been enough of a body to identify them. You didn't do anything wrong, Harry. You protected the girl you love from people who were trying to kill her. That's all you need to think about."

"I still feel like I should feel bad about it," he said into her shoulder.

"I know, and I doubt that feeling will ever go away, kid, which is definitely a good thing," she said quietly. "Just know that I am proud of you for defending yourself and others. I wasn't lying in the woods when I agreed with Sirius that it was better them than you. I'd take a hundred dead Death Eaters over you getting hurt, Harry."

"I'm not that special…"

"You are to me, kid. And you are to your friends." She pulled back a bit and smiled at him. "Come on, let's watch something upbeat and then get you to bed."

A few days before the new school term started Harry was reading a book when the doorbell rang. Getting up to answer it his eyes widened slightly at seeing Bill Weasley in the entrance-way. "Hey, Bill. What are you doing here?"

"Long time no see, Harry," Bill said flashing a grin. "I'm here to talk to Shiva actually. She around?"

"Yeah, she was just throwing some laundry on I think. Come in," Harry said stepping back and waving the older man inside. "How have you been?"

"Can't complain. The goblins found some intriguing ruins a while back that they sent me to check out. It took a while to get through the wards around the structure but we got in eventually." Bill grabbed a drink out of the fridge and sat down at the table across from Harry. "I have never seen so many mummies in one place before. It was like something out of one of those Muggle thrillers. Thank god they didn't all start getting up and ambling towards us!"

Harry and Bill shared at a laugh at that image before Bill continued, "Love the earring by the way. That's that Comm Stone thing right?" Harry nodded. "Sweet idea. Fred and George said you guys were going into business together. Make sure you sell some of those once you get it fully beyond the prototype phase."

Harry smirked. "You just want more people to go around wearing earrings and piss off your mum."

"Hey you can never have too many people with good fashion sense!" Bill said wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh, by the way, how's that mail ward working out for you? Nothing weird or crazy get through?"

"Oh, right, Snapfist did say you were the one who helped out with preventing the malicious things…" Harry shrugged. "Well I haven't gotten anything mean, but there's certainly weird and crazy. What teenager would want to see nude photos of a senior citizen?" He shuddered at that while Bill just laughed. "I am sooo glad that Shiva opened that one. Most aren't that bad though thankfully."

Shiva walked into the kitchen then shrugging into her jacket. "Hey, Bill. You ready to head on over?"

"Just waiting on you, gorgeous."

"Aww, so sweet," Shiva said laughing and patting his cheek. "Come on, hunk, let's head out so I can finish up before the shop closes." Harry looked at her questioningly and she shrugged. "Just a quick warding Harry. I asked Bill if he had any jobs he could use some help on for a bit of an extra paycheck and he pointed me in this direction. I should be back in about three or four hours. Try not to burn the house down while I'm gone, kid."

Harry frowned, ignoring the jibe. "Extra paycheck?"

His guardian winked at him. "Tell you later, Harry. Gotta run!" She walked out of the flat waving to Harry and waited for Bill to catch up.

"You didn't tell him?" Bill asked pacing her. They headed towards the alley to apparate to the house she'd be working on.

"It would kind of ruin the surprise." She shrugged. "And he doesn't need to feel guilty that I'm getting him something expensive."

"You realize you just ruined that chance by telling him you needed the money right?" Bill said raising his eyebrows.

Shiva frowned and cursed. "Shite. You're right. Well I'll downplay the expense."

Bill rolled his eyes and held out his arm for her to grab onto. Once she had, he apparated them to the site and led the way. "This is the McKinnons' place. Like I owled, they're not looking for damaging wards. They just want something secure and pervasive. Apparently they're big on herd critters and they specifically want perimeter wards that will let them know when any of their animals leave the grounds. If you can get a ward that will throw a tracking spell on the wayward creature they'll pay double. Triple to keep them from leaving to begin with."

Shiva nodded and considered the requirements. "Hmm, I doubt I'd be able to do the last one. Not without a far more extensive setup than you had said they were comfortable with. The tracking spell and notification shouldn't be too difficult though. Can you show me the anchor stones?"

