
Harry Potter and the Records of Adnales

One tries to find the truth about his family and the other getting pulled by the current of fate because of the past. A mystery born from a mistake because of misunderstandings. A/N; Update schedule, 1 chap every 2 weeks on Thursdays (can have an abnormal update if a situation happened and I'm forced to update it not at the scheduled time). cover art by "alka_1214" in Insta. aka yours truly

Alcaine · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs

Mateo Crowell

  "Do you think we'll make it?" My mother marveled to my father who was right next to her, nudging his already smudge sleeves relentlessly, "Can't you hurry???"

"I am going as fast as I can, Dear!" He exclaimed helplessly, turning the wheel to a sharp left before hitting the gas and went straight forward "I know you're worried, but calm down!"

"Calm?" She spat, "I am calm!"

"Then please let go of my sleeve? It's distracting me!!"

"Distracting? Oh come on," she rolled her eyes and huffed, "Just focus on the road!!!"

"I am focus!!!" He hit the brakes and made another sharp turn to the left. Honks from the surrounding cars sounded like a clown orchestra filled with nothing but mad trumpeters.




  Okay, before things goes way out of hand, let's pause everything for a second and get to the intro first.

  Hi, my name is Mateo Crowell. A five year old boy who was seated at the back of this rampaging mad car that bids no rule. I like chocolates and has no other particular interest. That, of course, includes this hell ride that seemed like it could get us to prison for a good amount of time, 

  AND… the fact that both of my parents just ignored the fact that today was supposed to be my 'Special day', why you asked? Well get your colorful pointed paper hat and loud confetti's, cause today was supposed to be my birthday.

  But Noo~

My parents decided to forget about everything and took me by the collar and drag me into the car, literally. Forgetting my birthday, forgetting about the road safety rules, forgetting that there are other people than just them that are currently using this road, forgetting about the red lights, forgetting about what kind of police sirens sound like…. See? Forgetting everything.

  Hmm, Oh? Your asking why mother and father seemed so desperate? I'm not quite sure myself about the entire picture. But, one thing I do know is that we're going to a hospital right now. (And don't worry I'm not sick, I'm as healthy as a baby chick under the summer sky right now, 

  …Is that even the right term?) It's just that two certain friends of theirs got into an 'accident' and got hospitalized.

  But as much to my displeasure right now, both since they abandoned my birthday and my comfort (riding in this mad car), seeing the worried look their faces displayed, is more than enough to make me swallow my complaints and not throw a tantrum. Though I really want to right now.

  Err… I think that's all for now, Resume!!!




"Just around this corner….

  He made another another turn

...and we're here!" He stomped on the breaks until it screeched against the concrete road. And with a final thump, the world came to an immediate stop. My head felt like it had a horrible vacation at the juice blender and was about to pour all of the juice to my mouth. 

  But just as I was about to swallow the vomit that was starting to fill my mouth, I felt my body being lifted up and carried by someone-- Oh no, the world started to shake again. 

...Ughh, o...kay…, now it's my stomach turn to go to the horrible blender vacation. Great.

  Entering a door, I could hear the clear clicking noise from my mother's heels hitting the Linoleum flooring rapidly, welst my father followed closely behind her in the same manner of suit.

""ASPHODEL AND ILIAD AVERY,"" I hear my mother and father shout at the poor receptionist at the same time.

  I lift my head a bit after my nausea calmed down and saw the receptionist's eyes widened in surprise "A- Room… two- twenty four…" they stammered, probably because of the confusion.

  Both my mother and father nodded their head as thanks before running towards the wide staircase. Making my stomach upset again. Curse this small body of mine.

  After turning here and there to find the room, they finally stopped in front of the twenty fourth door. My mother puts me down and with this, I could finally sighed in peace…

  Oh right! I forgot to introduce them. My bad,

Let's see…

  My mother's name is Aquila Crowell, a manager at a small tailoring shop at the cities central. She is usually more calm than this and quite observing, but when she is stressed or is in a very unstable emotional state, she will explode and be like what you may have witnessed previously. While my father is Theodore Crowell, a banker in the local bank. The real calm one in the family, he is the one who gives reasons to my mother when she's… well, not her calm self. But right now… both of them doesn't seem to be in the right mind. I think this is all...

...Right, back to the story. After arriving in front of the room my mother let me down and proceed to open the door and entered without needing to hear a 'come in' from anyone who was inside. 


  As we entered the room. I marveled on how spacious it was. And if you ask me, well judging from how it looked from the outside, I think it should be a bit smaller. And by how big this room was, It was like, it was a work of magic. Extending the room two times of how it was supposed to be sized!


Haha… I think I read a bit too much fantasy books lately...

