
Chapter 60

A familiar scent soon hit him as his nose found itself buried in soft strands of what he absently recognized as hair. Vanilla. He would know that scent anywhere. Even before his jaguar enhanced sense of smell came to be, Harry had known the smell. He had come to associate it with comfort and friendship, maybe even family.

The last thing he felt before sleep took it him was the feeling of an arm sliding around his back and the familiar warmth of Lisa as she let him lay against her.


Irritation did not begin to fully cover how Harry felt at that moment. He was tired, the bags under his eyes could tell anyone that. The pepper up potion he had made came with a minor problem it seemed. While it did not give the invariable crash that came from the standard potion, when consumed in large quantities the body built up an immunity to it, making the potion all but useless after five or six doses.

He was irritable. Lack of sleep had caused him to become very snappish, especially when people suggested he get more rest. He could not rest, not now. There was far too much for him to do that getting more rest would be not only be counter productive to his goals, but also hinder him.

Harry was also not making much progress with his next transmutation circle. He was now learning how to combine multiple elements in a circle in order to create an object that was made from more than one elemental composition. It was his hope that he could combine Wind and Earth of the Four Classical Elements with Mercury of the Three Essential Principles to create an ornate chair similar to the ones in the Flamel Mansion. Now that he understood the basics of the Three Essential Principles, and Mercury in particular, he could use the knowledge to transmute more than just Mercury, which he now understood represented metal and not just the chemical composition of the element itself.

Unfortunately, he was not making any progress. It was incredibly frustrating to know so much yet not have a single idea on how he should go about making his transmutation circle.

Of course, all of these issues were but a facet of the many reasons he was irritated. There was another reason he was in such a foul mood. That reason being...

"Dammit! Selene! Would you stop staring at me while I'm trying to work!"

He was doing his work in the lobby of the Flamel Estate, sitting at a table while he worked. On the couch behind him was none other than Selene, who he could feel gazing into his back.

Said girl was laying on her stomach, her feet idly kicking in the air as she bent her legs at the knees. Her elbows were resting on the couch to raise her forearms so she could rest her head in the palms of her hands. She looked completely and utterly relaxed, and amused, as she watched Harry work.

It was driving him absolutely insane.

"Such a foul temper you have today, amore," she did not seem at all bothered by his harsh words. Indeed, it seemed almost as if she had not even heard them. The only way one could tell she had heard him was the amused smirk on her pretty face. "You need to learn how to relax. You're not going to get any work done if you don't get some rest."

"I can't." Harry would have glared at her if he could be bothered to turn his head. He didn't want to look away from his work. "I've got too much work to do. I have to get this finished as soon as I can so I can begin learning the more advanced lessons from Master Flamel. The month of July is almost up and I'm only going to be learning from him for a few more weeks. I can't afford to get lackadaisical now."

It probably had something to do with the fact that he was not looking at her in conjunction with just how quiet Selene could be, but heard barely more than a whisper of cloth rustling against cloth as she stood up.

Her footsteps were near silent as she made her way to him, closing the distance quite quickly.

His body became stiffer than a board as a pair of arms wrapped around his neck. If it were possible, he would have gone even stiffer when a pair of developing breasts pressed themselves against his back. Since that was not possible, his face turned a shade of red that had yet to exist in this world.

Had his mind been sound, he probably would have questioned how something as simple as physical contact could make him feel so odd. He had shared intimate moments with Lisa many times, and had received a number of hugs from Tracey and Hermione. Even Daphne had her moments, and though those times were very restrained, there was something incredibly intimate about them. Like they were sharing more than just physical contact.




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