Bill nodded and headed towards the first of the anchor points. "No problem. I do appreciate this. I know you're mainly here for the paycheck but I like these guys and it's been annoying that I couldn't help them with this."

"Well you always were better at tearing wards down than putting them up," Shiva said crouching down and inspecting the stone. "They do have a good base but this section is horribly sloppy with a ton of holes in the setup. No wonder their critters get away." She took out a notebook and started writing several corrections to the existing runic scheme. She smirked thinking of how Harry would handle this. He'd probably do something horribly elaborate that most professionals would barely be able to follow. She planned to stick with a simpler, but just as effective method. She'd also be done far quicker than the kid would've been.

"So…I heard about the World Cup," Bill said frowning.

Shiva sighed. "Arthur tell you? Amelia managed to keep it out of the Prophet amazingly enough. I suppose it helps that only one of the arseholes the teens took out was anyone of importance."

"You class Goyle Senior as important?" Bill asked incredulous.

"Well he ran in the same circles as Lucius Malfoy." Shiva propped her pad up and started wiping out the bottom portion of the runes on the anchor stone replacing them with the updated versions. "He wasn't the brightest flame in the fire pit but he had powerful friends. I'm going to have to watch out for the kid this year just in case his son or Draco tries anything."

"They aren't that stupid," Bill said. He didn't sound particularly convincing.

Shiva shrugged. "Never underestimate the stupidity of teenagers. Especially that group of teenagers. I have no doubt that Harry and his friends would kick their arses, but I'd just as soon not give Snape or Dumbledore any excuse to go after the kid."

Bill nodded. "I can see that. Hey what is that rune? I haven't seen that one before."

"It's a Charm variant. I modified the basic version a while back, but never had a reason to use it before now. This focuses on animals and coupled with the rest it should induce a mild compulsion to have them take a nap shortly after leaving the perimeter. Hopefully it'll prevent them from wandering too far afield before the McKinnons can collect them."

"Nice." Bill smiled approvingly. "You know there's always a job open for you if you decide to leave Hogwarts."

Shiva smirked. "Sorry, man. Not going to happen until at least Harry and his friends graduate. Someone's gotta at least attempt to watch over the little menace." She stood and dusted off her hands. "Alright, done with this one. Where's the next anchor?"

It was dark by the time Shiva got back home. As she shut the door and heading inside, she caught Harry lying on the couch with his eyes peeking over his book at the entrance way. She waved to him and he blushed at being caught looking out for her.

"Stay entertained without me, kid?"

Harry let his book fall to his chest as he raised an eyebrow at her. "I lived with the Dursleys for over a decade. I can keep myself busy."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Brag all you want," Shiva said rolling her eyes.

"Soooo…." Harry said drawing the word out and sounding rather smaller than usual. "Um, Hogwarts doesn't pay you enough with me being here?"

Shiva choked on the drink she had pulled out. She coughed a few times before finally clearing her airway and looking back at Harry incredulously. "That's what you thought? No, kid, jeez. Sure, Hogwarts pay doesn't rake in the galleons, but it's more than enough to support the both us, Harry."

"Oh," he shrugged not moving from his position on the couch. "Then…why?"

Shiva sighed and moved over to claim the armchair near him taking the bag she was carrying with her. "You really need to learn to let things go sometimes, Harry. I wanted to get you something nice. I know it's pretty late for a birthday present and all and I totally missed using the anniversary of the guardian thing but…" she trailed off and had a small sad smile on her face. "Well, Sirius got you the Firebolt last year and he's been in prison for a decade. I wanted to give you something also. Hogwarts pay isn't bad but it wasn't quite enough for what I was looking at."

Harry sat up looking torn between a smile and frown. "You didn't have to do that, Shiva. Just agreeing to be my guardian is way more than enough. Bloody hell, that takes you right through until I hit 17; beyond that even!"

"I know, kid, but I still wanted to." She shook her head and reached into the bag. "And since you've already dragged it out of me I guess I don't get to wrap it. Here," Shiva drew a glass ball out of the bag. It was sitting in a three clawed, wooden stand and was slightly larger than a closed fist. There were shifting whitish clouds drifting throughout the interior and a small rune cluster on the bottom of the sphere.

