
Harmony's Quest

Takeshi is a low affinity mage in the modern day who loses his home after being unable to pay rent. He is saved from the streets by a high school girl named Yumi who promises to give him a place to stay if he helps her find a dream caster(someone who can grant dreams). Takeshi with nothing left to lose accepts the offer and the two begin a quest to find a dream caster.

Edu_Bill · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs


In the bustling halls of St. George High school, a small local high school, Takeshi found himself at the center of attention. His classmates, a boisterous bunch of fire manipulators, wind weavers, and lightning conjurers, were engaged in a lively discussion about their impressive abilities.

Amidst the animated chatter, Takeshi stood with a sheepish smile, his affinity for Echoes feeling overshadowed by the flashy powers exhibited by his peers. His attempts to impress with his modest echo manipulation often resulted in comical mishaps, earning him the title of "The Soundless Squeak" among his classmates.

One particularly mischievous classmate, Kenta, couldn't resist taking a jab at Takeshi's less flamboyant ability. "Hey, Takeshi! Can you make some noise for us? Oh, wait, I forgot. You're the master of silence!"

Laughter erupted from the gathered students, and Takeshi's face flushed with embarrassment. He scratched the back of his head, mustering a lighthearted retort. "Well, at least my powers won't wake up the entire neighborhood every time I sneeze!"

His attempt at humor garnered a few chuckles, but the mocking continued. Takeshi's classmates playfully mimicked echoes and exaggerated sound effects, poking fun at his seemingly unremarkable affinity.

As the laughter subsided, Takeshi's smile wavered, his eyes betraying a hint of sadness. A single tear rolled down his cheek, unnoticed by his classmates who were caught up in their own amusement.

Feeling the weight of their ridicule, Takeshi quietly wiped away the tear and stood up. With a heavy heart, he made his way toward the exit, his footsteps echoing faintly in the corridor.

On a sunny afternoon, Takeshi found himself outside the academy grounds, seated on a park bench with a gloomy expression. He slumped forward, his arms crossed tightly over his chest, and let out an exaggerated sigh.

"I can't believe it! How can I ever become stronger than all those show-offs in my class?" Takeshi mumbled to himself, his voice laced with comedic exaggeration. "I mean, seriously, what can Echoes do against fire, lightning, and all that fancy stuff? It's like bringing a harmonica to a fireworks show!"

As he pouted, Takeshi kicked a pebble across the pavement, sending it bouncing erratically. Each bounce mimicked the sound of a disappointed echo, adding a touch of absurdity to his dramatic display of frustration.

Just as Takeshi was about to launch into another comical monologue, Ayumi appeared from around the corner, her eyes sparkling with kindness and concern. She approached Takeshi, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. The maestro of melancholy himself," Ayumi teased, her voice filled with affectionate amusement.

Startled, Takeshi jumped up from the bench, his pout instantly transforming into a sheepish grin. "Ayumi! What are you doing here?"

Ayumi shrugged nonchalantly. "I saw you from the classroom window, and I couldn't resist checking up on my favorite echo maestro. Plus, I figured your dramatic antics could use a bit of cheering up."

Takeshi chuckled, his gaze fixed on Ayumi's radiant smile. "You always know how to bring a smile to my face, Ayumi. Even when I'm feeling down."

Ayumi's expression softened, and she stepped closer to Takeshi, their eyes locked in an unspoken connection. "Takeshi, you may not realize it, but you have a unique strength within you. Your Echoes can create harmony in ways that no one else can. It's not about being stronger than your classmates; it's about discovering the beauty in your own affinity."

Takeshi's heart skipped a beat as Ayumi's words washed over him, his admiration for her growing more apparent. A blush crept onto his cheeks, and he looked away briefly to gather his thoughts.

"You're right, Ayumi. I shouldn't let their flashy powers overshadow my own. I'll embrace my Echoes and find my own path to greatness," Takeshi replied, his voice filled with newfound determination.

Ayumi beamed, her eyes sparkling with pride. "That's the spirit, Takeshi! I have no doubt that you'll surprise everyone, including yourself. And remember, I'll be right by your side, cheering you on every step of the way."

Takeshi couldn't help but feel his heart swell with joy at Ayumi's unwavering support. In that moment, he realized the depth of his feelings for her, and a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursed through his veins.

As the two friends walked back towards the academy, their laughter filling the air, Takeshi couldn't shake the thought that perhaps their bond could evolve into something even more profound.

As Takeshi and Ayumi returned to the classroom, their laughter and camaraderie filled the air. The door swung open, and they stepped inside, only to be greeted by a mischievous atmosphere. Takeshi's eyes narrowed as he spotted Kenta, known for his pranks and superior fire affinity, surrounded by his entourage of followers.

Just as Ayumi was about to take her seat, a sudden splash of water drenched her from above, leaving her stunned and dripping wet. The classroom erupted into laughter, and Takeshi's eyes blazed with a mix of anger and concern.

"Kenta, you've gone too far this time!" Takeshi's voice boomed through the room, filled with righteous indignation. He marched toward Kenta, his fists clenched tightly, his echoes reverberating with an intense energy.

