
Harem Politics: Sensual Desires

Tags: Original, Incest, Grey MC, Manipulative MC, No Netorare, No Yuri — — — Update Schedule: Minimum 1 Ch/Week — — — Synopsis: In a world where magic and politics intertwine, where millennia-long secrets lurk in the shadows, and where power is both desired and feared, a savvy politician finds himself reincarnated in a realm far beyond his wildest imagination. "Harem Politics" is an enchanting novel that weaves together elements of fantasy, political intrigue, and harem-building, inviting readers on an exhilarating journey of power, love, and discovery. Meet Solace Antigonus, a charismatic and cunning politician renowned for his ability to navigate the treacherous landscape of politics in his previous life. However, when he suddenly finds himself in the feeble husk of an Aristocrat infant in the mystical world of Tellus, Solace realizes he has been given a second chance to shape his destiny and unravel the ancient mysteries that shroud the realm. As Solace adapts to his new life, he discovers that Tellus is a world teeming with magic, dangerous creatures, and a complex political hierarchy. Drawing upon his political acumen and innate charm, he begins his ascent, forging alliances and manipulating the intricate web of power. Along the way, Solace attracts the attention and affection of powerful and beautiful women who become integral to his journey, forming a harem that ignites both envy and desire in those around him. As Solace strives to become the strongest individual in the realm, he delves deeper into the millennia-long mysteries that have plagued Tellus. Uncovering ancient scripts, forgotten lore, and the mechanics of magic, he starts to unravel the secrets that could change the course of history. With every step he takes towards the truth, Solace finds himself entangled in a grand tapestry of politics, magic, and danger, where his every move has far-reaching consequences. "Harem Politics" is a spellbinding tale that combines the thrill of political maneuvering, the allure of a blossoming incestuous harem, and the excitement of solving profound mysteries. As Solace’s power grows and his harem expands, the stakes intensify, threatening to unravel the very fabric of Tellus. Will Solace emerge as the world's strongest figure and uncover the truth that has remained hidden for millennia, or will his ambitions consume him? Prepare to immerse yourself in a world where politics clash with magic, where love and power intersect, and where the pursuit of truth leads to unimaginable discoveries. "Harem Politics" will captivate readers with its irresistible blend of fantasy, romance, and high-stakes adventure, leaving them eager for more as the enigmatic tapestry of Tellus unfolds before their eyes.

CountPingus · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Mommy!!


One word to perfectly describe the being's feelings right now. It did not know where it was, nor what it was even doing, but it knew that it felt its mind was relaxed and stomach satiated.

It tried to open its eyes to learn about where it was as any individual with higher thought processes would have done. This line of thought however was rather unbecoming given the nature of the container it belonged to.

But its struggle to open its eyes was futile as they were tightly shut. The lethargic feeling brought about by feeling as comfortable as one in their mother's warm embrace did not help either.

But the being would not give up so soon.

It had greater cognitive abilities compared to other species- abilities that evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to make like-minded beings such as its desire to ascertain the safety and security of its surroundings in order to be at ease. An instinct so wired into its brain that it was on the verge of panicking despite the warmth permeating throughout its immediate environment.

And then it realised. Its eyes may have been impossible to open, but it had other senses. Senses that it had deigned to use so far so as not to make a change to the comfort it was in.

In the heat of the moment, and before it would allow panic to overcome itself, it kicked out.


A pathetic kick. It felt so weak. So feeble.

Dejected at its inability to figure out anything besides the fact that it was in an enclosure of sorts, the individual curled up back into a ball. While it was weak, it decided to make itself as small a target as possible, and curling in on itself seemed reasonable to it.

It could faintly hear something but it could not make out what they were saying. The fluid around it further muffled the sounds, wasting its efforts to put its third sense to use.

As a member of an adaptive species, it decided to put an end to its probing. Probing that would get it nowhere currently while it was feeling unbelievably fatigued.


Yes, sleep would do it some good.

Sleep would make its problems disappear for a while.

And so the being which was still ignorant of its whereabouts, swiftly fell back into a deep lull as the sounds it heard were tuned out and the warmth embraced it once more.

— — —

"Alex! Did you call? Are you alright?"

Rushing down a long hallway with a red strip of carpet running down its length while sparing not a single glance at any of the portraits or landscape paintings on either side of her, a young red-headed woman made her way to a specific room that the maid she had left behind had told her to go to at the behest of her older sister.

