
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
242 Chs

Chapter 230

Harry woke up early on this day and immediately set out to go get Bulma and friends, though he was stopped by Ophis who was eating breakfast in the kitchen, and saw Harry come inside to get something to eat quickly.

Ophis smiled at her mate and then asked him a question, "You're awake early, for a lazy dragon that is".

Harry chuckled at Ophis' comment and walked up to her, he then nuzzled her face in affection, Ophis did the same and both enjoyed each other's presence for a bit before pulling away, Harry then walked over to the fridge and opened it while speaking with Ophis, "Me, Urahara, and Tony finished the teleporters last night, so I decided to get Bulma over here today".

Ophis nodded and took a bite out of her sandwich, which was what she was having for breakfast, Harry took out some milk and made himself a bowl of cereal, though it seemed like there was only very colorful and super sweet cereal left.

Looks like the kids stocked the cupboard with only their favorite cereal, not that Harry minded, sure the cereal might be too sweet for his tastes but it was enough to fill him for a bit, he can eat something heavier later after all.

Ophis smiled amusedly as Harry ate the colorful and filled with marshmallows cereal, the big bad dragon eating kid's cereal was a very funny scene to her, Harry just grinned at her feeling amused as well.

Soon enough both dragon gods finished their breakfast and then put their plates on the sink, Ophis grabbed Harry's hand and both walked out of the kitchen, Ophis then spoke as both she and Harry headed to the front door, "So you're going to be out for a while right?".

Harry nodded, "That's the plan... well I know that I might arrive just when something is happening which would lead me to stay a bit longer than planned, my luck is as crazy as always...".

Ophis smiled and nodded, "Yes, the Potter luck, both a curse and blessing in your family, it's rather amusing to see".

Harry sighed and shook his head, "To you maybe, but I wish I could get somewhere and not get dragged into any shenanigans for once".

Ophis softly giggled and then said, "It wouldn't be a Harry adventure without your luck though".

Harry couldn't even say anything to refute that statement and just opted to sigh again while walking in defeated silence, which only made Ophis' amusement grow, "Don't worry, I'll go with you today".

Harry smiled and then said, "Oh, are you going to help me with whatever craziness my luck brings?".

Ophis just grinned a bit and then said, "I'll cheer for you from afar".

Harry sweatdropped but nodded, "Jeez... no support huh?".

Ophis nodded, "You'll be fine".

Harry chuckled because it was true but the way Ophis sounded so sure and aloof about it, just seemed funny to him and so both Dragon Gods walked out of the house, Harry then activated his world jump and picked to go to the Dragon Ball universe.

Soon after, the air around Ophis and Harry cracked like glass and then shattered, reality soon fixed itself but both dragon gods were no longer in this world, but on their way to another one.

Reality cracked above the sea in the world of Dragon Ball and soon shattered into pieces, revealing both Ophis and Harry, reality soon fixed itself and both dragon gods looked around, though they both immediately sensed that something was happening, which made Harry frown a bit as he felt something odd about all of this, "Is that Gohan?".

Ophis looked up at Harry and waited a bit as she saw that he was focusing on something as well, "Piccolo is there too but... is Gohan fighting someone? Why?".

Ophis giggled and then said, "Looks like your luck is up to its usual shenanigans".

Harry nervously chuckled but agreed with Ophis, "Yeah, looks like it.

But might as well see what this is about, as far as I can tell, Goku and Vegeta aren't around, I can't sense their energy anywhere on Earth, so Gohan and Piccolo might need some help".

Ophis nodded, she might not personally know Gohan nor Piccolo, but she had heard of them from Harry and already considered them friends, so without further ado, both dragon gods took off flying towards where Harry sensed Gohan and Piccolo's locations.


Gohan had been fighting a new android, one that he hadn't seen before, and was beginning to tire from the battle, he had been working on his research when someone from the Red Ribbon army came to his house and declared that they had kidnapped his daughter Pan.

