
Harem Records of the Hedonist

Please don't read this novel if you're lighthearted. — Lots of cultured scriptures. — Excessive gore. — Corruption of girls. — NTR and Yuri? Hell no, that's disgusting. Other people's status systems help them get stronger, why do I have to have sex with mine? Do 69 with the support goddess and gain 69 skill points and experience points... that sucks... or does it? In John Doe's previous life, he was killed by the apostle of the Goddess of reincarnation, Truck-sama, due to his drunken state, which caused him to miss his designated calculations. Truck-sama crashed into the car John Doe was in having just been born. However, the worst part was that he wasn't given a name before his death, and he was assigned the name John Doe, typically used for unidentified or missing persons. After facing trials, he was forced to die and face reincarnation again, this time as Sieghart Zegion. But, his new life came with a unique bonus - he was granted the Goddess Support System to aid him on his journey. However, one thing he didn't realize was that in order to gain skill points, mana points, and experience points, he had to engage in activities that were centered around pleasure. In other words, he had to have sex with the system to acquire the necessary abilities to survive in the new world. But, this wasn't going to be an easy journey. Sieghart will have to face various challenges and bizarre adventures in the fantastical new world he was reborn into. Get ready for a wild ride filled with action, humor, and unexpected twists, as Sieghart tries to adapt and explore the world that fate has brought him into. But most importantly... sex while leveling up?

Pendulum_ · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Velice Goldcrest.

In this world, birthdays were celebrated every four years. Hence, one's first birthday would be when they turn four, and then the next would be when they turn eight. By that time, most people would have awakened their mana, and it wasn't unusual to acquire a Unique Skill before turning twelve. Upon turning eight years old, one gains their status - a quantified result of their abilities. And at the age of fifteen to sixteen, the coming of age was celebrated, which signified that they could join guilds and learn a trade to prepare them for adulthood.

Today, the Duke of Goldcrest, Hermann Goldcrest, was having a coming-of-age party for his daughter, Velice Goldcrest. Hermann smiled as he stood at the center of attention in the grand hall, welcoming all the nobles that had gathered to attend the party.

"I know you're all occupied, but I thank you for making it to my daughter's coming-of-age party," Hermann said, nodding at those who had come from far away.

He then informed everyone that Velice had turned sixteen a few days ago, but he wanted to make this occasion momentous by celebrating it today. All the nobles clapped, but Sieghart, who was seated on his chair, was drinking a glass of water and looking around for his parents.

Hermann cleared his throat and announced; "Let me introduce my daughter. Please give Velice a warm welcome."

And from behind the large doors, he summoned Velice.

Velice was a beautiful young girl with long, blue hair that cascaded down her shoulders as she walked into the grand hall. She bowed her head gracefully before introducing herself.

"I'm Velice Goldcrest," she said in a soft voice. "It's nice to meet you all, and I thank you for gathering for this occasion. I hope you'll all guide and support me in the future."

Everyone clapped, but Velice's expression remained the same, as always. Hermann, noticing her expression, sighed and whispered, "Well, at least she's not crying."

Soon after...

The grand hall was abuzz with nobles, each dressed in their finest clothes, all eager to greet and introduce themselves to Velice. Hermann, being the dutiful father, knew that these introductions were of utmost importance, as it would be the first time that Velice had the opportunity to meet some of the aristocrats of Falrynth.

"Put a smile on your face," Hermann instructed his daughter.

"I don't feel like it." Velice frowned.

"Do it now, there are guests," he spoke sternly.

"Yes, Father." She forced a smile.

As Velice worked her way through the guests, Hermann kept a watchful eye, making mental notes of which officials were more prominent than others as they diligently performed their duties within the kingdom.

Meanwhile, Viscount Greldine had gathered his family so they could pay their respects to the Duke and his daughter.

"Where's Sieg?" he asked.

"Who knows, probably off somewhere.." Marcus replied.

"It can't be helped." Martha chuckled.

"I hope my little angel is fine.." said Elena, the doting mother.

Greldine was a renowned and respected noble, holding a seat in the king's council. His wives were also highly regarded, known for their contributions as patrons of the arts.

Greldine introduced his children to Hermann and Velice, each one a shining example of the nobility of Falrynth.

However, Sieghart was nowhere to be found.

After drinking too much water in anticipation of the festivities, he had urgently ventured out in search of the bathroom to relieve himself. After asking one of the castle's maids for directions, he hastily made his way towards the lavatories, hoping that no one would notice his absence.

"Excuse me, your Grace," a tall, distinguished-looking man said, interrupting Hermann's thoughts. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Baron Kethril, and I bring my best wishes to you on this joyous occasion."

Hermann smiled and shook Baron Kethril's hand. "Of course, Baron. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance," he replied.

As they talked, Hermann tried to remember why Baron Kethril was familiar. Suddenly, he recalled that the Baron was a member of the Royal Trade Guild, a highly influential group that played a critical role in the economy.

It was vital for Hermann to maintain good relations with them, so he made sure to engage Kethril in a lively conversation and ensure that all was well with the guild's functions.


