
Harry Potter and the Nexus of Worlds

AI Written Before receiving his Hogwarts letter, eleven-year-old Harry Potter stumbles upon a mysterious book that grants him the ability to draw objects and knowledge from other books. Armed with this newfound power, Harry explores magical worlds beyond his imagination, uncovering secrets and mastering skills that prepare him for the extraordinary journey ahead. As he delves deeper into the art of libriomancy, Harry discovers a hidden library that could change his life forever. AI Written

Mickael_Alraek · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
18 Chs

Chapter Nine: The First Expedition

The next morning, we gathered in the sanctuary's main hall to plan our first expedition. The ancient map spread out on the table before us showed the locations of hidden libraries and sanctuaries around the world, marked with cryptic symbols and notes in an old, flowing script.

"We need to establish contact with the other sanctuaries," Matilda said, her eyes scanning the map. "Our best chance lies in uniting our knowledge and resources. Each of these places holds something valuable, something that can help us in our fight against the Seekers of Shadows."

I looked at the map, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. The nearest sanctuary was in an old monastery in France, hidden deep within the Alps. According to Matilda, it housed one of the most extensive collections of ancient magical texts in the world.

Tom tapped the map with his wand, and the symbol for the French sanctuary glowed brightly. "This will be our first destination. We'll need to be prepared for any dangers along the way. The Seekers will be watching for any signs of movement."

I nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility. This was my first real mission as a libriomancer, and I couldn't afford to fail. We spent the rest of the day gathering supplies and finalizing our plans. By nightfall, we were ready to depart.

As we gathered in the courtyard, Matilda handed me a small, silver amulet. "This will help you if you get into trouble," she said. "It's a protective charm, passed down through generations of libriomancers. Use it wisely."

I slipped the amulet around my neck, feeling a sense of comfort in its presence. With the map in hand and the Subtle Knife at my side, I was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The journey to France was long and arduous. We traveled by train and then by foot, navigating the winding mountain paths with care. The air grew colder as we ascended, the snow-capped peaks looming in the distance.

Finally, after days of travel, we reached the monastery. It was a massive stone structure, its walls covered in ivy and ancient runes. The entrance was hidden behind a waterfall, accessible only by a narrow, slippery path.

We made our way behind the waterfall, the roar of the water deafening in the enclosed space. As we approached the door, I whispered the incantation from "The Book of Portals," and the runes on the door glowed brightly. With a creak, the door swung open, revealing a dimly lit hall.

Inside, the monastery was a maze of corridors and chambers, filled with shelves of books and ancient artifacts. The air was thick with the scent of old parchment and the faint hum of magic. We were greeted by an elderly monk, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Welcome, travelers," he said, his voice soft and melodic. "I am Brother Jean, keeper of this sanctuary. What brings you to our humble abode?"

Matilda stepped forward, her eyes serious. "We come seeking knowledge and allies. We are libriomancers, and we need your help."

Brother Jean's expression grew somber. "The times are indeed dark. The Seekers of Shadows have grown bold, and their reach extends even here. But you are welcome, and we will do what we can to assist you."

Over the next few days, we explored the monastery's vast library, uncovering texts and scrolls that had been hidden for centuries. Brother Jean and the other monks shared their knowledge freely, teaching us new spells and revealing secrets that had long been forgotten.

One night, as we gathered around the fire, Brother Jean told us of a powerful artifact hidden within the monastery's depths. "It is said to be a relic from the earliest days of libriomancy, capable of enhancing one's magical abilities. Many have sought it, but few have succeeded in finding it."

I felt a surge of determination. This artifact could be the key to unlocking my full potential as a libriomancer. With Brother Jean's guidance, we delved into the monastery's underground chambers, following a series of clues that led us deeper and deeper into the earth.

Finally, we reached a small, hidden chamber. In the center of the room stood a pedestal, and atop it rested a small, ornate box. The box was covered in intricate carvings, glowing faintly with magical energy.

I approached the box, my heart pounding with anticipation. As I opened it, a blinding light filled the chamber, and I felt a surge of power course through me. The artifact was a small, crystal orb, its surface swirling with colors and light.

Brother Jean's voice echoed in the chamber. "The Orb of Insight. It is said to grant its bearer unparalleled knowledge and understanding. Use it wisely, young libriomancer."

I took the orb in my hands, feeling its energy merge with my own. This was the beginning of a new chapter in my journey, and I knew that with the help of the sanctuaries and their knowledge, we could stand against the darkness.