"What is it?" Harry asked reaching out and carefully taking the item from her. "It looks a bit like Neville's Rememball."

Shiva smiled and leaned forward. "The Rememball is actually the base component. This is a modified version. Rememballs just change color if you forget something. Useful after a fashion, but not very impressive overall. This is a Memoryball. It's a bit fancier. It's supposed to lock onto the happiest memories of whoever holds it and play a short scene of them. It cycles through each memory scene the next time you hold it. Memoryballs only display the scene for about a minute or so after you stop channeling magic into them so I further modified that one a bit. The rune cluster on the bottom will act like a Muggle battery. Charge up the cluster, fire up the ball and the memory will keep playing for a few days. It's sort of like a changing picture I suppose. I figured it'd let you maybe see your mum and dad too since it can work on subconscious memories instead of just actively recalled ones. The Occlumency you've been working on could help you direct which scenes to play also."

Harry just stared at the little glass ball with his mouth open. He stayed like that for almost a minute before Shiva started fidgeting. "I know it's not really that much, kid. You're kind of a hard person to shop for though and I wasn't really too sure of what else to – "

She cut off as she found herself fully enveloped by Harry. The Memoryball was set carefully on the table while he had wrapped her up in an embrace. "Thank you," Harry whispered. "I love it."

Shiva patted his back. "No problem, kid. Getting kind of hard to breathe though," she said with a small chuckle.

Harry responded with a laugh of his own and pulled back to sit on the couch again pulling the glass ball close to him again. He concentrated for a moment and charged the magical battery cluster before shifting his thoughts to the memory to call up for display. After a few moments, the clouds resolved themselves into an image of Shiva walking away from the kitchen table and waving at the sections of the flat. Harry slowly got up from the table as well and looked around the room with a huge smile on his face.

Shiva squinted at image. "What was that memory? I haven't worn those shorts in…a year and a half I think."

"It was the first time I got here. The night that Aunt Marge drove me out," Harry said quietly. "It was the first time I ever actually felt like I was home…"

Shiva blinked and turned to Harry. She had to force back tears as she pulled him into a hug. "You will always have a home here, Harry." The two stayed like that for a long time before pulling apart.

Harry shuddered a bit as he walked through Hogwarts' Entrance Hall. Seeing the thestrals on the carriage ride up to the school had been slightly unnerving – even if the animals had been nice enough in a weird zombie pegasus way. After Luna had explained why he and Hermione could suddenly see the previously invisible, skeletal, winged horses Harry had stopped asking questions. He still wasn't entirely comfortable with how he felt about the deaths he had caused during the World Cup. He was thankful that the others hadn't pushed for more information beyond the basic "result of the World Cup" explanation.

Harry and his group of friends sat down to the Welcoming Feast knowing to expect big news. Daphne had given them a heads up on the Express that something was coming though she had refused to say what. Even Tracey hadn't been able to get the specifics out of the girl. Harry was looking forward to seeing what new horror show was in store for this year. Neville had joked that whatever was going on, it certainly couldn't be worse than Dementors trying to eat their souls or basilisks trying to kill them with a look.

Privately, Harry completely agreed with this sentiment. Not that he would ever say that out loud. Or even truly let the thought fully coalesce in his head. The young man had most definitely learned the hard way not to tempt fate in such a fashion.

"And for my final two announcements…" Dumbledore paused for dramatic effect. Harry rolled his eyes at the show. "First, allow me to introduce our newest Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, retired Auror Alastor Moody." The doors to the Great Hall banged open and in stomped a heavily scarred individual. Harry's eyes widened as he looked at their new teacher. The man had a peg leg like a pirate and one of his eyes was a blue, magical construct that practically never stopped revolving around. The eye focused on Harry momentarily before shifting to several others in the Hall as Moody stumped up to the staff table.

"Wow, I can't believe he got Mad-Eye to teach," Neville muttered.

"People seriously call him Mad-Eye?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. Gran said he's legendary around the Auror offices. Huge Dark Wizard hunter and really, really good. Best they've had in a generation from what she said."

"I think Tonks mentioned something about Moody being her mentor," Hermione said.

"Huh," Harry said running a hand through his hair. "Well maybe he'll be more like Remus than Quirrell if we're lucky. Though looking like that somehow I doubt we'll end up being that lucky."

