
1. Bringing him home

It was such an afternoon. If bad days are to be given awards, today would be the one to get them all. Starting the morning with disgusting pigeon poo on my head, then again with professor Grumpy's scolding for my overdue homework, Mag and Anne's unending bickering about my unlucky love life as if I wasn't there sitting beside them made my foul mood worse. I mean what's so important about having a boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend, so what! I mean.. there are other important embarrassing topics about me too. Why the boyfriend thingy?

"It's because you've never had one", my subconscious snorts.

Oh my god, I can't believe it. I thought college make students so busy that they barely have time to do such little things? I thought bullies would be gone once high school was over? In my case, those freaks seem to follow me from high school. And I guess a small college from a tiny town doesn't give you much work to do.

Tap. Tap Tap Tap.

What��s that? A drop of water on my arm? I look up to the sky and see the angry grey clouds marching over. What the fuck... Is it going to rain too? Shit, can it be any worse! Why? Because I am not the kind of girl to bring an umbrella to wherever she goes.

With a shake of my head, I run to the nearest shelter which happens to be a bus stop. I can't let my precious books and laptop get wet, right?


I have been staring at the rain drops for what it seems like hours. When will this end? When will the rain stop? "God", I tilt my head back and moan out loud. I was to take a walk to my flat listening to music to save what's left of the little positivity in me, until this heavy rain ruins my plans. Fuck me! I know you'd frown wondering why I am this bitter. Honestly, I don't want you to judge just looking at the cover because every incident has a valid reason behind it. It is what I was forged for. So I can't help it, and I won't change it. Sorry, nope.

Then, my unsettling eyes move to a guy with a guitar in his arms sitting on the platform across the road. Hmm... he hasn't moved since I've been here. Why does he let himself and his guitar get showered under the rain? He holds her like his treasure, but don't know how to do it properly. Stupid, huh! "Or he doesn't have anywhere to go", my subconscious butts in. Oh.. c'mon, don't be ridiculous.

He looks like an able young adult. Is it possible that he's actually homeless? He must have his parents. He could crash at a friend's place. He could work. He's just being lazy. "Or he might be an unfortunate man. He might not have any friends that he could count on. You said it yourself, that everything has a reason, dear. Isn't it true for him too?", the wise old lady inside me mocks.

God! With that, I foolishly cross the road and head towards him.

He looks up me for a second which makes my kind self take over, "need a place to stay for a night?"


It took a great deal of convincing to take him home. If you think it's his politeness for refusing my help, then you are never more wrong. His wild stare proves my point. He listened to my offer with doubt in his eyes like I was seducing him to take out his organs or something. I am only a petite female, what can I do to him, cast a spell?

Now we're sitting in the dining room, each plate of freshly ordered Chinese food placed on the table in front of us. The room is completely quiet except from the ticks and tocks from the clock.

Flicking my eyes around the room, "Do you want to talk now or after the meal?" I ask very quietly.

"If it is about me staying here, I completely understand you." He replies without meeting my eyes.

"Oh. Ah..how long have you been... I mean.." I try my hardest to find a suitable word, but they're jammed in my head. "A few days. I haven't had an income for a couple of months. Umm... my flatmates finally kicked me out. Yeah..", he stops.

That's all I need to know for now, I guess. So instead of bombarding him with my endless questions, I decide to focus on the treasure in front of me. "Let's eat. Dinner's getting cold. A small reminder though, I don't usually order take-aways, and my dishes are famous for having bland taste." I smile a little. I hope he isn't upset with my terrible cooking skills.

While I wash the dishes, he stands beside me, drying them. Our hands are moving, and I bet our heads are full of unspoken words. Before we retire to sleep, he suddenly says, "I'll leave tomorrow morning. Thanks for the shelter and meal. I'm taking the couch tonight."

"No! You can take the bed, please, I insist.", I squeak.

"Oh dear... what the hell are you doing..." "Do you have a place to go though? I thought you were..." I pause, looking for a better word to describe 'homeless'. "I don't have one now but I will." He smiles. Wow he has dimples. That's cute.

"Wait, um.. you can stay here until you can afford your own place. One more person won't be a big difference. I stay alone anyways. But I want you to help me clean the room tomorrow." I say scratching the back of my neck.

Oh... would he think I am seducing him? "Oh yeah.. who seduces by scratching the back of her neck?"

"Umm... Okay. Thank you. Goodnight."


I take a bath, apply some cream on my face, and head to bed or couch. I lie on my couch dreaming about sleeping comfortably tomorrow. But, I being myself, roam in my realm of thoughts. What can I say, it is the only place I can truly rule over. Will he shower, too? Eww.. what if he doesn't. He'd be sweaty and dirty. Most men are sweaty and dirty. (God! He said he has been out there for a few days and I don't know how many they are!). Oh lord, please make him take a shower. Shit. Why did I give him my bed! Alright, I am going to wash the sheets tomorrow.