
Chapter 8

"Master? Eudoxia? Wake up! It is well past sunrise."

I stirred and blearily opened my eyes and almost immediately closed them when a ray of sunlight bit my eyes through the window. I winced then turned away to find Eudoxia string from her own slumber. Her naked body was pressed up against me, and images of what had occurred flashed through my mind as my cock started to harden, but Erza's voice broke through my thoughts.


I shook my head and pushed the lewd thoughts away as I yawned. "I'm awake Erza, Me and Eudoxia will be down in a few, just give us a few minutes."

"Oh ok," Erza replied. "Do you mind if I help myself to some cake?'

"No, but it's probably not good for you if you have it for breakfast," I called out, but her voice was already growing distant.

"I can handle it just fine." Her voice faded as I heard the sound of her heading down the stairs at a rapid pace, no doubt eager to get some cake.

"I guess it's morning huh?"

I looked back to Eudoxia to see that her eyes were now open and she had a pleasant smile on her face.

"Yesterday was quite the experience," She said with a playful giggle.

"That's putting it mildly, I reckon," I replied then gave her a quick kiss before I pulled myself out of bed.

As much as I wanted to go a quick round with her, and have a bit of fun, I needed to get something to eat then head to my first world. After all, I needed to get more powerful, and the only way I could do that was by traveling to different universes and getting more tickets.

Eudoxia and I quickly got dressed and the entire time we shot each other hungry looks but we managed to keep our hands off each other. We made out way down to the kitchen and found Erza stuffing her face with a plate of vanilla cake. The package was torn and there was a large knife in one hand while the other held a thick slice of cake.

"Enjoying yourself?" Eudoxia chuckled. "How about a piece for me?"

Erza swallowed her bite of cake then smiled. "Of course."

"I think I'll be going for something more traditional," I noted. "You guys want some?'

They both nodded and I quickly gathered what I needed and began making a traditional American breakfast. Basically eggs, bacon, toast, hashbrowns, and some pancakes. It was a lot, but I had quite the appetite, and it was what my mom had made for me a lot. Plus, it wasn't that hard to make. I'd made each enough times that I was confident it getting it right.

The two beautiful women devoured the cake together, and for a second I thought they wouldn't have room for breakfast, but as I plated the food and placed it on the dining room table, their eyes widened and they gulped. It made sense since neither had technically ever had breakfast. The only reason Erza liked cake was because of the echo of personality she got from the anime Erza.

"Help yourselves," I said as I took a seat.

They dug in with gusto and there were moans and groans of pleasure as they ate. Once again their reactions were likely because of the lack of experience when it came to eating food, not to mention I was a decent cook. My mom had taught me a few things, and even when I'd lived at my apartment I'd made cheap meals because it cost little to make a ton of something like a simple curry or pasta.

Breakfast was over in no time and we all let out sighs as we leaned back.

"That was amazing," Erza commented.

'"I agree," Eudoixa added.

"Thank you," I replied. "But I think it's time we head upstairs and to the travel room, although should I be taking a few supplies?"

Eudoxia winced. "Ermm, you won't be able to take anything in with you apart from your clothes, not until you've unlocked free travel."

"Oh, well that makes things a lot harder. Is that video game logic because of my subconscious?" I sighed then shook my head. "You know what, it doesn't matter/ We'll make do."

I quickly washed up the dishes with the help of the girls then together we made our way to the travel room.

"So, I guess this is goodbye for now," I said as Eudoxia moved to the table and placed her hand on the orb. The four dots of light rose up from the swirling nebula.

"Unfortunately yes," Eudoxia replied sadly. "But you'll be back. I'm certain of it."

"I hope so," I said. "I mean I do have powers now, and Erza, she can handle herself, there's no doubt about that."

"Why thank you." Erza smiled. "I look forward to seeing what we encounter."

"So I just focus on it?" I asked Eudoxia as I turned my attention to the floating dots of light.

"Yes, just focus and you'll be transported to a random location on that world," Eudoxia explained. "But hold on just one second."

She focused and a moment later three of the dots fell back down into the swirling nebula leaving just one floating.

"There we go, just focus on that and think about traveling."

I took a deep breath and thought about everything that had happened, and everything I'd gained in such a short amount of time. How I'd lose it if I didn't get strong enough.

"You ready, Erza?'

"Of course," She answered. "Let us embark on our first adventure."

"Corny," I replied. "But I like it. Onward to adventure."

I focused on the dot of light and thought about traveling into the universe it represented. There was a flash of light and the last thing I saw was Eudoxia smiling and waving before we vanished from the travel room.

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Thanks for reading :)

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