This of course unsettled Gohan, especially because the thug showed him a live video feed of his daughter and so, he was taken to where his daughter was taken, only to be attacked by an android.

The young Saiyan Hybrid was cursing his decision to ignore his training a bit lately in order to dedicate more time to his research papers, for this android turned out to be quite a difficult opponent, he had already gone up to Super Saiyan 2 and the android was still keeping up to him, "Huff... Harry would be disappointed if he saw me now".

The android who had been fighting Gohan raised an eyebrow upon hearing him say something about someone and looked confused, "Harry? You don't mean Harry Potter do you?".

Gohan tilted his head and nodded, "So you guys even know about him, you're all lucky he's not here right now, he's not as merciful as I am and he definitely doesn't like the Red Ribbon Army".

Gohan grinned as he saw the android look a bit nervous and unsure, it's no secret that Harry quite dislikes the Red Ribbon Army, according to his father, Harry and he had destroyed the evil organization together but Harry had come out of that ordeal with an intense hatred towards anything that had to do with the Red Ribbon Army.

That hatred only grew bigger when the androids and cell attacked Earth, though he had been glad that 18 and 17 seemed to have turned a new leaf and live peacefully now, still, Harry truly despises the Red Ribbon Army and had gone out of his way to hunt down as many of them as he could.

It was quite the surprise that Dr. Gero was able to hide for so long, though he was an incredibly cunning man, so perhaps they shouldn't be that surprised, to begin with, the android soon frowned and shook his head, "It doesn't matter, we were created to be able to face even Harry Potter and all of his mysterious powers. You and your evil organization wouldn't be able to stop us!".

There it was again, why did this android keep saying stuff like that? It made it sound like he and his friends were the bad guys, it certainly didn't make any sense to Gohan.

Suddenly a little girl's scream echoed throughout that area, snapping Gohan from his thoughts, the young Saiyan hybrid looked up and was stunned when he saw his daughter, Pan, being held up by a Red Ribbon thug in one hand, "Pan!".

Pan squirmed a bit and then yelled for her father, "Papa!".

Gohan's eyes widened in anger and worry, until his power exploded from his body, "Let. Her. Gooo!".

As Gohan screamed in rage his power rose up and then he transformed into his Mystic Form, Pan was awed at the power she felt from her father, while the Red Ribbon thug grinned and nodded, "Good, he's awakened now".

Gohan roared while the android looked surprised and worried, he really didn't like that someone was trying to hurt a little girl but right now, Gohan's power-up took all his attention.

Gohan suddenly flew towards the android and began to clash against him while another android and a few other people watched in shock as both Gohan and the android fought at full force.

Piccolo put Pan down and nodded to himself feeling proud that Gohan was able to power up, suddenly he felt something approaching them and fast, though he soon smiled when he realized who it was, "Looks like he's here, things are going to get fun it seems".

Pan looked up towards Piccolo and tilted her head in confusion, "Huh? Who are you talking about Mr. Piccolo?".

Piccolo took off his helmet, mask, and uniform, he had taken this outfit when he decided to sneak around this new Red Ribbon Army base, but now it wasn't necessary to keep wearing it, still, as soon as he took off his disguise he gace Pan an answer to her question, "A friend".

Piccolo then looked up and watched as two people arrived and soon landed nearby, Pan stared at the man and girl who had arrived and seemed a bit confused, "... Who is that?".

Harry looked around and raised an eyebrow when he saw Gohan fighting someone, "Huh?... is that an android? I can't sense any ki from him... but I do feel some digital energy signature".

The little girl beside Harry tilted her head towards Piccolo who began to walk towards them, "You're very green... are you sick?".

Harry snorted trying not to laugh, while Piccolo froze and sweatdropped upon hearing what the little girl said, "... I'm not sick... I'm naturally green..".

The little girl nodded, "Ah, okay then".

Harry chuckled not being able to hold his amusement, "Sorry about Ophis Piccolo, she can be very blunt but she doesn't mean any harm".

