
Harry Potter and lust

This not my book it someone I only post

Nameless345 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
58 Chs

Chapter 11

Desiree: 30 year old Salma Hayek

Penelope Clearwater: Saoirse Ronan

I know Penelope isn't supposed to be in school anymore but there is a lack of known girls older than Harry in the books and movies.


The days following Desiree's punishment she had been even more ready to please Harry than usual. Quickly found out that she wanted to make him as happy as he made her the other night. The next day Harry had to push Desiree off so he could shower and get to class on time. He had to even banish her to the bottle in his arm or else she would keep trying to tempt him.

Once Desiree was taken care of she was like the angel on his shoulder again giving him advice or pointing out possible sexual partners. She even recommended him to send flowers to Fleur to keep her happy while letting her know he was thinking of her. She was a partner he didn't want to lose. While he wanted to spend more alone time with her the second task was coming up and their time was better spent training. Since Harry was spending all of his free time with sex he could tell he was falling behind. Even his wish to be more powerful only went so far this task was in a different arena then he was used to. It was in the water, a place where he spent the least amount of time. He probably only spent a couple of hours in a pool at the most, growing up and being dragged to the local pool with the Dursley's. 'How am I going to stay underwater for that long.'

Classes distracted him even though over half of the classes were useless to him. At least Sinistra let him read and study other things during her class. So far his research has been very little help when it came to finding a way to spend an hour underwater.

Snape wasn't that gracious and drilled him with questions he didn't know the answers to or breathing down his neck while brewing. While some teachers had sympathy for him Snape wasn't one of them. It was so much he couldn't even have a breather to stare at Daphne or any of the other hot girls in his class. The only good part was that Narcissa seemed to get it into Draco's head to leave him alone. She must have done a good job explaining the seriousness of the situation after being used as an anal fuck toy. The fact he had shagged Draco's mum had been the icing on the cake so to speak.


Locked away in an empty classroom all night and had been refused to go to the Hospital Wing. Draco was sitting at a desk fuming at his treatment. At the time Potter was being treated and Dumbledore didn't want any more confrontations. That filthy Veela had hit him with multiple spells that made him groan or flinch in pain throughout the night. Upon being thrown in the room he found that it was guarded by an Auror and a staff member. He tried to sneak away but was told that it has yet to be decided if he will be extradited to France for attacking a French diplomat's daughter.

Draco didn't know that halfbreed was that important but the spell had hit Potter anyway. 'That halfbreed should be so lucky that my spell hit Potter instead.' Draco soon had fallen asleep and waited to see what was to happen next. Although that wasn't to say he voiced his displeasure and threatened the people watching him that his father would hear about this.

The next morning it was a little before breakfast when the door to the classroom opened revealing his mum. "Mother. Where is father?" His father would get him out of this. His father had told him multiple stories of using gold and influence to get himself out of all the trouble he had been in before.

Narcissa sighed seeing her son look at her like a burden even after she had just earned him freedom. "Your father isn't coming and where are your manners." She wished he was a little more well behaved or at the very least acted like he was happy to see her. The most she ever wanted was that when she sees her son he would run up and hug her like he did when he was two.

Draco didn't understand why his mother was worrying about manners when he could be sent to prison. "Go tell father to get me out of this." Draco was now a little worried about his freedom if his mother was involved. Does she even know how to bribe someone like father?

Narcissa loved her son but now it was painfully obvious of his shortcomings. He was selfish, arrogant and a daddy's boy. "You don't need your father to get you out of this because I have already done so. I talked with Potter this morning and with some... convincing he is willing not to press charges." She expected him to thank her or at the very least look relieved.

Draco made a sour face that Potter was the one to let him go. "Ugh, being saved by Potter." It left a bad taste in his mouth thinking of Potter saving him. "Well I am not apologizing." Draco crossed his arms and turned his head in protest.