  After looking around the room a bit, I noted that there was a lot of weird machines here. Most of them surrounded the three beds that was at the center of the room, behind this glass walls.

  I assumed the two beds that was at the very right and left was my parents' friends. Mrs. Asphodel and Mr. Iliad Avery. But, if that's them, then who was the one in the middle?

  I stranded from my parents and went toward the glass that's separating me and them. I tiptoed to get a better view. The owner of the middle bed was a boy, probably no older than myself. He had most of his face and body in a mummy like bandage, some of his honey blond strands of hair was seeping out through the gap of the bandages. While his visible skin was bruised and scarred.

  When I touched the glass, cold sting stung my fingers and palm that touched the glass. 'Do I know him?' was the first question that appeared in my mind, I scrunch my brows together. I feel like I should know him but, in all honesty, I don't. Well this is…

...Certainly not a first. 

  This Deja Vu thing has been happening to me a lot lately-- Well, So much until I lost track of how many times I experienced this.

  I sighed and saw a strange blue light started swirling around the boy, I squinted my eyes to get a better look but was stopped by a loud booming voice from beside me.

"Monsieur Crowell…?" A person wearing a lab coat step up and stood from where he, at least what I know, was seated. He knitted his brows together before he beamed in delight and greeted my father with a fond smile behind the thick bushy beard, "Haha! Long time no see! How are you, my old friend?" 

  I looked up, to study his face better. Well, it was quite hard since most of it was covered by those thick white glasses. They were soo thick it reflected some of the light making his eyes appear to be two huge-white-bulging lenses.

"I've never been better. You?" my father answered him in the same manner as the bearded man did

"As good as the olden days, say" he cheered, "How about you mademoiselle Aquila?"

"I have been well" She answered briefly, a smile planted on her previously worried face-- though, it didn't last long. Her eyes darted to where the three sleeping figures was at, but mostly to the one at the middle. "Say, did Asphodel and Iliad had a child?" she asked

"Yes," the bearded man said "Didn't you know?"

Ooh... so that's who the boy is, I note that fact inside my mind.

"Strangely, No" she muttered, biting the corners of her lips "Infact, they did Not uttered a single word about this matter"

  The bearded man's eyes widen in surprise, "Strange," He pondered, "That is truly strange. Thought they'd at least tell monsieur and mademoiselle" 

  It was quiet for a few moments. I look left and right. Alright, I know it's inappropriate, but, how can I tell them I'm hungry? I haven't eaten anything since this morning and it's already past noon. I look around a few more times before gaining enough courage and nudge my mother's sleeve. 

  Feeling my nudge, My mother widen her eyes and jerked her head to face the bushy bearded man with a stern face, "Condition!" she demanded, "what are their Conditions?"

I facepalmed internally

"Hold your horses there mademoiselle, calm yourself down." He said, "and we need it. Listen don't freak out, alright?" He looked straight to my mother's eyes, "Monsieur and mademoiselle Avery, they…--"Oh, stop the dramatics and just tell us already!" She screeched nearly pulling her hair off her head. Making him flinched.

"They…" he gulp " won't make it.."

  My mother frozed, as if she was expecting those answers but still couldn't believe it. My father on the other hand was able to hide most of his', well most. His eyes widened ever so slightly and lips scrunched together. Shadow gloomed over their worried faces. Especially my mother's eyes. She pursed her lips together and spat something un-lady like. My father who was quiet for sometime opened his mouth and asked, "How about the boy?" he slip right next to mother hugged her shoulder- trying to calm her down "How 's his condition?"

  The bushy bearded man was quite for a while before he managed a small smile "His injuries, thank Merlin, aren't fatal," he began " and gratefully," He looked back to where the boy was sleeping, his eyes twitch open, my parents didn't see it, but I did, he was surprised. "It is stable now. The boy should wake up in the next two days or so." The man twist his head back to face my parents and leaned his back to the white wall, rocking his ankles up and down, "Listen, I'm still on the run...

'On the run?' I repeated his statement in my head

...I can't take care of the boy, and Flickchered--" he twisted his hand searching for the right words to use "Has her conditions. So can you two-- Hm? Who is this" he pointed his thumb to me "Wait, don't tell me…" he smirked knowingly to my mother "And there you were, getting angry for not knowing that the Avery's already had a child, Mademoiselle"

  My mother flinched back, "I- I…"

"Tsk.. tsk… tsk…, that' is very bad of you Mademoiselle," he chimed "Very, very bad of you"

  My mother twitched her lips and sighed in frustration, defeated. Welst my father just smiled sheepishly from that comment.