Piccolo sighed but nodded understanding, "It's fine... I'm used to bluntness, especially when you know the Son family".

Harry laughed knowing full well what Piccolo meant, Pan suddenly walked closer and looked on curiously at both strangers, Ophis noticed her and decided to greet her, so the small dragon god waved at her with a small smile on her face.

Pan smiled back and waved at Ophis feeling rather happy that she seemed friendly, inside she was wondering if the little girl would play with her later, meanwhile, Harry decided to ask what was happening, "So, what's going on here?".

Piccolo scratched his head and turned around to watch how Gohan was now fighting on equal terms with the android, "It seems like the Red Ribbon Army has come back somehow.

Now they have two new androids and for some reason, they seem to think we're the bad guys or something, one of them even attacked me at my home.

Though these androids don't seem evil or anything, in fact, they seem to be playing at being superheroes if you would believe it".

Harry closed his eyes and sighed, "Superhero androids... why is it that every time we find ourselves with a new enemy, they're weird in some way...".

Piccolo sighed and nodded, "... Yeah, I noticed it".

Pan walked over to Ophis and began to walk around her while inspecting the dragon god curiously, Ophis just looked at her as she walked around her, though she seemed more amused rather than annoyed or anything else.

Piccolo looked at Ophis and raised an eyebrow, "And who is this? One of your kids?".

Harry laughed a bit and then shook his head, "No, this is Ophis, the Dragon God of Infinity and one of my girlfriends".

Piccolo gaped and then nervously began to sweat as he took another look at Ophis, "This little girl... is a dragon god like you?".

Harry nodded and then explained, "Yeah, she is the leader of the Dragon Faction in my world and she's one of the most powerful fighters in my family, she might look small but she's extremely powerful".

Piccolo began to sweat even more and looked a bit frightened, Harry was already powerful enough as it was, but hearing that there were more dragon gods out there, was a really big shock to Piccolo.

Pan, however, wasn't nervous or even worried, instead she was awed, "Wow! Are you really that powerful!?".

Ophis nodded, "I am, I was already strong when I met Harry, and now I've grown even more powerful".

Pan widely smiled and looked excited, "Wow! I want to get that strong too! You think I can?".

Ophis nodded while looking amused, "I think so, you're already powerful and I feel a lot of potential in you as well, I believe you're part Saiyan, right?".

Pan looked a bit confused, but she soon realized what Ophis meant, "Oh! Like Granpa Goku and Mister Vegeta right?".

Ophis knew who those two were, but hadn't met them, she did however know thanks to Harry, that Goku and Vegeta were full-blooded Saiyans, "That's right, they're both very powerful and you being related to their race ensures that you will get that strong.

But you have to work hard and train, power, true power comes from hard work and dedication".

Pan excitedly nodded and then pointed at Piccolo, "I'm already training! Mr. Piccolo is teaching me all about martial arts and fighting!".

Ophis smiled at Pan and then gave her a head pat, which had the little girl cheerfully smiling and even giggling, Harry however, was very surprised and turned to look at Piccolo who looked away in embarrassment, "Huh? So you took on another student?... Heh~"

Piccolo's eye twitched in annoyance and immediately turned his head back towards Harry, "Don't laugh at me you fool! She has potential and someone has to teach her how to control her power!

Goku is not here most of the time and Gohan is always working on his research! There's no one else to teach her correctly!".

Harry chuckled and nodded, "Sure, sure... Grandpa Piccolo~".

Piccolo growled but knew he couldn't do anything to Harry, so he just opted to glare at him hoping he would catch fire or something, Harry just found it all amusing and just grinned, "I hope you're not teaching her like you taught Gohan though".

Piccolo huffed and crossed his arms, "That style of training wouldn't do anything for Pan, she's not a crybaby like Gohan used to be, in fact, she's more like Goku rather than Gohan".