Narcissa couldn't believe Potter and her son were the same age. There was a night and day difference between the two and Harry was simply put special. He was the same age as her son but managed to give her a decent shag while making sure she understood what was at stake. In fact standing in front of her son now she could feel the silver plug inside of her along with the sharp sting from two big shags in the bum. "You don't have to apologize and that is because I apologized for you and trust me when I say it wasn't easy. I had to grovel and beg for you now to be sent to prison here or in France. Dumbledore even told me there was a chance you could be executed by the French."

The thought of dying was a sobering thought. He never thought about dying before but was curious as to why Harry didn't send him off to his death. "So grovelling worked with Potter? What a simple idiot to be swayed by a woman's pleas and cries."

Narcissa was now getting very angry at her son because he was diminishing all that she went through for him. She allowed a boy who wasn't her husband to shag her and bugger her no less. She even still had his seed inside her from both swallowing it and having her bum pumped with it. "Draco! Just because you didn't get in trouble with the French Ministry doesn't mean you won't be in trouble when you get home." She wanted to tell him what she went through so he would stop acting so flippantly.

Draco kept his arms crossed, "Father won't-"

Narcissa cut off her son with a slap to the head, "And I am your mother. If I decide you will be punished, that is my right. So for the rest of the year you are to be on your best behavior. If I get one more letter or floo message saying you are in trouble then I will make you write Harry multiple apologies by hand until it is perfect before sending them to the paper to be printed on the front page of the paper." She slipped up by calling Potter his first name but she couldn't help it.

Draco recoiled at the thought of writing Potter an apology. 'What has gotten into my mother for her to punish me like this?' He couldn't remember the last time he had been punished, especially by his mother who usually just listened to what father said.

Narcissa continued, "I want you to leave Harry alone and ignore him the rest of the year until the French delegation is gone. The French still use the guillotine for Merlin's sake and if you anger the Minister's daughter that's where you are headed." She hoped Draco would use this time to grow or else every time she came back her ass would be fucked like a Knockturn Alley whore. Next time she would just have to take a potion to avoid getting two very large loads of cum being shot into her backside. Those two loads were inside her due to Harry sticking a plug in her asshole.

There was also the small and dark voice in her head hoping Draco would screw up again in a few months so she could come back for another round with Harry. 'Stop that.' She told herself to stop the feelings of lust from coming back.

Draco was still pouting about being treated as the naughty child. It wasn't fair that his father wasn't here to fix everything instead of his judgemental mother who always babied him. "So I'm not allowed to do anything to Potter or his Veela whore?"

Narcissa nearly groaned hearing how her son was still acting. It also didn't help that her son was calling women whores much like her husband. While Lucius never called her a whore she had heard him mutter 'Mudblood Whore' multiple times while walking down Diagon Alley or the Ministry. "Yes because if you don't I'm just going to continue making your punishment worse and worse until you are cleaning the entire manor by hand. You don't want that do you?" The most punishment she had given him was taking away his broom or another toy but this called for drastic measures because she was sure Harry wouldn't be so forgiving next time. From the power Harry pushed into her body she was honestly a little scared of him. Along with the fact he killed a dragon for the first task she hoped Draco wasn't stupid enough to try and duel him.

Draco shook his head not wanting to clean their giant house by hand. Narcissa put her finger in her son's face and said, "Now leave him alone. Next time I might not be so lucky to convince him." She couldn't imagine what else there was for him to take as an apology but when she got home after her bath she planned to study his cock more. The fact she had one in her bag was a new matter entirely. She had her very own cock to play with. The thrill of having to hide it from her husband and use it in secret was already making her wet.

The creepy smile on his mother's face scared Draco because that wasn't followed by anything good. Within a few seconds he felt a series of stinging hexes hit him along with his mother repeating for him not to get in trouble or face her wrath. By the time Narcissa had left and Draco was allowed to leave the room he promised to be on this best behavior.

Flashback End

Draco shivered at the memory as he kept his distance from Potter but took pleasure in Snape ridiculing him in front of the whole class.


