
Harmony Nexus: Nightfall Moon

In the bustling metropolis, two girls form an unexpected bond. As they venture into a world of magic, a mesmerizing journey unfolds, unveiling hidden truths and testing their unbreakable unity. This captivating tale weaves friendship, empowerment, and the allure of a world where reality and enchantment intertwine. Join them as they navigate the shadows and embrace the power of unity in a realm where destiny awaits.

Badai_Arashi · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Partner In Crime

In a lawyer's office building, Eve sat across from Hendra, a 30-year-old man dressed in office attire. Hendra was a lawyer hired by Eve's parents, responsible for handling her legal matters, including severing her ties with the prestigious Roosevelt Family.

"Are you sure about this decision?" Hendra asked with concern, knowing the significance of what Eve was about to do.

Eve nodded firmly, her expression as stoic as ever. "I don't want my parents to bear the shame of having a non-magical child," she replied in a flat tone, revealing little emotion.

Hendra let out a sigh. "Alright, if that's what you want. I'll officially cut off your ties with the Roosevelt Family and provide you with new legal documents and a new identity, along with compensation money. But remember, after changing your identity, you are legally prohibited from disclosing any blood relationship with the Roosevelt Family."

"Do you understand?" Hendra added, applying a hint of pressure.

Once again, Eve nodded without any change in her expression. "Rather than having a useless connection with that family, I prefer the money," she remarked, her tone remaining matter-of-fact.

"Thank you for dealing with a failure like me, Mr. Hendra," Eve said, expressing her gratitude despite her seemingly cold demeanor.

"No need to thank me. I'm getting paid for this," Hendra replied with a wry smile. He then shifted gears, inquiring about Eve's future plans. "Where will you go?"

"To a faraway place. Far from here," Eve replied, her gaze seemingly distant, as if looking towards a place beyond her current surroundings. There was a clear sense of longing in her voice.

Hendra's eyes softened with concern. "You should be careful. Lately, Phantom beasts have been appearing more frequently," he warned.

"I suggest you go to City Z. The magus population there is not very high, and people there are quite tolerant of ordinary humans. But most importantly, the security there is better than in other cities."

"Also, the occurrence of phantom beasts there is below average. It's a suitable place for someone like you, an ordinary human," he advised.

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Hendra. I'll consider it," Eve replied as she stood up, ready to leave.

"Alice," Hendra called out, the name given to Eve by her parents. The name she had discarded after Luna gave her a new identity.

Eve paused, her expression unchanged, but there was something in her eyes that caught Hendra's attention. "I hope you find happiness," he said softly, hoping to convey his genuine wish for her.

For a poor girl who had lost everything due to a mistake that was clearly not her own fault, Hendra couldn't help but feel a mix of sympathy and admiration for the young woman sitting before him.

"Mr. Hendra, I'm not Alice. I'm Eve," she said, correcting him calmly before pushing the door open and leaving the room.

Hendra remained silent in his office, contemplating the young woman who had grown before his eyes. "To think the little girl who could only cry before has grown up," he murmured, a smile appearing on the corners of his lips, unbeknownst to himself.


Eve stared at the monitor screen in front of her with seriousness. She answered all the questions swiftly and accurately.

The sound of keyboard typing and mouse clicks filled the room. Eve was currently in an internet cafe, renting a room there. The room was 20 square meters in size, containing a computer set, along with a sofa and a table neatly arranged with pillows and a well-folded blanket.

Three months had passed since she met Luna, the girl who gave her a new purpose.

Of course, as time went by, Eve's longing for Luna became heavier. She desperately wanted to meet Luna as soon as possible.

However, Eve didn't act recklessly. During these three months, she had been busy planning to save Luna.

As the one Luna entrusted her powers to, Eve knew how extraordinary Luna's powers were. Anyone who could imprison Luna was not an easy opponent to face.

But the biggest problem was not knowing who she was facing. She had tried to gather as much information as she could, but she couldn't find anything. There was no information whatsoever about a girl named Luna; it was as if she never existed in this world.

Despite that, Eve knew that the longing in her heart was not an illusion. Her encounter with Luna that night had truly happened. This problem only indicated that the enemy she was facing was very dangerous. She might have to face the entire world alone. If that were true, Eve would gladly do it for Luna's sake.

Her cellphone rang, disrupting her thoughts. Eve reached for her phone located next to the computer keyboard. A name appeared on the screen, "WhizkerWhiz." Unconsciously, Eve smiled slightly. It was Irina Volkov, a girl she had met through an online game and had grown incredibly close to over time. They shared many interests and had a unique bond, but there was also a hint of distance between them, a barrier they couldn't seem to overcome.

Without answering the phone, Eve stood up and headed towards the door. Opening it, a small girl with a height of approximately 152 cm stood outside. Though her face was not clearly visible due to the hood of her jacket, sunglasses, and mask, she seemed suspicious.