Harry smiled and then turned his head towards Pan, who was now playing paper, rock, scissors with Ophis and winning too! "She sure has grown, I still remember how small she was as a baby".

Piccolo grinned and nodded, "It's been two years and some since you last visited, it's only natural that she grew quite a bit".

Pan suddenly turned her head towards Harry, "Ah! I remember now! You used to make me float around all the time right?".

Harry raised an eyebrow in surprise, "You remember that? You were so little".

Pan grinned at Harry and looked rather proud of herself, Piccolo just snorted and then said, "She's actually smarter than her father, it's no surprise she remembers you, but she's hard-headed as Goku so she only thinks about fighting".

Pan pouted at Piccolo but he only grinned at her, Harry chuckled while Ophis looked at Pan and giggled, suddenly everyone felt others move around below the building they were on, "Huh? Looks like they called in their goons, I wonder how they think they will be able to do anything to anyone with their toys?".

Harry then took a look towards Gohan's fight with the android, now that he noticed the android was wearing a red cape, the other one on the ground below had a blue cape which made sense since Piccolo did mention they were playing at being superheroes or something, while Harry watched Gohan begin to actually push back the android and begin to question its motives.

Harry then looked towards the humans beside the blue-wearing android, the short fat young guy suddenly spoke out loud, "Hang in there! Gamma! Go help him!".

The other android responded with a loud 'right' and took off running to join the fight, Harry was about to intervene but Piccolo suddenly spoke up, "Leave it to me! You both keep an eye on Pan!".

With that said Piccolo took off flying while Harry chuckled, "Sure Grandpa Piccolo".

Piccolo growled a bit as he flew towards the blue-wearing android and yelled at him, "Wait! heads up!".

The android was then hit on the back of the head with the helmet Piccolo had been wearing as part of his disguise and had taken with him to distract the android.

The android stopped and turned around to face Piccolo who floated down and said, "We need to have a talk!".

The android seemed surprised to see him and exclaimed as much, "Whoa, if it isn't King Piccolo!".

Piccolo frowned and then said, "Like I told you! King Piccolo was the old me!".

Piccolo suddenly powered up catching Gohan's attention, "Piccolo!".

But before he could say anything else, Gamma attacked him and kept his attention on him, meanwhile, Pan tilted her head and hummed before asking a question, "King Piccolo?".

Harry nervously began to sweat, after all, how does one even begin to explain the mess that was King Piccolo back when Goku was a kid? That's a time period no one really wanted to think back on.

Luckily the blue-wearing android grinned and spoke up distracting Pan from her question, much to Harry's relief, "So I didn't completely vaporize you!? Don't tell me you think you can win, just because you made it out alive!".

Piccolo looked down and then responded with, "This is not going to end the way it did before".

The blue-wearing android bent his knees and then said, "You mean, you're not going to run away again!?".

With that said the android jumped up towards Piccolo at high speed and began to clash with the Namekian, to Harry, it was obvious that Piccolo seemed to have the upper hand for now since he was counter-attacking each of the android's attacks.

Though this made Harry wonder something he had noticed, "Hmm... Piccolo's power level has dramatically increased since the last time I saw him, I wonder?...".

Now both Gohan and Piccolo were fighting the androids, however, Harry noticed that they seemed to be sort of playing around a bit, they were even having a conversation while everything around them was being destroyed.

This only meant one thing to Harry, "I see... so the android isn't really evil nor a threat, they do seem sort of playful too, good thing too, now I don't have to destroy them like I'm going to do with this new Red Ribbon Army".

Ophis nodded, "Yup, looks like fun actually, those androids seemed very powerful too... much more than any robotic being I've met".

Harry nodded, "Yeah, they're at least as powerful as Goku and Vegeta were after the Tournament of Power".

Pan suddenly gasped and Harry immediately turned his attention towards Piccolo who was brought down by a powerful combo from the android, sending him falling toward a precipice.

