

"Oi mate, are ya there," Ron asked in exasperation. The Great Hall was filling up and Ron was talking about the Cannons new maneuvers that he swears will work and make them Champions. Harry is looking over the crowd of students looking for the interesting friend he made a couple of days ago.

Harry snorts and says, "Yes Ron, though if you think the Cannons have a shot this year, your mad." He missed Hermione, but of course she's too busy in the library. He would swear she moved in with how much she's been there lately. Though he couldn't rightly complain, most of what she was doing was searching for answers for this damnable egg from the first task.

A head of blond hair entered into the Hall and instantly all of the other noises around him were muted. Luna skipped down to her seat and pulled out a book to read, Harry frowned when he noticed how all of the other Ravenclaws gave her a 5 foot gap.

"-Harry!," Ron yelled in his ear. Harry jerked and shot him a glare. "Mate, you ok? You've been spacing out all morning."

Harry sighed not wanting to discuss his plans with a certain blonde haired Ravenclaw, "I'm fine Ron, what were you talking about?"

"Look over at the point count!" Ron excitedly said while pointing. Harry looked over and his mouth gaped at what he saw. It seems like Ravenclaw has lost all of their points in a night! He could see why Ron was so happy, with Ravenclaw out of the running Gryffindor was in first for points.

"Wonder what they did?" Ron said in a thoughtful tone, before shrugging and digging into his food. Harry felt his eyes drifting back over to Luna and found jewel like, silvery eyes staring back into his. He gave a tentative smile, which she returned shyly.

Harry thoughts of going over and starting a conversation with her were jolted, when Professor Flitwick shot some red sparks in the air and gathered everyone's attention. One could see the disappointment radiating off of him in waves, but he still cleared his throat and started speaking.

"May I have everyone's attention," he said with his squeaky voice, "I would like to make an announcement!"

Everyone quoted down as he continued, "As some of you may have noticed, Ravenclaw's house points have gone from first place to zero. The reason behind this, is that I, with the help of a student, have discovered a terrible case of bullying in my house. It was brought to my attention when one of my 'Claws were put into the infirmary and had to be treated."

Whispers broke out as most eyes locked on to the Ravenclaw table. Said target of attention, we're not happy and had red faces all around. Luna looked confused and glanced at Harry in a questioning tone, obviously working out that this was about her.

"It shakes me to say that this has been going on for years and I have failed to notice it. While I may not name said student to keep their privacy, let me apologize for allowing you to suffer for so long." He said while bowing deeply. Gasps ran out along those more knowledgeable, it was commonly known that Goblins were an extremely prideful race. For even a Half-Goblin to bow to a human was almost unheard of.

Professor Flitwick stood back straight and said, "The perpetrators have mostly all been found out and subsequently punished individually. Of course, because this included the vast majority of my house-" more gasps of surprise tang out at that,"- I have decided that Ravenclaw will not be eligible to win the house cup. Along with that I have saved one punishment that I wished to meet in public, Roger Davies! Please come up to the front of the Hall!"

The 7th year prefect looked pale at being called out, but eventually stood up and stumbled in front of the diminutive Professor. Professor Flitwick regarded him with a frown and said, "Roger Davies, you have dishonored the prefect position and what it stands for. I, Fillius Flitwick, Head of Ravenclaw House do revoke your status as prefect and captaincy of the Quidditch team. While you may play, you will not be able to lead the team considering you obviously have no idea how to lead with a shining example to your classmates and the younger years." Magic swirled and the two pins marking his titles shot off his disappeared and reappeared in the Professors hand.

Roger had tears leak out of his eyes and trudged back to his seat. Surprised voices echoed in the halls at what he could have done to deserve this. Luna'a eyes watered at the display and stood up and left the Hall, which was thankfully ignored in favor of every eye on Davies. Harry got up and left also, not noticed by Ron who was digging into his food with gusto.

Harry pulled out his map and followed Luna's identifier, which led into the library. He walked through the doors and saw her. She was sitting in a far away corner, her shoulder shaking as she had her arms on the table and her head laying on top of them.

Harry approached cautiously and quietly said, "Luna…"

Her whole body jolted and she looked up, her tears flowing down her cheeks. She said in a quivering voice, "Why would you do that?"

"I…What do you mean?" Harry asked in a confused tone.

"You know what I mean Harry Potter," Luna whispered harshly. "Why would you tell Professor Flitwick about what happened? Do you have any idea what will happen once I go back to my dorm? If I thought it was bad before their revenge will be even worse!"

Harry was taken aback, before he cringed in understanding. While Luna was originally just a target to laugh at, now he's made her a target to exact vengeance on. He should have known, telling the adults in his life never helped him with the Dursleys.

"I'm sorry Luna," Harry whispered with regret, "I acted without thinking. I just hated what happened to you and wanted to help."

Luna laughed in a humorless tone and said, "Well thank you soooo much, I've never been more scared in my entire life." She sighed at that and said, "Maybe I can spend the night here if I can avoid Madam Prince…"

Harry instantly said, "No! I'll fix this."

Luna turned and almost shouted, "I don't want you to fix anything!"


Harry ignored the other people in the library and got down onto his knees and begged, "Please Luna, let me do this. I know I messed up, but I have a couple of ideas that can help!"

Luna stared into his eyes and saw the genuine guilt and compassion and sighed, "Ok, let's try to salvage this."

Harry let out a breath of relief and sat down beside her and said, "Alright the first thing I think we should do is go to Professor Flitwick. He can ward your things and bed, I'm sure he will once we make it known what the lost likely reaction of the other Ravenclaws will be."

Luna nodded. It made since, who would be able to bypass the wards of a teacher. Harry continued and said, "I would also recommend him get someone to escort you out of the Common Rooms, surely one of the Prefects that were innocent can help. As for in the halls, I plan on waking up and waiting outside the Ravenclaw Common Rooms every morning for you. Since I'm a champion, I don't have to go to classes, since I don't have to take any tests for the end of the year. I don't mind using that to my advantage if it keeps you safe."

Luna's eyes softened and said, "Thank you Harry, but you don't have to give up the time meant for you to complete your task to help me."

"I want to!" Harry said in a stern tone. It was clear that he wasn't backing down from this. Luna smiled at his determination to keep her safe and a small amount of pink tinged her cheeksrose on before she said, "Well, I suppose we should head towards Professor Flitwick's office before curfew."

Harry quickly nodded and said, "So does this mean I don't have to find another partner to dance with for the Yule Ball?"

Luna chuckled, "We'll see if the Wrackspurts will leave me alone on that day. Who knows, they might make me forget all about it." She rose up and started out the library.

Harry blinked for a second, before gawking at her retreating frame. He honestly hadn't noticed that she wasn't talking as…. uniquely as she usually did. Was all of that an act because of how she's treated? Small giggles escaped him before he got up and ran to catch up to her, not noticing the figure standing behind a bookcase hearing everything that was said with wide eyes.

A/N: If you want to draw any fanart, please send it to @g0ld3nj1154 on twitter.

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