
Battle Against The First Oracle

Athena and I left the item shop and headed to the Sphere Shop to learn more about the Oracle Core. We walked in and the woman looked at us and groaned. Athena looked at me. I shrugged and walked forward.

"Hey, can you tell us anything special about this Sphere here." I asked then held out the Oracle Core.

The woman looked at the Sphere and looked a bit surprised. "That's Una's Signature Augmented Sphere. Where did you get that?" She asked.

"A unit dropped it. Specifically a Unit from the Grand Order. She managed to have this Sphere." I said then looked at the sphere. "I believe this Sphere holds more power than Astrid told."

"Oh it does. That Sphere can be equipped onto Summoners as well, but if they do they will lose 50% HP if the user isn't Una. If Equipped they gain the ability to set up a Field Effect of their own called Oracle's Moonlit Field. The field effect is a supporting Field Effect which boosts all allied units by 140%, negates all status ailments for allies, and gives all allies a light barrier and adds the light element to all allies. Dark Element Units are practically invincible as they have no weakness in this field effect." The woman explained.

"No weaknesses..? Is that even possible?" Athena asked.

"Oh yes it is possible. You see, only light and dark elemental units are the only ones who can have no weakness according to my knowledge. Since they resist themselves, they can have no weakness by adding their opposite element to themselves." The woman answered.

"Fire and Water...still weak to Thunder. Thunder and Earth are still weak to Fire...Water and Earth...They have no weakness. Fire and Thunder has no weakness. So in total there are only four combinations where a unit and a summoner can have no weakness and only two combinations can have two resists." I said then closed my eyes.

"I have a good question about this universe's Una. Is she a Summoner as well?" I asked.

"Yes." The woman nodded. "She is no longer a unit character unlike the game."

"Where is Una right now?" I asked.

"Stuck in St. Eternus. She was kidnapped by some members of the Grand Order as far as the reports say." The woman answered.

"Hm. Well thank you for your time." I waved then walked off with Athena following behind.

"Are you planning on saving Una?" Athena asked.

"I feel as though I have to. I can't leave her as she is even if my units hate her. She's important and I feel as though it is important to save her." I answered.

Athena nodded and watched as I summoned our units to us. They looked at us and knew we were ready to head back into the dungeon. I selected the battlefield where we were last so we didn't have to go through that entire puzzle again. After landing at the location, we noticed a door that wasn't there before. Before walking to the door, I decided to check Athena's stats.

Name: Athena

Class: Assassin

Title: Duality Assassin

Element: Dark

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Type: Mixed (Breaker + Speed)

Rarity: Eight Star Unit

Level: 19

EXP: 22/100%

HP: 10,100/10,100

MP: 892/892

Burst Gauge: 16%

OD Gauge: 23%

Luminous Gauge: 12%

Oblivion Gauge: 12%

ATK: 601 + 755

DEF: 301

MATK: 310

MDEF: 303

AGI: 601

LUK: 300

Skills (Luminous Mode): Luminous Combo, Shatter Cleave, Million Stab, Dimension Slash

Skills (Oblivion Mode): Oblivion Combo, Shatter Cleave, Million Stab, Void Striker

Burst Skill: Thousand Cut

Burst Skill EX: Million Striker

Final Burst Skill (Luminous): Perfect Luminous END

Final Burst Skill (Oblivion): Perfect Oblivion END

Overdrive Art: Perfect Judgement ALL

Leader Skill: Instant Break [When HP is over 50%, all attacks can break guard at a 100% chance. Attacks will give all opponents physical and elemental vulnerability. Gives self the ability to bypass defense of all enemies.]

Extra Skill 1: Hidden Cuts [When HP is above 50%, using any skill, the end sequence of all attacks unleash 10 hidden slashes to all opponents within medium range, dealing 10 x 150% of damage of the current element.]

Extra Skill 2: Assassin's Intuition [Bypasses all Field Effects, using Shatter Cleave will instantly break the Field Effect at a 45% chance. Boosts ATK and AGI by 140%]

Extra Skill 3: Ultimate Judgement [When using Overdrive Art, OD Gauge fills to 100%, Hidden Cuts EX Skill is active even when HP is below 50%, and user is able to transform into their Luminous/Oblivion/Perfect Form (Depending on which gauge is full) until OD Gauge reaches 0% or when battle is over.]