This older teenager who had yet to reach her twenties was dressed in a thigh-length, crystal white cheongsam, which perfectly traced her curvy breasts which had not yet reached the endowment of a mature woman, but when paired with her rounded buttocks, gave others a feeling of youthful perfection. Her crimson hair only further outlined the bold and fiery personality of the person it sat atop.

When she reached the doorway to what could only be described as a small living room, but which was undeniably extravagant, befitting the status of the occupants of the room, she stopped to stare at her older pregnant sister.

The older brunette was extremely well-endowed, with her full breasts resting upon a sizeable baby bump, on what would otherwise have been a flat stomach brought about by years of training. She was snuggled deep into a plush couch, with a pillow supporting her lower back so that she could get into a comfortable position.

On her face, one could see a thoughtful expression as her hands caressed the underside of her belly.

On the other hand, there sat a toddler on the floor playing with her toys on the marble coffee table. The toddler with jet-black hair did not seem fazed when she saw her aunt appear at the door so abruptly but got up to greet her enthusiastically.

"Auntie Lessi! Auntie Lessi! Carry me!"

Deprived of being carried by her own mother, the needy little princess would cry out to her favourite, and only, aunt to lift her up. Being the cute-thing lover she was, Alessia was all too happy to do as she was asked.

"How's my cute little Val doing today?"

After lifting her, she rubbed her elegant nose against her niece's pudgy cheeks which elicited a joyful laugh from the little girl who wrapped herself around the woman's pristine neck.

"Great! Fun! Good! Auntie Lessi!"

In an effort to expand her niece's vocabulary, Alessia had taught her a few words to say besides 'good', but now the playful child would fire off as many words as she could remember whenever anyone asked what she was doing or how she was.

"That's good to hear my little cheese ball. Are you taking care of your mommy and little brother too, Val?"


After asking this, the older teen looked towards the pregnant woman who was looking at the interaction between her daughter and sister with a fond gaze. Being a perceptive individual, she noticed the worry Alessia was feeling at being called, so quickly assuaged her worries.

"It was nothing, Al. I just felt the baby kick. But there's been nothing since."

After saying her piece, she went back to rubbing her belly, to soothe her child.


"I want to feel it!"

Contrary to what one might expect, it was the older of the two girls currently embracing who was eager to touch her sister's baby bump. She quickly made her way towards the sofa and placed her niece on her lap, before leaning into her sister's shoulder and placing her hand on her large stomach.

While she was doing so, she noticed her niece had a forlorn expression while looking at the baby bump, which made Alessia's eyes open wide in excitement.


"What's wrong Val? Why're you sad baby?"

Valentina Antigonus looked back at her aunt before pointing to where her brother was currently residing.

"Why is brother hurting mommy?"

"Hurting Mommy?"

Alessia was dumbfounded. She looked to her right at her sister, who was also looking at her before the both of them burst out laughing.

Alexandria Antigonus's hearty laugh rang out within the room and was heard by the maid outside which caused her to smile.

In contrast, her lazy little sister laughed boisterously- a deep belly laugh, at the cuteness of her niece and the ignorance of young children.

'Ignorance is innocence… Ah, to be innocent once more.'

Putting aside Alessia's inner thoughts as though she were some old veteran of war that had experienced the vicissitudes of life, which she definitely was not given her sedentary lifestyle spent at home all day reading erotic novels unlike her older sister, the mother brought her daughter off of Alessia's lap and embraced her into her bosom.

"No honey, your brother isn't hurting Mommy. He's just… stretching."


"Yes, pumpkin."

The girl was slightly confused because her little brain couldn't comprehend the relationship between stretches and kicks.

At that moment, Alessia cooked up a devious plan that would surely provide great entertainment. Her lovely niece was a fiery girl and she knew it, so she thought to stoke the flames with a white lie or two.

"Hey Val, let me tell you a secret. Come here."

At the mention of a secret, the toddler perked up and quickly rushed back into her aunt's arms. The older teen leaned into her ear while the mother just watched on amusedly, wondering what the playful sister of hers was doing now.

"Your mommy is lying. What actually happened is your brother wants to get out of her belly but mommy isn't letting him out."

Leaning back into the sofa with a satisfied smirk on her face and a mental pat on the back, Alessia just waited for the fruits of her labour to kick in, and she was not disappointed with the outcome.



Alessia was glad.

She was making happy memories with those she loved the most in this world.

Those of whom she would want to live on into the next year.

But she feared they would not do so.