
It's easy, you belong to...

When we enter the train for the first time I am able to see Hermione shock. The Hogwarts Express is way larger and longer inside than its outside looks reflect. The corridor is super spacious but it is still packed with teenagers wizard. We go through the corridor until it starts to get more empty. We found an empty passenger cabin and I help her to store her luggage.

We sat facing each other right in the corner of the passenger carriage window. I see my grandmother and I wave to her but she don't see me. She seems out of touch with reality. Hermione's parents see her and warn her about me. They approach our windows and we chat a little more. After some time, I see redhead twins walking at the station, close to them are more redhead people. It's the Weasley family. They are more tall than I had imagined and they are not so skinny as in the books and movies. They look more sturdy, despite Percy being be more slimmer. Next to Mrs. Weasley are Ron and Ginny. They are both cute children. I start to look for Harry, but I don't see him, he probably got on the train already.

Well, if the Weasley family is here the train is about to depart. I ask Hermione's parents what time it is, they notice the time and we all start to say goodbye to each other. The Hogwarts Express finally gives the start and begins to move away from King's Cross Station and heading towards Hogwarts. We both cry again, I cry a little and Hermione cries a lot. We both drink some water I brought with me and we begin to calm down as the window image begins to become a blur, due to the speed of the Hogwarts Express.

The next moment we are already talking about magic. Hermione asks me an infinite number of questions. I try to respond respond them all. She starts to show me some simple spells and I try to help her with them. After some time I hear "Anything off the trolley, dears?"

I imediatly stand up, I was waiting for the food. I have already tasted some foods in Diagon Alley, but there were still some unknown of them to me. I asked Hermione and she was in doubt of what to choose, she clearly knew less than me about wizarding food.

"Have you ever tasted something here?"

"No, I only tasted an ice cream and have a normal lunch the day I met you in Diagon Alley. I don't know what is good..."

"No problem, let's just buy a little bit of everything, I want to experiment some things too."

"But it will be a lot of food..."

"No problem, at worst, we just share with other students later." I smile and pay to the smiling old lady and as it had happened to Harry and Ron, we ended up spending a lot of time tasting foods. The most fun was, of course, the Every Flavor Beans. It feels so good when you bite and it taste something normal hahahaha. We have a lot of fun reading about famous wizards in the chocolate frogs too.

It was almost 15 o'clock when Hermione said we should put our school robes. She went to the bathroom and I start to change inside my passenger cabin "Colloportus". I put my robes fast with the help of some magic and just when I have finished, when someone tried to open the door. It was closed, so it was followed by a knock. I thought it was hermione. So I opened it! "Alohomora!"

To my surprise it was an old friend. "Hello, Draco. How are you?"

"Oh, so it is you Neville. I'm fine. Do you know if the rumors that Harry Potter is going to Hogwarts this year are true? We heard some guys saying they saw him today, so we are looking for him..."

"Ah, the rumors must be true. The age fits at least but I haven't seen him. Why are you looking for him? Curious about the one who defeated 'You-Know-Who'? And who are your friends?"

"Ah, these is Crabbe and these is Goyle, but aren't you curious? Tsk, nevermind, I'm losing time if you don't saw him. By the way, you are talking a lot, huh! Congrats! Hahahaha Did you finally awake your magic too? It took you so long, be careful to not be as bad as a mudblood..." I was about to answer him when he just turned around and left. A really arrongat kid indeed. Should I help Harry now? Nah, he don't need me now.

After some time Hermione came back and started to complain about the behaving of the other kids, saying they were racing up and down the corridors and she even saw some older students gambling in some kind of card game. I told her it was okay and that everyone can choose what to do with their own lifes. " You can not control other people's will, Hermione. Not everyone are like you. Just accept it. Concentrate in yourself."

"But someone should say something..."

"That someone is not you."

"But, but... okay. You are right, I will just warn the prefects then. Come with me."

I was about to say the prefects should already know about it, but she just grabbed my arm and pull me outside our cabin. As we were walking, she noticed she was almost holding my hand and let it go abruptly. I didn't see her face, but I bet she blushed a little. Hehe! We then met with Percy, and he agreed with her and started to scold everyone. He even warned the students who have not changed their clothes yet to do it fast.