After ten minutes, Sieghart finally emerged from the toilet and proceeded to wash his hands. As he stepped out, he was immediately startled by Nune's piercing shriek of "Velice!" before he was literally taken by surprise by the sudden impact of Velice crashing into him.

"Hey, what-?" before he could finish, Velice was positioned on his face, her clit pressing hard against his nose, eliciting a moan from her.


Sieghart gingerly brushed his nose against her clit, inadvertently causing her to moan even louder as Nune watched in horror.

"Nune, help me!" Velice cried out as she straddled Sieghart's face.

Face straddling:

+5 skill points

+10 EXP

Acting quickly, Nune finally mustered the courage to help Velice off Sieghart's face, causing him to heave a sigh of relief. As he gathered himself, barely registering that he had just been sat on by the Duke's daughter, he spoke up.

"You must be the Duke's daughter," he observed, unfazed.

Velice stood up and straightened her dress, looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

"No need to apologize," Sieghart replied casually. "I've been in... weirder situations."

Nune busied herself fussing over Velice, ensuring she was alright. The young girl reassured her that she was fine and didn't need to worry about her.

Sieghart cleared his throat and addressed both of them. "Well, it was nice meeting you both. I'll see you around," he said before heading out.

As Sieghart turned to leave, Velice's melodic voice called out to him once more. The young girl seemed to have a habit of trapping him. He sighed, knowing that he was about to become embroiled in another one of her dramas. His shoulders drooping ever so slightly, Sieghart looked at her expectantly, anticipating the worst.

"What is it now?" he asked in a tone of barely-concealed annoyance.

Velice gathered her confidence and her finger began to absently twist a piece of her vibrant blue hair. She turned to face him and began speaking, her words tumbling out in staccato bursts.

"Hi... I'm sorry for earlier, I didn't mean to... I don't usually... well, anyways, my name is Velice Goldcrest."

Sieghart nodded slowly, not wanting to upset her further. "I remember you. We were all standing in the grand hall when your father introduced you."

Velice's face brightened a little at his words, and she twirled a strand of hair again.

"Oh, right! I knew you looked familiar."

She chuckled lightly, then seemed to take a deep breath before continuing.

Velice twisted a lock of her blue hair again, nervously.

"So, I was wondering," she began, "what's your name?"

Sieghart raised an eyebrow.

"You don't know my name? Hmm... I thought we already established that it's Sieghart Zegion."

Velice blushed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you earlier. Greldine Zegion's son, right?"

Sieghart nodded curtly. "That's right."

Velice's face immediately lit up in recognition, and there was a glimmer of embarrassment in her eyes. She told him that she had greeted the Zegion family but didn't see him there, mentioning how excited she was to have met them. Sieghart, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the flattery, merely shrugged before explaining that he went to the bathroom.

"I see.." she mumbled.

"Look, I gotta go," he waved her goodbye ready to take his leave.

Before he could take his leave, Velice called out to him again. Sieghart let out an exasperated sigh as he turned around to face her, bracing himself for what impending conversation was to come.

"Again?" he asked.

Velice fiddled with the hem of her dress. "

I know, I'm sorry. I can be really awkward sometimes."

Sieghart rolled his eyes.

"It's fine. Is there anything else you wanted to say?"

"Sieghart, would you like to... I mean, do you want to... um, hang out sometime? Just for fun? Like friends or something?" she was embarrassed to the core.

Awwn, that's a cute one right there... She's very awkward too, kinda like John Doe...

Sieghart smiled gently, appreciating Velice's sincere effort to make friends with him.

Nune, who was standing by all while, smiled approvingly, finding Velice's shy side adorable.

The radiant smile Sieghart wore already assured Velice that she'd just made her first friend.

Well, until Sieghart flat-out told her "No."

Velice's heart sank. "What? Why not?"

Sieghart sighed.

"Look, I appreciate the gesture and all, but I don't really have time for friends. I'm... busy."

Actually, I just want nothing to do with the Duke's daughter,

she'll probably find another friend soon though...

I mean what is she... like sixteen-ish ?

Velice looked down at her feet, trying to hide her disappointment.

"Oh... I see."

Velice watched Sieghart's retreating back with a heavy heart, feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes.

Nune, her loyal maid, crouched down beside her with a sympathetic expression on her face.

"It's okay, Miss Velice," she consoled. "You tried your best."

Velice turned to Nune, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she spoke in a despondent voice.

"But it's no use, Nune. Nobody likes me."

Nune's heart broke at the sight of her dear mistress so defeated.

"That's not true, Miss. Velice," she assured her. "I like you."

Velice's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude, but her tone was still laced with melancholy.

"Thank you, Nune," she said. "But you're only saying that because you're my maid."

Nune placed a comforting hand on Velice's shoulder, her eyes softening with sincerity.

"I say it because it's true. You don't need to be anything other than who you are for me to like you, Miss Velice."

As Velice leaned into Nune's embrace and let her tears fall, she felt a strange chill snake down her spine.

She looked up at Nune, noticing a fleeting look in her eyes that made her feel uneasy, almost like Nune had something sinister in mind.

However, Velice dismissed it as her overactive imagination and continued to cry into Nune's arms.