
Harry Potter A New Story

God? reincarnation? multiverse? what?! WTF god is spinning a roulette! Ding! congratulations! you can choose a world of your liking. Ding! lineage randomly chosen. Ding! time line randomly chosen. Ding! power/abilities randomly chosen. Good Luck!

predicate · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
50 Chs


Early morning before eight. Gazlowe appears in the lobby again. "Master both headmaster and deputy headmistress is gone at Hogwarts. We can now go. I shall apparate you inside."

"Yes, I'm ready to let's be on our way," I replied.

We apparate inside the kitchen. We're all the house-elf is currently waiting. Gazlowe explained to me that almost half of them are Hogwarts elves while the others were additional that Dumbledore recruited, for they don't have a wizard to serve. But they baca,e loyal to Hogwarts for they bonded with Hogwarts' magic.

They are all bowing saying "welcome new master of Hogwarts." For they were informed by Gazlowe that the heir of the whole Hogwarts and the lands surrounding it was inherited by me. Well, they thought I came from the line Slytherin but they do not know that Slytherin came from our family.

"Gazlowe, can you apparate me to the 7th floor where the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy is located?"

" I can master, shall we go?"

I nodded and we apparate on the 7th floor. A pace around three times and I think of a room where I can hide things in the adjacent wall of the tapestry. After the third pass, a door appeared slowly.

"Gazlowe call all the available elves that you can find and meet me here." As I open the door and have a peek inside to wait for Gazlowe to come back with the elves.

24 elves came, while they are waiting for instruction, I looked at them seriously. And said, " there is a tainted item here in Hogwarts placed by a dark wizard named Tom Riddle. Which was known to many as he who must not be named. This sacred building for learning has been tainted far too Long." I conjure an illusion of the diadem and hover it up in the air at a height where everyone can see. "This is what it looks like. Now we will enter this room and search for it. To the one that sees it first does not touch Nor approach to close. Being very wary about it informed me immediately. I'll be waiting at the entrance of the room for you to find me. Another clue, it will be on ahead bust placed in some sort of table. Now go and make haste for I don't want that item in here anymore any longer." I ordered with an authoritative tone. House Elves love that kind of tone when given order. They feel they must complete the task full-heartedly.

After 10 minutes or so one came back, a young house-elf, I told him to guide me where it was found. He apparates me to the place. Elves do rally are very effective in doing the work done. Especially when they thought the order will bring him the honor to his master.

In the place where he apparated me, I saw in front of me the head bust that had a diadem placed on it. I can feel some very gloomy magic as I approach it slowly. I produced a small jade box with runes in it that were specialized in containing dark artifacts. I bought it in Egypt previously. For this specific purpose. I wear dragonhide gloves and pick it up and place it inside the box. It vibrates a little knowing it will be stored by an unknown person. This Horcrux is more mature than the diary for it was made after Tom Riddle was a graduate of Hogwarts and did some adventure in Romania. So it is very wary but still curious, maybe because a boy is handling it. It did not resist much.

After I put it inside I turn my attention back to the elf that found it. " you what is your name?" I asked

"Master this one is called Brick." He answered with a bow.

"You will be promoted to my personal elf when I am inside Hogwarts. I will be attending this upcoming school year to serve me well."

The eyes of the elf began to widen and be watery. "Thank you, master, I shall do it with honor and glee. I will not disappoint you."

"Now let's go back apparate me to the door exit after that call all your fellow elves."

"Yes, master right away master." Still trembling with the excitement in his voice.

After finishing the main priority why I went to Hogwarts I ordered the elves to go back to their chores except for Gazlowe and Brick.

"Gazlowe this is brick I promoted him to be my personal attendant when I am schooling here in Hogwarts. Now go back to your duties for the meantime Brick, and Gazlowe brings me to the Slytherin manor. I would like a tour."

"Yes, master. With pleasure." They both said.

Gazlowe apparate me to the manor gate. It was an iron case gate full of snakes design. Only the Ophias heir can inherit these lands and properties. The gate is like a vault the whole area is hidden to all by a rune barrier that encases the whole area.

A password is also needed for it to open. [ Salazar the abandoner it's time to fulfill your duties to the Ophias family.] I said the password in parseltongue. The gate's snake designs started to move and make a clear path for us. As I enter a portrait was blocking the way.

[i am Salazar Slytherin. You are the chosen one from our Ophias family I do hope that my effort will be of great use. A slither of my consciousness was embedded in this portrait and will disappear after the authority of the manor is given to you. Hail the line of Lilith.] after speaking the figure in the portrait became a ghost that fly towards me and enter my body. I felt the connection with the property immediately and it also informed me of what is its purpose.

