
Harry Potter and the Nexus of Worlds

AI Written Before receiving his Hogwarts letter, eleven-year-old Harry Potter stumbles upon a mysterious book that grants him the ability to draw objects and knowledge from other books. Armed with this newfound power, Harry explores magical worlds beyond his imagination, uncovering secrets and mastering skills that prepare him for the extraordinary journey ahead. As he delves deeper into the art of libriomancy, Harry discovers a hidden library that could change his life forever. AI Written

Mickael_Alraek · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
18 Chs

Chapter Five: The Hidden Library

The book I had retrieved from the mansion was titled "The Book of Portals." Its cover was worn, but the magical energy emanating from it was unmistakable. Back in my cupboard, I couldn't wait to open it and discover its secrets.

The first few pages were filled with descriptions of different kinds of portals, magical gateways that connected distant places and even different realms. As I read, I realized that this book held the key to accessing other hidden libraries, just like the one in The Nexus.

One entry caught my eye. It described a library hidden within the walls of an old, abandoned church on the outskirts of London. The directions were vague, but the book assured that anyone with the knowledge of libriomancy could find it. My heart raced. This was the next step in my journey.

The next day, I planned my trip. It would be risky, but I was determined. I sneaked a few pounds from Uncle Vernon's wallet when he wasn't looking, enough to cover the cost of a train ticket to London. I left early in the morning, carrying the Subtle Knife and "The Book of Portals" in a satchel.

The train ride was uneventful, and I arrived in London by midday. The city was bustling with activity, a stark contrast to the quiet streets of Little Whinging. I followed the directions in the book, weaving through narrow alleyways and bustling streets until I reached the outskirts of the city.

The church was old and dilapidated, its stone walls covered in ivy. It looked like it hadn't been used in years. I pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside, the air cool and musty. The interior was dark, the stained-glass windows casting colorful patterns on the stone floor.

According to "The Book of Portals," the entrance to the hidden library was behind the altar. I approached it cautiously, my heart pounding in my chest. The book described a spell to reveal hidden doors, and I whispered the incantation softly under my breath.

A faint glow appeared around the edges of the altar, and the stone shifted, revealing a hidden staircase leading down into the darkness. I took a deep breath and descended, my footsteps echoing off the stone walls.

The staircase led to a large underground chamber, filled with rows upon rows of bookshelves. The air was thick with the scent of old books and magic. I felt a thrill of excitement as I realized I had found another secret library.

I wandered through the aisles, my eyes scanning the titles of the books. There were volumes on every imaginable subject, from ancient spells to alchemy to the history of magical creatures. Each book seemed to hum with energy, a testament to the power contained within them.

One book in particular caught my eye. It was an old, leather-bound volume with no title on the cover. I opened it carefully and found that it contained detailed instructions on creating and controlling portals. My heart raced as I realized this book could help me master the art of creating my own magical gateways.

I spent hours in the library, reading and absorbing as much information as I could. The more I read, the more I understood the depth and complexity of libriomancy. It was an ancient and powerful art, one that required skill, knowledge, and a deep understanding of magic.

As the day turned to night, I knew I had to return to Little Whinging before the Dursleys noticed my absence. I carefully placed the books back on the shelves and made my way back up the staircase. The church was eerily quiet as I stepped outside, the city lights casting long shadows on the cobblestone streets.

The journey back to Little Whinging was uneventful, but my mind was buzzing with excitement. I had found another piece of the puzzle, another step on my journey to mastering libriomancy. I couldn't wait to see what other secrets and adventures awaited me.

Back in my cupboard, I hid the Subtle Knife and "The Book of Portals" under the loose floorboard. As I lay in bed, my mind raced with possibilities. I had only just begun to scratch the surface of the magical world, and there was so much more to discover.

I was no longer just Harry Potter, the boy who lived under the stairs. I was a libriomancer, a seeker of hidden knowledge and magical power. And I was ready to uncover the secrets of my destiny, one book at a time.