"Well he's really paranoid," Neville shrugged. "So he'd probably salute you for thinking he was going to try and kill you."

As the polite applause died down Dumbledore raised his hands and gestured for quiet. "In addition…this year, Hogwarts will be hosting a recurrence of the Triwizard Tournament!" There were some cheers sounding through the room but a larger section looked either confused or simply curious. "As I am sure many of you know, the Triwizard Tournament is a competition between the three main European schools: Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. A Champion for each school will be selected and compete against the others in Tasks designed to test their ingenuity, their bravery, their competence and their skill. The prize is one thousand galleons and eternal glory!" Murmurs of approval filled the Hall as Dumbledore paused again. "In the past however, the Tournament has proven somewhat dangerous."

Harry heard Hermione muttering beside him. "More like exceedingly deadly." He looked at his girlfriend but she just waved him off.

"As a result," Dumbledore continued, "this year, the Tournament entries have been restricted. The Ministry of Magic has decreed that only persons of the age of 17 prior to September 2nd will be allowed to submit their name." Shouts of annoyance rang out forcing Dumbledore to send off a spell to quiet everyone. Harry's face shifted from entertained indifference to a predatory smile. "Now, now, I know that many of you are disappointed, however this is for your own safety. The other schools will be arriving tomorrow and the selection process will be begin immediately. I wish you all luck!"

As the students started to file out of the Great Hall, Harry's grin had yet to fully dissipate and he carefully avoided looking at Shiva. Hermione noticed something was going on and hovered back with him. They had almost reached the Grand Staircase when Daphne came up from behind and grabbed Harry's elbow.

"Excuse me, Hermione. I got this," Daphne said narrowing her eyes at Harry.

Hermione frowned but nodded. "Very well. I'm not entirely certain of what's going on, but if you're sure..." Daphne nodded at Hermione's question. "Okay. If you need me to tap in afterwards comm me."

"Will do. Harry, come with me." Daphne pulled Harry out of the stream of students and directed him into an unused classroom a little ways away. She pulled out her wand and cast several privacy charms around the perimeter.

Harry raised his eyebrows at her, halfway between glaring and exasperated. "Are you going to tell me why you dragged me in here, Daph?"

Daphne finished her spellwork and turned to him scowling. "You stupid, idiot!" Harry took a half step back at the vehemence in her voice. "You think me and our friends have spent the past two years keeping you alive just to watch you kill yourself in this Tournament? What are you thinking, Harry?!" She closed on him and stabbed her finger into his chest. Harry had backed up until he was pushed against the desk and had nowhere to escape to. "You think I didn't notice your crafty little grin? That you were being sneaky or careful? That Shiva is the only one who would care if you had a crazy idea like entering this death trap?" Daphne's mouth was curled and her hands were shaking. Her hair was flapping about her face as she shook her head. She was almost as mad as when she had starting going after Lockhart. Harry winced and tried to shift back into the desk even further.

"Will you please explain to me how you could possibly think that getting yourself into this would be a good thing? I am trying and failing to understand your reasoning, Harry," Daphne snarled. "I know you haven't grown up with a wizarding background, but even Dumbledore admitted that this is dangerous! The man who makes his career out downplaying everything from a malevolent possession of staff members to a 60 foot death monster admits that this is deadly! And you'd be between two and three years behind the other contestants! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?" She threw up her hands and stalked away beginning to pace in the center of the room, breathing hard.

Harry slowly and carefully walked to the nearest desk and sat down. He dropped his face into his hands and curled up slightly to present a smaller target without being too obvious about it. "I know. I'm sorry…" he said softly.

Daphne growled and pulled out the desk nearest him. She sat down heavily and took several large breaths. Finally regaining a semblance of calm she said, "Look, I'm sorry for yelling. I know you don't take that too well from your friends, but, Harry, seriously…help me out here. How could you think for even a moment that trying to get yourself into this Tournament is something remotely intelligent?"

