
A Day Of Resting

I got Yuki to finally rest and go to sleep then kissed her forehead and walked out of her room.

[Yuki's Bond Percentage rose to 37%]

I closed the door and went downstairs to the living room where Kamie was. She was sitting on the couch and flipped through the different channels. She finally found something to watch then sat in criss cross position, hugging a pillow. I walked behind her and rubbed her shoulders.

[Commencing Heart to Heart Sequence]

[Kamie's Bond Percentage: 14%]

[Kamie's Mood (Friendly): Upset]

[Kamie Affinity Rank: Lover]

"Are you sure you're not mad at me?" Kamie asked and looked up at me. "We can break up if it makes her happy.."

"We don't have to break up." I smiled and rubbed her cheeks with my thumbs. "I explained everything to her and besides she knows the whole point of this is to be in a harem, but I want to actually build something with you all instead of having a brainless harem where the women fall in love with me for zero reason."

Kamie frowned a bit.

"I'm not- Alright let me rephrase that. I want a harem where the women love me for a reason instead of loving me because I'm the hero and the protagonist." I said.

[Kamie's Bond Percentage rose to 20%]

[Kamie's Mood (Friendly): Fine]

"Better. Come sit next to me. There's no rush to complete the dungeon now. I want to spend time with you...we can have pizza date night here?" Kamie suggested and scooted closer to me.

"Well...is there a such thing as delivery in this world? I've never really tried dates at home in the game.." I said then pulled up the interface.

Kamie pressed a few buttons then a notification popped up in front of us.

[Large Pizza will be delivered to you within 4 minutes. Thank you for choosing Mama Jane's Pizza.]

"Mama Jane..? A knock off of Papa John's..?" I snickered and held in my laughter.

"Hey it's actually pretty good from what I had." Kamie smiled and leaned against me then sighed softly. "What are the others doing?"

"They said they went out together to celebrate Yoshimune's defeat. Yuki wasn't feeling too good after the fight so she's resting in her room." I answered, placing my arm around her waist.

Kamie smiled and watched the movie that was on. "Basically we have to house to ourselves...meaning we can do whatever we want..~"

I watched her slid her finger down my chest and blushed a bit. I looked back at her seductive face and she had a smile on her face. I nodded at her and she giggled softly and purred.


[Game Set! Shin Wins!]

"Dammit! How many times am I going to lose to you on this mini game?" Kamie whined. "One more! One more shot!"

"You're not beating me in King's Chess, not in a million years." I chuckled and pressed the button to start a new game. "This game is all about strategy. You can't blindly attack nor play pacifist. You must strike when the time is right and defend when the time is right. Here...move your pawn only one space up."

Kamie did as I said then noticed me move my pawn two spaces up.

"Now if you move your pawn a space foward, I can take it and you are left open for immediate attack that is why you move another pawn because if you go hyper offensive with a single piece, you will lose." I explained.

"Ugh this is too complicated! This is why I'm not the strategist! I just like to beat things up then hide when the enemy is too strong." Kamie said then closed the game and sat back on the couch.

I chuckled and pulled her to me and held her waist. She leaned against me with her arms crossed. "Trust, strategy isn't easy, but when it is life or death strategy becomes important, but you don't have to worry about being a strategist when I'm around. Just like how you don't have to worry about feeling lonely anymore.."

[Kamie's Bond Percentage rose to 31%]

[Kamie's Mood (Romantic): Happy]

Kamie looked at me and shifted her body to face me. "I'm glad I don't have to worry about those things..~" She smiled and pecked my lips.

I smiled and pecked her lips back. She pulled away and laid on me. "Tell me something about yourself. I don't really know much about you."

"Well I was a college student, but I guess that degree doesn't matter anymore. I used to be a part of this big club known as the Bad Girl Club. I was deemed one of the hottest women on campus, everyone gawked over me. I used to have a boyfriend back then, but we ended breaking up because I caught him cheating on me with my best friend. That fucking slut...I had it all too, he didn't know what he missed out on." Kamie rolled her eyes.

"Mmm...So do you mind me having a harem?" I asked.

"Hey I'm always up for an open, polygamous relationship, the only thing that would piss me off is if you go behind my back and deceive and betray me or basically pay too little attention to me...or just abandon me. Other than that, I don't care who you date, kiss, or fuck. Just as long as I'm receiving as well, I don't mind at all." Kamie answered and looked up at me.

I looked at her and smiled. "I have another question. How did you even find this game?"

"Mmm...well I would say my geeky best friend showed it to me, but I kinda found it on my own after seeing a few ads about it. The women here are hot as hell and they turn me on a bit." Kamie smiled and looked at the TV then sighed a bit. "It's just unfortunate that we are kinda trapped here, but I can cope with it as long as you're here, my hero..~"

I looked at the TV with my hand on her thigh. "Well I'm glad I can help you cope..~"

"Now tell me something Mr. Top 5~ What the heck is your weapon and how did you make something so powerful?" Kamie looked at me.

