
Harmony's Quest

Takeshi is a low affinity mage in the modern day who loses his home after being unable to pay rent. He is saved from the streets by a high school girl named Yumi who promises to give him a place to stay if he helps her find a dream caster(someone who can grant dreams). Takeshi with nothing left to lose accepts the offer and the two begin a quest to find a dream caster.

Edu_Bill · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs


Takeshi slowly regained consciousness, his head throbbing with pain. As his vision cleared, he realized he was in an unfamiliar room, bound to a chair. Panic surged through him as he noticed Yumi was nowhere to be seen.

Infuriated and desperate, Takeshi struggled against his restraints, his muscles straining against the bindings. "Where is she? What have you done with Yumi?" he growled, his voice laced with anger.

The man in charge of guarding him, a smug grin on his face, chuckled mockingly. "Oh, she's quite safe... for now. But it seems she won't be able to join us for a little while longer."

Takeshi's eyes narrowed, his fury intensifying. He couldn't bear the thought of Yumi being harmed or held captive. With a smirk, he focused his attention on the guard, his echoes affinity pulsing within him.

A surge of energy coursed through Takeshi's body, and with a sudden explosion, the room was engulfed in a blinding flash and deafening noise. The force of the blast shattered the restraints that had held him captive, freeing him from his confines.

As the dust settled, Takeshi stood tall, his eyes ablaze with determination. The guard, laying unconscious on the floor.

Meanwhile upstairs...

As Yumi's defiant words filled the air, a chilling smile crept across the man's face. He scoffed at her confidence, dismissing her words as mere bravado.

"Oh, my dear Yumi, you truly have a wild imagination," he sneered. "But let me assure you, your precious Takeshi won't be coming to your rescue. He's currently being held captive by my strongest guard, locked away in the chambers."

Yumi's smile didn't waver. "You underestimate Takeshi," she retorted, her voice filled with unwavering faith. "He's not someone to be taken lightly. He'll find a way to overcome any obstacle you put in his path."

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the chamber, cutting through the tension. "Did someone mention my name?"

All eyes turned to the entrance, where Takeshi stood, a fierce determination burning in his eyes. The room fell silent, the air thick with anticipation.

The man's face twisted into a malicious grin. "Ah, Takeshi, you finally decided to join us. How kind of you to come to your dear friend's aid."

Takeshi's expression hardened, his voice resonating with unyielding resolve. "You won't get away with this. Release Yumi now, or face the consequences."

The man's laughter filled the room, echoing off the walls like a sinister melody. "Consequences? Oh, my boy, you still don't understand the gravity of your situation. You're no match for my power."

With a flick of his hand, the man signaled his guards to attack Takeshi. They lunged forward, their movements swift and calculated. But Takeshi was prepared.

With lightning reflexes, Takeshi unleashed his echoes affinity, his body becoming a blur of motion. His fists and feet danced with unparalleled skill, each strike precise and devastating. The guards faltered, unable to keep up with Takeshi's relentless assault.

As the dust settled, Takeshi stood victorious, his breath heavy but his spirit unbroken. The guards lay defeated at his feet, a testament to his unwavering determination.

The man's eyes widened in disbelief, his arrogance crumbling. "Impossible... How could you defeat them?"

As Takeshi stood before the man, their eyes locked in a fierce battle of wills, a charged silence filled the chamber. Takeshi's body crackled with energy, his echoes swirling around him like a tempest.

With a resolute expression, Takeshi extended his hands, palms facing the man. He channeled his echoes into a concentrated ball of energy, gathering its power within him. The ball grew brighter and more intense, pulsating with each passing moment.

The man, his affinity revealed to be water, smirked confidently. He extended his hand towards Takeshi, conjuring a swirling vortex of water that hovered menacingly in the air.

"Your echoes are impressive, I must admit," the man taunted. "But can they stand against the might of water? Allow me to show you the true power of my affinity."

Without hesitation, the man thrust his hand forward, releasing a torrent of water towards Takeshi. The powerful surge rushed towards him with incredible force, threatening to engulf him entirely.

But Takeshi was prepared. With a swift motion, he sidestepped the oncoming water, his echoes propelling him with speed and agility. As the water crashed against the chamber wall, he seized the opportunity to retaliate.

Focusing his energy, Takeshi unleashed his gathered echoes, sending a barrage of energy blasts towards the man. The explosive projectiles tore through the air, leaving trails of shimmering light in their wake.

The man, momentarily caught off guard, summoned his water affinity to protect himself. Walls of water formed a shield around him, deflecting the incoming energy blasts. The chamber crackled with the clash of their opposing forces.

Takeshi refused to yield. He continued to unleash his echoes with precision and determination, finding openings in the man's defense. The energy blasts intensified, their power increasing with each successive attack.

The man, his confidence wavering, struggled to maintain his water shield against the relentless assault. Takeshi's determination and unwavering resolve fueled his attacks, each blast inching closer to the man.

Realizing the precariousness of his situation, the man unleashed a powerful surge of water, attempting to extinguish Takeshi's echoing onslaught. But Takeshi had one final trick up his sleeve.

Gathering the echoes around him, Takeshi infused them with each other to vibrate at a higher frequency shining a bright red. With a fierce cry, he unleashed a colossal energy blast, a beam of pure power that sliced through the chamber, hurtling towards the man. AFFINITY OF ECHOES FIRST FORM : RED SHOT

The beam collided with the man's weakened defense, shattering it in a dazzling display of light. The impact sent the man hurtling backward, crashing against the wall.

As the dust settled, Takeshi approached the defeated man, his breathing heavy but his spirit unbroken.

As Takeshi untied Yumi, a sense of relief washed over him. She wasted no time, throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace, expressing her gratitude. Takeshi could feel her warmth and the genuine happiness radiating from her.

However, as Yumi hugged him, her two friends, joined in on the affectionate display, squeezing Takeshi's face between them. Their playful laughter filled the air, breaking the tension that had lingered moments before.

With his face squished, Takeshi managed a muffled chuckle, feeling a mix of embarrassment and joy. He appreciated the camaraderie and the lightheartedness she brought to the situation.

As they prepared to leave the chamber, Takeshi's gaze caught sight of a pendant hanging around the neck of the defeated man. Curiosity piqued, he reached out and plucked the pendant from its resting place.

Examining it closely, Takeshi noticed intricate engravings on its surface, a symbol he couldn't quite decipher. The pendant held an air of mystery, and he wondered about its significance in the man's life.

With the pendant securely in his possession, Takeshi tucked it safely into his pocket. It felt like a token, a reminder of the ordeal they had endured together and the resilience they had shown.

With Yumi by his side, Takeshi led them out of the chamber and into the light. The air outside felt fresher, as if the weight of the recent events had lifted.

They walked together, their spirits lifted by their shared triumph. Takeshi felt a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that he had not only saved Yumi but had also forged bonds of friendship and trust along the way.