In due course Harry had to put his foot down with Desiree and devote the time before dinner to training. After a week of training Harry was not looking forward to the second task. Swimming with a bubble head charm was annoying at the very least and tense because the smallest thing could pop it. After the fourth day of the bubble popping he just swam to the surface while splashing and swearing in frustration.

Desiree loved watching her master train but she could see he was being demoralized by his failings. 'Master you can take a break I'm sure you will find a way soon.'

Swimming back to shore he dried himself out before the cold froze him solid. It was still winter but the lake refused to freeze over. After drying off Harry casted a couple heating charms before walking back to the castle dejected. 'This is where I wish you could grant any wish. I would just wish to breathe underwater.'

That had struck Desiree as a good idea. 'Why don't we go to the prefect's bathroom for a nice warm bath?' Inside she was hoping to try out the bath this time. Last time she couldn't due to Katie Bell walking in. While it wasn't the worst thing for her master this time she needed to point him towards a particular wish that would help him for the task. While she could just come out and tell him this was the more pleasurable way.

Harry was tempted to say no and just go find a corner to crawl in and die but Desiree led him by the nose to the bath. Muttering the password to the portrait he walked to to see someone was already using the bath. Said girl covered her exposed chest before turning around in the pool sized bathtub. "Who-" She stopped talking, seeing Harry Potter standing in the doorway shivering and looking miserable. "You aren't a prefect."

Harry now made out that the girl in the bath was Penelope Clearwater. He had never thought about her in any sort of sexual way but seeing her slim body in the bath covering her small breasts with her hands all the while dripping with bathwater. It was enough to get his cock hard. He just hoped it wasn't so obvious it drew her eye. "Cedric gave it to me. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you I can always come back later but I just finished getting out of Black Lake and am freezing." The steam rising out of the tub looked so inviting to his cold body. Even with his warming charms they just warmed the air around his body and not the cold that had seeped into his bones from the winter cold water.

Penelope couldn't say no to Harry; he looked almost like a kicked puppy just standing there. She also knew that since the tournament started he didn't have many people being nice to him. The way people would speak and whisper behind his back was cruel. "No no you can join me but keep your swimwear on please." That was the one line she could draw to keep this professional. She was three years his senior and Head Girl after all.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief as he shed his clothes by the edge of the bath before stepping in and dropping below the water. While never missing the look she gave his body on the way down. He could tell she definitely noticed the bulge in his swim trunks.

Penelope had dipped below the bubble filled water enough she could let go of her own breasts without worrying if he could see them. "I take it you are training for the second task."

Harry nodded as he stretched out and rested his arms on the edge of the bath. "Yes and I'm not looking forward to it. Let's just say it involves a lot of swimming."

Penelope had gotten a little lost while he was talking just staring at his defined upper body. She had only ever been with Percy Weasley and while he was skinny there wasn't a muscle on him. In fact she didn't see as much muscle in the wizarding world compared to the muggle. She grew up in the muggle so she had seen her fair shares of magazines that had a muscular man on the covers. "Well I'm sure you will do great. You killed a dragon in the first task. I still think you should have gotten first place for that."

Harry blushed a little bit at her compliment. "Thanks I did too." They both shared a nervous laugh together. "I just didn't want to be a charred corpse at the end of it and seeing the others after they were finished with the task I just let loose." Seeing all the other champions come in tired and soot covered with their uniforms burnt took all the fun out of it. That was where it really sank in that he had to be serious about it.

Penelope nodded, "That was pure transfiguration wasn't it?" She was in her final year at Hogwarts and she hadn't seen anything like that before. While McGonagall had taught them offensive transfiguration it was more smoke and mirrors than weapons.

Harry nodded with a happy smile that someone picked that up, "Yes I transfigured the stone floor into sharp spikes. I was lucky for it to work. If it didn't I was going to be in a tough spot trying to figure out what to do next." The way she laughed at his explanation was the first time Harry felt the energy in the room switch. 'Am I reading this right?' Harry asked his personal love advisor.