Harry kept his head down as he muttered, "The Ministry has apparently said that anyone participating is an adult. I can't get away from Dumbledore. Shiva can't find any loopholes. Amelia can't find any loopholes. You can't find any loopholes. The goblins can't find any loopholes. He's too good at looking good…he's too practiced at manipulating and directing things. I can't get away, Daph. He accused me of going Dark last year, partly because I'm friends with you and Tracey…I just…"

Daphne flinched back at that. "He what? That bloody arsehole!" She fumed for a minute before reaching out to grab Harry hand and pull it away from his face. "Harry, look at me." Slowly he lifted his eyes to meet hers. "I'm sorry that our friendship has caused you problems. If I was a better person I'd probably try to distance myself from you. But I'm not a better person. I'm selfish and not above admitting I can be a bit of an icy bitch. In barely two years you've risen to be the high point in my life tied with Tracey and Astoria. So no, I'm not going to back down. And I am not going to let you get yourself killed in this Tournament just to get you away from the bearded old man!" Her hand tightened on his and she sighed. "Harry, if things get bad enough then we will get you out of the country to where he can't touch you. Dumbledore's reach is long and pervasive, but it is not absolute by any means. If you truly decide you've had enough then tell me and I will work with my mother, Hermione's parents and Shiva and get you shuttled off to Australia or America or Timbuktu. You don't have to get involved in a gladiatorial death match at 14 to escape, Harry."

He shrugged. "I know. I just…I thought it would be a good way to stick it to them all. The Ministry are arses and Dumbledore is an idiot. I thought…I thought I could show them what I could do and…I know it's stupid."

Daphne sighed and rubbed her temple with her free hand. "It's no secret that you seem to get involved in some sort of deadly event every year, Harry. I – " she scowled and held up her hand to him. "Tracey, I told you, I had to talk to Harry. Yes, I'll be down a few minutes. No I won't be caught, I have a Ninja on me like always. Fine. Okay, talk to you soon." She let out an annoyed breath as the connection cut out. "Sorry, about that. Now, as I was saying, Harry, whatever deity or anthropomorphic personification of an elemental force you pissed off, it obviously likes playing with you. Please don't help it along by actively trying to participate in this thing. I'd…" she paused and looked off to the side shutting her eyes in resignation before turning back to him. "I hate this, but I'd be willing to bet that somehow or other your name is going to end up being entered. It would fit the pattern of your life unfortunately."

Harry frowned. "It really would, wouldn't it…I hadn't even realized that."

"Yes, it would," Daphne nodded. "So let's make some plans in case that does happen. I can work out a statement for you to make as a magical vow to get people on your side if it occurs. I'll ask mother to send a copy of the rules and Tournament Charter as well so that we can go over it with a fine toothed comb. Maybe if we're really, really lucky you could just sit on the starting line of the events and the magic involved would consider you satisfying the letter if not the spirit."

"That…isn't really what I had hoped for, Daph," Harry said frowning.

"I know. But I also know I'm not alone when I say I'd rather have you alive and getting mocked by the idiots of our world than praised and dead," she glared at him. "Do you think Hermione would be happy with that? Or Tonks? Or Shiva? How about Luna? She looks up to you as her hero you know. How do you think she'd take it if you died for your pride?"

Harry's shoulders slumped. "Okay, okay, you made your point. I'm sorry."

Daphne squeezed his hand again. "I don't intend to wrap you up in a cushioning charm, Harry. I'm just trying to be realistic. When I found out about this Tournament a week ago I did a bit of research. It has a nearly 68% casualty rate." Harry's head jerked up and he stared at her with his mouth open. "See? That's why I don't want you in it. Sometimes it's the Champions who die. Sometimes it's the hostages that get involved. Sometimes it's just spectators when events go out of control. In the 32% of cases without a death there is still a 12% chance of some sort of permanent harm."

She paused and moved to kneel in front of him. "Harry, if you do get dragged into it I swear I will do everything I can to see that you survive even if everyone else leaves you. I highly doubt any of our friends will abandon you, but I need you to know that I am serious about this. I am willing to swear a vow on my life and magic to guarantee I will be there for you."

"Please don't do that," Harry said quietly staring at her wide eyed.

"Okay, I won't. Just know that I am serious. I don't intend to lose my best friend to a blood sport. Please, just promise in return that you will not willingly enter yourself into the Triwizard Tournament. If you get pulled in by someone or something else I promise not to berate you, but please promise me you won't go looking for trouble like that."