Harry was about to take off and help, but he suddenly felt something, a powerful energy began to surface from Piccolo, which caused him to pause and watch what was about to happen.

Piccolo's body exploded with a massive surge of mystic energy and then, he transformed, Harry widened his eyes in surprise and soon after he grinned, "Hahaha! He actually did it! This is your full power and potential unlocked Piccolo! Now show me how powerful you are now!".

Piccolo emerged from a pillar of yellow energy that had formed from his surge of power, however, to the surprise of everyone except Harry, Piccolo emerged transformed, now his usual green skin had turned yellow, and gained a massive build of stature and muscle, even his eyes had changed color from black to red.

The android seemed surprised for a second but then roared and launched himself towards Piccolo, "This means nothing!".

The android unleashed a couple of powerful punches toward Piccolo the moment he got close to him, but the Namekian didn't even bother dodging, instead, he took the punches head-on and didn't even flinch.

This of course shocked the android and soon he stopped his punches to gape at Piccolo, who was looking down at him unimpressed by his attacks, Piccolo then suddenly pulled his arm back and with a roar unleashed a powerful punch towards the android.

The punch came too fast for the android to avoid and it crashed against him full force, sending him flying back and crashing hard against the floor some distance away from Piccolo.

The android had been completely overwhelmed by the force behind the punch and lay on the ground twitching in pain, Piccolo grinned and then said, "Well now, thank you Shenron, that little extra went a long way".

Harry grinned having heard what Piccolo said, "So he did follow my advice, I wonder if the others did so as well?".

But before Harry could continue to wonder if his other friends followed his advice to gain further power, the short fat human down below took a few steps back and said, "It can't be...".

The other short individual wearing a magenta-colored suit, suddenly gasped and then began to yell at his goons, "What are you waiting for!? Fire!".

The goons immediately followed his orders and shot at Piccolo, but their bullets just bounced off his body, the magenta-colored suit-wearing short guy growled in frustration and yelled at Piccolo, "You wretch!".

The other human, the one wearing a red suit and standing beside this magenta suit-wearing short guy, suddenly spoke up to him, "Commander...".

Harry heard this and it made him narrow his eyes, "So that's the leader of this so-called New Red Ribbon Army...".

The Commander nodded to his follower and then said, "We have no choice!" both he and his red suit-wearing follower immediately took off running, while the other short fat guy watched on in shock, "Ugh.. those little...".

Harry watched these two guys make a run for it toward a car and was about to stop them, when Pan suddenly yelled at them, "Don't you dare run!".

The little hybrid Saiyan girl suddenly jumped down from where they had been watching the fight, and ran through a few goons, defeating them fast while running towards the two fleeing cowards.

Harry watched this and a small soft smile grew on his face, "Piccolo is right, she's exactly like Goku... I feel bad for Videl and Gohan now".

Ophis suddenly floated up and moved to join Pan, Harry smiled and then asked, "You're going to go help her?".

Ophis nodded, "She's just a hatchling, I need to keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe".

Harry nodded and smiled at Ophis, "Okay, but do let her have her fun, she's a Saiyan so she needs to fight to grow, it's in their nature".

Ophis smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, I'm just going to ensure she's safe".

With that said, Ophis disappeared in a blur, while Harry turned his gaze to watch the fight between Gohan, Piccolo, and these new Androids.

Pan ran forward at high speed while knocking out quite a few more goons that tried to get in her way, the red suit-wearing guys saw her get closer and closer, so he took out a gun and then spoke up to his boss, "Go ahead Commander! I'll take care of this!".

The Red Ribbon Commander nodded and took off running, while his follower aimed his gun at Pan, "Take this you brat!".

Pan skidded to a halt as the red suit-wearing guy began to fire his gun, Pan quickly skipped around to avoid the bullets until Ophis blurred at his side and grabbed his wrist.

The red suit-wearing guys screamed in both fright and pain at how hard Ophis was grasping his wrist, "W-what!? Let go you brat!".

