

Draco spent the night managing things in his suitcase, assigning new places for the new creatures and separating duties among the elves. Among them only one was allowed to go near Norberta and feed her, due to Draco telling her not to harm him, Norberta reluctantly followed the order. To keep things simple for Norberta to understand, Draco made quite a few rules. Those rules included prohibiting her from going to certain places and not harming or going near other creatures, especially not attacking them with her fire or chasing them. With the help of formations and the elves, Draco was able to finish all the work within a couple of hours. With a fire-based habitat created for Norberta and Firedrakes. Draco tried to communicate with the Firedrakes, the same way he did with Norberta but unfortunately it didn't work.

Draco kept the Lethifold on a separate place. Since it came with its own cage, Draco didn't have to do much about it. The main problem with keeping it was that it needed live food. Luckily, due to the Lethifold eating the day before, it wasn't that hungry. Draco had a lot of food with him, even including meat of different type of animals, but he didn't have anything alive that he could feed the Lethifold with. Draco made a quick order to a wizarding shop to send him a bunch of a different kind of livestock, which could be sold legally. An elf was assigned for the Lethifold and the live-stocks separately but since nothing had arrived till now, the elf was free of his duty. The elf's main job was to protect and look out for the Lethifold, making sure it doesn't escape by reinforcing security every day. With a help of a formation, Draco created a barrier of a sort, a bit far from its cage, in case it ever manages to escape.

Draco then proceeded to plant the Mahogany tree containing the Bowtruckles. With the help of quality fertilizers, Draco was sure the tree would grow big in no time. Draco wasn't interested in all the bowtruckles but just one in particular which seemed a bit more intelligent than the others as it was more curious about Draco than cautious like the others. Draco picked the Bowtruckle as the one suitable for training and marked it with magic without the Bowtruckle knowledge. Draco knew building a connection would take a bit of work and time so he didn't rush into it. For Draco who was planning on facing a dangerous knowledgeable enemy, he needed a lot of help and that is where the Bowtruckles fit in, with its small size and with its capability to pick locks, it was one of the handiest creatures he could have around. In enemy territory, Draco needed to be cautious enough to not fall under traps but in case he ever did, he wanted to have the option to escape from it. According to the letter, Ryan had similar ability as him in speaking with Dragons, due to this Draco had to bench one of his powerful creature, in case she could be used against him. An elf was assigned to take care of all the small sized creatures like the Bowtruckles, the Murtlap, the dung beetles, the Snidget and the firedrake. Another one was assigned to deal with big creatures like Fluffy.

After getting Starlight's agreement on things, Draco released the Granians in the same forest as Starlight, but unlike Starlight who roamed freely, they were kept inside a high fence covering the entire place, even the skies as they had the ability to fly away. Draco didn't have to do much about taking care of them since it came along with a Porlock. The Porlock after being released quickly hid somewhere in the open space. Draco didn't mind it since it was in the nature of Porlock to be mistrustful of humans. Draco kept the carriage right outside of the fence, in case he had to quickly travel using it. The horses were raised and trained with the sole purpose of carrying the carriage, so Draco didn't need to worry about training them.

Draco after managing the creatures, assigned all the duties to the elf, from cleaning to taking care of the animals. Some creatures needed additional and careful care, so he picked the smartest one among them to do the jobs. Their jobs included feeding the creatures in time, cleaning up their mess and placing it in an assigned area, where the dung beetle could do its job properly. Dragon manure was kept separately as Draco could use it as fertilizers. The elves also had the task to clean the area regularly along with some necessary chores here and there. Since Draco didn't have many creatures with him, the elves didn't have even half the workload on their hand as they did before.

Draco used a formation to build a small house for the elves, which consisted of five different rooms. Since elves are used to living under small cave they dug themselves, for them this room was way more luxurious. Draco could clearly see the difference between them and the regular house-elves. Even though the five of them continuously thanked Draco for giving them a place to live in, they didn't decline the house at any time. Draco was sure if he gave any elf from the Malfoy Manor, a house to stay in, they would probably cry and beg to make sure Draco takes back the house.

Draco met very interesting people in his tour to Romania, among them Merc and the elf seller taking the top spot. Draco was more interested in the elf-seller since he seemed to know even Merc and was very mysterious as Draco didn't even know his name, unlike him Draco understood a little about Merc since he had a decent conversation with him. Draco asked the elves about the elf seller but to his surprise, none of them knew much about him either other than the fact that he was their temporary owner unless someone comes and buys them.

According to the elves, they were trained by the older elves who didn't sell early on, to do their job and the man didn't bother with them at all. Foods would arrive in time and the elves had the free reign to do anything as they pleased, but due to the guidance of the older elves, they didn't do anything out of the line. The man showed up now and then, looking around the place once in a while and just disappear out of the place most of the times. The more Draco heard about the man, the more interested he got in him, as he figured that the man was something special rather than a plain old drunk, he first thought he was.

Draco after a brief conversation with the elves went towards his lab. The place was a mess since the last time he came here, so with a bit of wand-waving, the place was clean as before. Draco put the egg on the center of the lab on a heated pillow. Draco didn't know much about raising eggs, but he doubted that even if he did have the knowledge, it would be pretty useless since the egg in front of him was a hybrid. Draco bought the egg for the sole reason, that he was the only one who heard its heartbeat. Even Merc was unaware of the fact that the egg was alive and wanted to sell it as a dud egg for decor. Draco was sure that the hybrid containing Dragon genes in it was the only reason he could hear the faint heartbeat. Draco was sure that the egg could hatch any moment since the heartbeat signified that it was already starting to turn into a creature, he just didn't know when. It could be tomorrow, after a month or even years. So to make sure it didn't cause any ruckus after it breaks free, Draco created a small barrier around it using a formation, to make sure that the creature wouldn't set his lab on fire, in case it had the ability to. Draco was very fascinated with the idea of hybrids and couldn't help but feel excited to see what hatches out of it and what power it holds.