Harry nodded still stunned. "I promise, Daph." Daphne nodded and stood up to hug him. "I'm sorry I got you so upset."

She chuckled into his shoulder and he felt a bit of wetness through his shirt. "Just don't be an idiot and I'll accept your apology. And be glad I'm the one who knocked some sense into you rather than Shiva. Or Hermione. That woman is scary when she gets pissed off."

Harry snorted. "Yeah. You should've seen her during the World Cup."

Daphne pulled back and smiled at him. Both of them ignored the slightly wet sheen in her eyes. "I'd like to see that one day. If either of you ever feel comfortable lending me the memory to view let me know."

"But you don't have a pensieve or anything," Harry said confused.

"True," Daphne paused and smirked playfully. "Well you could always just let me into one of your mindscapes so that I could see it firsthand." Harry gulped and she stepped away from him. "Okay. Are you sufficiently cowed and convinced that entering yourself in the Tournament is a bad idea?"

"Yes, Madam Ice Queen," Harry replied monotone, saluting smartly.

Daphne raised her eyebrows at him. "I prefer Mistress, not Madam. Madam makes me sound so old. And Mistress is far more commanding of respect anyway."

Harry snorted. "Yes, Mistress."

"Much better." Daphne smiled and turned to the door raising her wand and cancelling her privacy spells. "Thanks, Harry. I…thanks. I'll see you in the morning." With that said she waved over her shoulder at him and walked out.

Harry sighed and shook his head at his own stupidity from just a few minutes ago. Resolving to try and avoid telling the others just what Daphne had talked him out of, Harry heading out of the classroom and back to his dorms.

September 2nd dawned bright and clear. The students were assembled on the lawn to watch the arrival of the two foreign schools. They were due in any minute. Harry was standing next to Millicent had had quietly shifted into place as Luna jumped forward towards the front of the crowd to get a better view.

"Hello, Harry," the larger girl said softly, her voice pitched so that only Harry would be able to hear.

"Hey, Millicent. How are you?" Harry responded just as quietly.

"Better than some Slytherins. I wanted to thank you."

"For what?" he asked. This was probably the longest conversation he'd had with the girl outside of helping her during Ancient Runes class.

"The World Cup." Harry's eyes widened and he shuffled a bit from foot to foot. Before he could say anything though Millicent kept going, "One of the people you and Hermione took out was a wizard who my father had been in talks with. I know I'm not particularly attractive and my parents know it too. With that man dead, it's going to take them some time before they can find anyone else willing to pay what they want for my hand." She smiled at him. "With any luck, it'll be long enough that I can find a suitor on my own. So thanks. You guys may not have meant to, but you ended up saving me from being a broodmare. I'll thank Hermione later too. If you ever need a favor or a bodyguard just me know."

Harry was almost too stunned to respond. He just barely managed to grab her shoulder before she moved away. "You're worth more than just a bodyguard, Millie. And I'm glad that you don't have to worry about…that anymore."

The Slytherin nodded her thanks. "Thank you for the sentiment, Harry. After we all graduate I'd appreciate it if you remember me when hiring for your shop. I'm really growing to like working with runes and it'd be a fun way to earn a living." Harry nodded and she moved off to stand near Blaise.

Neville shifted closer to Harry and asked, "What did Millie want?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to say she'd love a job in my shop when I get a physical location in a few years."

Neville eyed him but nodded after a moment. "Okay."

"Look! They're flying in!" one of the younger students shouted pointing up into the sky. Harry shielded his eyes and glanced up searching the sky. He noticed the approaching carriage almost immediately and whistled in appreciation. It was huge and being towed by a collection of flying horses almost as large. Unlike thestrals, these horses looked very healthy and had beautiful manes. In place of bat-like wings these had wings more like a bird's and were covered in feathers. The carriage drew closer and gently settled to the ground.

Harry cocked his head and said, "Nev, do you think they have it enchanted to be bigger on the inside? That's big but there's no way there's enough room for their entire sixth and seventh years…"

"It's almost definitely enchanted," his friend agreed. "I doubt they brought the entire upper classes though. Likely just the people interested in trying to participate in the Tournament. Otherwise they might as well have brought the whole school."