Desiree responded, 'Oh yes you are master. Be careful but I think you can make this happen if you want it to.' There was no reason he wouldn't want to because she was a very attractive girl.

Penelope's eyes then left his chest and shoulders to notice something on his arm. "Is that a tattoo?" It looked to be a bottle on his arm with black and green coloring.

Harry looked to where his tattoo was and was reminded of it. He always forgot it was there maybe because he didn't go through the pain of a real tattoo. "Oh this." There was no way around it; this was a tattoo. There was no way it could be a birthmark. "Yes it's a tattoo. I know someone in the muggle world who did it for me." It was a stupid explanation but the best he could come up with. Even when he explained it to Hermione he didn't come up with anything better.

Penelope tilted her head trying to think of why he would get a weird looking bottle on his arm instead of something scary or tough like most boys. "But why a bottle? Why not a wolf or a sword or anything else?" What else did blokes like? Not in her list of cool bloke tattoos she would have guessed the bottle.

Harry shrugged, "I don't know I really didn't think about it. Much like most things I jump into them without thinking." It was the best explanation he had because the truth was way more ridiculous. All he hoped was that this would be enough to put this line of questioning away.

Penelope just turned her attention back to his body and face. It was clear she wasn't going to get any farther with the tattoo questions. 'It does give him a little edge.' She could feel her body getting hot and it wasn't just the bath anymore. 'Stop it Penelope, he is a fourth year.' She was responding more than she did then her first time in a broom closet with Percy. She could already feel a small level of arousal in her core.

Harry was in the same boat while staring at her he felt his cock grow to its full length and Desiree's voice in his head didn't help either. "So what about you? How is it being Head Girl this year?"

Penelope was more than happy to answer this question because with the tournament it had been a nightmare. "Don't get me started. At first it was just dealing with Hogwarts students who knew the rules. Now you are dealing with two other schools who don't care about the rules and insist they can do whatever they want. I can't tell you how many times I have caught Durmstrang students doing things they shouldn't be. Then there are Beauxbatons who are so stuck up they act like you belong on the bottom of their shoe. I get that they are prettier than everyone else but that doesn't give you the right to treat people like trash." Penelope was on a roll and had no intention of stopping. "I know you went to the ball with Fleur but the way she just has to talk and boys just drop to their knees to help her is just too much."

Harry could see this was the anti-Veela jealousy that girls had towards Fleur. Hell Daphne had sucked him off before the dance just to prove she was better than Fleur. Clearly upset that Fleur had taken her title of hottest blonde in the school. Harry wanted to defend Fleur but knew that if he did it would turn Penelope against him and shrink his chances of having sex with her. "I didn't have any takers and she had too many so we just went as fellow champions."

"Well you both needed a date so that makes sense." Harry didn't seem to be blinded by Veela's beauty like other boys. "I would have gone with you. But I already said yes to another boy. " A second ago she couldn't see past their age difference but now that she talked with him he seemed so mature. Now she would have no problem being his date.

Harry smiled at the now blushing Head Girl, "Really? If I would have known that I would have asked you." His eyes were now very obviously taking in her body even though most of it was obscured by the bubbles.

His stare made Penelope blush but her body was now screaming for her to do something. He was so sweet and made her feel more attractive than she had in the last year. Her date for the ball didn't act this way if he had she might have given him more than a quick handjob before going back to her dorm.

Harry had noticed her eyes shifted and was now batting her eyelashes and giving him her sexiest look. Desiree's voice then popped in his head, 'Make your move now.' Listening to his own personal love teacher he crossed the bath and was now in front of Penelope after taking off his glasses. Now that he was close enough he saw her eyes get wide along with her body shivering in anticipation.

Penelope was a little scared when Harry was now in front of her. Now it was all real and their little bit of flirting was escalating to the point of action. Unknowingly she pressed her lips together just as Harry lunged forward. When their lips met it was nothing like Penelope ever felt before. In fact it made her closed legs open, almost inviting him to do whatever he wanted.