Weapon: Twin Godslaying Blades: Luminous and Oblivion (MAX)

Shield: None

Accessory: Eternal Duality Charm [Boosts ATK and AGI by 50%, boosts chance of Shatter Cleave breaking opponent's Field Effects, and boosts parameters by 100% when Luminous/Oblivion Form is activated, Boosts parameters by 200% when Perfect Form is activated, when in Luminous Mode Final Burst fills Luminous Gauge to 100%. When in Oblivion Mode, Final Burst fills Oblivion Gauge to 100%.]

"Athena, I have a question about your forms. If neither gauge is full and you use your Overdrive Art, what do you normally do? What happens?" I asked.

"Well if I use my Overdrive Art and neither gauge is full, I don't transform, but I do get the other boosts. My Summoner Weapon is pretty unique out of all the other Summoner Weapons. I only have access to the Light and Dark elements. I wanted to use twin blades where I could develop the most strategies as possible and I wanted to find a way to have zero weakness. Sadly there isn't a way to do that without achieving my Perfect Form where I gain the ability to use the Light and Dark elements at the same time." Athena said.

"I see, Well I hope to see your abilities in action in this upcoming fight." I smiled at her.

She nodded and smiled back at me. "I hope to see you in action as well."

I closed the interfaces then we headed forward to the next area. I opened the door and we walked through the door. A light shined and we noticed we were in the final area of the temple. We were outside the building and in the final battlefield with a gate in the distance.

"Great job on getting this far in the dungeon." The voice started. "Now it is time for your final trial before you can leave this area. You must defeat the first known Oracle."

The Spirit from the Wandering Light Field Effect walked forward and materialized into a unit who used to be an Oracle. She had long brown hair and silver eyes. She had on white armor with gold accents, a short white cape and battle skirt with gold designs on it, and silver armored boots. She carried a gold rapier and a white shield with golden outlines. I looked at the mock unit and scanned her.

Name: Oracle Princess Sol

Rarity: Six Stars

Element: Light

Weakness: Dark

Resist: Light

Type: Mixed (Breaker + Tank)

HP: 12,000/12,000

MP: 1,200/1,200

ATK: 1001

DEF: 1001

MATK: 812

MDEF: 1001

AGI: 501

LUK: 901

[WARNING! WARNING! Boss Unit Detected!]

This was the first unit I saw who wasn't a monster and had three health bars. The stats of the unit was also insanely high so she had to be boosted by a Field Effect and Augmented Spheres.

"Field Effect, Wandering Spirit, has been set. Unit is boosted by Luminous Core. Battle is set. Go forth, Sol. Begin the battle!" The voice said the disappeared.

Athena and I along with our units got prepared for battle. I looked at the Oracle Core in my hand then looked at Sol. Athena looked at me and watched me equip the Sphere on my weapon. I groaned as a piercing light struck my body. I lost 50% of my HP and I looked at Sol. I dashed forward and she dashed forward as well. Hikari and Shelly rushed forward with me.

"Shelly!" I called out.

Shelly nodded then rushed in front of me and used Burning Guard against Sol's attack. She parried the attack and used Blazing Thrust on Sol. She slashed upwards and sent Sol flying in the air. Sol recovered in the air and threw her shield a Hikari. Hikari deflected the shield and watched at Sol slowly descended to the ground then rushed forward. She slashed in a circle as Sol came back down. Sol parried the attack and before she attacked Hikari, I activated my third Weapon Skill, Prevailing Hope. She struck Hikari and five more strikes hit Hikari. She noticed that Hikari only took one damage from her attack. Hikari grunted and jumped backwards.

"What was that..?" Athena asked.

"That was Master's Weapon Skill. It makes it so allies only take one damage for ten minutes. Pretty useful taken on how high the boss's stats are." Yuki answered.

Athena nodded then summoned her weapons. Yuki looked at it and noticed her weapons only consisted of hilts.

"Where are the blades of your weapon?" Yuki asked.

