
Harmony's Quest

Takeshi is a low affinity mage in the modern day who loses his home after being unable to pay rent. He is saved from the streets by a high school girl named Yumi who promises to give him a place to stay if he helps her find a dream caster(someone who can grant dreams). Takeshi with nothing left to lose accepts the offer and the two begin a quest to find a dream caster.

Edu_Bill · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

A New Challenger Has Appeared

Sitting alone in the comfort of his home, Takeshi's mind races with thoughts about Haru's decision to sell the pendant. He clutches the money Haru had given him tightly in his hand, his brows furrowed with a mix of frustration and disappointment.

As Takeshi ponders the situation, his emotions run wild. He feels a sense of betrayal, as if a piece of his trust in Haru has been shattered. Yet, he knows that dwelling on these negative feelings won't solve anything. With a deep breath, he tries to brush off the frustration and focus on the task at hand.

Reminding himself that Haru must have had his reasons, Takeshi sets aside his initial anger. After all, he knows Haru can be a bit mischievous and impulsive at times. Perhaps he thought he was doing Takeshi a favor, or maybe he needed the money for something important. Whatever the case may be, Takeshi chooses to let go of the negative thoughts and give his friend the benefit of the doubt.

He looks down at the money in his hand, a reminder of the consequences of Haru's actions. Takeshi decides to put the money to good use, determined to make the best out of an unfortunate situation. With a sigh, he tucks the money away, knowing that he can still find a way to use it for something meaningful in the future.

Takeshi, lost in his thoughts, is suddenly startled by a loud knock on the door. Assuming it's Yumi and Nana returning from school, he opens it with a smile, only to be met with an unexpected sight. Standing before him is a hunky, tall, and muscular man, his presence imposing and his muscles rippling.

Confusion washes over Takeshi's face as he tries to process the unexpected visitor. Before he can utter a word, the muscular man's fist swings towards him, landing a solid punch right on Takeshi's cheek. Takeshi staggers backward, his eyes wide with shock and pain, clutching his face in disbelief.

"What was that for?!" Takeshi manages to stammer, still reeling from the surprise attack. His cheek throbs with pain, and he can already feel a swelling forming.

The hunky man smirks, flexing his muscles as if to demonstrate his strength. "You think you're so tough, huh? Well, I'm here to show you who the real tough guy is!"

Takeshi, though taken aback, is not one to back down easily. Despite the pain, he squares his shoulders and takes a deep breath, ready to defend himself. "I don't know who you think I am, but I won't let you bully me!"

As the two prepare for a clash, Takeshi realizes he's about to face a formidable opponent. The muscular man towers over him, radiating confidence and power. Takeshi knows he needs to rely on more than just his physical strength to stand a chance.

Summoning his echoes affinity, Takeshi channels his inner strength. Energy crackles around his fists as he adopts a defensive stance, determination gleaming in his eyes.

Before the altercation escalates any further, a familiar voice calls out from behind. "What on earth is going on here?!" It's Yumi, returning from school with Nana by her side. She gasps in shock at the scene before her, her eyes widening with concern.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Takeshi darts a quick glance at Yumi and Nana, silently urging them to stay back and stay safe. With a swift movement, he launches himself at the muscular man, throwing a punch aimed at his midsection.

The air crackles with intensity as Takeshi's fist connects with his opponent's torso. The muscular man grunts in surprise, momentarily caught off guard by Takeshi's unexpected counterattack.

Seizing the opportunity, Takeshi takes a step back, ready for the next move. The room fills with a charged atmosphere as the standoff continues, both parties assessing each other with newfound respect and caution.

Nana, alarmed by the escalating situation, steps forward with a stern expression on her face. "Enough of this nonsense! Take your fight outside before you destroy our house!" Her voice carries a commanding tone that demands attention.

Both Takeshi and the muscular man pause, momentarily caught off guard by Nana's authoritative presence. They exchange puzzled glances before reluctantly nodding in agreement.

Respecting Nana's request, they step outside onto the front yard, the cool breeze providing a temporary respite from the tension inside. Takeshi takes a deep breath, steadying himself as he faces his opponent once again.

Nana, standing at a safe distance, keeps a watchful eye on the unfolding spectacle. She crosses her arms, her voice laced with a mix of annoyance and concern. "You two better keep it clean and not cause any more trouble. I won't hesitate to step in if things get out of hand."

The muscular man chuckles, flexing his bulging biceps. "Don't worry, little miss. I'll go easy on your friend here."

Takeshi's determination flickers to life as he readies himself for the fight. He knows he must stay focused and rely on his echoes affinity to navigate this formidable challenge.