While Harry was kissing the older girl he noticed that she was now just as aggressive with her tongue as he was. Both of them deepened the kiss to the point of their bodies being mashed together. He could feel her hard nipples rubbing against his chest as his clothed bulge rubbed against her stomach.

Penelope could feel the clothed erection against her stomach and it felt big. 'Oh my god this is really happening. I am about to let Harry Potter shag me.' She never was on the Harry Potter bandwagon like most of the wizarding world but in talking with him he was impossible to hate. He was sweet and a great listener on top of being very attractive.

Just as Harry was about to slip off his swim trunks and plunge into Penelope, Desiree spoke up, 'Lick her pussy first.'

Harry didn't know why she would say that since they were already in water and she was probably wet enough. 'Why?' That suggestion was so out of nowhere he nearly asked that part out loud.

Desiree just insisted, 'Trust me just do it.' She hoped he would get the hint soon.

'But I can't breathe and preform oral sex in a tub at the same…' He trailed off, finally getting what Desiree was saying. 'You are a genius. Okay I wish I could breathe underwater.'

Desiree was happy her master put the pieces together even though she wanted to be on the receiving end of this wish. If Penelope wasn't here she would be the one in the bath with Harry's mouth eating her out. 'So you have wished it, so it shall be.'

Harry didn't feel the wish take effect but dipped his head in the water anyway and found he could breathe like he would on land. Not wasting any time he saw his prize in the water. Penelope's pussy was displayed as her legs were spread wide. His hands went to her thighs which made the girl jump a little before they went behind her and lifted her butt off the underwater bench. He angled her hips up a little so he could get on his knees and pleasure her properly.

Penelope wasn't expecting him to do this. She was ready for him to just shag her but here he was going down on her in a bathtub for fucks sake. She would feel embarrassed if it wasn't so hot. Her hands were now gripping the edge of the tub in a death grip as she felt a tongue lick her slit from bottom to top before his tongue swirled around her clit. "Oh fuck." She had only ever heard about this from other girls. Percy never did it to her and her date for the Yule Ball definitely didn't. Harry is so selfless when he could have just shagged her.

Harry could feel Penelope squirming the more adventurous he became with his tongue. Soon his mouth just focused on her clit while his fingers joined the mix. Rapidly fingering Penelope and sucking on her clit had made her thrash in the water. Her hand soon went to the back of his head as she tried to settle herself.

This went on for minutes before his fingers and mouth won out and she screamed as she came. "HARRY!" She was hopeless from stopping this climax; he had ripped it out of her with his mouth and fingers. With his fingers alone he found that special spot no boy had been able to find before.

With his job done and he could hear her scream in the water, he released her clit from his lips before rising back to the surface. He feigned gasping for air even though he could breathe perfectly fine in the water now.

Penelope had never felt anything like that and was panting for breath while staring at Harry with his black hair matted down from being submerged in the water. She couldn't believe he kept his head under the water for so long and made sure to stay there as long as it took to cum. "Wow Harry. I wasn't expecting that."

Harry was back in front of her as he pushed his hair out of his face before bringing his hand to her face. "A girl like you should always expect that." Once again he started to make out with her again as her hands now entered the situation and we're grabbing at his manhood.

Penelope couldn't believe what she was feeling right now. Even with both hands she couldn't feel the end of him. Breaking the kiss she said, "Show me what you have here."

Doing as she asked Harry stood up in the tub as he pushed down his trunks and revealed all ten inches of genie made glory. The wide look in her eyes was worth it before she quickly closed the distance and wrapped both hands around him and said, "Oh my god this thing is huge." Penelope liked to think of herself as a girl that didn't care about a boy's size. She had been with Percy and never mentioned his size which was smaller compared to this massive piece of meat. "It's so smooth." With Percy and her Yule Ball date she noticed wizards didn't groom themselves but Harry was smooth and it even made his cock look even bigger. Not like he needed much help there. "How big is this thing….don't look at me like that, all blokes measure themselves."