When we were heading back to our cabins I heard Goyle yelling. Scabbers should problably bitted him by now. I told Hermione to hurry, because I knew it was almost time to arrive at Hogwarts. And just as we sit, we heard a voice echoed through the train "We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately."

Hermione looked anxious. I told her to relax. She just nods and we felt the train just started to slow down. We went to the corridor and there was a huge crowd of students already. When the Hogwarts Express arrived at the station, the students started to get down in a very dark platform

with a plaque with the sayings "Hogwarts Station".

After some time I saw one of my favorite characters for the first time. The half giant Rubeus Hagrid was holding a lamp and yelling "Firs' years! Firs' years over here!". As we approached I could finally see a boy with glasses and green eyes beside a very redheaded boy. Harry Potter looked really thin, almost undernourished. I saw him smiling at Hagrid and we start following them closely.

"C'mon, follow me. Any more firs' years?..."

We entered some kind of little forest and went through a dark path.

"Ye' all get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec" Hagrid called over his shoulder "jus' round this bend here."

And there ir was. A huge and large Castle. It was so beautiful. It had a lot of light and you could see different colours around it. I felt a huge vibration in my chakra points. Hogwart's castle exhaled magic by itself, you kinda could feel its power, it gave me a lot of confidence 'I really made the right choice when coming to this world and to this place. It really is the place where I should be.'

When I snapped back to reality, Minerva McGonagall was already in front of me. She was using a green robe very similar to the one my grandma used today. She looked like a stern librarian with those glasses and rigid face. She guided us through ours first steps inside of Hogwarts. It was just like every wizard place, looked way way bigger inside.

We stopped at a huge doorway, and she gave her speech to the the first years. She explained about the houses, the houses contest and the sorting ceremony and left. I heard some theories about how they would sort us in each house, and I was laughing when Hermione told me to start to prepare for the selection. I was going to explain her about the Sorting Hat when a lot of ghosts streamed through the back wall. Hermione got a little scared.

I touched her forearm lightly and said "Calm down, they are just ghosts..."

"I know, I read about them, but it is my first time seeing them. "

"Well, I guess you will have to get yourself used to it quickly, my grandmother said there is a ghost teacher in Hogwarts..."

Professor McGonagall had returned and told us to form a line and we entered in the Great Hall. It was simply huge too. In the movies, the four tables look big, here they are enormous. I remember J. K. Rowling once said she always thought there was 1000 thousand students in Hogwarts, but I guess she was wrong. There is half of that, at most. I heard a theory once that said the war against Voldemort have decreased the birth rate and it seems true, I see very few young wizards students sitted compared to older wizards students. From the students' faces, I think there are fewer students enrolled in the second, third, and fourth year classes at Hogwarts than in my class. And my freshman class only has 40 new students. Way more than half of the students sitting have more than 15 years old, I guess.

While I was looking to the students in the Great Hall (looking for girls, of course), Professor McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of us and put the Sorting Hat on top of it. I felt a magical vibration and the hat started to twitch, then it opened his mouth and sang his famous song.

Everyone applaused and names began to be called by Professor McGonagall. The first one was the girl who was supposed to be my wife. A very cute blonde girl called Hannah Abbot, she was send to Hufflepuff.

All the students I remembered from the books were going to the same houses. Then it was my turn.

"Longbottom, Neville."

I walk to the hat a little aprehensive but trying to exude confidence. I wanted to be a Gryffindor to be more easy to reach my goals, but I'm pretty much okay with any house. Even Slytherin should be okay, as it would be more easy to help Draco and to learn more about Potions from Snape.

I put the hat on my head and waited. Then a low voice came through my ears. "Hmmm... Very interesting, a boy full of destiny power. You have a lot of talents little boy, but it is easy to determine where you belong to... "


Neville is a Gryffindor. I even run a test at pottermore based on his characteristics. So don't complain much about it! Hahahahaha =)

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Avdrancreators' thoughts