

Don't give me that shit, Dave! I fucking told you told to tell anyone, right? So what do you do? And now you have the nerve to be mad at me. Get your head in the game, Dave!" 

Dammit, I hated to admit it was my fault. I had been looking for someone else to blame this entire time, but if I had just kept my mouth shut, none of this would have happened. I took a deep breath in, held it, then exhaled, letting everything go.

"I'm sorry, Simon, I know this is my fault."

"Good, now, shut the fuck up and listen, most of our time has been wasted already. You have another MINI-GAME coming up in less than five minutes, but you will be alone, and it's going to be fucking weird. It's a new game mode they are testing, and you're the guinea pig. Now, quick, DOG, RABBIT, or FOX, Pick one! This choice is all I can give you this time, HURRY!"

Dog, rabbit, or Fox? New MINI-GAME? GUININE-PIG?!