Harry smiled down at the witch marvelling his cock, "Ten inches." He saw her jaw drop at that information as a determined look came over her face vowing to take it all inside her. Starting with her mouth unable to stop herself she leaned forward and started to lick the head like a lollipop. After she bathed the tip with saliva she opened her mouth and tried to take more in her small mouth.

Penelope was upset to get stuck at six inches when she could still see a good amount of cock left. 'If I had more practice I could get there.' She was competitive even with herself and she knew she could do better given time. Bobbing her head up and down she let his cock push past her tonsils on every bob. 'Harry really knows how to take a blowjob. He isn't forcing my head down or demanding I take him deeper. He must be used to girls not being able to take all of this down their throat.'

Harry was happy with how deep Penelope was going because the tight first inch of her throat was edging Harry closer and closer to his first orgasm. Looking down he said, "You are doing so well. It won't be long now Penelope."

Penelope pulled her mouth off of Harry's throbbing manhood. "Call me Penny when you are inside me." She specified inside her because she didn't want this level of familiarity outside this room. Looking up she saw Harry just dumbly nod before she returned to her work.

Harry drew his orgasm for as long as he could but the building up of hot spunk in his balls was too much to ignore now. "I'm gonna cum Penny."

Penelope had a boy cum in her mouth before and she didn't like it. Pulling his cock out of her mouth she closed her eyes and angled him at her face. What better place to get a messy facial than a bathtub. One loud groan later she felt spurts of cum start to paint her face like a canvas. From what she could feel there wasn't a part that was safe. He even nearly shot cum up her nose after her eyes were plastered shut.

Harry enhanced his load for this facial and he wasn't disappointed. Looking to the side he saw Desiree with the camera. Looking back at Penny he was proud of his work and after she spent a few moments panting while the cum soaked into her skin he kneeled back in the bath and helped her clean up her face.

Penelope felt the warm water and gentle hands of Harry help clean her up. Soon the cum was washed off her face and she could see again to see Harry looking down at her and the heat she was feeling in between her legs wanted more. Her hands grabbed Harry by the shoulders and pushed him to the edge of the tub where the bench was sitting him down on it. She then crawled into his lap before firmly gripping his cock and getting it ready to drop herself on it.

Harry didn't expect her to work this quickly after her fantastic blowjob. A rest seemed most likely but she had other plans. He barely even registered when he felt her hand around the thick base of his cock before a tight warmth engulfed him. It was fast because his eyes never left hers and at about the mark he saw her eyes go wide before slowly pushing herself to take it all.

Penelope had taken this cock in her mouth but even then it didn't feel as thick and long as it did right now. The deeper it pushed it felt like it was rearranging her organs to fit it all. The way his tip was pressing against her womb was like it wanted to break the door down to get in. "What...fuck….Harry?"

"Sorry if it's too big but let me try something." His hands went to Penny's hips and slowly started grinding and moving her back and forth very little. Soon her face wasn't scrunched up but showing all the signs of a girl who was loving it. Her moans had returned.

With the smallest amount of movement she felt his giant cock rub against every sensitive spot inside her and just that alone was going to make her cum soon. "Don't stop. It feels so good I'm going to cum." He wasn't even properly shagging her yet and she was ready to lose her sanity from the big orgasm building in her stomach.

Harry wanted to laugh at how easy it was with a few minutes of grinding he felt Penny's pussy clamp down trying to milk him to completion. Letting her ride out her orgasm for a minute he didn't move as she rested her head on his shoulder as his hands went from her hips to her ass. Sad to say it wasn't big or nice as some of the others he had the pleasure of groping. It was flat and small with nothing to really grab onto. While this would usually be the point where he would tease her asshole he could already tell that was something she wouldn't like.

