

After knocking the pillar over, the pit we were in filled with water, and Carly and I floated to the top. Sandra and Latisha were shaking their heads at me, but I just smiled. I only had this Dragon Claw now, so I had to use it to the best of its potential, but TDM wasn't that thrilled about being used as a battering ram. 

He would get over it, we were now stuck together and there wasn't anything that either of us could do to change it. I didn't think that would stop someone like The Destroyer of Men from trying to resist more thought. Who made a weapon with a monster inside of it, I mean in principle the idea sounded pretty cool, but when you were the damn thing, it was a whole different story.

After floating to the other side, we all got out and started to walk to the exit, which should have been our ticket out of here, but it was to another big cave like the one with the statues. The only difference was the dragons littering the place.