Ophis turned her gaze at the fool before her and glared at him, which caused the guy to begin to nervously sweat, "Never aim a weapon at a child...".

The blue-wearing android had seen all of this and was very surprised that someone on his side would try to shoot a kid, "... So, they really are the bad guys after all".

Pan suddenly jumped towards the red suit guy, who was completely unable to move since Ophis had him on her hold tightly, she quickly kicked him in the face, which made Ophis let him go, only for Pan to quickly punch him in the gut hard enough to actually make Ophis widen her eyes in surprise, "... I felt that...".

The poor bad guy groaned in pain and then collapsed face first on the ground, Pan smiled and gave Ophis a thumbs up in thanks for her help, Ophis just smiled at Pan and floated down towards her, she then gave her a head pat, "Good job".

Pan giggled and widely smiled at Ophis feeling quite proud of the praise she just received, which just made Ophis smile even more in amusement.

Piccolo had been watching the whole thing and chuckled in amusement as well, he quickly turned his head towards Gohan and called out to him, "Gohan, easy! Fights over".

Gohan, who was on the ground with the other android and pulling his head and mouth open, looked confused towards Piccolo, "Huh? How? Did we win?".

Piccolo just sighed and walked over to the blue-wearing android, "So that's it, it seems we misunderstood each other".

The android closed his eyes and nodded, "Hm".

Harry soon floated down and looked over at the fighters, "Done playing around?".

Piccolo just huffed at him, but soon nodded, Harry of course grinned at Piccolo and then said, "Alright, so mind telling me just what's going on here with these androids? They don't seem to be bad guys".


The Red Ribbon Commander had made it to a secret lab, the other short fat guy had followed him and when he saw him, he immediately called out to him, "What are you doing Commander!? Don't tell me you're going to-".

The commander nodded as he typed something on a very advanced-looking computer, "You got it! I'm about to activate Cell Max!".

The short and chubby guy growled in frustration and worry upon hearing the Commander's plan, he quickly pushed on the break of the vehicle he used to get to the secret lab and jumped out of it as soon as it slowed down.

He tucked his body into a ball and quickly began to roll down towards the Commander, he stopped right behind him and struck a cool pose while he began to yell at the Commander, "You'll doom us all fool! You ran but the Gammas are still fighting!".

The Commander stopped what he was doing and pulled out a gun from his suit's coat, he then grinned as he aimed the weapon at the chubby short guy, "You're the only fool here, they were supposed to have won easily! I trusted you but this whole thing is falling apart!

Now even Harry Potter is here! No one has seen him in years and he somehow just appeared here! You think your androids can win against him and his odd abilities!?".

The short chubby guy frowned, of course, he knew who Harry Potter was, he had read a long file about him beforehand even before he began to build the Gammas, not only was he a formidable martial artist, but he had been seen wielding all sorts of odd and inexplicable techniques.

Not to mention those key-like weapons he sometimes used outside of the World Martial Arts Tournament, honestly, he couldn't even begin to try and make sense of the things he had read that Harry had done.

All of it just seemed out of a fantasy novel or anime and he couldn't even begin to try and explain what Harry Potter can do with all concepts of science, he just casually breaks the Laws of Physics at all times.

But he had faith in the Gammas, after all, he had built them to be able to fight all of Capsule Corp's fighters, from Goku to even Vegeta, "They're just reacting to new information! They can't sense any evil intent on the people they've been fighting! So that threw them off!".

The Red Ribbon Commander grunted in anger and then said, "That's your fault too! You're the one who built hero components into the stupid things!".

The creator of the new androids growled at the Commander upon hearing him insult the androids, which made the Commander grin in satisfaction, "Actually, this is just the right excuse to do what I've wanted to do since I've met you".

Without any warning the Commander pulled on the trigger and shot at the creator of the new androids, the chubby short guy grunted and then dropped to his knees, only to also fall face first on the ground soon after.