
Harry Potter and the Bonds of Blood

On the day of the Wizarding World’s greatest victory, a single person was left mourning her loss. With her newborn child sleeping safely in her arms, she wailed as she saw the state of her late husband who died saving her and her newborn child from the monster who plunged her home into darkness. She left England with her son. Aware of the prophecy that was not yet fulfilled and knowing that the danger would be upon her son once more, she left, hoping to bide her time and prepare herself and her son. ============================================= So… Big AU story, as you can tell from the synopsis. I’m planning on maybe scaling things up somewhat in terms of power levels while also trying to keep up with the original story. I’m also going to be adding in some details that will not be canon so don’t expect the story to be completely in line with the original story. Though I’ll try my best to keep the fanon to a minimum. Oh and as usual, a whole lot of sex. A bit of a different dynamic from what I usually write, but it should be fun. It’s technically gonna be a no-harem story, but not exactly. You’ll understand when you read it. Give it a go if you want. And I have a habit of doing quite a bit of Slice of Life. So the story progression is going to be a bit slow at the start. ============================================= Some constructive criticism would be helpful. Please let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll fix them. I'm only human, I make mistakes. If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post advanced chapters there. www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
26 Chs

Bonds of Blood 0013: Weakness Payment

"Do you know any other revealing spells?" Fleur asked him.

"You know that I'm the same as you when it comes to the knowledge aspect of things. I just learn the spells that Mum tells me are important and the ones required by the curriculum." Harry said distractedly as he thought of a fix.

"Well, what now? Can we get a book from your mother's library on revealing secrets?" Fleur asked.

"Shouldn't this place have one?" Harry asked gesturing to the library filled with books, "I don't mind going home, but it would be a pain to Portkey there and back, it's not exactly a comfortable form of transportation, even with the enhancements my mother made."

"Let's start searching…" Fleur shrugged as she started moving to one of the shelves.

"Hold up," Harry grabbed Fleur's arm, "I have an idea. If it doesn't work then we'll move to the depressing work." He said.

"On with it…" She looked at him with an encouraging look.

"Cast the text reveal spell on it." He told Fleur while pointing his own wand at it. She shrugged, "Aparecium." A blue glow spread from Fleur's wand that started to illuminate the wall.

At the same time, Harry said, "Revelio." An orb of blue light left Harry's wand and was absorbed into the wall with a slight delay. As the protrusion appeared from Harry's spell, the wiggling of the wall that was the result of Fleur's spell had already stopped.

"What are you trying?" Fleur asked.

"Both spells are getting some reaction from the wall. What if we cast them at the exact same time? Maybe the effect will be different." He told her his theory.

"So you mean that this was meant to be opened by two people working together?" She asked. Harry shrugged and tilted his head to the side, "Probably."

"Cast it first, I can match it with you," Fleur told him as her wand pointed at the wall. Harry nodded and prepared himself.

"Revelio." Harry cast and Fleur followed suit, "Aparecium."

This time their spells hit the wall in perfect conjunction as both reactions appeared at the exact time. As the wiggling and protrusion synced up, they froze instead of disappearing like usual.

For a few seconds there was no other reaction, Harry said, "Well this was a bust."

"Patience, 'Arry…" Fleur was feeling something.

Almost half a minute later, there was the sound of some stones moving as the wall started shaking.

"I just cleaned this room…" Harry complained as he saw a large amount of dust spreading around the room. He naturally grabbed Fleur's hand and stepped back as the smokescreen prevented them both from seeing anything in the room clearly.

"Ventus." Fleur cast as the dust was all blown away, much to Harry's dismay. A thick layer of dust had settled in the library after the fiasco, "I should've just ignored the cleaning as we searched for this…"

Fleur laughed amusedly, "Don't be a baby, come on," She pulled him by his hand back toward the wall.

They saw some text written above a stone orb that was attached to the wall. Fleur read the text on the wall, "The orb, in its slumber deep, demands a baptism of unity: The essence of a Delacour Veela interlaced with that of her beloved."

"It wants us to have sex?" Harry asked her. That was the only thing he could think of when hearing Fleur's words.

"Probably…" Fleur was of a similar mind. Going by how most Veela functioned, it was a pretty sure shot that they expected Harry and Fleur to scoop out the mix of the duo's juices from Fleur before dripping them on this.

"Could this be related to that ceremony that your mother was talking about?" Harry asked Fleur.

"Maybe." Fleur had been in thought for a while, "What else can refer to our essence?"

"Blood, I guess." Harry shrugged.

"Wanna try?" She asked. At this point, she was too deep into the mystery to leave it halfway.

"I'll have to get a Blood-Replenishing Potion from home…" Harry grumbled.