Kenta smirked, unfazed by Takeshi's anger. "Oh, look who's here! The echo maestro with dreams of grandeur. What are you going to do about it, Takeshi? Blow a gust of wind my way?"

Takeshi's face flushed with frustration, but he took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. "You may have the upper hand in power, Kenta, but that doesn't give you the right to bully others. Real strength comes from kindness and respect."

With those words, Takeshi unleashed his echoes, surrounding his body with a shimmering aura. His determination and unwavering sense of justice ignited a fiery spirit within him. He launched himself at Kenta, intending to confront him head-on.

However, Kenta's flames flickered to life, forming a protective shield that repelled Takeshi's echo-infused punches. Each blow from Takeshi fell short, unable to penetrate Kenta's defenses.

The classroom fell silent, the air heavy with anticipation. Takeshi gritted his teeth, refusing to back down despite the overwhelming odds. But as the confrontation continued, it became clear that Takeshi's efforts were no match for Kenta's superior fire affinity.

After Takeshi's unsuccessful attempts to land a blow on Kenta, the room fell into an uneasy silence. Kenta, his smug expression unchanged, raised an eyebrow as he observed Takeshi's futile efforts.

"Is that all you've got, Takeshi?" Kenta sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. "I expected more from someone who dreams of surpassing us."

Takeshi's fists trembled with frustration, his echo-infused attacks unable to penetrate Kenta's defenses. He staggered back, narrowly avoiding a swift punch from Kenta that sent a gust of wind whistling past him. Takeshi's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of adrenaline and disappointment coursing through his veins.

The room erupted with whispers and laughter, fueling Takeshi's embarrassment. The entourage surrounding Kenta reveled in Takeshi's defeat, their mocking laughter echoing off the classroom walls.

As Kenta advanced, a sinister grin spread across his face. "It's time you learned your place, Takeshi. Your feeble echoes are no match for my fire."

Kenta launched a series of precise strikes, his flames dancing with unparalleled intensity. Each blow landed with precision, knocking Takeshi back with each impact. Takeshi's body convulsed from the force of the attacks, his spirit dampened with each painful blow.

The laughter in the room grew louder, reaching a crescendo that felt suffocating to Takeshi. He felt his eyes welling up with tears, a mix of physical pain and emotional turmoil overwhelming him. The realization of his own vulnerability hit him hard, threatening to shatter his resolve.

But just as Takeshi was on the brink of giving in to despair, a voice cut through the chaos. "That's enough, Kenta!"

Ayumi's words pierced through the noise, her voice filled with a mix of anger and determination. She stepped forward, her eyes locked with Kenta's. "You've proven your point, but there's no honor in beating someone when they're down. Leave Takeshi alone."

Kenta's gaze shifted from Takeshi to Ayumi, his arrogant demeanor wavering slightly. He sneered before turning his back on them, his entourage following suit. The room fell into a tense silence, the echoes of the confrontation lingering.

Ayumi rushed to Takeshi's side, her gentle touch a soothing balm to his wounded spirit.

Kenta's entourage laughed mockingly, their voices echoing in Takeshi's ears. Feeling defeated and frustrated, Takeshi took a step back, his anger dissipating into a mixture of disappointment and sadness. He watched as Kenta and his followers left the classroom, their laughter lingering in the air like a bitter echo.

Takeshi couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He slumped to the ground, his body shaking with sobs, as the weight of his defeat washed over him. It was an embarrassing and painful moment, a stark reminder of his own limitations.

"I can't believe I'm so weak," Takeshi muttered between his choked sobs. "I promised myself I'd become a strong mage and surpass them all... But look at me now."

Ayumi, her eyes wide with a mix of surprise and admiration, watched Takeshi in awe. She had never seen him so vulnerable, yet his determination shone through even in his tears. She knelt beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Takeshi," Ayumi spoke softly, her voice filled with compassion. "It's okay to feel discouraged sometimes. We all have moments of doubt. But remember, strength isn't just about power. It's about resilience, perseverance, and the will to keep going."

Takeshi wiped his tears away, his reddened eyes meeting Ayumi's gaze. He sniffled and nodded, a spark of determination igniting within him. "You're right, Ayumi. I won't let this defeat define me. I'll train harder than ever before. I'll unlock the true potential of my echoes and surpass all my classmates!"

Ayumi's eyes widened in astonishment. She had always known Takeshi to be passionate, but his unwavering resolve in the face of adversity left her speechless. She couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for her friend.

"Takeshi, I believe in you," Ayumi said, her voice brimming with encouragement. "Your determination is awe-inspiring. I have no doubt that you will achieve great things. And remember, I'll be right here, supporting you every step of the way."

Takeshi's lips curled into a determined smile. He stood up, his tears now replaced with a newfound fire in his eyes. "Thank you, Ayumi. Your belief in me means the world. From this moment on, I vow to become the strongest mage, not just for myself but for everyone who has ever doubted me."

With Ayumi by his side, Takeshi felt a renewed sense of purpose. He wiped away the last traces of his tears and took a deep breath. The path ahead might be challenging, filled with obstacles and setbacks, but he was ready to face them head-on.

That was 6 years ago... Ayumi is dead now.