"Right here." She activated the weapons and blades of light emerged from the black hilts. She switched to her Luminous Mode, turning her Element into the Light Element. Yuki looked impressed and looked forward.

Athena rushed into battle and her eyes shined. "45%...bless me with the 45% chance for my allies! Shatter Cleave!" She bellowed made it to Sol in a blink of an eye then slashed upward. She hit Sol, bypassing her defense. A line of light shined then an explosion happened, breaking the Field Effect.

"The field effect is gone! She's weakened." Ophelia said with excitement. "We can finally do damage to her!"

"I set my own Field Effect first! Oracle's Moonlit Field!" I bellowed then raised my sword to the sky then light particles began to raise off the ground and the Oracle Symbol appeared on the ground. The symbol was a large golden circle with a star in the middle and an angel wing on both sides of the circle.

All my units and Athena was empowered. Sol looked at us and glared. She still stood her ground then looked surprised when she was hit with Yuki's Gravity Shot then was unable to move due to a spatial force. Ophelia used Spring Rush on Sol, hitting her with ten arrows in a row then one more arrow that sent her flying.

Hikari rushed forward with Yuki. They turned into rays of light and darkness then struck Sol in all directions swiftly the Hikari appeared above Sol, kicking her down. Yuki blasted her away with a Dark Beam EX.

"Hikari!" Yuki called out.

"Right. Yuki, let's use our old three star combo." Hikari said then threw her shield aside.

Yuki smiled and nodded. They both surrounded themselves in their aura. They ran forward and Sol looked at them. Yuki shot a dark beam at the ground, propelling her self in the air. Hikari feinted her attack Sol went for a counter then slashed upwards, sending Sol flying in the air. Yuki used Gravity Shot on Sol in the air and trapped her in the air. She warped Hikari to her via Dark Rescue.

"Dual Burst Skill: Celestial Reaper!" They both bellowed and summoned a large magic circle then a skeleton slowly emerged out of the magic circle with angel wings. The skeleton gave a grim laugh then slashed down with its scythe, splitting space itself then sending Sol crashing to the ground at high speeds.

Sol groaned as she hit the ground. Hikari and Yuki landed on their feet and smiled. The attack ignored her defense entirely and dealt critical damage.

"Whoa...their team attack is pretty good." Athena said and smiled.

Sol laid on the ground and we thought it was over until a pillar of light blasted to the sky. We looked at the light and noticed Sol floating in the air and four angel wings emerged from her back. She opened her eyes and they shined pure gold. She tossed her shield aside then her sword turned into an odachi. She looked at us and bellowed as her light aura surged powerfully. I scanned her once again.

Name: First Oracle Sol

Rarity: Eight Stars

Element: Light

Weakness: Dark

Resist: Light

Type: Breaker

HP: 5,000/15,000

MP: 901/1,912

ATK: 1500

DEF: 1001

MATK: 1400

MDEF: 1001

AGI: 603

LUK: 1000

She looked at us then swooped down towards us then slashed through us then five extra slashes hit us afterwards. We all took one damage from the attack since we still had five minutes left of the third Weapon Skill Boost. I gave all our units an Elixir, restoring their MP. Yuki went for another Gravity Shot, but Sol avoided it and flew down to Yuki. She slashed upwards, knocking her into the air. Yuki grunted as she took more an one damage.

I looked surprised. "What..? Why is she taking so much damage? My weapon skill is still active..."

She struck Yuki with rapid strikes with her sword and slashed through her. She preformed a chiburi then ten extra slashes hit Yuki and sent her crashing to the ground. Yuki groaned and her HP flashed red. She groaned and laid on her side.

"The skill she used was called the Oracle's Judgement. It was a Burst Skill. It bypasses all buffs including buffs from Weapon Skills. Yuki is lucky enough to even still have HP left! It is a 50 hit combo!" Athena said surprised. "We have to end this now!"

I looked at Sol and got prepared. "Ophelia. Go heal Yuki. Shelly, defend Ophelia and Yuki."

"You too, Hikari! We will finish off Sol here!" Athena said.

