
Harem Making System

In the future, Shi Feng became a successful entrepreneur. Unfortunately, this doesn't last long. His wife turned out to have put a green hat on him for a long time. When he found out they're doing it in his home, in his own bed even. He immediately raged and immediately teach him a lesson. Who would've thought that the man was a second-generation rich man and his father is a powerful businessman? Shi Feng immediately went from a rich man to a dirt poor beggar. He can only pick up trash and plastic bottles on the ground to make living. His wife has long run away with the guy when he knew about it. So now he had nothing at all. When he thought his life can't get any worse, the guy came back with a lot of people and started beating him harshly. As he was desperate, Shi Feng immediately felt empty in his head when he heard a mechanical system sound. *Congratulation host, you have been picked as the owner of this system. Namely Harem Making System* After he accept, he immediately found himself returning to when he was still a teenager. Looking at the not so handsome face on the mirror Shi Feng laughed evilly as he started picking up women here and there. Now, he's on his journey to make the biggest harem ever existed. My first ever novel. It's a Basic thing, basic thing. The system, reincarnation, and some of that. But hey, I still want to try it anyway --Art is not mine, It's from @ebkim00 on Twitter. You can check him out. His/Her? art is just godly.

NightyNightyLittle · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Mistake of the Past

Shi Feng, 14 years old.

At this time, Shi Feng is in a bar with a bunch of guys. All around them are girls in minimal clothes dancing around.

One of the guys came to him and greeted him, "Yo, you came, great!".

Shi Feng's know who this guy is. This is Duan Hu, He's a classmate of Fu Yaning in college. He usually took him around to have fun when he was outside and they got really close very quickly. Mostly it's because he let Shi Feng buy whatever he wanted.

"Hello, brother Duan", Shi Feng greeted.

"Come here, let's have fun with us", Duan Hu said, and then he pulled him to one of the boxes.

The box was full of guys and girls with minimal clothing. They are all either dancing, singing, or drinking.

Shi Feng sat on one of the chairs uncomfortably. He only went here because Duan Hu called him.

"Hey, why stay there, come and drink", Duan Hu put a glass of wine in front of him.

"Umm... I can't drink yet, I'm underage", Shi Feng shakes his head, refusing the wine.

"Nah, I already started drinking when I'm your age. Come on, aren't we friend?", Duan Hu still pushed the glass of wine to him.

"I-I really can't", Shi Feng still refused.

"Haizz, well that's fine. Your Sister usually drinks with us. Now that I think about it, it's been a while since we drink together", Duan Hu sighed and said.

"Sister Fu? she usually came here?", Shi Feng asked curiously.

"Yeah, actually, let her come too alright?", Duan Hu smiled and took out his phone. He first send a message and then called her after a few seconds.

The call is connected after a while.

"Where is he?", a sweet cold voice sounded from the phone.

"Don't worry, he's fine. He misses you y'know, We all do. How about you come here and have a drink? or... you let him drink?", Duan Hu laughed as he said. The way he talked was as if they were very close.

"... Which place?", Fu Yaning was silent for a second and then said.

"It's X street X bar".

After she got the address, Fu Yaning immediately cut off the call.


After a while, Fu Yaning came to the box. She's wearing a white sweater with a black tight skirt and black high heels.

When she came in, she immediately pulled Shi Feng, wanting to go out.

"Come, let's go".

But two guys blocked the door.

"Move", Fu Yaning said sternly. But the two guys stayed in place.

"You just came, why leave so fast? come and drink a few glasses first", Duan Hu leisurely poured a few glasses of wine.

"No need, I'm busy", Fu Yaning immediately declined.

"Ah, you must be mistaken. You don't have another option. Drink", Duan Hu sneered and clapped. Soon, a few more people come to the box. You can see that they don't have any good intentions.

"T-this, brother duan. What is this?", Even though Shi Feng is still young and has never seen the world, he can feel the wrong atmosphere.

Hearing Shi Feng's word, Duan Hu laughed and then sneered, "Pfft, You peasant actually think you are worthy to be my brother? Wake up, I just used you. Your sister is all I want, now?, I don't need you".

Unknowingly, a person came up behind him and hit Shi Feng with a wine bottle. The wine bottle is broken and Shi Feng immediately fell unconscious.

The last thing he remembers is Fu Yaning shouting his name and then he woke up in a hospital. When he woke up, everything just felt really different. Grandma Fu and Grandpa Fu are beside him taking care of him nicely. But he never sees Fu Yaning. Even when he was already discharged, Fu Yaning never come home.

After a while, he comes to a sudden conclusion, he hurt her. Although it's not really his fault, he felt like he did, he felt guilty. He was being used and she's the one that got targeted. He has become her weak spot to use. He was full of blame for himself, blame himself to trust someone, blame him for being stupid, blame him for being too innocent. Every day, a big sense of guilt downed on him. His heart feels heavy, and sometimes, even if he tries to forget it, it's just repeated in his mind over and over but it was much worse when he thinks about it.

In the end, he thought, he shouldn't be here, he shouldn't have been with them, he should have been like a normal orphan. The place he should be can't be here. So he left. He didn't bring anything at all. Not even clothes. Where did he go? he just wandered around aimlessly on the street far from where Fu's house is until someone from the close orphanage there asked him.

"Are you lost?", The orphanage staff asked kindly.

Because of what happened last time, Shi Feng started having trust problems with people he just know. Even so, he still followed the staff to the orphanage.

When he reach there, he thought, yes, this should be where I am.

In the orphanage, he's never been close to anyone but the staff still kindly took care of him. Though, he still doesn't trust anyone.

It was until he became older that he started communicating again, probably because he can't stand the long period of loneliness. He started going out to do business, became a successful person but he can never let go of his guilt. He remembers Fu Yaning's phone number, but he's too scared to call. Besides, what if she changed her number? he's still too afraid to try. In the end, he never tried.

He can never forget the situation that day and the more he grows up, the worse he felt. After all, he's a man at one point. A woman alone in that closed space full of those beasts? how can he not know what happens?. Though he was unconscious, he can imagine. but imagine is imagining, he can't ever know what happens.


Shi Feng told all this to Ke'er while he used the shoes Fu Yaning gave him.


"I'm the worse huh?".

*No, that's not it, Shi Feng. Have you... tried asking?*.

"How can I? How can I dare ask?".

*Maybe... what happens is not what you imagine?*.

"I always hope so, but now it's all in the past. It hasn't happened yet and it won't happen again".

*Yes, it's all in the past, so Shi Feng doesn't have to blame himself and started accepting who you are now*.

"... I... still can't... at least, until I can pay back everything to him. To the perpetrator of all of that. Then, I might start to let go my guilt".

"Just like how a bird trapped in a rope trap, he can't fly unless the rope was loose".

*...* But the rope is always loose Shi Feng, why do you always insist on putting it on your feet?.

Hah... oh well, let's do things slowly.

"Alright, I'm ready Ke'er".

"Yeah, good luck Shi Feng", Don't be trapped in that rope forever.

*...* (This is Ke'er thought... probably)

Ahem, yeah I hope you can understand what am I trying to convey here. *I hope*

I won't explain further. After all, it's just a simple problem.

NightyNightyLittlecreators' thoughts