"Please, come on in," Eve extended a welcoming gesture, holding the door wide open as she invited the girl inside. "No problem," the girl responded as she stepped into the room. Eve closed the door gently and ensured it was securely locked.

"How's it going, Ira?" Eve turned around to face the girl. She removed her sunglasses and mask, placing them neatly on the table. Her backpack followed suit, finding its place beside the other items.

As Ira lowered her jacket's hood, her captivating countenance came into full view. Striking features etched an indelible impression on anyone who encountered her. Platinum blond hair with vivid electric blue streaks framed her face, setting the stage for her enigmatic and determined presence. Prominent cheekbones added an air of elegance, accentuating her expressive emerald green eyes that held a glint of shrewdness and intellect.

Her gracefully arched eyebrows played harmoniously with the shape of her eyes, morphing with each passing emotion. Her lips, full and painted in a delicate rosy hue, resembled the petals of a flower. Despite her petite stature, her demeanor radiated a blend of confidence and fortitude, underscored by a graceful and courteous manner.

"I'm hanging in there. So, what's on your agenda, Lissy?" Ira chimed in without delay. The moniker "Lissy" was her playful way of addressing Eve, although Eve wasn't entirely at ease with it.

"Cut that out," Eve's tone shifted, her mood turning somber. "My name is Eve now."

Ira's expression turned briefly puzzled, only to be replaced by a radiant smile and a burst of cheerful laughter. "Ah, so you've finally decided to sever ties with that foolish family," Ira noted, revealing a profound comprehension of Eve's circumstances.

"That's correct," Eve affirmed. "It just feels like the right course of action."

"So, are you on the job hunt?" Ira's enthusiasm was palpable, and her suggestion came across as playful yet tinged with genuine concern. "Or better yet, I'll put in a good word with my dad for your adoption!" she quipped, her voice carrying a playful undertone while a flicker of genuine care resonated.

Eve couldn't help but smile at Ira's spirited offer. "I appreciate the thought, Ira, but I think I'll pass on the adoption part," she replied, her tone light and playful.

Ira settled onto the sofa, her features a mix of curiosity and thoughtfulness. "Honestly, I can't fathom why your parents would cast aside someone as talented as you. Sure, you might not wield magic, but you possess an incredible mind and excel academically. A bona fide genius, if you ask me," Ira mused.

Eve sauntered over to the mini-fridge adjacent to the computer table. Retrieving a can of jasmine tea, she tossed it to Ira, who deftly caught it. "Well, Ira, right now I need your brain more than a job," Eve stated, a hint of appreciation in her voice as she watched Ira take a sip from the can.

Ira leaned back, sipping her tea as she regarded Eve with an expectant look. "Alright, spill the details, Evie. What do you need?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Eve took a moment, then began recounting her meeting with Luna in a chronological sequence, opting to omit certain less-relevant specifics.

As the tale unfolded, Ira listened in silence, her gaze focused yet contemplative. Once Eve finished, a brief pause ensued, indicating Ira was deep in thought.

"So, if I'm getting this right, you're asking me to help you rescue a girl named Luna from an organization that practically leaves no trace?" Ira summarized, her tone holding a mix of intrigue and skepticism.

Eve's breath caught, and she involuntarily swallowed, acutely aware of Ira's shrewd discernment. She hesitated, grappling with how to respond to Ira's keen perception.

Ira's reply was swift and resolute. "I'm in."

Eve paused, the abruptness of Ira's response momentarily taking her aback. "Wait, did I misunderstand something?" she queried, her disbelief evident.

"Don't be ridiculous, Evie. There's no way I'd let my friend face danger alone," Ira affirmed with a casual shrug, as if it were a foregone conclusion. "Besides, if this girl helped you, the least I can do is thank her in person."

Eve felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. "Thank you, Ira," she expressed sincerely.

Ira's response was punctuated by a faint sigh. "No worries, Evie. And it's quite rare to see you genuinely invested in something," she remarked, her tone carrying a touch of melancholy. "Last time we talked, you came off like an empty doll."

In a surprising move, Ira suddenly stood up and reached for Eve's cheeks, giving them a gentle yet firm squeeze. Eve didn't flinch or react audibly, maintaining her composed exterior.

The grip released, leaving Eve to gingerly touch her reddened cheeks. "What was that for?" she inquired, though she anticipated Ira's response.

"Do you think I'm oblivious to what you were contemplating on that rooftop?" Ira's voice was tinged with frustration, interlaced with a trace of anger.

Eve fell silent, understanding the mix of emotions Ira was currently wrestling with. She chose not to argue or offer explanations.

Ira took a steadying breath, as if regaining control over her emotions. "Alright, partner, count me in. I'd be more than happy to help," she declared with a genuine smile, extending her hand toward Eve.

Returning the smile, Eve accepted Ira's outstretched hand. "Thank you, partner."

The two friends shared a moment, their unspoken commitment solidified as they embarked on a journey that held the promise of danger and discovery.

Little did they know that their decision in that moment would not only change their lives forever but also the fate of the world.

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