
I Could Get Used To This [XXX]

[Day 14/1825 on The Godless Green Earth A.I World]

Mikota and I were out of bed now, and creeping along to follow Noah, trying to stay out of sight. Both of us were still stunned by how the child had acted.

"Where do you think he is going?!" Mikota whispered to me.

"How am I supposed to know?!" I whispered back.

"To my friends! You two can walk with me if you want, you don't have to sneak along. Not like I can't see you anyways, and it a bit bothersome to keep looking over my shoulder," Noah called back to us.

"Are we really that noticeable?" Mikota asked?

"We are black and white, just standing together makes us stand out. We must look like a bunch of highlighters trying to play hide and go seek. Come on let's go up and walk with him," I said with a smile.