


Seth's point of view:

I walk up and down the room in deep thoughts of her.

There are just no words to describe her beauty or how she makes me feel, all I know is that I wouldn't change a thing about her—and I want her. Yesterday was very special to me, I know I'd go beyond the limits for her.

I walk over to the window looking at the beauty on the ground, covered in orange.

Rebekah's point of view:

My friends and I finally arrive at the amusement park after eighteen minutes of driving—this place is amazing.

First, we queue up for the roller coaster ride. I go ahead and sit in front with Sera while Micah sits with another girl at the back of us and we hold on to the bars that are holding us firmly to our seats.

The first rise Is the best and I'm kind of enjoying it, maybe because It's the highest hill. Sera and I hold on to each other as the coaster is about to go down. We are all screaming and feeling the adrenaline while the wind is whizzing through our hair. We laugh with our eyes closed and our arms in the air as we go through the loop. I feel so weightless and scared to fall but finally I make it through, and the ride is finally over.

"We should get something to drink," Sera says

"Yeah," I agree

"My stomach is crying," Micah complains as we both get out and start walking down to, "Quench your thirst" cool drink stand.

"Aah…" I cry putting my hand on my head

"What's wrong?" Micah quickly turn to hold me while Sera worries on my other side

"I think I have a headache…I don't feel good," I respond.

"Come on," Sera urges, "let's go sit down on the bench,"

"No it's okay," I insist. "You guys should go and but those drinks, I'll sit down on the bench there," I point to the bench behind me on the side of the walkway.

"Are you sure?" Micah says

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I assure

"Okay, we will find you there," Micah says

"Don't move," Sera instructs.

"Okay-okay, I won't move,"

"Good," Sera smiles and they both make their way to the stand while I slowly head down to sit on the bench.

For 2 minutes I have sat here watching them standing in the line, hoping my headache will go away but it keeps getting worse. I thought it was because of the rollercoaster ride but I don't think so anymore. I begin to feel dizzy, my legs feel numb and my sight is blurry, I feel myself losing control of my body, and then… everything goes black. I can hear a voice of a woman singing a song and I can hear a baby's happy voice as she sings.



Micah's point of view:

Sera and I have just bought three 500ml cool drinks, but as we turn around, we spot Rebekah laying on the ground. We drop our bottles and run to her. The people surround us.

"Is she okay?" Inquires the owner of the cool drink stand, "should I call the ambulance?" he offers

"No, it's okay," I say

"Rebekah?.." Sera tries to wake her up while another guy walks up behind us. Sera and I know him.

"Rai," I say

"Micah, what happened?" he rushes to us.


I take the keys from her bag and Rai helps us get her inside. Micah leads him to lay her down in the living room while I close the door, then I rush down to them.

"Will she be okay?" I ask with concern

"Yeah," he confirms while holding Rebekah's head in his hand, "t's a normal reaction," he looks down at her with love and care as he kisses her forehead.

"Take care of her," he tells us. We nod, then he gets up and leaves.



Max's point of view:

Mother and Father have been trying to communicate with me ever since I left, so I have come back home for today to hear what they want to say. I just wonder why I have to come back but "perfect" Mr Liam doesn't.

He has probably called to remind me of how useless I am, compare me to Liam—his perfect son.

And so I sit here in the castle at the side of the table facing the door as I wait for my parents in the dining room at this massive, long, golden table of about 14 seats. A white stylish cloth holding one medium, shiny golden plate with different shiny knives on the right, spoons and forks on my left. It's a huge, lonely room with a huge glass chandelier hanging from the dome shaped roof and four, round ceiling lights—one on every corner.

After 3 minutes, the wooden, white two door entrance is open by two guards, each one holding his own door. My parents enter together. My mother in her v neck, puffed long sleeve, yellow gown. My father in his royal all white suit, on his right, is his royal white staff with diamonds partly decorating it, and at the top, there's a colourless cylinder diamond. After they walk in, the guards close the doors and hurry to pull out a seat at the one end of the table white the other pulls a chair on the opposite end for my mother.

"Hello mother," I greet her on my left, "father," I look to my father on my right.

"Son," he says to acknowledge that I'm here, looking dead serious at me. My mother on the other hand is just silent. But that's not how it would've gone down if Liam was here. "I'm sure you already know why you are here, right?"

" I know"

"Max, you know I love you, and your brother," mother begins, "and as a mother, it hurts me to see my sons fight, it's ridiculous."

"Disgraceful," father adds

Mother continues, "You guys are supposed to be inseparable, invincible," she ends. I just look at her.

"We know you went into the human world, without a mission or permission,"

"What I did was wrong father," I apologize, "forgive me,"

"You know, sometimes I wonder, why in Melda did the ring choose you, out of all the people like your cousin, Zack?"

I hate it when he compares me to other people, I mean like…do I look like Zack? That's Zack, and this is Max.

"Maybe that's the whole point, I'm not him!"

"And your point is?..."

"My point is that the ring saw something in me that you don't see," I respond.

"Well the ring made a mistake son," he says

"But it didn't make a mistake with, LIAM, HUH!?" I storm up from the chair.

"Sit down!" he commands,

"Max, listen to your father," mother begs mom says, so I sit back down.

"Why do you always back Liam father? It's almost as if I'm not your son"

"Because nothing good has ever come from you Max," he reasons, "what have you ever done on Melda that would make me back you up?"

I keep quiet for some time and process my next move. I'm tired of this. I have to do some things wrong to say things right. If I can't be part of it, then I'll be against it.

"I'm sorry father," I look down

"I'm giving you this chance to work with your brother, don't blow it," he says

"I won't," I assure.


Rebekah's point of view:

I slowly open my eyes and try to sit up, that's when someone rushes to me.

"Let me help you," she offers. I to realize where exactly I am—in my house, on the couch, and my two best friends are here. A worried look is covering their faces.

"What happened?" I inquire.

"I don't know, Micah and I saw you laying on the ground at the amusement park and brought you here," Sera Explains.

"Alone?" I question

"No, someone helped us," Micah says

"But never mind about that," Sera says, "can you remember anything?"

"I don't know," I doubt, "all I remember is feeling dizzy and…I heard a woman singing, I don't even know if it was real or not,"

"Do you Remember the words in the song?" Sera asks

"well, it was something like: Oh my dear child, my precious gift. Look out to our…" I try to remember, "our beloved Musiana, my precious jewel. This is your home…this is your home," I end off, "That's all I remember,"

"Wow, you…actually heard that?" Sera inquires in shock.

I nod, "yeah"

"What happened back there really scared me," Micah says

"it's okay," I smile, "I'm fine," I comfort her

"I don't know what we're going to tell our parents," Sera says, and gets all of us thinking

"Maybe our parents don't have to know," Sera suggests, "they will stress out a lot,"

"I think that's a good idea," Micah nods her head

"Yeah, I think so too," I agree

Guy in the dark's pov:

I stand outside Rebekah's house and stare at her window, I just had to make sure she was okay.

I knew coming to her room that day was dangerous, and I knew my fears would come back to haunt me, and now… they have won.

"I don't think I can stay away from you, I want you; my heart longs for your love but I have no idea how I'm going to make you mine," I sit down on the ground

I know our differences won't allow us to be together, still...I want an US! no Matter the consequences; against all odds, I'll fight…if that's what we both want—the heart wants what it wants.

She's the woman that drives me crazy, even just thinking of her puts a smile on my face like a mad person.