Penelope never had a bloke play with her bum like this before but his massage felt good. She knew she didn't have the backside like some other girls in school. Soon she felt his hands go from her bum to her breasts which were a small B cup. His fingers quickly found her nipples and we're pinching and lightly pulling. "Ah shit." She didn't know what else to say because other than regular bloke boob squeezes she had never felt something so focused.

Harry had her moaning just with his hands. He could even feel her small pussy flexing around his cock the more he played with her pretty pink nipples. Once he had his fill and whipped Penny into a frenzy he returned his hands to her hips and brought her up so just the tip of his cock remained inside of Penny before thrusting it all in at once.

Penelope let out a pleasure filled shriek as she felt the biggest cock in Hogwarts rapidly fill her pussy. It hit her G spot on the way down before crashing into her cervix and sending a wave of unimaginable pleasure throughout her body. Harry kept repeating this action over and over until she was ready to cum all over again. "Slow down I'm going to cum again...and again."

Harry didn't listen and was prepared to fuck her through her climax. He had done it to Desiree enough to know a climax was much more intense if you over-stimulated them all the way through it. Feeling the beginning stages of his own climax he just kept fucking Penny's sweet and tight pussy.

Penny was shaking more and more with every deep thrust that was going to make her cum any moment. 'Big cocks feel so good. I'm never going back.' Losing her virginity to Percy was now dwarfed by this and showed her how bad the sex truly was. Percy was a quick shot and just rubbed her clit for two minutes before she came. With Harry he made her cum repeatedly almost without effort. "Do it Harry fill me up. I want you to fill me up."

Harry liked the change in Penny as he could feel her pussy never stop pulsing and clamping down on every deep thrust into her. Edging closer and closer he finally reached the end when she took her head off his shoulder and chose to look him in the eye as he came. She even bit her lip in anticipation and just then she felt hot cum being shot into her at a rapid rate. His cum inside her felt hotter than the bathwater they were sitting in. Penny let out an audible sigh enjoying everything she was feeling while Harry was trying to get every drop deposited inside Penny. "That was amazing Penny."

Penelope let out a small giggle, "You are telling me? That was the best sex I have ever dreamed of having. I just needed a bath and then you walk in and I jump into your arms. I never thought as a seventh year I would have a fourth year inside of me." It made her feel a little dirty but a good kind of dirty. Harry was a mature boy who knew how to shag. She didn't know how he knew but he must have had a lot of practice for him to make her cum three monumental times.

"Well I didn't expect it either. While it would be weird for us to start dating I wouldn't mind if we made this a regular thing." He hoped he played that right and he could make this happen again.

Penelope smirked at being asked for another shag at some point in the future by the world famous Harry Potter. "If you can swing it with the tournament I'm game. Maybe we can find a broom closet on the weekend or something." With that said she pulled herself off his cock which was still rock hard to her amazement before swimming to the other end of the tub to finish her bath.

Harry could have gone again but Penny didn't offer or wasn't interested. Looking away from Penny he looked to Desiree before covertly pointing down to his erection. 'Can you help me out?'

'You do know what happened last time I blew you in my cold genie form right?' She remembered him not being too thrilled with the cold feeling of her ghost mouth on him.

Harry was desperate for a release and if he had to sit in this bath staring at Penny naked he needed more. Wanking himself felt like an aggressive move that might turn her off. 'The water is nice and warm so can you please just try it again.'

Desiree rolled her eyes before invisibly flying into the bath and wrapping her lips around her master's cock. He didn't even shiver that much when she swiftly brought him to the back of her throat. 'Good idea master.'

Harry just melted against the edge of the tub and tried to make it look like he was enjoying the temperature of the water and not the ghostly blowjob he was receiving. 'This doesn't feel too bad in the bath. In fact your cold mouth almost feels like ice cream on a warm day.'

Desiree ignored his silly metaphors and just focused on pleasing her master. While that girl did a good enough job for a normal boy her master was special and needed more than two orgasms.