This place was intended to be a farm for all the needs of the Hogwarts school. Like food, and things needed in the castle. This farm produces textile, parchment, quills, candles, food both livestock and plants for both medical and consumption purposes. They even made wine in a winery and a huge granary. There are more than sixty house-elves here originally but as time passed generation after generation of the elves here made a community. Bounded by the manor's magic they became loyal and waited for the rightful heir to come. Gazlowe was a seventh-generation leader. There is so much production and stock accumulated over time, and that was a very Long time. They also have dealt with the Gringotts where they will deliver the products there to sell and the amount it sold for will be put into the Slytherin vault after deducting the fee for the service rendered by the goblins.

Three things peak my interest, one the manor has its own armor where many kinds of magical weapons and items are stored personally made or bought or conquered by Salazar. Two the magical herb garden and the creatures that live there. The dark forest was part of it but the magical garden was in the hidden part tended by the centaurs and elves alike. There was a time a pack was made by the centaurs to tend and manage up the magical plants and creatures here. In exchange, they were given a right to live here and were given their own personal land somewhere in the forest. And the last one is the winery in the underground. Which was extended many times due to the massive fruits that were harvested every year.

The thing that excites me most is that there are collections of aged wine even in the first year that this manor was completed. The elf-made wines were a delicacy always in the TOP three wines in the magical world. This manor was even older than Hogwarts it was the place where Salazar lived even before he met with the other three founders in the 8th-9th century Hogwarts was established during the 9th-10th century, so there is a wine almost two-century-old. That was really surprising. And because the land is sited at one of the most prestigious magical lay lines. The fruits evolved to have some magical properties which any wine connoisseur or enthusiast will kill to have a taste. This is a great gift to the goblins who love to drink and to many nobles.

This will help me more to be in a close relationship with the goblin tribe. Which I will visit after my tour around this manor. I do have a new business to inquire to them.

I entered the manor all the house-elf was present in the huge entrance lobby welcoming their Long-awaited master as Gazlowe enthusiastically lead the way. I spoke to them intending to encourage and praise them for a job well done even without a master that been present for a very Long time. I summon Spike. The three-headed dog I bought in the Diagon alley previously. I do think this was the original fluffy that was intended to be sold to Hagrid. Well, I took interest in him so I disturb the natural flow of the story. I do wonder what will Hagrid have as a new pet to be placed in guarding the philosopher's stone in the future. Well, it does not matter I do have plans for that. I decided to let Spike be this manor Guardian in the future. Inside my mini-world, he was bullied by Ra many times and I don't think they will go well inside both. I asked Gazlowe to assign some elves to tend and train Spike when I am away.

For now, I intend to take a tour all over the places and see everything that needs attention or to find things that will give interest to.

As the whole day finished exploring with Gazlowe explaining everything and spike on my side inspecting his new home with joy I intend to stay here and make up this manor my residence. I will inform Idun that the house in the Diagon alley will be his personal house while I'm away and have the authority to do anything there as if it was his. After all, I am going to study and it will take months for me to return to his side. I took out a communication crystal and explained it all to him. Well at first he was very reluctant to agree after all I am his responsibility but after I explained that this manor is more safe place than anywhere in the world except our Ophias community. He agreed and he will have more freedom on his personal things. I assigned him his personal elf to lessen the burden of his task in the future.

Now that the day is almost over I choose a room to be my room. The biggest one with a terrace outside that has a far view of Hogwarts beyond the lake. I summon everyone in the mini word to have a meeting. That is to decide if they want to stay in the mini world or they want to live here in the manor. In the end, Mattinea and Asuna decided to live here when I explained that I will visit often even when I am at Hogwarts and this will be my residence. Mattinea ask me if she can have a customized room in the ground connected to the lake. I did say I will ask the elves to assist her with what she wanted to build and just do it. She happily accepted the offer while Asuna choose a room near my room. The ones who were left in the mini world were the two mermaids who tends to the saltwater lake, Asuna who is timid but loved Ra to be his companion, and the elf who tends to the desert.

Moriah on the other hand chooses to be with me all the time as much as possible we have a connection that can make us communicate all the time. She is always asking me if she can go out but most of the time I reject her because of her size. She is now more than 50 feet in length and she is always disturbed because of that. At Least I tend to her every free time I have.

After a long day of business finally, it's time to rest. I summon out Moriah to sleep near my bed. Now that my room is very huge it can accommodate her. And that gave her more happiness.