"My weapon is called the Oath of All. The sword is original to me only since I won a competition to be able to get the 1st Anniversary Virtue Crystals to forge it. The sword is powered by the spirits of the Six Maidens. It has six Normal Burst Skills, Three Extra Skills, Ten Weapon Skills, and an Overdrive Art." I answered.

"Virtues? What are the virtues of this universe?" Kamie asked.

"Willpower, Truth, Justice, Hope, Guidance, and Death. There are Six Main Goddesses who are below Bravulla, the Goddess of Willpower. The Goddess of Truth. The Goddess of Justice. The Goddess of Hope. The Goddess of Guidance. The Goddess of Death." I explained.

"Wow...so we have to defeat Six Goddesses then huh?" Kamie asked.

"And the Developers. I know for certain I'm killing Developer Matsuta. He is the cause for this and I'll make him pay for causing this to even happen." I said then relaxed on the couch.

"And I'll be sure to help you out..~" Kamie sat up and stretched a bit. "Want to continue this date in your room?~"

"Sure, let's head up to my room." I stood up and held her up. I took her hand, leading her upstairs to my room.

[Kamie's Bond Percentage rose to 39%]

[Kamie's Mood (Seductive): Flirty]

She giggled softly as she followed me. We walked to my bedroom door and I opened it so she could walk in first then I followed after her and closed the door behind myself, locking it. She crawled on my bed then laid back on her elbows then looked at me. I walked over to her and she pulled me on the bed then proceeded to mount on top of me.

"Now let's get down to the real date..~" Kamie smiled and placed her hands on my pillow then leaned down to kiss my lips.

I kissed back and held her thighs. She gripped my pillow case and slightly shifted her hips forward. I heard her make a slightly noise and she pulled away from the kiss. She wanted to do more, but she knew we couldn't because the requirements weren't met. I held her and flipped the position, laying her on her back while I towered over her. I placed my knee between her legs and she blushed hard.

[Kamie's Bond Percentage rose to 44%]

[Kamie's Mood (Sexual): Horny]

I closed the interface and placed my forehead against hers. "You like that don't you..?~" I whispered to her as I began to push my knee up against her crotch.

She blushed more and turned her head, making slightly noises. "I do...~ I'm so mad we can't do it...I really want to know how it feels..~"

I chuckled and kept teasing her by kissing her neck. She gasped and arched her back a bit, loving every moment of me kissing her neck mercilessly.

"I hate this so much..but it feels so good..~ Why...why can't we just have sex already..?~" Kamie complained, biting back her moans.

I pulled away and looked at her. "Because you aren't at 100% yet and even if we reach 100% you'll have to wait until night time for us to do it..~"

"This is so lame..!" She whined and sighed. She sat up on her elbows then looked at me. "Fine...I'll wait. We can sleep together right?"

"Mhm." I nodded then laid beside her on the bed.

"Good. Tomorrow we are going on another date okay?" Kamie smiled at me.

"If that's what you want to do then I'm all for it." I smiled and laid back.

"Good~ Goodnight~" Kamie laid on her side then closed her eyes.

"Goodnight..~" I responded.

"Yoshimune is dead. We lost our source of extra monsters. We lost our heaviest hitter meaning we must strike harder than ever. We must strike Shin and his allies in a way that we never have before." The masked figure said. "Prepare your units. Prepare yourself as we have a long war ahead of us. Shin now has his old Avatar back and it is top dangerous for us to all be at the same location. We will protect the Goddess based on Element. The Goddess of Willpower is a Fire Element. All fire units stay in St. Eternus. The rest of you go where you belong."

"Yessir!" The entire Grand Order agreed.


[HP and MP fully recovered!]

The next day hit and I was already awake. I went to check up on Yuki. I walked out of my room and knocked on the door to Yuki's room then opened the door. I noticed her fixing her hair then walked inside.

She looked at me and smiled. "Good morning Master." Yuki said then looked at through the mirror.

I stood behind Yuki and held her shoulders. "Good morning, Yuki..~ Glad to see you're feeling better today." I smiled at her through the mirror.

[Yuki's Bond Percentage rose to 44%]

"Any plans for the day? I was hoping we clear the dungeon and move forward. After this dungeon we only have the Marsh, Ruins, and Graveyard left." Yuki said.

"Take the day off. You and the others deserve it." I smiled.

Yuki looked a bit surprised then turned around in her chair. "Really?"

"Really." I answered.

"Thank you Master!" Yuki hugged me and smiled happily. Her dragon tail wagged with excitement and she let me go. She got off her chair then rushed out the room.

I walked out of her room then walked back to my room and noticed Kamie still asleep. I walked to her and poked her cheek. "Are you gonna wake up so we can go on a date?"

"We are going on a date...indoors. Come back in bed so we can get the date started." Kamie mumbled.

I smiled at her and shrugged then got back in bed and decided to play a single player mini game while Kamie slept. Today was just a rest day, a day where we just relaxed and got away from the endless battles. I'll tell you here, nothing interesting happens so we can move on.