 "But I have to say," he walked closer to me and crouched down to my level of height "He inherited your lovely Violet eyes, Mademoiselle Aquila" the bushy bearded man patted my head with his big hands, and he huffed as he smiled at me caringly "As much I would want to know you better, young Monsieur. May I ask the young monsieur to go out for a moment?"

  And as the timing couldn't have been more perfect, my stomach rumbled, Loudly. The man's eyes were slightly visible from where I am standing right now. And I say, those silver orbs were widened, widely.

"Pfft ...Hahaha!" He laughed (very loud at that)  and, now, I'm eternally embarrassed "Seems like young monsieur is hungry, yes?" he smiled and rummaged through his pockets and gave me a pink box with the word 'Cauldron cakes' written on it in blue. I opened the box and could smell the sweet chocolate delight. I looked at my mother for permission, and just hoped she'd allow me. She looked at me and curtly nodded to me, before looking at my fathers- discussing something with him.

Well, it's not like I need to know anything, all I need is this chocolate… cake? Well it was written 'cake' so…, and I think I'll be good. 

  I went out through the door and went straight to the chair that was just right across the room. I sat there and enjoyed my sweet treat. While doing so I move my eyes left and right, up and down. The Corridors were quite busy. Nurses and Doctors in white went past me like busy, busy bees. Buzzing around non stop, head mostly nodded down to the papers that were at their hands. The clock that was stripped onto the wall kept on ticking and ticking, going round to the circular motion.

  Alright, now that I finished my treat, I'm bored. Swinging my legs backward and forward, my mind started to wander from places to places.

What to do…

What to do… 

What to…


"Hey, don't fall asleep here-" A soft voice rang from beside me "It's dangerous" it said, nudging my sides rather roughly

   So, lazily, I moved my head to look at who it was, though my eyes right now was mostly likely was just a strip of a line. I opened my eyes slowly and saw a charming blonde haired girl with sharp bottle green eyes. It was also very notable that she was way older than me. 

  I innerly contemplated whether to just ignore her or listen to her. Afterall, she was just a random stranger. But with those intense eyes boring into me, feeling a tad bit uncomfortable, I hastily decided to just listen to her. 

   After stretching the numb limbs I acquired during my short sleep, I fixed my position and moved my body to face the girl. The girl nodded in acknowledgement when I did so. "So, what does a little kid like you doing here alone?" She asked me, staring into my eyes

  I didn't answer her, but merely pointed at the door where mother and father were at now.

"So, your Guardian is are there?"

I nod 

"Their sick?"

I shook my head

"Visiting someone?"

I nod again

"..." She stared at me, brows furrowed together at the center- lips pursed, "Why aren't you speaking?" She asked me, "there's nothing wrong with your voice." She stated. Yes, stated, it wasn't a question. 

  I looked at her right in the eyes for a while before I shook my head and nodding them, agreeing with her statement. It was true. There was nothing wrong with my voice.  But… Why should I speak to a stranger? Then again, another reason why I didn't speak was because my voice was kinda strained right now. One, I haven't drank a single drop since this morning and now it's…

I look around and saw a clock

...one thirty in the afternoon??? Okay, I slept in longer then I thought I would. Oh! and two…, it was probably because the cake I ate before was kinda dry and it added the strain.

"So what's the matter?" she asked me in expiration

Well this is annoying,

  I raised my right hand to my chest level and made a grabbing motion before raising it as if I was drinking from the imaginary glass of water.

  The blonde girl stared at me with scrunched eyebrows for a while before her face lights up, "Your thirsty?" She asked me with a tone that sounded like a professor getting an enlightment about a research he had done for years and just got answers.

I nodded my head up and down. 

  She smiled, "If you want to drink, go there-" she pointed to the cafeteria sign that was at the end of the long hallway, "- We can ask the shopkeeper there for some water, if you want"

  I nodded my head. Well, since I don't have anything better to do and I'm quite thirsty, might as well just check the place out. My parents did not say anything about forbidding me to roam around the place after all. Hehe...

  "Hey don't ran off, wait for me kid!" She whispered-screams to me from her place "It's not good for a kid like you to roam around this place with no one to look after you" she stood up, dusting her pants from the non-existent dust.

And once more, I nodded my head up and down before we proceeded to go to the cafeteria. I guess, since she hasn't done anything suspicious until now, she could be trusted, right?.

  While we were walking. I moved my head left and right-- observing the Hospital's… how to put it, 'interesting' taste in art and designs.

  For one, There was a lot of strange paintings, don't believe me? Well, one of them is a painting of four men riding horses across a road of many corpses-- slaughtering with their own chosen weapon. Another was a painting was a painting of many bodies being thrown into a giant flaming cave by angles, while those bodies was being greeted by by many - many undead soldiers.