Harry nodded and watched as the French students started to climb out of their carriage following behind a woman as large as Hagrid. Harry scanned the students but his attention was quickly pulled to a disturbance in the Black Lake. Neville nudged him and started panting mildly but Harry ignored him trying to figure out what was causing all the bubbles. He barely even noticed as almost all the men around him twisted to follow the Beauxbatons progress into the Great Hall.

"Bloody hell, it's a ship," Harry breathed out as the prow of a large Viking ship broke the surface of the water. "Nev, Hermione, look! Durmstrang came in a bloody submarine Viking ship!"

Besides him, Hermione shook her head and turned to follow his hand. "Wow. I think that's even more impressive than the flying carriage," she said.

Neville frowned. "I didn't think the lake was connected to anything…"

Luna popped up in front of the trio with a dreamy smile plastered on her face. "Myrtle says that there is an underwater passage that leads to the sea near that copse of trees, Neville." She gestured towards the far side of the Lake. "The mermen and the grindylows stay away from it as the current gets strong though the kelpies love to play in the eddies."

"When did Myrtle tell you that, Luna?" Tracey asked glancing down at the blond.

"Last year. She was quite perturbed when she got sucked out to the ocean by accident. Oh my," Luna's widened and she giggled slightly. "Those men are rather large are they not? I wonder if the – oh yes, yes, the women are quite impressive as well."

Tracey made a noise of agreement while the others chuckled.

"It's Victor Krum!" an excited shout came from a few meters down. Harry groaned recognizing Ron's voice. The red-head had been going on and on last night about the Quidditch star coming with the school. "Look, everyone, it's Victor Krum! He was amazing at the Cup! Did you see him? I was there! I almost touched him!" Harry idly wondered if perhaps Ron had actually been trying to leap over the barrier at the game to get to Krum instead of the Veelas.

"Settle down, settle down," Dumbledore said calmly. His fellow Headmasters, Karkaroff and Maxime, remained seated on either side of him. "Now before we start the feast or introduce the method of choosing the Champions, allow me to introduce the Ministry judges for this momentous event." He gestured to the side and a jovial man stood. Harry was a bit wary of him – in his experience very few people who were that happy were genuine. "Ludo Bagman, Director of Magical Games and Sports!"

Bagman took a small bow and said loudly, "And former Quidditch star! Happy to be here everyone. I look forward to a fantastic competition between our schools and our nations!"

Dumbledore waited for the clapping to quiet before he gestured to his other side. "And standing in for the Department of International Affairs, Madam Umbridge."

The plump woman stood and gave the semblance a large grin. Her mouth was wide and despite her bright pink clothes, she bore a striking resemblance to a toad. Enough that Harry found himself wondering if perhaps she had been the victim of a bad transfiguration accident. "Why hello, my dears. I am Madam Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic of Britain. I am here as his direct representative so I expect great things from all of you. This competition is simply a wonderful idea and I expect Britain to put on a fabulous showing. These proceedings are such a delight to witness. And such showy arrivals by our guests! My, my I so look forward to seeing the…effort put forth in the Tasks."

As the woman sat back down Harry frowned at his friends. "Did she just insult the other schools after declaring herself a direct representative of the Minister?"

"Yeah," Neville said grimacing. "I've heard stories about Umbridge. Gran may not tend to like most people, but there are very few she actively hates. Umbridge is one of the people with that distinction."

"She certainly seemed to be rather daft," Hermione snorted. "What even is a Senior Undersecretary?"

Luna looked over and cocked her eyebrow. "You don't know Hermione? It's the highest position that a nargle or wrackspurt can achieve while still maintaining the human cover. Daddy originally suspected that the Rotfang Conspiracy utilized the office as a headquarters but he quickly discarded that notion as The Umbitch was obviously not intelligent enough to lead such a widespread coup."

Hermione's mouth worked soundlessly while Harry struggled mightily not to laugh. After a moment he failed horribly while Hermione finally regained her voice. "Luna, did you just call the Ministry representative Umbitch?" she sounded torn between shock and admiration.

"No, Hermione," Luna said shaking her head and still maintaining her smile. "The Umbitch. The article is very important as it is a title."

