

Harmony's pov:

The guardians and I talked and laughed as we waited for Liam inside. we had some fruits and snacks. When Liam showed up I asked him about what happened at the training hall and he explained.

After that Reseda taught me how to transform out of my training clothes. After transforming, I got the pink nightdress in the cupboard and wore it. It has baggy sleeves and flared half top that has lace around the neck and sleeves with a similar waist belt.

Right now I'm seated at the head side of the bed with my legs crossed and my friends have found themselves a place on the bed. But then one thing keeps bothering me since Liam told me about carrying me to my room. "This girl he loves…who is she?"

"Hello..." Teva waves her hand in front of my face and I startle. "Are you okay?" She asks. All the other girls are looking at me

"Yeah, I was just thinking about something," I claim. "So, what were we talking about?" I try to change the subject

"Well we were talking about the keys, remember?" Alina reminds me.

"Oh yeah, so do you think they will find anything?" I ask

"I hope so," Cari says

"If the person wasn't extra careful," Teva says

"Where's Disco?" Reseda asks

"He went arguing with Liam after Liam and I talked," I explain and they all laugh.

"Those two, they are like kids," Alina says with an amused smile and I laugh.

Now there's something else bothering me, "Will I be able to save my parents?" I look down. "Will I ever get used to them and things go back to normal? And my sister, will we ever be close as sisters?"

"Harmony," Cari calls my name and I look up at all of them.

"What's wrong, and please don't lie to us," Cari begs.

"You can tell us anything," Reseda adds

"Yeah," Alina nods in support of Reseda and Teva's words.

I look at them and take a deep breath. "I'm scared, I'm scared to lose my parents because I might not be able to save them I'm…" I exhale. "Scared of everything."

"Oh, Harmony," I can hear the sympathy in Reseda's voice.

"It's been so long, what if I do save them but we never connect, we never become like a real family again? What if everything is just going to be awkward?" I try not to cry as I hold back my tears. Teva and Reseda move up closer to me, Reseda comforts me on the left side while Teva comforts me on the right side.

"Those are questions that I'd love to give you the answers to but, I can't. I don't even know where to begin and...I can't lie to you just to make you feel better," Reseda sincerely says and pulls me to rest on her chest with comfort.

"Your parents loved you, Harmony, they adored you and they still do, the moment they will see you they'll fall to the ground in tears," Teva's words make me cry even more—but with joy.

"They will give and show you love that will fill up the last 15 years and the rest of your life," Alina says with a comforting smile and they all come in for a comforting hug. These girls are amazing. I feel like we are sister, they feel like…family.


Bexy's point of view:

All dressed up in black jeans, black jackets with hoodies covering our heads and dark sunglasses , standing outside our student accommodation. It is time, time to get what belongs to me, time to rule as queen!

"Are you sure about this, Bexy?" Aliyona asks as we are all standing outside the student accommodation building.

"One hundred per-cent," I reply

"What if the potion harms Liam? We can't possibly trust Zelda, She's not trustworthy!" Athena worries.

Somehow her words make sense but this is about getting what I want, and I'll get it!

"Let's go," I start walking with a small brown sack in my hand and they follow.

Soon, we walk past the school and start to make our way to the middle of our schools, that's when the girls and I spot Zelda and two other girls further away, flying on what I think are horses, coming towards us

"I can't believe we are actually doing this," Athena says

"If you didn't want to come you could've just said so," I say without even a glimpse at her

"Sorry Bexy," she apologizes but I don't respond, my mind is somewhere else, sitting on a throne...

Everyone is just silent, and the silence is starting to creep in, trapping me inside my ambivalent mind. "Should I? Or should I not?" I keep asking myself with every step I take but now, but it's too late, we are already at the middle and Zelda's group is coming in for the landing.

"She better keep up her end of the bargain,"

"Hello sisters," Zelda says with a smile that brings nothing but terror in the eyes of many, even the horses alone will scare you to death, they have no meat; all I see are bones, and their wings are like that of a bat(as humans would call it). Athena mutters something under her breath, I think she does not like the term "sisters" I can't blame her though.

"You have the potion?" I inquire with seriousness

"You have my helaphim?" She asks and I lift up my hand showing her the sack.

"Open it, let me see."

"What? You think I'd trick you?",

"Maybe," Zelda responds and I bring back the sack from the air, open it, and take out the small glass bottle of helapim. "Nice," she opens her hand for me to give her the bottle.

"The potion first," I hold back the helaphim and she looks at me for a while.

"Fine," she lifts her hand to grab a small, black sack hooked onto the chain belt around her waist. She unhooks the sack, takes out a black bottle and waves it around to show me

"How do I know if there's anything in there?" I ask but she doesn't respond, instead, she opens the bottle with her eyes fixed on me and black smoke comes out

"Satisfied?" She asks and I nod, "Here" she closes the bottle, moves closer and stretches her hand to give it to me, I grab it but she does not let go. I gulp.

"the helaphim," she says looking directly into my eyes and I hand it to her, immediately after that, she lets go of the potion bottle. "Nice doing business with you." she smirks

"Sure," I respond fearfully. She and her girls turn back, they get on their black horses and take off.

"Those red eyes on those horses give me the creeps," Aliyona comments as we all watch the Menace fly away

"Tell me about it," Athena responds