
Shocking Revelations

I was frozen in place as the girls spread away from me in a half-circle. Kyrina stood in a beautiful short white dress that went just below her knees, and I could see the exposed gears on her legs. Her hair had been done up in a fancy bun, and she was now wearing make-up.

"You... Your beautiful Kyrina," I was able to say as I regained control of my motor functions and walked to her.

Kyrina blushed and smiled at me as I got closer, but she didn't look away. When I stood in front of her, I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. This was too perfect, and she was also perfect, so I took a breath and spoke.

"I know that your the person I want at my side, and I love you, Kyrina. I'm not good at expressing myself through words, but your amazing, and I care about you. So, will you marry me?"

"Yes! I'm really excited and worried about everything to come, but I think we will make it!"