Ginny leaned over and slapped Luna on the shoulders a wide grin on her face. "I agree, Luna. My dad has truly repulsive stories about the Toad."

Harry managed to get his chortling back under control as the muttering from the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students died down. Both foreign headmasters were glaring at the pink toad woman who completely ignored them all. Harry frowned a bit as he realized she was staring right at him with a predatory little gleam in her eyes. Well at least he had found a likely target for who would be attempting to murder him this year if Moody proved to be a decent person as Neville had said.

"Hmm, yes, well now that introductions have been performed," Dumbledore smiled with his ever present twinkles shining in his eyes, "allow me to bring forth…the Goblet of Fire!" With a flash, a golden cup appeared on a stand in front of the head table with a small red-orange flame sprouting from the center. "This is the Goblet of Fire. If any wish to enter the Tournament, simply add a slip of paper you're your name and school to the Goblet. Tomorrow afternoon at dinner, it will choose the most worthy individuals from each school and I will announce them at that time. Remember, only students have reached 17 years of age prior to this morning are allowed entry. I will personally inscribe an Age Line around the placement of the Goblet to ensure that this rule is followed. Now, the feast!" With his piece said, Dumbledore sat back down and food appeared on the tables.

There appeared to be a nice assortment of English, French and Russian food laid out. "What is this? Why's they give us crappy French food?" Ron's voice drifted down. "The Beauxbatons are sitting over with the Ravenclaws. Why bother sending their food here too? Waste of good food space."

Ginny muttered a few choice curses under her breath before turning to her brother. "Ron, we're supposed to try and get along with the other schools. Part of that is trying their food. You might like it. Merlin knows, you eat everything else."

"It's French. I'm not going to like it, Gin."

Harry for his part was trying to ignore his dorm-mate. "Hermione, Luna, Nev, is the Toad still glaring at me?"

Luna made a show of carefully inspecting the entire room while Hermione shook her head at the younger girl in amusement. "No, Harry. The Umbitch has started insulting Madam Maxime. Do you think the larger woman will squash her? I can probably spin it into a nice editorial in the Quibbler if she does."

Harry was too busy laughing to respond. He felt a tap on his shoulder and a soft, familiar voice asked, "Excuse moi, are you finished with ze bouillabaisse? Ze platter by me was empty."

"Sure, feel free," Harry moved to grab the plate indicated and pass it over. He dimly noted that most of the males at the table were just staring behind him. As Harry turned to hand the plate to the girl his eyes widened and his face broke into a grin. "Oh, hey, Fleur! I didn't realize you were coming!"

The Veela blinked several times before laughing happily. "'arry? A small world, no? 'ello, 'ermione, eet is a pleasure to zee you az well! I should 'ave realized you both would be here. Zis is the British school after all."

"You get a pass," Hermione said with an answering smile. "Would you like to sit with us?"

"You do not mind?" Fleur asked cocking her head. Harry noticed the slight hesitation in her question. It reminded him a lot of how Luna had first reacted when asked to sit with them. Harry took Fleur's hand and guided her down to sit beside Hermione.

"It would be our pleasure to sit near you, mademoiselle," he said with a polite bow.

Fleur laughed and was quickly joined in by Hermione, Luna and Neville. Almost like a switch was thrown, the conversation at the Gryffindor table started back up again.

"Harry," Daphne's amused voice came from his Comm Stone, "I see you have acquired a new friend. I hope that you will find the time to introduce us to her tomorrow. That's the Veela girl you mentioned earlier yes? Tracey is practically drooling that she's sitting with you."

Harry heard a distant, "I am not!" through the connection.

"Yes, you are Tracey," Daphne said laughing. "You're also cursing that Harry is gobbling up all the beautiful women. You know, you can start your own harem if you want. It just might be a bit more difficult." She laughed again.

Harry barely avoided snorting out his own pumpkin juice. "Tell Tracey I'm happy to introduce Fleur to her tomorrow. I make no promises concerning her attempts at a harem though."

"Will do! Oh and apparently Millie has said that if you manage to add Krum to your growing collection she would like to ask for dibs."

Harry lost his battle with holding in his juice at that point.