Shelly, Ophelia, and Hikari nodded then rushed to Yuki's aid. Sol looked at me and Athena. Athena and I drank a Burst Potion, filling our Burst Gauge up to full. We dashed towards Sol and she flew towards us. I activated my fourth Weapon Skill. She slashed at me and hit me. She grunted as her skills were locked and my ninth Weapon Skill activated as I was now below 50% HP. My parameters were boosted by 60%.

"Million Stab!" Athena bellowed and began to rapidly strike Sol faster than the eye could see. She thrust her sword at Sol one last time, blowing her away. Sol groaned loudly as she was blown away. She landed on her feet then fell on one knee. Her weak spot was now exposed.

I dashed forward and my eyes shined brightly. "Final Burst Skill: Worldly Iridescence!" I yelled and my sword shined all six colors then I struck her weak spot and a bright light shined.

Everyone covered their eyes from the blinding light. Sol screamed out in pain as she was hit. I slashed upwards and sliced Sol in half and her body dispersed into magic particles then turned into a soul. The light dimmed and everyone uncovered their eyes. The soul floated to me and entered my body.

[Acquired new unit! Sol Acquired!]

[Boss Unit Defeated!]

[Congratulations! Oracle Temple Cleared!]

[Party Earned 20,000 EXP!]

[Battle Spoils]

[2,450 Gold, Luminous Core]

[Area Clear Rewards]

[Summoning Stone(s) x1]

[Shin Level UP!]

Name: Shin

Class: Harem Summoner

Title: Virtuous Summoner

Element: None

Weakness: None

Resist: None

Type: Breaker

Rarity: Eight Star Unit

Level: 15 -> 20

EXP: 0/100%

HP: 8,014/8,014 -> 10,380/10,380

MP: 783/783 -> 1,145/1,145

Burst Gauge: 0%

OD Gauge: 0%

ATK: 525 + 755 -> 690 + 755

DEF: 515 + 122 -> 680 + 213

MATK: 232 + 755 -> 391 + 755

MDEF: 263 + 122 -> 422 + 213

AGI: 232 -> 392

LUK: 232 -> 380

[Eclipse Yuki Level UP!]

Name: Eclipse Yuki

Rarity: Three Stars

Element: Dark

Weakness: Light

Resist: Dark

Type: Magic

Level: 17 -> 30 [MAX]

EXP: 24/100%

HP: 1,834/1,834 -> 3,462/3,462

MP: 493/493 -> 734/734

Burst Gauge: 0%

ATK: 42 -> 92

DEF: 63 -> 111

MATK: 135 -> 268

MDEF: 114 -> 247

AGI: 53 -> 101

LUK: 100 -> 300

[Spring Elf Ophelia Level UP!]

Name: Spring Elf Ophelia

Rarity: Eight Stars

Element: Earth

Weakness: Fire

Resist: Thunder

Type: Support

Level: 16 -> 21

EXP: 0/100%

HP: 4,402/4,402 -> 6,021/6,021

MP: 1,094/1,094 -> 1,402/1,402

Burst Gauge: 0%

ATK: 91 -> 119

DEF: 119 -> 147

MATK: 278 -> 316

MDEF: 201 -> 301

AGI: 194 -> 291

LUK: 210 -> 310

[Flame Guardian Shelly Level UP!]

Name: Flame Guardian Shelly

Rarity: Five Stars

Element: Fire

Weakness: Water

Resist: Earth

Type: Tank

Level: 19 -> 23

EXP: 0/100%

HP: 2,412/2,412 -> 6,121/6,121

MP: 253/253 -> 453/453

Burst Gauge: 0%

ATK: 72 -> 134

DEF: 145 -> 216

MATK: 58 -> 69

MDEF: 145 -> 216

AGI: 68 -> 92

LUK: 71 -> 102

"Congratulations. You defeated the First Oracle and now she's yours to use as you please." The voice said then the location shifted back into a normal forest.

We all looked around and looked behind us. The temple we were in was now in ruins. I walked to Athena and she looked at me and smiled.

"Nice moves you had there." She said.

"Likewise." I chuckled softly. "Only one dungeon to go before we reach the tower."

"Yeah, let's give it our all out there." She nodded. I smiled and nodded back then we all headed out of the current dungeon to go to the graveyard.