Penelope saw Harry zoning out with his head back in the bath almost as if he was ready to fall asleep. Both of his hands were resting on the edge of the tub with his arms draped along the edge taking in the intense feelings going on near his groin. "Just going to sit there and enjoy the bath?"

Harry's head shot up remembering there was someone else in the room. "Yes, long day... training." The last word he said strangely as Desiree had taken that moment to squeeze his balls while she deepthroated him.

Penelope looked at Harry weirdly, "Are you okay? Or did sex scramble your brains?" Harry was acting a little weird for a boy who was so smooth a few minutes ago.

The second part was truer than she knew. "No, I just need a soak." This time Desiree didn't pull any tricks so he talked normally.

Penelope had finished washing away all the seed Harry deposited inside of her. Getting out of the tub she saw Harry's eyes take over her body up and down as she walked over to the showers for a quick rinse before heading out to dinner before patrol.

Once Harry was alone he moaned out, "Fuck Desiree I think I'm starting to love your ghost mouth." Those words only made her work harder and she was fucking her own face on his cock and within a minute of being alone she felt his molten hot load paint the back of her throat as she swallowed it down. As a ghost it felt weird swallowing a load of cum because it was like a warm heat inside of her ice cold body.

Harry had just felt her mouth release his cock before Desiree emerged from the water in her human form. Like always her wet hair drove him wild along with her wet skin. It gave her a shine and look that he wished was permanent. Looking at his genie he smiled, "I take it the 'breathe underwater wish' was your plan all along for coming here?"

Desiree nodded, "I was hoping to be the one you were going down on in here but it all worked out in the end anyway." She was a little sad she didn't get the pleasure of being the first one to feel it.

It never failed to touch Harry how much Desiree cared about him as she did her best to help him. To show her how much he appreciated it he pinned her to the seat of the tub before taking her hands and bringing them to her own thighs.

Desiree smiled knowing what was going to happen next. Lifting her legs out of the water now she was wide open for sex. What had shattered her expectations was Harry's head going under the water before she felt his mouth on her submerged lower torso. "Oh thank you Master."

Harry had eaten Desiree out enough to know exactly what she wanted. So after spending time on her clit he also went a little lower and teased her presented asshole before going back to her clit. Within minutes he had her screaming just like Penny screamed earlier.

Desiree had never had such a relaxing and satisfying climax. She was in a bubble bath with water at the perfect temperature and her master's mouth sucking her clit or prodding her asshole the way she liked. When his head reemerged from the water she just melted into the water. "Oh that felt good. We need one of these in our room. As good as shower sex is I like bathtub sex much better."

Harry agreed he has had sex twice in this bathroom and both times was amazing. "We will see if we can later but let's enjoy a nice and relaxing soak for once."

Desiree just smiled at her master, "You sure you don't want any more sex? I still have your favorite hole waiting to be filled." She loved tempting him with her ass, especially if he was just with a girl who didn't let him shag their's.

Harry wanted to but also just wanted a breather. Sitting next to Desiree on the bench in the tub he just threw his arm around her. "Let's just enjoy the moment. I can always do that before we go to sleep." Desiree cooed at that, clearly liking the idea. Harry leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Why don't we celebrate me figuring out my plan for the second task."

Desiree smiled as she cuddled deeper into her master's arms. "You are going to do fine in the second task. You have been training hard and I know it's going to pay off." As she talked she ran her hand up and down his defined chest and abs ignoring the one part of his anatomy she really wanted.

Both Harry and Desiree spent another half hour in the tub just enjoying each other's company before getting dressed and heading to the Hogwarts kitchen for some food before going back to their room. In the room the pair wasted no time before falling into bed again.


People wanted Penelope Clearwater so I hope I did her right. I didn't make her too slutty or an anal slut. I think she was pretty measured and just happy to have Harry listen to her before they had sex. I think I nailed the casting with Saoirse Ronan but let me know what you guys think.

I hope people love the way Harry is set up for success for the second task. Not needing Gillyweed or Neville Harry won't have any interactions with him.