  I involuntarily shivered at those paintings. Why would anyone even think of putting those kind of pictures in a hospital? Truly weird,


  When got the cafeteria, The girl told me to take a seat, anywhere. So I took the seat that was closest to me then. The seat at the middle of the cafeteria that has four chairs, I sat at the nearest chair and leaned back.

  The Blonde went to the counter and ask for a glass of water while buying few types of candy. After she done so, she turns back and went to the table where I was sitting.

  She puts the glass filled with water at the table and proceeds to seat at the chair across mine.

  I took the glass filled with water and twirled it a few times before chugging it all in a matter of seconds. Wow. I was thirstier than I thought I was. My throat suddenly felt all refreshed and nice. 

"So…, who are your parents visiting?" She asked me, popping a candy into her mouth

"Why do you need to know?" I muttered under my breath

"What?" She cocked her ear closer to me like a granny

"Friends!" I accidently squeak out the answer, then repeated it slower "Their visiting their Friends"

"Ho~ really?" She inquired. The girl leaned forward, propping her hand to the table and using it as a support for her head. Her expression was quite… unreadable-- yet, it was as obvious as a cheat sheet. To me, she looked like she was amused, smirking, questioning, and something of the like. Like, she didn't believe my answer- but, then again, why should I care? Why should she care?

"Hey, miss--

"Frey, just call me Frey"

"Miss Frey--

"Just Frey is okay" she insisted, 

  and I ignore her, "Miss Frey, I can't help but ask you something" I continued despite her unamused look at my way of addressing her, "why did you accompany someone like me? A stranger?" I looked her right at her eyes.

  Okay Mateo, this is the crucial part. Like what you read in those books. If she averted her eyes, or start to sweat, or stuttered when she answers, or maybe--

  "Because I was bored" she answered me immediately, no stuttering or sweating or any other things that I prepared.

"Huh?" I, accidentally, blurted out

"Like I said, I was bored waiting for my old man, so I thought that maybe you could keep me entertained. Besides," she stated cleanly, but then she smiled like a cheshire cat. Grinning ear to ear mischievously, "it seemed like you were also bored. To the point you recklessly sleep in an unfamiliar place…




"Are you awake yet, Mateo?" I heard My mother's voice asking me faintly

"Hhng…" I grunted out a sound as loud as I could, but to no avail. My throat was dry.

"Sorry we took to long dear," She apologized, "Things were quite complicated, and of course,  there was tons of paper that we needed to fill"

I grunted again

"Is there anything you wanted to eat?"

"No," I managed out a small squeak of a voice, "Too tired..."

"... Oh I see, then just take a nap now, I'll wake you up later when we arrived back at home" She assured me, her soft voice tingles through my ear. Making me even more sleepy than before.

  I relaxen my shoulders and twist my head slowly to where the window is. Blue, Red, White, and yellow lights flashed through my half slithed eyelids. It was beautiful. And There, I saw my mother's faint silhouette. Her long dirty blond colored hair was tied losely to the side, and that...

Was probably the last thing I saw before I fell into a deep sleep.


The next day...

  When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of those familiar toy airplanes that hung at the ceiling of my room. I sat slowly sat up and sighed because I had to wake up early.

  I stupidly blinked my eyes for a while before I drag myself out of bed and went to the showers. Pulled out random pair of clothing and wore it. 

  After that, I went down stairs and gone to the kitchen. Took my seat and dropped my head to the table, with both of my hands acted as it's pillow.

"Mateo! Raise your head. Don't do that at the table!" My mother screeched, judging from where her voice was from and the sizzling sound, I'd say she's the one who was cooking right now. (Both my Mother and Father cooked).

"But Mother…," I groaned "I'm tired...--

Oh no, big mistake, BIG MISTAKE.

  I shot up and jerked my head one eighty to looked at my mother who face palmed while shacking her head left and right, sighing deeply. And it was at that very moment I knew, 

I screwed up.

 Big Time.

   I  moved my head and faced my father, I stared at him with widened eyes and pursed lips. 'please no, please no, please no!' I chanted in my mind, hoping that he didn't hear it. But sadly, he heard it...

"Hello tired," he grinned to me widely, ear to ear "I'm Father" 

"Ughh....." And there it is ..., The Dad joke. The common one at that...

I know, I know, you all probably are cursing at me right now. But I'm rewriting this because I'm going to change the names. Since It seemed Lauren's name is a bit confusing (I searched and it was a girl's name, my bad)

and since My writing style changed a lot by the passing months, I'm updating this as an option, which style do you readers preferred?

Option one or Option two?

I learned my lesson and won't promise any regular updates, just a heads up.

-thank you,

sincerely Alcaine

Alcainecreators' thoughts