"Pleaseee…" Fleur cutely batted her eyelashes at him while giving him irresistible puppy eyes.

Harry's heart melted and he couldn't refuse, he pecked her on the lips before pulling out the box where he'd stored his Portkey from his pocket, "The things I do for love…" He grumbled before opening the box and activating the Portkey. Fleur's melodious laugh was the last thing he heard before disappearing.

It didn't take Harry more than a few minutes to come back.

Fleur was waiting for him while humming to herself as she sat on one of the tables with one leg crossed over the other.

As Harry walked through the door of the library, his gaze first went to Fleur's long legs which were emphasized by her current position on the table. She gave him a happy smile when she saw him come into the room.

"Hey, sexy…" He walked up to her, "You alone here?"

"You have no idea…" Fleur said with a lamenting tone as she pouted and continued, "My boyfriend left me here, all alone. He said he was going to get some drinks but he still hasn't returned…" Fleur gave him a needy look with sad eyes.

"Well, I think you can ditch that loser…" He said as he placed his palm on her knee, slowly tracing it upward and bringing her skirt with it.

Fleur bit her lower lip and said, "He's not a loser…" She defended him.

"Then why is he not here?" Harry asked her as he stepped closer to her and raised his hand higher over her thigh, "I think that he was intimidated by how sexy you are. You should ditch him and come with me…" His other hand reached her waist and rested there.

"I don't know…" Fleur acted hesitant.

"Don't worry so much, I'll show you a good time tonight…" He got closer to her and pulled her closer to himself by her hip. At the same time, his hand that was on her thigh rose higher as he slid it slightly to the side and touched her inner thigh.

As their breaths mixed, Fleur closed her eyes with an anticipatory and aroused expression. Harry didn't disappoint her and met her lips in a gentle kiss. His hand that was on her hip moved up to her neck and held her face.

He slowly tickled her inner thighs with the back of his fingers as Fleur felt pleasurable shivers running through her legs and to her core with each faint stroke. She didn't realize it, but her legs had uncrossed and were separating from each other with each of Harry's faint strokes.

She was feeling relaxed as she made out with Harry and didn't even realize that her legs were unconsciously spreading apart invitingly. When she felt Harry's fingers brush along her panty-covered core, she moaned faintly. Though instead of continuing, Harry pulled his hand away and rested it on her thigh. He continued making out with her for the next few minutes before they both stopped.

Fleur looked him in the eyes and said, "It's good that you didn't go further. I don't think I would be able to keep my allure at bay if you kept going. And it would trigger that amplification again…" She told him, then she laughed and said, "You were just badmouthing yourself, you know…"

"Well… You are intimidatingly beautiful…" Harry said the words like they were fact, "I got the potions and some other healing stuff if need be." He pulled a few vials out of his pockets and showed them to her before putting them back in his pockets.

Fleur got down from the table and walked up to the orb with Harry, "How do we draw blood?" He asked her. He was a bit reluctant to have Fleur cut herself.

"A gash would work best, I guess… I found a double-edged dagger." She showed him a dagger, "It looks a bit like a ritual knife…"

"No better way?" Harry asked with a frown.

"Is my big boy scared of a little cut?" Fleur asked in a patronizing tone.

"I just don't want to have you cut yourself…" He said with a grumbling tone.

Fleur smiled lovingly at him, "I'm a big girl, I can handle it."

"All right, let's just get this over with." Harry gave up on trying to talk Fleur out of it and grabbed the dagger from her.

Not wasting any time, he slashed his left hand and created a small gash that dripped with blood, "Here." He gave the knife to Fleur who followed his action and used the other side of the knife.

"Now how do we mix it?" He asked her.

"Let's just place both our hands on the orb. I don't think we have to literally mix the blood before pouring it on the orb." She said as he placed her hand on the orb followed by Harry.

When nothing happened after even half a minute of them losing blood, he said hurriedly, "The text specifically says interlaced essence, babe. Give me your hand."

Fleur promptly lifted her hand and held his extended hand as they interlaced their fingers together. They both held their joined hands together over the orb as both of their blood was mixed and slowly dripped over the orb.

After 30 more seconds Harry said, "It's not working, it probably needs the sex kind of essence. Let's stop and heal ourselves." He could visibly see the color draining from Fleur's rosy face and didn't like it.

"Fine…" Just as Fleur pulled her hand that was interlaced with Harry's, the similar shaking of the ground assaulted them again, "Not again…" Harry didn't want to deal with any more dust and cast a shielding charm in front of himself and Fleur.

Once the dust settled, both he and Fleur forgot about their wounds and focused on the newly revealed passage that appeared in the place of the wall. The text and blood-absorbing apparatus had already disappeared.


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